Author: Aleksandar
Discuss Religion
Recently I have found a similarity between what I created and what Jesus Christ is supposed to create when he returns to the planet Earth. That opens some possibility that I may be Jesus Christ. That is the reason I added to my website this discussion about the Christian religion. I am new in the field so that your comments may help me to learn more about it. I know, me as Jesus Christ is supposed to be the greatest authority in the Christian religion, but unfortunately I missed all of the courses about that. Take my excuses and I will give you my opinion based on my logic and intuition that I might have gotten directly from God. But of course, I am not sure about that so please take it conditionally.
Please open discussions:
1. Just an Observation 3 comments
2. Response to a Big Christian Organisation 1 comment
3. Question 2 comments
4. Dilemmas 1 comment
Discuss Humanism
These pages allow you to actively participate in the discussion about the creation of a better future of mankind. This page contains links to all discussions related with all the topics having to do with this book. You are free to open up a discussion by raising theses or questions, comment the theses of other participants, or to respond to the questions raised by them. Your comments are not to offend anybody on any account. All constructive forms of both the attack on and of the defence of the views presented in the book will be more than welcome. Your comments will help me write a better and more understandable book
Please open discussions:
1. Voting Power 6 comments
2. Democratic Anarchy 8 comments
3. Work Competition 8 comments
4. Alienation 4 comments
5. Positive and Negative Evaluations 14 comments
6. Ethical Basis for Equality 6 comments
7. Electronic Tagging of all Individuals 2 comments
8. Economic Model Applicability to Population Density 6 comments
9. Monetary Systems 2 comments
10. Direct Democracy or Anarchy? 1 comment
11. Hierarchic or Free Production? 1 comment
Interview with "Dnevno"
My Interview with “Dnevno,” Zagreb. 12.12.2012
Deconstruction of capitalism: ‘I am the Messiah Aleksandar, my philosophy will eliminate evil from the world’.
Aleksandar Šarović is, many would say, eccentric. He describes himself as a messiah whose philosophy will completely eliminate the evil of this world and make it a beautiful place to live. On his website, for years he has been presenting his work which is the result of a desire to change the system in which we live. For ten years, he worked on the book ‘Humanism,’ in which he has presented his vision of the ideal society. This graduate architect, born in Zagreb in 1955 now lives in Canada. For the last ten years, he has mostly taken care of housework, children and – philosophizes, possible thanks to his well-paid wife. Why does he advocate for the abolition of prisons, who does he see as the ruler of the world, why would wars one day no longer exist? – read on.
Mr. Šarović, you live in Canada, where many young Croats move in search for a better life now. Would they find it there?
The living standard here is better than in Croatia, but it is not good enough. I think a high number of available jobs here are generally low paying and cannot provide a good life.
You are the author of the book ‘Humanism.’ When the book came out, how did you get the idea to write it and how was it accepted by the audience? Is it available in print?
When I graduated from architecture, I realized that the society in which I lived was not good and that my efforts in the field of architecture would be meaningless. Since I cannot change myself, I decided to change the world. It took me ten years to write the book ‘Humanism.’ It was finished in 1992. The book presents a good society. It is only available on my website since the year 2000. So far I have distributed about 6,000 free copies. Some individuals are very interested in my ideas, but they are not influential.
You defined your book ‘a pure science that determines certain and bright future of mankind. ” Aren’t you afraid of criticism that would call you pretentious?
I am the Messiah, messiah Aleksandar. I assert it because my philosophy will completely eliminate the evil of this world and permanently make it a beautiful place to live. This will be achieved by the literal enforcement of equal rights among the people. In approaching the development of a new social system, I took into account the main elements of the existing science, particularly political science and economics. Then I transformed them into forms that will allow further advancement of society. While doing it, I did not repeal any existing function.
I’m not afraid of criticism because I feel superior. Sociologists pretend I do not exist because there is entirely no use for sociology today. Why then does it exist? Solely to distinguish obedient people who accept without thinking the nonsense that authorities impose. Obedient people are unable to change anything, which is why every government likes them. The social sciences are now completely helpless and useless for defining a good society.
The book proposes a radical change in the socio-economic system. Have you had any inconveniences because of it?
I have not; I am wholly ignored by science, politics and the media. But one day when my philosophy starts moving masses, I might have problems.
You believe that the concept of ‘past work points’ could abolish prisons? Please explain the functioning of the judiciary and the concept of ‘past work points.’
A prison sentence has not changed since the first emergence of a state. It is cruel and unnecessary. I have proposed that a record is kept of how much each man contributes to improving or damaging society. All the good that a man commits will bring him the points of past work, and every evil which he commits will take away past work points from him. To achieve such a system it would be necessary to conduct a study of value categories, and the results of such a study will have to be accepted by the people in a referendum. Points of past work can be a secret known only to the man who owns them, but if a man commits great inconveniences, such as to cause crime, and if he falls into a negative value of the past work points, then these points will no longer be a secret. I suggest that people who fall into a negative value of past work points are forced to wear distinctive clothing. In the system, I proposed they would be very ashamed of such clothing so that it can be a more severe punishment than prison. Prisons will not be needed. People will be able to get rid of these clothes only through highly productive work and outstanding behaviour in society.
You advocate for direct democracy. However, in a referendum, everyone would not have equal rights to vote, even though all would have the right to vote, regardless of age. Please explain it a bit.
I suggest that people who contribute more to the creation of a good society, those who possess more past work points, have proportionately greater voting power. Such a measure would be very stimulating for the development of society. Everything else is a matter of agreement. If the nation agrees that all people have equally contributed to the common good, then everyone will have the same starting amount of past work points and thus will also have an equal right to vote. If people see that the points of past work are motivating for the development of the society, then they will accept the differences in voting rights to the extent that they find it is most convenient for society as a whole. I do not see why age would be an obstacle to the right to vote.
In the book, you have expressed the hope that some political party would adopt the program defined in it. You think that a win from such a party would be the beginning of a significant reform of the system and society. Have you been in touch with the politicians and offered them your program?
I contacted a multitude of prominent politicians in the world and in Croatia, as well as political parties, but did not receive answers from them. It is no wonder because politicians, no matter how much they welcome the public good, they primarily represent their own right. They do not like my system because it abolishes privileges. Politicians will continue to make decisions on behalf of society, but for the first time in history, they would bear a responsibility to each individual for what they do.
Each person will receive an equal right to give a monetary reward or punishment to any individual in society. This amount will be minimal, let’s say one dollar or one point of past work. What would we end up with? All people will try to minimize inconveniences and maximize conveniences to other people. A politician who displeases the people can be punished by a large number of individuals with a large sum of dollars altogether or by a large amount of past work points. Incompetent politicians and liars will quickly abandon the policy, only the fittest and bravest will dare to lead the people. So it is no wonder why the privileged politicians do not like me. I think the changes that I have proposed will have to be accepted directly by the people because authorities do not like my social system.
Can most people be motivated by the common good, rather than their private ones?
The social system that I have proposed will no longer have privileges; it means that nobody will be able to get a private good if they do not contribute to a common good.
You say ‘my book defines a system that will eventually replace capitalism and form a good society. “Is the creation of a ‘good society’ possible with people as they are? Or is a man ready for the introduction of a ‘good society”?
A good society is the result of a good social system. Once a good social order is established society will soon become good because it will consist of good individuals.
Are you afraid that the world powers would be preventing the evolution of capitalism towards a better system, whatever it is for many years, to keep the power they currently possess, which is based on capital?
Capitalism will continue to be present because it is at this point the best possible socio-economic system. But it can be quite easily fixed through reform. In the first place, it is necessary to shorten work hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment. Unemployment exists just for capitalists to be able to pay cheap labour. When unemployment is abolished, workers will earn more. It will, on the other hand, reduce the profits of the owners of the companies. Even such a simple reform would not pass quickly, but capitalism cannot win.
The economy of the new society, as you see it, would be a sort of hybrid of planned and market economies. Can you briefly explain how it would work?
An open labour market is essentially an open competition of workers for every public position at any time. A worker who anticipates and offers the highest productivity for the desired work post will get the job. If productivity is limited, the job will go to the worker who demands the lowest price for current work and therefore a lower income. The new economy will necessarily require an efficient system of establishing workers’ responsibilities for the realization of proposed productivities, and this will be achieved by the points of past work.
What do we get with such a division of work? The best worker in any workplace ensures maximum productivity for the company, and therefore it will bring the most significant benefits to society. Furthermore, the open labour market would eliminate workers’ privileges, and with it corruption, the foundation of immorality in today’s society. The labour market will balance the interest of all jobs. And perhaps most importantly, the labour market will give people the freedom to choose jobs that they like more, and so the work will become far more enjoyable than it is today. Work will become a value in itself.
The social system that I have proposed accepts a planned economy because it provides the most stable production. However, the economy will not have anything in common with the Soviet economic model, but will instead be based on customer orders. The largest consumer is the state that collects taxes and decides on the use of tax money. In the new social system, the tax amount and its purpose will determine each worker. Each worker will participate in deciding how much tax money should be set aside from their incomes on their own accord. The mean value of the testimony of all workers will determine the percentage of income that all people will set aside for taxes. After that, each worker will decide how much of his taxes he wants to spend on education, health, public safety, infrastructure and all other common use expenses.
Given that the new social system offers stable and good relations between nations, people will not give money for armies, and the armies will cease to exist. In a developed democracy, war will no longer be possible. Fiscal policy will for the first time follow the interests of the people and the people will be much more satisfied with it than they are today.
You believe that people would voluntarily separate the tax money from their incomes?
Minimum tax cannot be voluntary because the state cannot function without taxes. I think that people will voluntarily increase the taxes to establish a more stable economy and rational consumption. The new social system will teach people that there are far higher values than money. I am convinced that one distant day when true values are established in society, people will freely allocate all the money from their gross incomes for tax purposes. Then, all goods and services will be freely available to all people.
Who do you see as some kind of the ruler of the world?
Jacob Rothschild governs the Western world secretly by the wealth his family has amassed for centuries. He rules secretly by using a large hierarchical structure of agents who are exposed instead of him. So no one can blame him for the problems that stem from his rule.
Message for the end?
My website presents the bright future of mankind in detail. Please visit it.
When asked if there were something out of a CV he would like to distinguish, Šarović said: As a third-year student of architecture I won the Yugoslav competition for arranging the Republic Square in Zagreb (Jelačić Square), but did not get the realization of the project.
Zoran Stupar
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Google Project 10^100
Google has opened the competition called Project 10100 about new ideas that would change the world by helping as many people as possible. I applied with three projects that together pretty much define the basis of my system Humanism. This system will one day totally change the world and make it a wonderful place to be. Here are my proposals:
I. Humanism 1/3: Let’s build democratic anarchism
1. What one sentence best describes your idea? (maximum 150 characters)
The history of humankind is bad because it was made by fighting for privileges; when we end privileges we will get a good and sane society: Humanism
2. Describe your idea in more depth. (maximum 300 words)
I have invented a system of democratic anarchy. It is an extremely simple and powerful tool that gives every person equal legislative, judicial and executive powers in society. Each person will get the right to evaluate let’s say three people positively and three people negatively every month. Each positive assessment should automatically bring a small benefit, let’s say one dollar, to the assessed person. And any negative assessment will result in a punishment of the same form. What would we get? Such a small power in the people’s hands will make individuals respect each other strongly. It will direct each member of society to create the greatest possible conveniences to other people, and to diminish or abolish creation of all forms of disadvantages.
People will judge other people freely. That means an immoral person may evaluate other people dishonestly but it will not matter much because an individual power of one dollar cannot produce harm to anybody. Individuals will not have much power in society but their evaluations joined together will be very powerful. A person who receives a large number of negative evaluations would try hard to avoid doing anything inconvenient to other people. Besides, the person who receives bad evaluations would never know who has evaluated him negatively so that he would try to improve his behaviour towards everyone. As the result, bullies will not harass children at school any more, bosses will not abuse their employees at work, neighbours will not produce noise at night, salespeople will not cheat on their customers, politicians will not lie to people, etc. They will all try to please other people in the best possible way. This is what will take privileged powers from all the people; this is what will eliminate social evil and form a good society.
3. What problem or issue does your idea address? (maximum 150 words)
The system of democratic anarchy will especially affect authorities. The higher the position an authority has in society, the greater the responsibility he would bare to society. For example: The president of the US might get 100,000,000 bad evaluations from the American people and 1,000,000,000 from other people around the world for bad policies, lies, and for criminal aggressions on countries. That would cost him 1,100,000,000 dollars in only one month. On the other hand, I doubt that his supporters would certainly evaluate him positively because they might easily have higher positive evaluation priorities and would spend their positive evaluations elsewhere. Non-privileged presidents would not dare to perform bad policies any more. And if it happens somehow, they would run away from their positions very fast. Only the most skilful and brave individuals would dare to lead countries. They will not be authorities any more but our servants.
4. If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (maximum 150 words)
Democratic anarchy can be tested immediately in countries that do not have strong privacy laws. All what is needed is a simple web application and good will. People will need to request the registration to the web site presenting their IDs. They will receive user-IDs and temporary passwords. Then each user will evaluate three people positively and three people negatively monthly by entering information about them into the web site. At the beginning there will not be any monetary awards or punishment involved. It cannot be performed before the governments and people formally accept democratic anarchy. However, the result will still be very affirmative. By searching the website, users may find the top positively and negatively evaluated people by country, city, company, name, etc. Nobody would like to be on the bad side of the evaluation. Such result will bring noticeable improvements to all the people in these countries.
5. What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (maximum 150 words)
Google’s fund, allocated to this project, can produce a profitable movie “Heaven”. The screenplay location is in the YouTube video. The movie is based on my ideas and presents the bright future of humankind through a very funny story. The movie is supposed to get huge public attention, which could put pressure on scientists to take my ideas seriously. Scientists should develop the system more. Then some political parties around the world might propose the new system to the people. Sooner or later some people will vote for such a party and accept democratic anarchy. Their parliament will establish the required laws, these people will try the new system, and that will start building humanism. The people will make their community a wonderful place to be. When the rest of the world recognises that, it will follow suit. The whole world will start building the bright future of humankind.
6. Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (maximum 150 words)
Democratic anarchy is actually the most powerful tool of justice ever. How come? The answer lies in time. There is a saying: “Silent water moves hills”. The permanent power of evaluation even with such a small power like one dollar will make people strongly respect each other. Human beings will become values. Everyone will try hard to please society in the best possible way. That will create a miracle no other tool of justice has ever been able to make. That will create a good and sane society.
In the future, the system of evaluation will probably abolish state laws, police, military force, and very states. Nobody will need them anymore. The measure of the success of my ideas will be a perfect society and everyone will recognise that. The world will become prosperous beyond the wildest dreams today; it will become paradise on earth.
7. You may also submit 1 YouTube video (max 30 seconds long) explaining your project.
Republic Square
Republic Square
As a student of the third year of the Faculty of Architecture, I participated in the Yugoslav anonymous architectural competition for the arrangement of the Republic Square of Zagreb winning on that occasion one of the two equal second prizes, while the first prize was not awarded. The competition was highly attractive and this was the reason why the best architects of Yugoslavia took part in it, supported by their design bureaus. My victory was, therefore, a great sensation. Finally, the Square was arranged according to the other second prize winners who were the reputed Zagreb architects. It is fair to say that they arranged it well, however, it would have looked nicer if I had been included in its designing.
The following picture was published in the youth journal “Polet” in Zagreb.

Lectures about my book “The Humanism”
1992 November The Hegel Society
Belgrade, Former Yugoslavia
I delivered the lecture straight from the head so that I do not have a written sample.
1993 April 14 The Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
Belgrade, Former Yugoslavia
I do not have the original speech any more but it was similar to Humanism in Brief
2003 November 1 Society for Utopian Studies
Twenty-eighth Annual Conference
San Diego, California, USA
Here is my speech: Humanism Clearly
2004 March 25 University of Florida – The Marxist Reading Group
6th Annual Conference: Catastrophe Now: The Wreckage of Utopia.
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Here is my paper: Humanism for Dummies.
2004 July 8 Utopian Studies Society / Europe
The 5th Annual Conference
Porto, Portugal
My paper Humanism Clearly was accepted but unfortunately, I was not able to attend the conference.
2004 July 20 New Directions in Humanities
Second International Conference
Prato, Italy
My paper is virtually presented here International Journal of the Humanities.
2004 October 7 Society for Utopian Studies
Twenty-ninth Annual Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Humanities are dying. My effort to revive them does not produce serious responses from scientists. I have tried to approach the members of the Society for Utopian studies for two years without success. The scientists are supposed to perform a completely new way of thinking in order to understand what I am talking about and it seems not easy for them. They also do not like the fact that their knowledge would not be worth much in the future.
To those who know nothing about my work I cannot bring the idea closer in 20 minutes of limited paper. Also, attending conferences is expensive and therefore I could not see any sense in doing it any more. The following paper I was supposed to read at this conference: Humanism is joy of living.
Mr. Aleksandar Šarović invested a great effort in this study to examine, by himself, the overall complex Philosophical-ethical, and primarily political-economic and social problems of the society, and to propose his own system of a socio-political order and development of the mankind that would finally – at the level of modern development of the production forces of the post-industrial revolution and the corresponding degree of the development of human consciousness and relationships, help materialize a century-long dream of the mankind, in an optimal satisfaction of human needs, elimination of all forms of exploitation and alienation of men – ensuring a general prosperity of a “healthy society” and happiness of all its members and associations.
Prof. Dr. of Philosophy Andrija B. K. Stojković
See more here
Dear Aleksandar,
Thank you for the wonderfully humane, decent, sweet tempered, moral, positive, constructive, and intelligent post on SPM (soc.politics.marxism). It proves that we are capable of new work and fresh views and of refusing to re-live the past. I think of it of socialist in the best sense and to be a real contribution to the creative dialogue that the Left needs so badly.
I truly hope your book will be published.
Best regards
Hunter Watson
The basis of the author’s determination is his understanding of humanism as a deep democratic ideology and a philosophical-sociological-economic teaching.
Prof. Dr. of Sociology, Predrag Radenović, and Prof. Dr. of Economics, Milovan Stanišić
See more here
Thanks for sharing your great book online. The world is a better place as a result of your actions.
Cheers, Jon Will
Excellent wonderful ideas, well thought out and insightful.
I wonder why the rest of the automats called humans don’t wake up and smell the coffee like you clearly outlined it in your book.
Congratulations! Bright blessings your way!
Sincerely, Apollo Comito
Thank you for sharing these thoughts. You’ve clearly developed an important approach to creating a far better world.
David Krieger, President
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Dear Aleksandar,
Thank you so much for directing me to your website: it’s fascinating & if you don’t mind, I plan on using it in my classes.
Thanks & best,
-Andrew Jenkins
Alumni Fellow, Department of English, University of Florida.
Dear Aleksandar Šarović,
Thank you for your email and texts. They are serious, the attitude and approach are very close to me.
Sincerely yours,
Predrag Matvejevic
Writer and professor at Sapienza in Rome
Dear Aleksandar,
I was very pleased to receive your message and your vision for an alternative form of democracy. I think we are both in total agreement regarding the need for major reform in both the basis and implementation of a new people-inclusive way of achieving a radically new version of 21st century democracy.
Your reasoned form of democratic anarchy I think is a major step in this direction and I congratulate you beginning the process of putting these ideas into a thesis form. I think there is great potential to continue to build on this manifesto but I also understand the negativity confronting anyone who introduces new ideas that threaten the status quo – so it will take great courage.
I look forward to keeping in touch and know that whatever the obstacles in the path to true democratic reform your ideas will eventually be heard, understood and accepted.
Best wishes,
David Hunter Tow,
Director of the Future Planet Research Centre
Dear Aleksandar Šarović,
Sometime in the 70’s I had the opportunity to read The Green Book, by Muammar Gaddafi. Not since; until reading your Humanism, and so much more, have I read such a brilliant mind. I’ve often said that had men like JFK, Dr. MLK, and even John Lennon been allowed to live, Earth would be a better place to live.
Your writings form the basis of an enriched society that would be welcomed by the other civilizations our newly developed skills will be able to reach. As I go into a new year just this evening, I ask God, who lives in my heart and mind, to give me some role in getting your thoughts to the public’s ear.
Joel Tolmich
The Humanism
3 Humanism
3.1 Study of the Process of Disalienation of a Commune
3.1.1 Bases of the Policy of Humanism
3.1.2 Bases of the Economy of Humanism Good Capitalism Good Socialism Labour Price Labour Division Commodity Price Money Working Capital Development of the Economy Income Distribution Use of Real Estate Collective Consumption
3.2 Disalienation of Associated Communes
3.2.1 Pooling of Policies
3.2.2 Pooling of the Economy
3.2.3 Association of States
3.3 Expectation of the New System
Zajednička recenzija
Prof. Dr. Sociologije Predrag Radenović i
Prof. Dr. Ekonomije Milovan Stanišić
Beograd 08.07.2001
Kao nominovani recenzenti slobodni smo da prezentiramo recenziju studije autora Aleksandra Šarovića, Humanizam, filozofsko, etičko, političko ekonomska studija razvoja društva, koja obuhvaća materiju:
I glava: Analiza prirodnog stanja, sa akcentom na čoveka i društvo, prevashodno obrađujući ova pitanja sa aspekta filozofije.
II glava: Proces otuđenja, sa naglaskom na aspekte psihologije otuđenja, ali i sociologije.
III glava: Ima tri pod-odeljka. Najprije se izlaže fenomen humanizma, koji ima posebno središno mesto u studiji, jer se daje ključna odredba i svi procesi humanizma. U daljoj studiji autor razmatra po vlastitim kriterijumima, osnove politike i ekonomije humanizma – prvi pod-odeljak (cena rada, raspodela rada, cena robe, novac, obrtna novčana sredstva, razvoj privrede, raspodela dohotka, upotreba nekretnina i zajednička potrošnja).
Potom se, u drugom pod-odeljku, analiziraju vrlo kompleksna pitanja: razotuđenje udruženih komuna, prezentira problem udruživanja politike, uruživanja ekonomije, udruživanje država. Najzad, se u trećem pod-odeljku vrlo ambiciozno projektuju: očekivanja novog sistema.
Osnovna karakteristika studije jeste kvalitet suvremenosti i širina obuhvata, iako studija ima karakter prevashodno filozofske i ekonomske rasprave. Rukopis, mada se izlažu samo vlastiti kad kad i utopistički pogledi, – deluje celovito. Ovom utisku je doprineo logičan redosled u izlaganju humanizma, njegove suštine, pojmova i tumačenja društvenog razvoja, pri tom ne izlažući druge poglede saznajno verifikovanih istraživača.
Na nekim mestima,u rukopisu ima i kratko datih karakteristika, što nosi opasnost pojednostavljenja. Ali osnovu autorovog opredeljenjja čini shvatanje o humanizmu kao duboko demokratskoj ideologiji i filozofsko sociološko-ekonomskom učenju.