
Let’s demystify the system of education

Education gives the needed knowledge. In the alienated society, we live in today, authorities determine what knowledge is required, and society does not have any other choice than to accept it. Today’s authorities have established the compulsory education on purpose, to make sure that established order, their way of thinking, and their values would be thoroughly accepted by students. Such education is alienated. It alienates us from our nature, prevents the development of our abilities, and prevents us from living a normal life.

Alienated societies overestimate the significance of education. The best learning comes from practice. When a man likes what he is doing, he quickly learns everything that he needs for doing his work. But we can very rarely get the chance to work what we would like to do because most of the work positions are taken and inaccessible to other people. When we cannot productively express ourselves through natural needs such as work, we seek for alienated shapes of values that degenerate us. That is precisely the situation we have today.

The new system I have proposed brings an open competition of workers for every work post. The worker who anticipates and offers the highest productivity for the needed work post will get the job. The system will form far higher responsibilities of workers for their work and productivity than it is possible today so that no one will dare to offer productivity that they cannot achieve, such as how politicians regularly do today for example.

In such a system, work will not be conditioned by education. Education will be treated only as help for work. Firstly, that means the school will not be an obligation. Students will freely take lessons where they want and when they want. It could be assumed that most of the students will not attend classes they do not have interests in or do not receive direct benefits from. Education in the future will aim to teach students the knowledge they need.

Schools will be places for students socialize with teachers and exchange their theoretical knowledge and experience from practice. The work competition will require professors to be the best experts in their fields. That will be provided by the evaluation of teachers by students. I think that teachers will not evaluate students anymore because that will not be needed. Once the students start to work their clients and customers will assess them. The changes in the system of education will be significant and essential.

I think that education in the future will teach students how to help themselves maximally. One could assume that most visited classes will be “do it yourself“ in all the natural sciences: mechanics, electrics, electronics, feeding, health, and even in medicine. I believe that the people in the future will need to acquire the basic knowledge of medicine in the scope that family doctors usually use so that they could be able to heal themselves as much as possible.

The new system will reveal the social sciences to the objective essence and then we would all become well familiarized with the social sciences. As all people speak their mother’s tongue pretty well without matter of the level of education, the same way, all of the people will become good psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, economists, philosophers, artists, etc., just because they live in the new system.

Most of the workplaces today objectively do not require schooling but only a short course. The students will take such courses by their free will. The students will also make a curriculum for their studies following their needs and skills. That would be the case even in large, complex, specialized jobs. For example, a student studies in rocket science. Soon he finds he does not know enough mathematics to be able to follow the lectures in rocket science. Then he postpones the study of rocket science and starts studying mathematics until he gets the knowledge necessary to continue studying rocket science. Education in the future will require the shortest way of acquiring needed knowledge.

Today, for example, an average surgeon needs to educate himself for more than twenty years. What slavery to the bureaucracy that is! What a loss of time in the most creative edge! I think that an average educated person may acquire proficiency in surgery in a much shorter time if he throws out everything that is not necessary. How to do this? While taking the required lessons, the student surgeons will attend the surgeries of experienced surgeons. When a student finishes the program he chooses for a surgeon profession, he will estimate alone whether he is able to perform an operation. The surgeons will not evaluate their own skills wrongfully because the regulation of the work responsibility will be much stronger than it is today. The patients will not be in danger of non-professional surgeons because experienced surgeons will supervise the beginners. Besides that, when a beginner surgeon feels capable of surgery, he will still need to convince patients that he is capable of doing it because patients will choose their surgeons alone. A surgeon who makes a big mistake by performing a surgery might lose their patients forever. So that if a beginner surgeon does not feel capable of delivering an operation, he could attend additional education as much as he feels he needs.

That’s how demystified education should look like. That is how the future of education would look like.