
Review by  Prof. Dr. of Philosophy Andrija B. K. Stojković   


Belgrade,    September 15, 1992  


Mr. Aleksandar Šarović invested a great effort in this study to examine, by himself, the overall complex Philosophical-ethical, and primarily political-economic and social problems of the society, and to propose his own system of a socio-political order and development of the mankind that would finally – at the level of modern development of the production forces of the post-industrial revolution and the corresponding degree of the development of human consciousness and relationships help materialize a century-long dream of mankind in an optimal satisfaction of human needs, elimination of all forms of exploitation and alienation of men – ensuring a general prosperity of a “healthy society” and happiness of all its members and associations. The general title of this work: THE HUMANISM arises from such intent of the author, while concretized content of this notion is given in the subtitle.   


It is worth mentioning at the very outset that the author offered in the study the proof of his noble intentions, high intelligence and substantial erudition. It is understandable that in such a complex inter-disciplinary area the author did not manage to cope equally everywhere in terms of contents, structure and terminology. However, there is no sense or need to give him suggestions and offer criticism in that regard. The text is philosophical-ethical (with the notes of a scientific and social utopia) in terms of its practical purpose, sense and general results, and political-economic and social-sociological in general.   


Presentations are structured in three parts: The Analysis of the Natural State; The Process of Alienation; and the Process of Disalienation. The author does not understand the natural state of the man and society either along the lines of Hobbs or along those of Rousseau. He recognizes the man and the society as beings with natural needs, who aspire to their optimal satisfaction with the help of their knowledge and work by processing nature. In the man’s attitude towards nature, the author also finds the determinants of human always real and relative freedom. Aspiring to the “greater conveniences” the work brings, the man must overcome “the power of nature” by getting familiar with its structure and laws; the conveniences are “fictitious” and real; “what creates the conveniences has its value”, and “the value is actually proportionate to the needs” (Boža Knežević used to teach something similar). The work has its “usable value” to the extent it “directly brings the conveniences.” Like F. Bacon, O. Cont, and others, the author believes that “knowledge gives the man the power that is in its form unlimited to nature” and proportionately to the degree of the knowledge the man “can form greater needs because he can satisfy them. By satisfying the needs, the man “comes closer to freedom in the broadest sense.” The author applies the above premises to the society” although an independent “free biological individual” – the man is “simultaneously a social being,” and “the society as does the man, has identical reactions in the relationship with nature.”   


“In a natural society, the interest of the man arises from his needs, and the needs are inalienable from the needs of the society.” According to the author, the encounter of an individual and a society can be accomplished successfully for both sides: “The society that knows” ensures reproduction of a constructive orientation and is able to plan its own development and prosperity. “Such a society is a healthy society.”  


Mr. Šarović then passes onto the “Process of Alienation, and then to that of disalienation, as a way to a healthy society (as Erich Fromm called the disalienated society). Our author, Mr. Šarović, develops his concept: “subjectivity creates alienation,” and he tries to conceive an “absolute objectivity” that would “form an absolute naturalness that represents an ideal of the man’s living.” That process is regulated through politics and economy so that the “process of disalienation” materializes by way of democracy and a communal system.  


The author’s understanding of the commune is broad and all-inclusive: it involves even the most minute cells of social reproduction, those from, for example, one thousand members up to the entire mankind. By developing his own model of communal organization of the mankind, the author also includes the solution of all productive, economic-financial and other problems, particularly the problems of the work price, commodity price, money, accumulation, income distribution, real estate and collective consumption, coming to the crown of his system that associates with Marx – to the “association of the communes” and a possible realization of “free-of-charge economy and consumption”, i.e. the communist work to the benefit of the society as a natural need. 


On the grounds of his own understanding of the results and possibilities of the “science of science”, and of the total computerization of the productive and overall social process – the author gave his solutions of the relationship of the private and stockholding-social ownership and entrepreneurship, the formation of a new work organization according to concrete and prospective needs of the society, the measurement of the quantity and quality of labour productivity and the corresponding reward for the performance achieved; the instruments of a permanent compensation of the production process, responsibility, evaluation of the contribution of each individual from each individual; he included a noble labour competition and a human distribution of workers according to their abilities, knowledge and performance. In short – the author tried to find efficient free competition instruments together with the necessary human correctives that will allow the overall development of human consciousness and civilization. 


The author is convinced to have found the key for the solution to the creation of a “healthy society.” In the system, he is developing, and whose creation he is proposing, he believes that “the man will be finding new interests in the outer world and in his own spiritual development. The man will then have a vast quantity of leisure time, which he will dedicate to himself, the society, nature, art, science, culture, philosophy, sports, entertainment, relaxation. A new ethics will be formed “that will likely exclude the need for mutual evaluation of people” (already supposed by H. Spencer); the more the man will be able to know himself, “the abler he will be to build harmony with the environment, to become closer with another man, more able to find the easiness of living, peace, brightness, joy, love, wisdom, more able to have a long and good-quality life”.   


Once the reader has finished a difficult but valuable reading of this study, what is it that he could recommend to the author? The most appropriate recommendation could be that the author presents his results in a discussion within the Hegel’s Society and the Sociological Society of Serbia, and to use the results of the professional criticism for his further work. As to the practical implementation of his concept, this issue has to be left over to the social practice.



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Am I Jesus Christ?

Am I Jesus Christ, Messiah, Krishna, Maitreya Buddha?

I am a scientist who has applied for the work position of Jesus Christ. Why? Jesus Christ is supposed to make heaven on earth, and I have defined how to do it in my book Humanism.


I have created a new social system, which provides security, stability, and a good life for all. The most important part of the new system is establishing equal rights among the people. Equal rights have actually never existed because individuals have always taken power over others. Privileged powers are the reason the history of humankind was so evil. Therefore privileges must be put to an end. Now I will explain how to do it.


We must participate in making all decisions affecting our interests. For example, we can directly decide what percentage of our salaries we need to pay for taxes and what is the best way to spend it. Today, leaders of countries allocate most of the tax money for armies. Once people decide about the allocation of tax money, armies will cease to exist and waging wars will be impossible.


I have invented democratic anarchy. What is this? This is a system where each person gets an equal right to evaluate any other person. A positive evaluation should bring a grant of let’s say one dollar to the assessed person, and a negative assessment should carry a one dollar penalty. In that simple way, each person will get real power in society and therefore will be respected. This measure will direct people to produce the highest possible conveniences to others and to abolish making inconveniences. That means bullies will not harass children at school anymore, bosses will not abuse employees, politicians will not lie to people. If the president of a country does not follow the people’s needs, he might get millions of bad evaluations, which will cost him millions of dollars. Everyone will be responsible to all and that will eliminate the evil of privileges. In such a system human beings will become values, and that will form a good society.


My system offers more market than capitalism could afford. The market for public work posts will be specially developed. A worker, who provides more profits, produced goods, better, cleaner, or cheaper production at any time for any job in public companies, would get the job. I am a genius who has developed the idea for almost 30 years, and I am confident it would work correctly. No economy can be more productive than the one where the best worker gets each job. Such an economy will quickly become more profitable than the capitalist one so that capitalism will be forced to recede. Private enterprises will join the public companies, and the owners will be adequately compensated. The new economy will bring security and abundance to all.


So then if I am so smart why has nobody recognized me so far? Two years ago Google opened a competition calling for good ideas to change the world. I participated with my project along with more than 150.000 others. The winner has not been declared after more than a year. Why? Google has difficulties accepting my idea because it presents the end of capitalism, the very system Google is built on. Google also has problems rejecting my idea because my system will one day completely change the world and make it a beautiful place to live. I think Google has dropped the competition and my project is the reason.


I wrote thousands of letters to social scientists, but they didn’t respond to me. Why? Social sciences are so useless today for proposing a good society , that nothing can prevent them from going down in history. Everything will change. The economy I have proposed will be so simple that people would be able to master it without attending schools. All people will become good economists, psychologists, judges, philosophers just because they live in the system I have proposed.


I wrote the screenplay Heaven that presents the bright future of humankind, but I could not get support to make the movie. Also, I do not have access to media. Why? Antichrist is here. He rules the world by secretly possessed wealth his family has been gaining for centuries. His name is Jacob Rothschild. He controls banks, corporations, governments, NATO, media, and all of us. We depend on him everywhere. He takes our freedom by using the power that should belong to us. But my idea will prevail. Six years ago I offered him to give up from ruling the world and save his wealth. If he refuses it, he will lose everything. Once you people accept the system, I have proposed you would gain the power to live without him, but he will not be able to live without you.


My system is the only reasonable solution for humankind, but it is still not recognized. We are approaching December 21, 2012, and I will try to make it a day of the recognition of my work. I question whether I am Jesus mainly to bring attention to my work. I can do the same by asking whether I am Messiah, Krishna or Buddha. I might be recognized as all of these saviours, but I feel pretty good as Aleksandar. My teaching will save the world from all human evil and improve it beyond the wildest dreams today.


April 30, 2010


Seven years ago I wrote:


Am I Jesus Christ? 


Christians await the return of Jesus Christ, who according to the Bible resides in Heaven next to God the Father. I must say that I didn’t hear nor see God the Father and that fact says that I am most likely not Jesus Christ. However, when Jesus Christ returns to Earth, He should create paradise on earth. I have defined the only possible way that will unconditionally and unavoidably achieve it. This fact says that I still may be Jesus Christ.



Twenty years ago I was very disappointed with the world around me and therefore decided to find a way to create a good society. It took me ten years to define a new socio-economic system that would make a good society and the same amount of time to get a clear vision of how the future of mankind would look like. I have presented the results of my research in the book Humanism. The system I have proposed is entirely different and much better than all known models and will, as time passes, replace them all.


Three professors of philosophy, sociology and economy from the Belgrade University were very kind to read my book on my request. Their reviews of my book basically say that I am not crazy, that I did not write stupid things and that I offer a significant change and improvement to society. They were not able or not willing to analyze my work deeply because my book turns everything they knew upside down.


The system I have proposed is much simpler than the one used today; however, it still requires a lot of time for its understanding because it is entirely new. For getting used to the new way of thinking and taking a good picture of the new system, besides reading the book it is necessary to perform a lot of time in its analysis, and that is something that I was not able to initialize with anybody so far. Someone might guess that scientists receive many new systems daily so that they do not have time for studying my work. That is not a case. Besides, there is only one irrefutable study in the history of humankind that promises Paradise on Earth and that one is mine.


In the last ten years I have sent thousands of letters to University professors, social scientists and researchers; presidents of countries, corporations and various societies; editors of journals, newspapers, publishing houses; online magazines and newsgroups; political parties, foundations; to ordinary people all over the world and got some responses but actually, I have not made any progress.


Authorities have been mentally oppressing you people from the ancient time so that you have not developed an ability to find the truth in you without their influences. To build a better world, I do not use “rocket science” in my book but straightforward and logical conclusions that are strange to you. That is the reason I have to build a big authority on me myself so that you even consider accepting my ideas. Unexpectedly, it seems that the Christian religion might help me in that.



At the beginning of this year (2003) I found, through the Internet, significant similarities between what I wrote and what Jesus Christ is supposed to do. I will talk about the main points that I found in the Holy Bible and which are accepted among religious people as the absolute truth. I quote here important verses from the Bible and from religious articles from the Internet:


When Jesus came the first time it was to settle the problem of sin. He did not come to settle the problems of government nor the social dilemmas that harass our world. When He comes again He will solve all government problems, and political and social ills. Source.


Jesus Christ will return to earth to spiritually transform its people and establish utopia, a paradise on earth. The combination of removing Satan’s influence, giving humanity God’s Spirit and teaching the world the laws and ways of God will produce 1,000 years of peace and a society blessed beyond its wildest dreams. Source


The ideals of happiness, peace, freedom, justice, and prosperity, all of which have been merely dreams of most of the world’s people throughout the ages, actually will be realized during the Millennium. The millennial reign of Jesus Christ will be a transition government from the inept, corrupt rule of mankind to the orderly, perfect rule of God, the Father (1 Cor. 15:24-28). As impossible as it may seem now, all evil permanently will be detached and disunited from all good after this period of 1,000 years, the Millennium, has concluded. Source


The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox. (Isaiah 65:21-25)


And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid; (Micah 1-4).


“I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them” (Ezekiel 36:22-27).


Jesus’ reign will bring: Abundance, prosperity, stability, restoration and security (Amos 9:13 -15).


My book describes the system that will fulfill the achievements of these quotes. Please find what it is about in these short articles here: Humanism Shortly and here: Essential Thoughts.


In the new system, I have proposed, evil in society will not exist anymore. Paradise will be established on Earth, and as it is said in the Bible, everyone would go from here to Heaven. However, I doubt those quotes above are supposed to be understood entirely literally. For example, if I were Jesus Christ, I would neither like to be the President nor the King of the World. I value my freedom. However, my absence from power will not be missed because I made a better solution. I have created a system that will allow you people, to take control over yourselves, following the will of God.


I am sure that the realization of the system I have proposed is an inevitable process. The system will work because it follows the nature of society. The nature of society is, in its essence, straightforward but so far it was not defined accurately, and the history of humankind has been proving it by social instabilities. I am also sure that there is no other reasonable choice for society because it does not have more than one nature. If Jesus Christ comes after me, He would not be able to find a better solution for humankind in the existing nature. The system I have proposed may be tested in a few years in a small community, and that would give the answer, whether I am right or wrong. If the system I have proposed proves that it may make Paradise on Earth where “lions and antelopes will eat together,” where state’s laws will not be needed anymore while the people will live in perfect harmony, am I then Jesus Christ?


Another essential fact in the Bible is Judgment Day.


Quote: Romans 14:10-12 – We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. In this life people often fail to keep appointments, but no one will be absent for this appointment, and no one will be tardy. No excuses will be accepted. No amount of wealth, influence, or power can prevent your appearance.


That cannot be taken literally otherwise I would pity Jesus Christ. Every second about 5 people die around the world. Jesus Christ would have to work non-stop on it and judge each man in 1/5th of a second. That seems to me unlikely. For that purpose, God must have some kind of information technology that collects information about each man. I have simulated a similar process in my system. Such a process might show the people what they should expect when they die while they are still alive. Please pay attention to the value of the productive power of man from the article Humanism Extensively for example. If a man at the end of his life possesses a positive value of his productive power, he would probably go to Paradise, and vice versa, if at the end of his life he would have a negative productive value he would probably go to hell. A man with a negative value of productive power will certainly not have a pleasant life in this world. That will force people to be very responsible for everything they do, and that will contribute to building Paradise on Earth.


I’ve found, in the Holy Bible, some similarities between Jesus Christ and me but I will not talk about it anymore because many people can satisfy these criteria. Besides that, the Bible gives too many choices for all kind of interpretations. Also, I question the total accuracy of the verses in the Bible because men wrote them for two thousand years. A man is very inclined to imagine, invent and add onto things and events and that is a reason there might be exaggerations and controversies in the Bible. That is a reason I would rather talk about simple facts that might contribute to being considered as Jesus Christ.


I was born in Zagreb, Croatia, former Yugoslavia on April 30, 1955, at 7:30 PM. Immediately after my birth, the salute roar of cannon fire thundered throughout Zagreb and all major cities in Yugoslavia, together with fireworks in the honour of May 1, the socialist Labour Day. In the socialist countries, the 1st of May was as important of a public holiday as Easter or Christmas in the Western world. The doctor who helped deliver me then said to my mother that a prince was born. Isn’t this an interesting sign? Can this sign indicate the birth of Jesus Christ?


In socialist Yugoslavia, religion was not very popular. I was baptized and used to go to church once a year. Until this year I was barely religious, better said I was neither a believer nor an atheist. If I were a strongly religious man, I would have developed sensitivity to the signs that God has probably sent to me and would be much more aware of who I am. But, I am still new to religion, do not know much and do not want to make a mistake. However, I think there is a chance that I am Jesus Christ and it surprised me. I know, I as Jesus Christ is supposed to be the highest authority in the Christian religion, but unfortunately, I missed all of the courses about that, or somehow I do not remember anything. Take my excuses, and I will try my best to make up the omitted knowledge.


When I decided to find a good solution to change the world, I got the basis of the vision (see Humanism for Dummies) about the future of mankind almost instantly, and that vision has given me the strength to be persistent. Might it have come straight from God? Or must it? It is not a rarity that a young man wants to change the world. I am probably a unique person because I was persistent over developing my system for the last twenty years while the work has been mostly hard and I have not received any recognition for doing it. However, I did get small support from people. This support is presented here: Comments.


I was proclaimed as one of the best architects in Yugoslavia even before I graduated the faculty (see The Republic Square). Soon after my graduation, I gave up from a successful career as an architect to find more time for defining a good solution to change the world. Whoever knew me, suggested to give up from changing the world with a comment that it was impossible and a loss of time. But I knew I was on the right track right from the beginning of my work. On the other hand, you people have the fully defined system in my book available now, and you still do not know what to think about it. Isn’t it strange?


I delivered two lectures about my work in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1992 and 1993 while there was a war. Ten years later, on November 1, 2003, I had my first public appearance at a conference of the Society for Utopian Studies in San Diego, South California. At that time, there were massive, furious wildfires there. Before my departure to California I joked to my wife Dušica: “If an earthquake occurs in California while I am there, I must be Jesus Christ.” I spent only one night in San Diego. When I woke up the next day (November 2) in my hotel room and turned on the TV, the first message I received was: “San Bernardino Mountains (close to San Diego) was shaken this night by two earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.5”. Coincidence?


Jesus Christ is expected to make miracles by which He is apparently supposed to be recognized. Jesus Christ should, for example, be able to walk on water. I saw the magician, Criss Angel, walking on water on television. So why has nobody considered him as Jesus Christ? If I learned how to make such an illusion, would I then have a chance to be accepted as Jesus Christ? However, I think that I have made a far greater miracle than walking on water. I have defined how to make the world a beautiful place to be, how to create heaven on earth. This is something that nobody has ever managed to do. Now, one could complain that my theory has not been proven in praxis yet, and it might be wrong. Also, one could suggest that Jesus Christ would make a paradise on earth and that would make Him recognized. I would have to respond that even the Lord Jesus Christ is not expected to force people to go down the correct path, but the people are expected to embrace the way of Jesus Christ. People will one day accept my path because they will not have any other choice. My path is the only right path.


Dear people, the terrible situation in the world pressures me to act vigorously. I believe that the situation is much worse than you might think and that must be changed. Besides it, crime, rape, and killings have come to my neighbourhood. Evil has never been closer to me than now, and that must end. On top of everything, I think that the Antichrist is here among us. He must be stopped, and the system I have proposed will do it.


All my life I’ve wanted to do something good and important but I hesitated to announce a possibility that I could be Jesus Christ because I cannot even imagine in what kind of trouble I would be getting into. If I am not Jesus Christ, you will tease with me, but I would not care much about that. If I am Jesus Christ, I might be in danger from anyone who would not like it. The only thing I can do in that case is hope the Bible is right about my destiny and that God will protect me. Unfortunately, I cannot entirely rely on it because I do not know which part of the Bible carries the authentic God’s words and which part presents the creative imagination of writers through generations.


In the end, I have decided to take the risk and to stand firmly as much as I can behind my book. If I successfully advocate my book, you would accept the system I have proposed much sooner. In fact, it is just about whether the system will be implemented before or after a series of catastrophes. When you accept the system, I have proposed it will undoubtedly save you from all the social evil without matter what race, nation, religion, class, age, or gender you belong to.



My book “Humanism” has been available free of charge worldwide since the year 2000 when I published the Serbo-Croatian version at my web site The English translation was released the next year. In the last three years, about 200 people have downloaded my book, but I received almost no responses from them. The silence follows me all the time everywhere, and I do not know why! However, so far I have exchanged opinions with individuals who have read my articles but have found out it was pretty much a loss of time. The system I have proposed could not be understood enough without reading the book. Therefore, I will avoid further talk about my book to anyone who would not previously read it.


Dear reader, if you believe in Jesus Christ and allow just a little possibility that I might be Him, I would like you to read my book. It is written in such a way that everyone who gives a small effort is supposed to understand it. (Don’t worry about technicalities; it’s the job for scientists and me.) I want to distribute at least 200,000 copies of the book in the next three years. Do not listen to anybody but yourself when contemplating whether this book is good enough for changing the world. There are millions of authorities around you that prevent you from finding the truth in you. You indeed may and should discuss the book with other people but, in the end, make the final opinion on your own. When you form your opinion, I would be grateful to you if you write to me in up to 50 words whether you like the book or not and why. That would tell me a lot. If you don’t want the system that only means you would need more time to start loving it. “I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.” (Back to the Future – Part I:-)


The book is actually not religious so that I feel like I need to give a conclusion about my view of religion. Not one theory ever has been convincing in presenting how to make something from nothing. This is actually the most significant jump and the greatest enigma for philosophers and scientists. The Bible says that God did precisely this when He created our world. The Bible does not elaborate technical details of it, or we are too imperfect to be able to understand. Maybe just our ignorance is the reason why is the presentation of God in the Bible very simplified. The Bible probably presents the will of God, but I doubt it does it very accurately because men certainly have difficulty to receive and understand the words of God.


The theory of evolution states that natural selection develops life from the lower level towards the higher one. The stronger being survives and there lies the foundation of the development. But is it enough? A deep logic and miraculous harmony exist among atoms, molecules, genes, nature, and space, without which we would not exist. Does something protect us? Most likely, there is some kind of supernatural power-up somewhere, which somehow, contributes to the development of nature and of course of us, people. I have accepted it as supernatural because I cannot imagine it anyhow. I have recognized the name of It as God. I have not seen nor heard God, or I am not aware of it. I accept the existence of God also because the Bible predicted 2000 years ago the coming of Messiah who should lead people in the right way and establish harmony to society. My book completely fulfills it, and that is the reason I am applying for Jesus Christ’s position. One may claim that the result of my work has been just a millennial aspiration of people who lived in injustice and evil. Well, if that was the case, then the prophecies written in the Bible are really fantastic coincidences. I firmly believe one day, far from now, science will get to know God whatever It is, and then we, on the planet Earth will really find out something about Him.


God might have had full control over the “Big Bang,” or maybe He left some independent influences in the process to the natural laws He had created. We do not know. God might have created the whole evolution process, or maybe His natural laws did something independently. Or maybe, in both cases, something completely different happened that we could not even contemplate. We should accept that we do not know it. We do not need to argue about who is right or wrong when we cannot prove anything. Finding the solutions to mentioned dilemmas is far more difficult than finding solutions to all other questions that bother us today so that the full answer in these dilemmas will be found much later than answers to all other issues today. I believe God has influences on us but also, we have our choices and He encourages it. He is good.


I would gladly discuss the issue with decent people as much as I can through the discussion forum at this web site. Also, I will write more about religion as soon as I find something new. But do not expect much more from me even though I would like to find answers to many questions. God will not put the answers into “my dish.“ It never happens that easily and that is good. What would we do if already have answers to all questions? Life would lose one of its most important senses. Discovery is actually a beauty of living.


Feel free to redistribute this article worldwide.


Aleksandar Šarović

November 29, 2003


Continues on: God’s Will


Uklonimo nezaposlenost

Ovaj članak prikazuje vrlo jednostavnu ideju koja će ukloniti nezaposlenost. Ona će donijeti moć radnicima. Ona će značajno povećati plaće radnika. Ona će donijeti pravdu i rast privrede. Ljudi ne znaju ništa o ovoj ideji jer je bogataši sakrivaju od javnosti. 


Vlasnici korporacija favoriziraju nezaposlenost jer su nezaposleni radnici prisiljeni prihvatiti loše plaćene poslove kako bi mogli prehraniti svoje porodice. Viša stopa nezaposlenosti proizvodi jeftiniju radnu snagu. Vlasnici korporacija mogu povećati nezaposlenost utjecajem na ekonomsku politiku od uvoza radne snage do porasta kamatnih stopa. Čini se da je stopa nezaposlenosti od oko 5% vrlo pogodna za poslodavce, a ekonomisti su je prihvatili kao “normalno” stanje. Ovo “normalno” stanje omogućava eksploataciju radnika kroz nisku cijenu rada, dok je ukupna kupovna moć radnika još uvijek dovoljno velika da proizvodi profite privatnim poduzećima.


Današnja ekonomija prepoznaje cikličku, frikcijsku i strukturnu nezaposlenost. Ciklična nezaposlenost je rezultat oscilacije u procesu ekspanzije i recesije proizvodnje koja oscilira potražnju za radom. Neki ekonomisti uviđaju da bi teret kriza i koristi od profita trebao biti ravnomjernije raspoređen između poslodavaca i radnika ali oni ne znaju kako da to ostvare.


Frikcijska nezaposlenost je rezultat potrebe ljudi da mijenjaju radna mjesta, karijere i lokacije rada. Strukturna nezaposlenost je posljedica promjene u tehnologiji, što rezultira izostankom potražnje za dostupnim radnicima. Ove vrste nezaposlenosti su znanstvenici izmislili da bi studenti imali šta da uče i nisu vrijedne spomena. Ekonomisti su danas toliko indoktrinirani pogrešnim učenjem da smatraju da je nezaposlenost neizbježna cijena koju treba platiti za tehnološki razvoj. Oni čak vjeruju da 0% nezaposlenosti nije pozitivna stvar. Želim ovdje odmah naglasiti da će 0% nezaposlenosti riješiti većinu postojećih ekonomskih problema.


Današnja filozofija kapitalističke ekonomije ističe kapital kao glavni uvjet za zaštitu ekonomskih prava pojedinaca i društva. To je pogrešno. Filozofiju ekonomije moramo temeljiti prvenstveno na jednakim ljudskim pravima jer su ljudi glavna svrha ekonomije i subjekti bez kojih ekonomija ne može postojati. Osim toga, jednaka ljudska prava su uvjet za stvaranje dobrog društva. To je temelj moje filozofije.


Društvo regulira slobodu ljudi ako ta sloboda ugrožava druge. Jači nema pravo ugroziti slabijeg i ako to učini onda ga doseže zakonom predviđena kazna. Možete li zamisliti kakav bi život bio bez zakona koji reguliraju prava i obaveze građana? Ali takvih zakona nema na slobodnom tržištu. Jači može ekonomski potisnuti slabijeg sa tržišta i tako mu ugroziti opstanak. Ako smo prihvatili zakone koji sprečavaju jače da ugrožavaju slabije u svakodnevnom životu, mi trebamo zaštititi slabije i u ekonomiji. Ali mi to ne činimo, i to je razlog zbog kojeg društvo propada.


Nezaposlenost radnika ne može formirati zdravu osnovu za formiranje dobrog društva. U pravednom društvu rad mora biti dostupan svima. Ako stvaranje novih radnih mjesta nije potrebno, puna zaposlenost će se uspostaviti skraćivanjem radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti. To je politička mjera koja treba biti prihvaćena od naroda i zatim provedena podjednako u javnim i privatnim poduzećima. Regulacija radnog vremena će proizvesti punu zaposlenost radnika i kreirati daleko bolju ekonomiju.


Skraćivanje radnog vremena će smanjiti plaće zaposlenih radnika proporcionalno skraćenom radnom vremenu. Na primjer, nezaposlenost od 10% će skratiti radno vrijeme svih radnika 10% pa će i radničke plaće bili 10% manje. Tih 10% novca oduzetih od zaposlenih radnika će biti raspoređeno novozaposlenim radnicima. U početku puna zaposlenost neće dodatno opterećivati poslodavce dodatnom cijenom rada a svi radnici bi bili zaposleni i primati dohotke. Prethodno zaposleni radnici će vjerojatno niže plaće doživjeti kao nepogodnost, ali dugoročno gledano njihove plaće će značajno rasti jer će poslodavci na reduciranom tržištu rada biti prisiljeni da povećaju plaće radnika da bi ih mogli zadržati.


Skraćivanje radnog vremena će donijeti velike pogodnosti društvu. Na prvom mjestu bih naglasio da nešto niže plaće zaposlenih radnika ne mogi biti ni približno tako velika nepogodnost kao što je imaju nezaposleni radnici koji ne primaju nikakvu plaću. Takva mjera bi donijela garanciju da nezaposlenost i ekonomska nesigurnost radnika više ne mogu postojati.


Ljudi su navikli na oscilacije u životnom standardu ovisne o uspješnosti ekonomije. Stvarana kupovna moć plaća oscilira više nego što iznosi stopa nezaposlenosti zbog promjene ponude i potražnje na tržištu, kriza ekonimije, inflacije i deflacije. Radnici takve oscilacije kupovne moći ćutke prihvaćaju. Oni prihvaćaju da u krizama žive gore. Pa zašto nebi prihvatili niže dohotke u ime solidarnosti među radnicima, koja će im dugoročno uspostaviti zdraviju osnovu za ostvarenje boljeg životnog standarda?


Skraćivanje radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti ne samo da će ukloniti nezaposlenost već će riješiti problem eksploatacije. Ovdje je jednostavno objašnjenje: Ako postoje ukupno dva radnika koji se prijavljuju za ukupno jedno radno mjesto, konkurencija među radnicima će smanjiti cijenu rada, a radnik koji dobije posao će biti eksploatiran. Ako postoji ukupno jedan radnik i ukupno dva radna mjesta, konkurencija među poslodavcima će povećati plaću radnika. Sa time u vezi, skraćivanje radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti će staviti radnike u povoljniji položaj u procesu proizvodnje. Smanjena pristupačnost radnika će podići vrijednost rada radnika i poslodavci će plaćati radnike više nego što to čine danas.

Pristup slobodnom tržištu je privilegija koju društvo daje proizvođačima i oni tu privilegiju moraju platiti društvu u obliku koje zadovoljava društvo. Povećanje cijene rada radnika će ići na trošak poslodavaca. Poslodavci to naravno u početku neće voljeti, ali kasnije će profitirati iz povećanja zarada radnika.


Poslodavci moraju razumijeti da oni ne mogu zarađivati više ako ne postoji dovoljno velika kupovna moć potrošača. Oni moraju razumjeti da se kupovna moć društva ne može povećati bez veće zarade radnika. Njima treba biti jasno da ne postoji bolja raspodjela i za poslodavce i za radnike od one koju ostvaruje pravedno tržište rada.


Skraćivanje radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti će osigurati pravedniju raspodjelu dohodaka u društvu. Fer raspodjela dohodaka će osigurati veću kupovnu moć radnika što će osigurati veći protok robe, koja će opet donijeti veće profite vlasnicima kapitala. To bi uklonilo ekonomske krize jer se krize u prvom redu temelje na nedovoljnom prometu robe i usluga. Skraćivanje radnog vremena će formirati bolji kapitalizam i donijeti prosperitet društvu.


Prekovremeni rad će i dalje biti moguć. U zapadnom svijetu takav se rad plaća 50% više po satu. Poslodavci koji namjeravaju prekovremenim radom riješiti problem nedostatka radne snage neće smanjivati nezaposlenost. Tada će politika koja slijedi volju naroda dopunski skratiti radno vrijeme svih zaposlenih pa će poslodavci morati plaćati više prekovremenih radnih sati. Neka poslodavci sami uvide da li im se više isplati zapošljavati nove radnike ili plaćati više sati prekovremenog rada po radniku.


Zadatak dobre politike jest da što jednostavnijom regulacijom ostvari što veći pozitivan utjecaj na društvo. Današnja politika regulira minimalni dohodak koji ima vrlo ograničeni učinak na ukupnu raspodjelu dohodaka radnika. U razvijenom svijetu veliki broj radnika prima minimalan dohodak dok ga inflacija realno konstantno umanjuje. Radnici američke korporacije Walmart uglavnom primaju minimalni dohodak zahvaljujući nezaposlenosti u Americi. Oni zaradom u Walmartu ne mogu pokriti ni osnovne životne potrebe pa primaju socijalnu pomoć od američke vlade. Oni žive na račun poreza koji američki građani plaćaju svojoj vladi dok je korporacija Walmart u isto vrijeme jedna od najprofitabilnijih kompanija u Americi.


Dobra politika će regulirati dužinu radnog vremena a ne nužno minimalni dohodak. Kada se ukloni nezaposlenost skraćivanjem radnog vremena tada će poslodavci kojima treba više radne snage tu radnu snagu morati oduzimati od drugih poslodavaca jer drugi radnici neće biti na raspolaganju. Oni će povećavati plaće radnika kako bi privukli radnike iz drugih kompanija. To će izazvati lančanu reakciju u kojoj će radnicima rasti plaće. Ukoliko poslodavci ne povećaju plaće radnika oni ih jednostavno neće imati. Tu se u stvari radi samo o fer tržištu rada. Regulacija minimalnog dohotka neće biti potrebna. Neće biti potrebni ni sindikati kao posrednici u zaštiti radničkih prava.


Skraćivanje radnog vremena nije nova ideja. Na početku devetnaestog stoljeća Robert Owen je uvidio besmislenost tadašnjeg radnog vremena koje je trajalo od 12 do 16 sati dnevno. On je 1817 godine predložio skraćivanje radnog vremena na 8 sati dnevno kako bi ljudi imali 8 sati na raspolaganju za rekreaciju i 8 sati za odmor. Poslodavci su se tome žestoko suprotstavljali a radnici su bili nezadovoljni. Prvi značajni otpor radnika bio je zabilježen u Čikagu 1. maja 1867 godine i taj dan je proglašen međunarodnim praznikom rada. Borba između poslodavca i radnika je bila teška i često krvava. Bilo je potrebno oko 100 godina borbe da se ideja osam-satnog radnog dana prihvati u cijelom svijetu.


Ali takvo skraćenje radnog vremena više nije dovoljno danas. Socijalisti na vlasti u Francuskoj su 2000 godine donijeli zakon koji je skratio radno vrijeme svih zaposlenih sa 39 na 35 sati nedjeljno. To su učinili da bi smanjili nezaposlenost radnika i radnicima osigurali više slobodnog vremena. Ali to skraćivanje radnog vremena ipak nije dovelo do povećanja zaposlenosti radnika jer su poslodavci više opteretili zaposlene radnike. Meni to govori da nema više potrebe ni za sedmo satnim radnim danom jer je automatizacija u procesu proizvodnje smanjila potrebu za radnom snagom.


Francuskim socijalistima je trebalo biti jasno da se razmaženi poslodavci naviknuti na eksploataciju radnika neće lako predati. Oni su morali predvidjeti dopunsko skraćenje radnog vremena dok poslodavci ne budu prisiljeni zapošljavati nezaposlene radnike. Ja bih na njihovom mjestu spustio radno vrijeme na 30 sati nedjeljno. Francuski socijalisti nisu bili dovoljno odlučni i deset godina kasnije konzervativci su ukinuli ograničenje radnog vremena na 35 sati nedjeljno. Tako je ideja socijalne pravde još jednom izgubila.


Privilegirani uvijek nalaze načine da tlače obespravljene i to je oduvjek glavni izvor problema društva. Ipak u 14. vijeku, teška prirodna tragedija je pomogla obespravljenima. Kuga je ubila trećinu stanovništva Evrope što je stvorilo veliki manjak radne snage. Nedostatak službenika, obrtnika, radnika, i seljaka doveli su do toga da gazde, zemljoposjednici i vlastela ostanu bez ljudi koji su gradili njihovo bogatstvo. Usjevi u poljima su propadali jer nije bilo dovoljno ljudi da ih beru.


Odjednom, radnici su postali traženi što je omogućilo onima koji su preživjeli kugu da budu u puno boljoj poziciji u pregovarima o uvjetima rada. Povjesničar i ekonomist Thorold Rogers bilježi da su radnici dobijali gotovo sve što su tražili. Nadnice su značajno porasle (2-3 puta) u periodu od godinu dana a veća kupovna moć ljudi je unaprijedila ekonomiju. Više o tome možete naći ovdje: Ekonomske posljedice kuge.


I šta sad? Hoćemo li čekati novu tragediju čovječanstva ili ćemo biti dovoljno pametni da u ime pravde i solidarnosti među ljudima, skraćujemo radno vrijeme sve dok postoji nezaposlenost? Samo to će prisiliti kompanije da zapošljavaju nezaposlene radnike. Samo to će izgraditi pravdu i ravnotežu u procesu proizvodnje i raspodjele. Tako regulirano tržište će kao “nevidljiva ruka” uskladiti potražnju za radom i visine dohodaka u najprihvatljivijom odnosu i za radnike i za poslodavce.


Dobijao sam dosta kritika na račun toga da će skuplji rad tjerati kapital tamo gdje je radna snaga jeftinija. Moj odgovor je bio da se državno tržište uvijek može zaštititi carinama i porezima na granici. Ipak, ne odlazi li kapital svejedno u zemlje u razvoju? Da, ali taj proces će se zaustaviti jer ukoliko radnici u razvijenim državama ne zarađuju dovoljno oni ne mogu dovoljno kupovati robu koju krupni kapital proizvodi. Što manje kapital ulaže u društvo to manje profitira. Kapital koji više investira više profitira i lakše opstaje na tržištu. Tako će biti i u novoj regulaciji tržišta rada.


Sa druge strane odlazak kapitala ne može više dovesti radnike u egzistencijalnu opasnost. Povećanje nezaposlenosti uzrokovano odlaskom kapitala bi rezultiralo većim skraćivanjem radnog vremena radnika, čime bi ekonomska sigurnost i dalje bila zagarantirana svim ljudima. Skraćivaje radnog vremena će smanivati dohodak ali će on još uvijek biti dovoljno velik da ljudima osigura pristojan život. Kapitalizam je puno energije trošio da razvije potrošački mentalitet što je nepotrebno, i egoističnu karakternu osobinu radnika što je pogrešno. Solidarno skraćivanje radnog vremena će to iz temelja promijeniti.


Postavlja se pitanje zašto tako jednostavna ideja nije nikad predložena narodu? Razlog treba tražiti u konspiraciji krupnog kapitala koji pomoću svoje ekonomske moći spriječava nastup novih ideja koje mogu unaprijediti društvo. Krupni kapital podržava ideje koje ne mogu unaprijediti društvo. Krupni kapital je podržao Marksizam kao vodeću ideologiju ljevice zato što je krupnom kapitalu oduvijek bilo jasno da Marksizam ne može kreirati dobro društvo i da mu kao takav ne predstavlja opasnost. U suprotnom bi Marksizam kao nosioc ideja nasilne revolucionarne promjene bio zabranjen. Marksizam je koristan krupnom kapitalu zato što pogrešno usmjerava ljevicu. To je praksa socijalističkih revolucija i dokazala.


Zahvaljujući konspiraciji krupnog kapitala moje ideje nemaju pristup do medija, univerziteta, politike pa tako ni do ljudi. Ovaj članak je poslat na stotine novinskih adresa pretežno lijeve orijentacije a samo ga je “Global Research“ objavio. Ali jednog dana će se ideja skraćivanja radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti probiti i društvo će zahtijevati realizaciju te ideje. To će smanjivati privilegije poslodavaca i povećati prava radnika.To će također smanjivati razlike između zarada poslodavaca i radnika. U takvom okruženju kapital će gubiti značaj. Fer tržište rada će spontano inicirati novi društveno ekonomski sistem koji će zamijeniti kapitalizam i u znatno većoj mjeri zadovoljiti potrebe društva u cjelini. Ja sam taj sistem detaljno prikazao u svojoj knjizi Humanizam. Humanizam će biti podjednako prihvatljiv svim ljudima i omogućiti će dalji napredak društva.


Humanizam je spas za čovječanstvo

Cjelokupna struktura današnjeg društva je izgrađena na otuđenim autoritativnim premisama. Zato se svi današnji društeni sistemi moraju mijenjati iz temelja. Tek tada će se moći približiti čovjeku i njegovim prirodnim potrebama. Tek tada će biti moguće graditi dobro i zdravo humano društvo.

Sistem koji sam predložio na ovim internet stranicama je ne samo najbolja opcija za cijeli svijet, ona je ujedno jedina dobra opcija i zato će taj sistem jednog dana biti prihvaćen u cijelom svijetu. Taj sistem ukida glad, strah, korupciju, narcisoidnost, rasizam, nemoral, kriminal, rat i sve oblike destruktivnosti u društvu i ohrabruje razvoj produktivnih ljudskih moći. Ukratko, sistem obećava bolji život i harmoniju svim ljudima. On će okrenuti naglavce glavne principe na kojima je čovječanstvo danas uspostavljeno. Utjecaj tog sistema za čovječanstvo će biti tako velik da će ljudi sve prije implementacije nazivati prethistorija a sve od implementacije će se nazivati civilizacija.

Humanizam će spasiti čovječanstvo od cjelokupnog socijalnog zla i kreirat će ljubav, radost, mir, zdravlje, ljepotu, sigurnost, pravdu, harmoniju, obilje; moj Humanizam će učiniti Raj na Zemlji.

Has Antichrist Come

Has Antichrist Come?

Yes, he probably has. If you analyze the current systematic conquering of the independent countries of the world, you can easily find that behind all of these aggressions a pattern of strong, unique power emerges that includes economy, military, media, and politicians. I will try to present that this power belongs to the family Rothschild. I think Antichrist is the head of Rothschild family and his name nowadays is Jacob. He rules the world totally invisibly by the secretly possessed economic power his family has built through centuries.


How the family stays invisible while becoming richer and more influential in the world, is easily visible in the recent Russian affair “Mikhail Khodorkovsky.” Khodorkovsky is a 40-year-old Russian businessman who started with the low Russian Government salary, and in ten years he earned billions of dollars in owning the oil company “Yukos.” But it should be said that all his skills emerged from the senior post that he held in the Communist Party’s Youth of Russia. That fact opened him the door to senior government officials including the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin who enabled him to manage privileged businesses. Because of the wish to achieve the greatest profits, the legality of the Khodorkovsky’s business was very questionable. Then President Putin got in power in the Russian Federation. As a result, Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested on October 25, 2003, for charges on fraud and tax evasion. Then the control over Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s shares of “Yukos” was passed to the banker Lord Jacob Rothschild. The source is the article from “The Washington Times,” November 2, 2003: “Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker.” The reprint of the article is available on the web page Action Report Online. This article is significant because it indicates that Jacob Rothschild was most likely a real majority owner of the company “Yukos.” Khodorkovsky simply did not have the money nor the knowledge to step alone in such a big business and make the wealth he was ascribed. Jacob Rothschild had estimated that Khodorkovsky was close enough to the Russian president Jeltsin to enable him a good profit from Russia and that is the reason he hired him as his agent. But in this particular case, greed has forced Jacob Rothschild to make a mistake because he showed a high possibility that he hid his wealth behind Khodorkovsky.


Other Russian tycoons such as Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich, and Vladimir Gusinsky also made a fortune practically in no time just like Khodorkovsky did. The legality of their business is under investigation in the same way as the legality of Khodorkovsky’s business. That says they are most likely connected to Jacob Rothschild as well. After being accused of the business crime in Russia, Boris Berezovsky was granted political asylum in Great Britain, the state where Lord Jacob Rothschild has a significant influence.


There is another very influential person without whose connections the transfer of the Russian wealth to Jacob Rothschild would not be possible. His name is George Soros. He was born in Hungary to a poor family. After the Second World War, he immigrated to the West where he, not that long ago, miraculously and quickly became wealthy by trading stocks. Most likely, that happened through the influence of the Rothschild family the same way as the new Russian tycoons became rich. These Rothschild’s financial operations would not be possible without the corruption of the Russian government. That was most likely performed by links that his man, George Soros established in Russia through his Institute called “Open Society.” Please read the article The Secret Financial Network Behind “Wizard” George Soros by William Endahl or George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent by Brother Nathanael Kapner that presents his relationship with the Rothschilds well.


According to this introduction, you may get the impression that the family Rothschild had interest only in Russia, but of course, that would be false, it operates very effectively throughout the whole world. Could we suppose that this Rothschild’s pattern for hiding their wealth behind other families was being implemented earlier in the past? Of course, we could. Not only is the Rothschild family the wealthiest banking family today but it was also the first excellently organized family that spread its business all over the world hundreds of years ago. In that time they had almost a monopoly in lending money to the European Kings. There is no safer and more profitable business than lending money to countries. Therefore, they could have easily later sponsored the rise of the families Rockefeller, Morgan, Goldberg, and others the same way as they sponsored Khodorkovsky and Soros. But it is also possible that these wealthy families may be relatives and partners of the Rothschild family. However, it’s quite apparent that they do not compete with each other on the “free market.” Have you ever heard them argue with each other? Certainly not. Why not since capitalism is all about free competition and they are the carriers of the world capitalism? Simply, the answer is they are one body with one head. They are actually not capitalists; they are feudalists or even slaveholders. Please find more about the Rothschilds in the article: Rothschild Family at Wikipedia and in the article: The Rothschild Dinasty by Des Griffin.


The Rothschild family possesses a hierarchically organized structure of agents who buy everything valuable in the world. The Rothschild family may, for instance, own “Coca Cola” and “Pepsi Cola” and from the top of Olympus watching these companies fighting on the market. The Rothschild family, together with their partners might own half of the world but thanks to the capitalist system and its secret business regulation policy that is established practically everywhere, nobody except them themselves is able to know it. By controlling the main businesses and media they actually control the governments in the western countries, and that means they control the whole western world. If you follow the world policy, you can easily see that democratically elected leaders of the countries change, but the policy follows the interests of the rich and therefore stays more or less the same. A high level of united criminal policies around the world points out the fact that there is an invisible organization that rules the world. The facts I have collected about the Rothschild family, tell me that they are the leading family of that organization. I am talking here about a conspiracy that captures almost the whole World. Only the “evil axes” of the world such as China, North Korea, and Cuba are resistant to the influences of the Rothschild family because they are closed to the world.


The roots of this conspiracy might have been described in the book “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” The protocols are allegedly the minutes of one meeting of Elders of Zion that happened hundred years ago. You may find them here: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The book gives low-level directions how a powerful Jewish secret organization may conquer the world. Most people think that the Protocols are a forgery made against the Jewish people and that is most likely the result of propaganda. I cannot see that the Protocols talk about the Jewish people, they present particular interests of a very narrow circle of people. And these people are very successful.


There are many similarities between what the Protocols say and the situation we have today in the World. For example, all state governments of developed countries proclaim the same policy: formal democracy where the real power is possessed by the rich, market economy where money has the most significant freedom and control over everything, and NATO power that secures such ideology. Those who do not agree with such ideology are under an orchestrated attack of media, politicians, conspiracies, and military power all over the world. Any different idea from the mainstream such is for example mine does not have access to media, policy, science and consequently does not have access to the people. That is exactly what is defined in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” One does not need to be very bright to understand who has interest in it and who has the power to realize it. However, I doubt the Protocols are a complete program for the conspiracy against the world because it looks more like a propaganda pamphlet aimed at a narrow circle of people than like a program. Today, Jacob Rothschild has a much more developed manifest for his program, but there is no way we can take a look at it.



Family Rothschild tries hard to present itself as a regular, modest banking family. But, nothing is ordinary with the Rothschild family. They possess the most valuable assets in the western world and have such a financial power that might buy all promising ones. However, they hide their possessions, wealth, and power. Actually, they remind me of the mafia which pretends to earn money for living by owning a convenience store. Do you think that I exaggerate? They can quickly produce unemployment and bankruptcy to ordinary people and take all their assets. The most famous case was the creation of the economic crisis in the USA in 1929. It is presented in detail in the article How the City of London Created the Great Depression by Webster G. Tarpley. They did it to make workers very afraid for their existence, to make workers dependent of their power, to take freedom from workers and middle class, to make them silent when they work hard for low salaries, to discipline them without complaints. People who do not have a choice may be called slaves. They want total control over people and work hard to get it all the time. Fortunately, they cannot repeat such depression anymore because now it would move the world leading power to the countries which are not under their influences. Their worst nightmare is communist China on top of the world.


Do you know that the US Federal Reserve Bank is economically and in any other way the most powerful place in the world? Thomas D. Schauf described in his article: The Federal Reserve Is Privately Owned how the Rothschild family, together with their partners, took control over the US Federal Reserve, over the US and over the “free” world. You can find the same information in Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserves by Peter Joseph. The Federal Reserve Bank is responsible for the emission of money. The bank normally loans money to the state when the state needs it. The problem is it prints money from thin air and then takes it back from the American taxpayers with interest. How much the American taxpayers owe to the bank right now, you can find here. The annual interest of the debt which is by the way mostly privately owned is approximately eight times bigger than the wealth of “today’s richest man on the planet.” Source: Treasury Direct – the official web site of the US government. Is something questionable here? If you try to find who is the owner of debt at the official web site, you will not find their first and last names but the list of companies, banks, funds, and organizations. They are mostly owned by a small group of associated people. If the number of principal owners was large, and if they were mutually independent, then they would argue and fight each other over the higher profit, and we would see it. These people are far richer than the publicly proclaimed “richest person in the world.


Everything is cheating. If you, dear reader, try to print money and buy something with it, you would undoubtedly finish in jail. The Rothschild family does precisely that, but their operations are legal, thanks to the accepted policy of the bank system, and to the corruption of the state system. In 1963, President John Kennedy ended the Federal Reserve System by the Executive Order 11110 and ordered the U.S. government to restore its Constitutional-mandate of controlling the money. President Kennedy was killed 5 months later. Before his death, President Kennedy openly stated that of a vast capital conspiracy existed against humanity: President John F Kennedy: Secret Society Speech. The result of the murder investigation was very doubtful according to Michael Parenti: The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State.


Whoever had any doubt about the intentions of the policy of the west after the aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999 should not have it anymore. There, all the masks were taken down. This was a pure imperial, and fascist aggression waged against all laws concerning it and against UN charters. That was the crime. Formally, the president of US Bill Clinton started the war. He had normally resisted committing the crime but do you remember how long he was threatened with the impeachment inquiry because he lied in the Monica Lewinsky case? I think that was blackmail. The case was forgotten entirely right after the aggression started.


I have personally witnessed a very treacherous world policy created in order of weakening Yugoslavia and forcing it to give up from its sovereignty. After the free elections in 1990, the people of the Republic of Serbia kept the socialist party in charge while people from other Yugoslav republics chose pro-Western governments. This is the reason Serbia defended its sovereignty vigorously while other Yugoslav republics accepted the Western model of capitalism mostly unconditionally. In purpose to weaken the Serbian resistance, the West strongly supported pro-Western orientated Yugoslav republics. That started the war and the national leaders, wishing to have an essential role in the histories of their nations, made the war pretty nasty. The war finished when Serbia gave up from its sovereignty. But what really lies behind that? Yugoslavia had the best economy in Eastern Europe, and the war destroyed the very idea that the socialist economy might be right. Last but not least, the war made the economy cheap to purchase.


The aggression on Yugoslavia was heavily supported and encouraged by the mainstream media and influential people including leaders all over the world. Biased propaganda and all kinds of lies were synchronically distributed worldwide on purpose to justify the aggression on Yugoslavia which lasted, in fact, for more than ten years. You, dear reader, might be deceived by the large propaganda machinery you were exposed to, but your leaders do not collect information there. They had the embassies and intelligent officers in Yugoslavia, and they had to know what everything was about, but apparently, they didn’t have the power, bravery, interest, or desire to tell the truth. The participation in the crime was seemingly more convinient to a large number of them. Yes, many of them, unlawfully, participated in bombing Yugoslavia, many of them killed people there.


The aggression on Yugoslavia had to be happening under the control of a very powerful but also totally invisible world organization, and that had to belong to the Rothschild family. Many signs pointed out that George Soros, a man of the Rothschild family, had a lot of interests in Yugoslavia. Source, the article Portrait of George Soros by Neil Clark presents it well. What kind of interest does the Rothschild family might have exactly had in the aggression on Yugoslavia I can only speculate. But we can find it out by calling those who directly waged war to be responsible for the crime they committed before any court, and then the Rothschild family would be indeed called upon for its responsibility as well. You may find more about the war in Yugoslavia in my article: My debt to Yugoslavia. The Rothschild family and their partners have more or less finished the colonization of Eastern Europe. They bought everything valuable there or will soon, and they took control over all of the governments. The Russian government is the only one that might resist the Rothschild family.


The aggression on Iraq in 2003 was also waged against all existing international laws. That is a crime as well. When an ordinary thief commits a crime he finishes in jail when the president of the US commits an incomparably worse crime, he is re-elected. So how may that be possible? Simply, the media under the control of the Rothschild family, sophisticatedly convinces the people, not only this is a normal thing but also that this is the best possible solution. Can you imagine a criminal gets to a restaurant, orders a meal, and at the end asks a waiter to pay the criminal to eat? Worse than that happens to you, but you cannot see it. You produce bombs for the rich, then you pay these bombs with your tax payments, and finally the rich use these bombs to enslave other nations and to steal their wealth. Do you understand what cheating is about? You even give your lives in to help the rich taking the wealth of other nations. All presidents of countries or governments who joined the president Bush in the aggression on Iraq are criminals as well. So how come that might be possible? Simply, we live in a total conspiracy where ignorance, lies, immorality, fear, and corruption raise and then rule everywhere.


I am convinced that an independent investigation would conclude that the Rothschild family stood behind the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many others as well. Simply, it has such a significant influence everywhere, so that the wars would not be possible without the support from the Rothschild family. The problem is the Rothschild family is above the law so that no one can perform such an investigation. Actually, the law that might prosecute them at the world level does not even exist. The Rothschild family is addicted to getting valuable natural resources and control worldwide, has means to achieve that goal at any price, and can hardly be stopped. They have committed aggression on “evil axes” through all kinds of pressures all the time. If that would not bring a satisfactory result soon enough to them, they will arrange wars there or commit real aggression. However the most likely, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China, and after that the whole world would be in great danger. Allegedly the Rothschild family had financed most of the wars in the last two centuries, and that tells us they had interest in them. In our current situation, there is no reason to believe that something might change in the future. In our current position, the future is bleak.


Let’s suppose the Rothschild family with their companions would take control over all of the countries around the world. Then, dear readers, you would be next. Even if you possess a small convenience store, they will open a bigger one next door to yours with half-price merchandise. With their financial power, they would easily be able to bear the losses until you are forced to close your business. Their last step would be the whole control over all of the people around the world, and that means your complete slavery. Their needs are alienated and therefore cannot be saturated. Consequently, they are not able to do anything but Hell on Earth.


But of course, the Rothschild family with their companions will undoubtedly face resistance by China and Russia, numerous world organizations, revolutionaries, freedom fighters, terrorists, and by progressive powers. Today, many brave people who fight back, already exist, but they are not well known because they do not have access to the mainstream media owned by the rulers of the world. Fortunately, the Internet was invented, and it gives you a chance to get different information. I recommend you read, for example, Michael Parenti, or Stephen Gowans 1 and 2. They wrote numerous articles you would not be able to find in mainstream world media. If you are interested to know what really happens in the world, you better read them.



The Rothschild family is, but its power depends on you people. That is the reason they make you follow them even though you do not know it. They create a policy of your society, and you do not know it. They have created your needs and possessed the environment that satisfies these needs and you do not know it. You work for them, and you do not know it. You buy their products, and you do not know it. They lend you money, and you do not know it. They take your taxes for their interests, and you do not know it. They provide for you every day, directly or indirectly, with the information they want from preschools, through universities, up to the evening news. That means you think the way they want; that means you are what they want you to be and not what you are supposed to be by your nature. They have established and support competition everywhere as the primary tool for your survival. That makes you live in a destructive, immoral environment. That makes you hate each other. That makes your life miserable. Their capital is free in today’s world, and you are not, you depend too much on them. You live in Hell even though you might not know it because they worked hard to make you not also be able to imagine a better life might exist. You are always afraid for your future but should be much more fearful because of their intentions. However, they have made you quiet even by having a chance to have a job. The corruption is higher when the position in society is higher. It makes you passive when you should organize and resist authorities. But there is also a problem; you do not know what you should do, or how to do it.


The situation does not need to be as bad as it is today at all. That is the main reason I have created and proposed a new system. It will serve you people and not only the elite. The new system will allow you, people, to cooperate with other people and decide on your future. The system would allow you to create a policy of your society. You will be able to form your needs freely and to satisfy them. You will be able to get any job you want. The new system will give you freedom and will put a capital under your control. The system will relieve you from fears about your future. It will provide you with a healthy happy life. It will make you love each other. And according to the Bible, “lions and antelopes will eat together” meaning in the system I have proposed, all the people will live in perfect harmony. Simply, it will make Paradise on Earth. That is not even very difficult to accomplish. For the beginning, you people only need to believe in the better future and not in the existing system the rich people have created for themselves. I just need to attract you to read my book and think. That should release you from the fear that you may lose some well-being in the new system or from the opinion that nothing can be changed.


Sadly, I cannot get enough support even from intellectuals, scientists, and professors who are supposed to give the most significant contribution to the development of new progressive ideas. When I immigrated to Canada, I tried to take a master degree in sociology at York University, Toronto. The mentor of the sociology department told me that I had satisfied the requirements for the studies but my book “The Humanism” was not acceptable as my master dissertation work. So far the professors in Canada and in the US were actually not willing to even give me a review of my book. Why? Mostly, they do not have time for me. If they find the time, they have difficulties to understand what my ideas are about. If they understand my ideas, they are not willing to accept them because they turn upside-down almost everything social sciences have established so far. Besides that, some auto-censure is involved as well. Many professors, and especially the younger ones who might accept new ideas more easily, are undoubtedly concerned about their reappointments at colleges and universities. The development of new ideas has been suppressed everywhere, and that is the main reason the policy of society does not change, even though huge needs exist.


Anyway, I do not need to do anything more than I already did to change the world. My book has defined the idea of the new system enough to start changes that would one day make Paradise on Earth. However, the more persistent I am, the sooner the bright future of humankind would be established. When you people find out what the book is about you will undoubtedly accept my idea and refuse to serve the rich. Please read the book and find out why. Without your support, the rich people, including the Rothschild family, will be impotent. Believe it or not, the new system will enable you to organize yourself well, and then you would be able to live without them, but they would not be able to live without you.


The new system I have proposed will stop the Rothschild family. My book and this article will disturb them, and that may put me in danger. If I were Jesus Christ, I would rely on God and on his protection. But even though there is a chance I may be Jesus, it still does not mean that I am Him. Dear people, if something unexpectedly wrong happens to me, to my family, or to my collaborators on this project, I want you to know that I blame the Rothschild family and their partners for it. I also count on that the Rothschild family cannot stop the realization of the system I have proposed. They cannot destroy the book already released to the world. The recognition is just a question of time. That means one day my name will be well known around the world. If a tragedy happens to me, to my family, or to my collaborators, I count on you people to prosecute and judge the Rothschild family. If it happens that I am Jesus Christ, I rely on God but also on Christians to never forgive the Rothschild family for any evil that they may possibly do to us. There is a saying in the country I grew up: “God protects those who take care of themselves.”


The Rothschilds are Jews. I need to emphasize that I do not have any intention to blame Jews as a people for anything. They have a culture that is not very admired around the world today, but once the system I’ve proposed starts to work, they will become a distinguished people of the world. Speaking of the Rothschild family, the best choice for them lies in joining the system I have proposed. If they refuse, they will lose everything. Namely, their wealth does not have value without the support of your people. The new system will teach you how to find the values of God defined in the Bible, and then you will stop supporting the antichrist. If the Rothschild family accepts the new system, they would openly become one of the most distinguished families in the world. They may even rule the whole world because the system I have proposed would need someone to do so. But this time the leaders will really become directly responsible to the people of the world. Therefore, in that case, the Rothschild family would start contributing to creating Paradise on Earth.

Here is one of rarely published photography of Lord Jacob Rothschild (right). The picture was taken in his home in England. He is accompanied with the just elected Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger and “the second richest man in the USA” Warren Buffet.



Najmoćnije oruđe pravde svih vremena

Najmoćnije oruđe pravde svih vremena je sistem ocjenjivanja među ljudima koji sam osmislio. Svaki čovjek će imati jednako pravo da uzme ili da dodjeli jedan dinar, ili paru, ili tako nešto nekolicini drugih ljudi mjesečno kao nagradu ili kaznu za njihovo ponašanje. Kako tako mala moć u rukama pojedinaca, čak i ako se udruži, može biti najmoćnije oruđe pravde svih vremena? Odgovor leži u vremenu. Postoji poslovica koja kaže: “Tiha voda brege valja“. Permanentna moć ocjenjivanja će prisiliti ljude da poštuju jedni druge. Čovjek će postati vrijednost. Tako će nastati čudo koje ni jedno oruđe pravde nikada nije uspjelo ostvariti. Tako će nastati dobro društvo.