Good Communism

Scenario “Good Communism” (Heaven) – This scenario presents humane communism through a funny story. The scenario was completed in September 2006.


This film begins in a plane that has had an accident and lands in another world. There is a highly developed society in this world, quite different from the one the passengers in the plane have arrived from. In this world injustice, exploitation, corruption, unemployment, crime, evil, violence, destruction, aggression and war do not exist. The passengers learn throughout the film how such a society is created and how to fit into the new world. They succeed in fitting in because the new world is superior and more natural than the one from which they came.


The new society has established a communist system. Everyone works as much as they want and takes as many goods and services as they need. I know, you dear readers, immediately think that this is not possible. You think this because you have been imposed with wrong values from wrong authorities since the day you were born. From the standpoint of these values this screenplay presents an impossible system. I believe you will change your minds after living in socialism for some time.


First I must say that no coercion could exist in communism. The people themselves will one day establish communism by voluntarily giving all their earnings for taxes. Then, all goods and services will be funded by the common consumption, and will be freely available to all people. If only one individual in society wants to keep his income then all people will continue to receive incomes, but they will be very small (such as $0.01) because one individual has little impact to the whole society. Of course, for the establishment of communism the people need to realize where true values lie. In the first place, everyone should love their work that much so that they would work without compensation. I do not know when such a society will be established, but I’m sure it will come. Then the brightest possible future for humankind will begin.


I hope this has intrigued you enough to read the screenplay.


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Read the screenplay on line:

Good Communism Part I

Good Communism Part II

Good Communism Part III

Good Communism Part IIII


Jednaka ljudska prava će bezuvjetno izgraditi dobro društvo

Mnogi ljudi misle da će se izlaz iz cjelokupno loše povijesti čovječanstva jednog dana pronaći na nekom visokom mislenom nivou običnom čovjeku danas potpuno nerazumljivom. Taj izlaz bi trebao biti baziran na radu velikana ljudske misli kao sto su Isus, Muhamed, Buda, Kant, Hegel, Marks, itd. Slijedeći njihove filozofije mi se definitivno nalazimo na pogrešnim ili nedovoljno ispravnim ili nedovoljno razvijenim putevima. Nemogućnost formiranja dobrog društva to potvrđuje.


Ali zašto mi ne bismo sagledali zajednički nazivnik za sve pozitivno orjentirane filozofije i zatim ga razvijali? To može donijeti dobar rezultat. Ja mislim da bi se savremeni filozofi složili da ljudi moraju imati jednaka prava. Prihvaćanje i razvoj jednakih ljudskih, civilnih, zakonskih, konstutivnih i drugih jednakih prava svugdje u svijetu potvrđuje da se odnosi među ljudima razvijaju prema jednakim pravima. Ali dali mi kao rezulatat tog napora imamo jednaka prava? Nemamo! Sva su jednaka prava uspostavljena na formalnom nivou, dok praksa pokazuje da prava među ljudima nisu jednaka. Predsjednik vaše države vas može poslati u rat a vi njega ne možete. Vaš šef vas može otpustiti sa posla a vi njega ne možete. Vaš učitelj vam može nametati znanje a vi njemu ne možete. Gdje su tu jednaka ljudska prava?


Atoriteti nameću ljudima svoju volju i ljudi moraju prihvatiti njihovu volju. Takav odnos stvara sa jedne strane privilegirane ljude a sa druge strane obespravljene što stvara veliki problem društva. O tome sam više pisao u članku Privilegije su zlo. Privilegije su svakako najveća pogreška čovječanstva svih vremena. Ja sam to toliko jasno uvidio da mi nije bilo teško istraživati ideju jednakih prava među ljudima punih 25 godina. Ne treba tražiti izlaz iz problema današnjeg društva u dubinama filozofije. Izlaz se u stvari nalazi na vrlo plitkom nivou filozofije.


Jednaka ljudska prava prvenstveno podrazumijevaju pravo svih ljudi da ravnopravno sudjeluju u procesu odlučivanja o svim pitanjima od zajedničkog interesa u društvu. To pravo se danas donekle provodi kroz proces demokracije ali demokracija ne slijedi dovoljno potrebe društva. Osim toga demokracija ne može slijediti potrebe pojedinaca tako da one često ostaju nezadovoljene. Svjestan toga formirao sam sistem koji će jednostavno zastupati potrebe svakog pojedinca i društva u cjelini. To će se uspostaviti pomoću sistema ocjenjivanja među ljudima koji sam nazvao demokratska anarhija.


Svaki čovjek će dobiti jednako pravo da ocijeni recimo tri čovjeka pozitivno i tri čovjeka negativno recimo svaki mjesec. Svaka pozitivna ocjena će donijeti malu nagradu ocjenjenom čovjeku a svaka negativna ocjena će rezultirati istim oblikom kazne. To će usmjeriti svakog čovjeka u društvu da respektira potrebe svakog čovjeka, da stvara maksimalno moguće pogodnosti u društvu, i da umanji ili potpuno ukine stvaranje bilo kakvih oblika nepogodnosti. Tako će jednaka prava među ljudima formirati dobro društvo.


Jednaka prava među ljudima nužno zahtijevaju pravo na rad svakog čovjeka. To je u teoriji jako razvijeno pravo ali praksa ipak potvrđuje nezaposlenost kao normalno stanje. Skraćivanje radnog vremena proporcionalno stopi nezaposlenosti će ukloniti nezaposlenost. Puna zaposlenost će povećati potražnju za radnicima na tržištu i njihove plaće. Radnici će moći više kupovati, ekonomija će rasti a društvo prosperirati. Više sam o tome pisao u članku Uklonimo nezaposlenost. Puna zaposlenost će biti prekretna tačka u kapitalizmu.


Ljudska prava treba dalje razvijati formiranjem jednake mogućnosti pristupa svakog čovjeka do svakog radnog mjesta u bilo kom trenutku kroz novu raspodjelu rada. Najbolji radnik na raspolaganju će dobiti posao. Samo to se treba zvati socijalizam. Socijalizam će biti produktivniji od kapitalizma pa će potonji otići u povijest. Više o tome možete pročitati u mom članku Budućnost ekonomije. Ljudi će je prihvatiti socijalizam u daljnjoj budućnosti kao završni čin ukidanja privilegija i nejednakih prava u društvu.


Svo društveno zlo počinje sa nejednakim pravima među ljudima, i svo društveno zlo će biti u potpunosti uklonjeno kada se uspostave jednaka prava među ljudima. Tada se predsjednik države više neće usuditi pozivati na rat, rukovodioci više neće zapošljavati niti otpuštati radnike, učitelji više neće predavati gradivo koje učenike ne zanima. Dosljedno provođenje jednakih ljudskih prava će riješiti sve probleme u društvu. I nema drugog puta za ostvarenje dobrog društva. Sve što sam napisao u svojoj filozofiji samo predstavlja rezultat razvoja ideje jednakih prava među ljudima.


Problem sa demokracijom

Glasači danas često uviđaju da njihovi glasovi ne utječu na formiranje politike društva zato što političari ne slijede dovoljno njihove interese i ne ispunjavaju obećanja koja daju glasačima. Zato na primjer participacija ljudi na izborima u SAD pada i ispod 35% od glasačkog tijela. Da bi se povećao kredibilitet lošeg izbornog sistema u Americi, kreirana je izborna predstava koja traje više od godinu i koja se svaki dan prikazuje u udarnom terminima na televiziji. Kao rezultat takvog pristupa ljudi zauzimaju navijački stav prema kandidatima što u suštini nema veze sa demokracijom.


Kreatorima velike priredbe čak nije bitno tko će pobijediti, bitno je kako učiniti glasače sretnim ako njihov kandidat pobjedi ili tužnim ako izgubi na izborima a da se pritom politika uopće ne promijeni. Sve je to velika obmana koje su mnogi ljudi svjesni. Pa zašto onda nema pokušaja da se tu nešto stvarno promijeni?


Demokracija po definiciji zahtjeva da moć odlučivanja bude u rukama naroda. Naravno, to se suprotstavlja volji moćnih ljudi u društvu u tolikoj mjeri da do današnjeg dana nije uspostavljen akademski koncensus koji bi definirao kako treba izgledati razvijena demokracija. Ali političari koriste riječ demokracija kad god im je to korisno kao da je njihova demokracija perfekcija same za sebe. Naravno da to ona nije.


Ja sam u svojoj knjizi Humanizam definirao razvijenu demokraciju gdje će svi ljudi stvarno odlučivati o svim pitanjima od vlastita interesa i tako definirati najbolju moguću političku orjentaciju društva. Pa zašto onda ljudi ne uzmu moje ideje u razmatranje?


To je na prvom mjestu zato što je za to potreban intelektualni napor koji ne može biti neposredno profitabilan. Ljudi koji pokušaju tražiti zadovoljavajuće rješenje, brzo uviđaju da je preraspodjela moći odlučivanja u društvu jako teško ostvariva zbog velikog broja različitih interesa ljudi koji imaju različite moći u društvu. Osim toga moje ideje jako odstupaju od znanja i navika koje su ljudi usvojili kroz život, i zato su one često emocionalno neprihvatljive. Tu nikakvi argumenti ne pomažu. Inercija na promjene u društvu nije ništa drugo nego posljedica zavjere autoriteta kroz cjelokupnu povijest čovječanstva. Danas usvojeno znanje još uvijek ima zadatak učiniti ljude pokornim sljedbenicima autoriteta.


To je razlog što poslije petnaest godina promoviranja ideje kako izgraditi dobro društvo nisam uspio zainteresirati ljude. I da paradoks bude veći to se sve događa u vrijeme političke, ekonomske i moralne krize u svijetu, kada veliki broj ljudi traži izlaz i ne može ga naći jer ne postoji druga ideja osim moje koja može formirati dobro društvo. Na žalost bit će potrebno puno vremena da se put u dobro društvo prihvati.



Isus Krist je rekao

Isus Krist je rekao: »Ja sam put, istina i život; niko ne dolazi Ocu osim kroz Mene.« (Ivan 14,6). Drugim riječima, ljudi mogu stići do Boga Oca samo slijedeći volju Isusa Krista koja je definirana u Bibliji. Analiza riječi Isusa Krista nedvojbeno pokazuje da je cilj Isusa Krista formiranje dobrog čovjeka i dobrog društva.

Isus Krist je kroz Bibliju usmjerio mnoge ljude na dobar put ali nije uspio usmjeriti cijelo društvo na dobar put jer dobro društvo nikada nije uspostavljeno. Biblija je trebala znatno bolje definirati put u dobro društvo. Ja sam to učinio. U svojoj knjizi Humanizam prikazao sam jedini put koji može riješiti sve društvene probleme. Da li to znači da put do Boga Oca za cijelo društvo, vodi samo preko mene?

Ako je Biblija u pravu kada tvrdi da će Isus Krist pri slijedećem dolasku učiniti raj na Zemlji i ako sam ja u pravu kada tvrdim da je raj na Zemlji moguć samo kroz put koji sam ja predložio, tada sam ja Isus Krist. Ovo bi trebao biti dovoljno jak razlog kršćanima da temeljito ispitaju moj rad.

My Debt to Yugoslavia

My Debt to Yugoslavia

I wrote this long article about the war in Yugoslavia because the truth about it has still not been revealed. Left is the map of Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1991. It had six republics and two autonomous provinces.


If a man lives well in his homeland, he normally loves it. So I loved Yugoslavia. Evil people attacked it. It hurt me a lot. I used arguments to defend Yugoslavia to the extent of my abilities. Unfortunately, my words did not reach many people, so I couldn’t help. I have been a witness to the great injustice that the Western world imposed on Yugoslavia. I immediately realized that it could not have been a coincidence. Still, I did not know who was behind it, so I began my research with the causes and responsibilities for the war in Yugoslavia. Here, I briefly summarize the most important observations, which are mostly unknown to the public.


In 1990, aggression was committed against Yugoslavia. It lasted for ten years. In this essay, I will try to present the fact that the Rothschild family committed aggression. I wrote more about the Rothschild family in the article Has the Antichrist Come? The Rothschild family has built such enormous economic power in the last two hundred years that it can control the governments of Western countries. They are trying to put the whole world under their control. And so the time came for Yugoslavia. The result of my investigation is presented in the order in which the understanding dawned on me. I wrote it with the idea of making tomorrow better.




People in Yugoslavia used to live quite well before 1990. The living standard was relatively high, and relations between people from the six republics with their six nations and three religions were usually harmonious. These people mainly belong to the Slavonic group and mostly spoke Serbo-Croatian. There was a gap between the rich and the poor, but it was insignificant. Education was free. Health care was covered. One felt safe wherever he went, not only because of the great police but also because people in the surroundings were generally peaceful.


Yugoslavia had a sound system, but it was still far from ideal. Yugoslavia was a socialist country with social ownership of the means of production, giving people economic security. But, that security somewhat obscured freedom. Life in Yugoslavia was ideological and bureaucratic. The socialistic system protected workers by privileging all workplaces. This caused irresponsibility in the production process from the level of workers to the level of management, which systematically damaged companies. That irresponsibility of the people was one of the reasons that led to the fall of Yugoslavia. The slower economy lowered workers’ purchasing ability compared to more developed capitalistic countries where job responsibilities were better defined. Even though the income was still higher than that of workers in less developed capitalist countries worldwide, it all led to people’s dissatisfaction. At the federal level, all decisions were made by consensus of the representatives of republics, which was not easy to reach. The whole country would suffer inconveniences if the decision could not be made.


This situation followed political pressures from the West supported by economic blackmail that destabilized Yugoslavia. Here, I quote an excerpt from the book “A Century of War: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World Order” by William F. Engdahl, which refers to the situation in Yugoslavia in these times:


Under the IMF policies, the Yugoslavian GDP sank in 1990 by 7.5 percent and by another 15 percent in 1991. Industrial production plunged 21 percent. The IMF demanded wholesale privatization of state enterprises. The result was the bankruptcy of more than 1,100 companies by 1990 and more than 20 percent unemployment. The economic pressure on the various regions of the country created an explosive cocktail. Predictably, amid growing economic chaos, each region fought for its own survival against its neighbours. Leaving nothing to chance, the IMF ordered all wages to be frozen at 1989 levels, while inflation rose dramatically, leading to a fall in real earnings of 41 percent by the first six months of 1990. By 1991, inflation was over 140 percent. In this situation, the IMF ordered full convertibility of the dinar and the freeing of interest rates. The IMF explicitly prevented the Yugoslav government from obtaining credit from its own central bank, crippling the ability of the central government to finance social and other programs. This freeze created a de facto economic secession, well before the formal declaration of secession by Croatia and Slovenia in June 1991.


The last prime minister of Yugoslavia, Ante Marković, tried to repair the situation in 1990 by accepting the West’s demands and introducing capitalism. He said that such changes required naturally free parliamentary elections, and he worked to implement them.


The dissatisfaction of the people and the liberal movement created under the pressure of the West became ideal for great manipulators, nationalists and criminals who, to win the support of their people, transferred the sources of the problem to Yugoslavia. At that time, I still did not know that the “new world order” gave financial and political support to the worst people in all the republics to initiate fights among the peoples and thus weaken Yugoslavia. They achieved the greatest success in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, which is why bloody wars took place there. With the help of corrupt leaders, the “new world order” intended to achieve Yugoslavia’s political and economic colonization. It was nothing but crime.


The economic irresponsibility of the people of Yugoslavia found its resonance in political irresponsibility when, through the manipulation of the “new world order,” all republics except Serbia and Montenegro replaced the government, electing leaders with bad intentions toward Yugoslavia. The newly elected leaders demanded control over the republic’s resources and accused Yugoslavia of the inconveniences of living together. They immediately sabotaged the program of Federal Prime Minister Ante Marković, which would undoubtedly introduce Yugoslavia into the EU. Thus, the conflict between the republics arose, leading to the Yugoslavia war.


Soon, the new leaders in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia announced referendums on secession from Yugoslavia. Their results showed that most people from these republics wanted to secede from Yugoslavia. The Serbs did not wish to secede because they lived in significant numbers in almost all the republics of Yugoslavia. The republics were created under the control of President Tito, who divided the Serbs among the Republics much more than the other nations because they were the most numbered people. This way, the policy of world imperialists, called the “New World Order,” has formed great irresponsibility of the people for their futures and successfully prepared the ground for their conquests.


The leaders of the separatist republics declared their independence from Yugoslavia. They called upon the constitutional rights of their republics, which stated that nations were entitled to their self-determination for secession from Yugoslavia. The problem is that nothing inside the constitution law determined how to achieve withdrawal. The secessionists worried about the Yugoslav Constitution Law, which demanded that a consensus of the representatives of all nations must adopt all decisions related to the country’s fate. According to the Constitution of the SFRY, the secession of republics was possible only after establishing an agreement between the representatives of the republics. Taking into account that this obligation did not suit secessionists well, they got the idea that Yugoslavia no longer needed to exist because four of the six republics wanted secession. I think that in those times, the majority of the inhabitants of Yugoslavia would have supported the survival of Yugoslavia. Still, the people of Yugoslavia were never asked about their fate.


World imperialists, through full control over public information, misled the world about the reasons for the crisis in Yugoslavia, which was, of course, a form of support to secessionists and pressure on the authorities in Yugoslavia. Then, under the influence of world imperialists, all the countries around the world recognized the secession of the Yugoslav republics even though it was in contradiction with international law. The Helsinki Convention expressly forbids the violent change of borders in Europe.


Then, secessionists persistently worked on eliminating Yugoslavia. The United Nations supported this, and finally, Yugoslavia was removed from the UN. Yugoslavia had to ask for re-admission to the UN. The world powers exercised their power by imposing unjust precedents on Yugoslavia. In any case, the demand for the abolition of Yugoslavia was an aggression against Yugoslavia. It also denied the Serbs the democratic right to remain in the country they wanted.


People from secessionist republics naively received strong support from the “New World Order” with sincere gratitude. The World imperialists masterfully realized the old tested formula “divide and conquer.” The secessionist countries were immersed in bloody civil wars, which set them back decades. If we exclude the privileged members of society, all these nations already live worse than they had lived in Yugoslavia, and the imperialist world benefits from it.


I was against the dissolution of Yugoslavia, but I would not have felt threatened or been severely against it if it happened peacefully. The leaders of the republics who avoided a peaceful agreement and dissolution of the crisis in Yugoslavia were implicitly advocating the war. War brings out the worst kind of people who create the worst atrocities. These leaders had to know that, and that is why I consider them responsible for all the crimes that happened in Yugoslavia.




In the summer of 1991, the Slovenian government declared independence and cut all ties with Yugoslavia. It took off the frontier symbols of Yugoslavia and announced that Yugoslavia no longer resided there. Given that it had not established an agreement on the secession of Slovenia at the Yugoslav level, this act was an aggression against Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav Federal Army had the constitutional obligation to protect the territorial integrity of the country; therefore, a few days later, the YFA sent tanks to take the border crossing of Slovenia to Italy, Austria and Hungary. It was expected that the surprise and noise of powerful tank engines would do the job, so the army sent tanks without ammunition. However, the Slovenian territorial defence forces were not surprised at all and attacked the YFA with real ammunition.


Well-organized propaganda appeared throughout the world at that time that accused the communist army of attacking Slovenia. The YFA soldiers were members of all Yugoslav nations, and incidentally, almost all critical positions in Yugoslavia were held by Croats. The army commander, Veljko Kadijević, was half-Croat, half-Serb. This unnecessary war lasted ten days. A few dozen soldiers were killed in the war. The YFA had almost ten times more casualties than the Slovenian forces because it did not have explicit orders to fight in Slovenia. After establishing peace, the entire YFA withdrew from Slovenia.


The question is, why did Slovenia not request secession peacefully? No one would have opposed their request. I think that Milan Kučan, the President of Slovenia, gave some kind of answer to that. I listened to the news all day during that time. One morning, somewhere in the middle of the war, Kučan asked the YFA for a cease-fire. The next afternoon, he met in Austria with the Foreign Minister of Germany, Hans Dietrich Gensher. After that, he stated he did not want to cease fire anymore.




Croatia’s situation was much more complicated because over 600,000 Serbs lived there, or about 12% of the pre-war population. Besides Croats, the Serbs in Croatia were the constitutive people of Croatia, according to the Constitution Law of the Republic of Croatia, and they did not want to secede from Yugoslavia.


For this reason, the newly elected Parliament of the Republic of Croatia decided by majority vote to take constituting rights from the Serbs in Croatia and proclaim them as a minority. This could be called a democratic robbery of Serbs in the state of Croatia or a democratic crime. After that, the Serbs declared the part of Croatia where they had lived for centuries as a majority as the Republic of Srpska Krajina. The status of the new republic was not defined, but there was an idea that if Croatia remained in Yugoslavia, Srpska Krajina would stay in Croatia, but if Croatia separated from Yugoslavia, Srpska Krajina would separate from Croatia and join Yugoslavia.


Serbs still have memories of the Ustashe regime in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from World War II, which killed hundreds of thousands of Serbs. The new Croatian government tried to present Croatia to the world as a democratic country, but in practice, Croatia was a follower of the Independent State of Croatia, the racist genocide creation of Hitler in World War II. Croatian President Franjo Tuđman publicly said that the NDH was the eternal aspiration of the Croatian people. At the pre-election rally in 1990, Franjo Tuđman said that he was proud that his wife was neither Serb nor Jew. The new Croatian government introduced a new monetary bill called ‘Kuna’, which previously existed only in the NDH during the Second World War. In the Croatian cities of Zagreb, Split, Zadar, and Slavonski Brod, there is a street named after Mile Budak. He was a Croatian fascist ideologist in World War II who created a formula that stated a third of the Serbs in Croatia should be killed, one-third expelled, and the last third converted to the Catholic religion. It was not difficult for Serbs to recognize the new Croatian government, and they rebelled.


I lived in Croatia before the war started and witnessed the events there. The forces that lost World War II in Croatia were preparing revenge on Yugoslavia. Croats were preparing for the war quietly before openly speaking in the media. The new Government of Croatia did not even try to find any compromise with the Croatian Serbs. Still, it acquired weapons in Hungary and tried forcibly to recover the territorial integrity of the republic. After that, the Krajina Serbs received weapons from the territorial defence forces under the framework of the YFA and resisted the Croatian armed forces. The low-intensity struggles started, and the YFA preserved the lines of separation.


In Croatia, I worked as a fire protection inspector for the Interior Affairs of the City of Zagreb. One day, on the eve of the war, my colleague came back from a meeting with the senior police chief and transferred the message to our department in which there were about 20 inspectors – quote: “If any of you are members of the Serbian Democratic Party, you will be shot in the head.” All the policemen in Croatia probably heard this message. I have never been a party member, but this was too much for me. I resigned from the job and immediately left Croatia. While working as a police inspector in public companies, I often communicated with the company’s referents for national defence. I heard from them that the Croatian Government was preparing a massive mobilization for the war in which I did not want to participate in any way. I was right. Very soon after I departed from Croatia, I received a call for war mobilization. Many Serbs left Croatia because of this; many Croats did as well. Then, the Republic of Srpska Krajina prepared the war mobilization of people. Many Croats left Krajina because of it, and some Serbs as well.


Now, you might be thinking that my colleague’s statement about getting shot in the head was a stylistic figure, far from it. Not a few months passed since my refuge when a man appeared on Serbian television who claimed that the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Croatia, Milan Brezak, hired him to kill the President of Srpska Krajina, Milan Babić. As evidence, a recorded telephone conversation between them was presented. The opposition in Serbia quickly declared that the telephone conversation was a forgery done by President Slobodan Milošević. However, it was not a forgery. In fact, I recognized the voice of the telephone operator in the Republic Internal Affairs of Croatia.


The Croatian Government needed heavy weapons to return its lost territory of Srpska Krajina, and the guns were already there in Croatia, located in the YFA barracks. Therefore, it prepared an attack on the YFA barracks, accusing the YFA of the aggression and the loss of their territory. The attack occurred on 25.08.1991. At that time, Croatian television proudly reported that on the first day of the war, 90% of the YFA objects fell to Croatia. That was true, but they were mostly abandoned buildings or facilities with little or no YFA soldiers. The YFA barracks were too hard to capture because they had heavy weapons and responded forcefully, although the soldiers were mainly recruited eighteen-year-olds. After that, the YFA had no choice but to free its army by attacking the Croatian armed forces. It began in September of 1991 and ended with the destruction of Vukovar and the siege of Dubrovnik. Well-organized world propaganda accused the Serbs of the war in Croatia.


The YFA had always been preparing for aggression from outside, and it was incapable and unprepared for what followed. One YFA soldier dissatisfied with how the war in Vukovar was led took an armoured vehicle and went to Belgrade, where he smashed several parked cars to attract attention to his revolt. Nothing happened to him. A few months later, one American soldier in the United States did the same thing during peacetime conditions and got shot in the head without warning. That is the way most developed democratic countries solve such problems. That is how they “protect” human rights; thus, there are no rebellions.


The new Croatian government made master imputations. For example, on October 7, 1991, an explosion in the courtyard in the middle of the “Banski Dvori” palace in Zagreb demolished it. At this time, the Croatian President, Franjo Tuđman, Yugoslav President Stjepan Mesić, and the Yugoslav Prime Minister, Ante Marković (all Croats), were in the palace. Croatian authorities have accused the Yugoslav Federal Army of the attempted assassination of the democratically elected Croatian leaders. The YFA denied any involvement. 


The Croatian government dragged out the investigation into the explosion in “Banski dvori.” Still, it did not show the basic information about where the explosions took place and what damages each explosion caused, as if it had no interest in showing the case. So, an independent observer cannot conclude whether the explosion was planted by the Croatian government to accuse the JFA or whether it was caused by a bomb or a rocket fired from a JFA plane. But President Tuđman knew when and where the explosion would occur.


Nobody was hurt inside the heavily demolished palace “Banski Dvori” despite being full of people, although a random passerby was killed. How is it possible? On that day, many senior employees of the “Banski Dvori” did not come to work, which is very strange, mainly because the President and Prime Minister of Yugoslavia came from Belgrade as guests. Before the explosion, Franjo Tudjman and his guests stayed in the large reception room. The room had two doors. One was destroyed in the blast, and the other was intact, beside which they all were sitting. Behind this door were two large safes in the middle of the next room. The Croatian TV immediately broadcast it after the explosion. The security staff member said the blast had moved these safes, which sounded illogical since chairs were not moved around. I immediately noticed that the safes were placed there to prevent the explosion from hurting President Tudjman and his guests. However, a change of plan occurred, and they all left the room just before the explosion and went to the opposite part of the “Banski Dvori,” where they could not be harmed. This is presented in Croatia as a miracle, but I am convinced everything was planned.


Who might have profited from the explosion? The next day, Franjo Tudjman, under the pressure of this act, declared the independence of the Republic of Croatia. He also attracted many undecided Croats to his nationalist side and displayed the Yugoslav Federal Army as a gang of murderers. The Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, Ante Marković, returned to Belgrade to his alleged assassins the next day after the attack. It all says to me that the explosion in the Croat President’s Palace in Zagreb was most likely the work of the President of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman. If the JFA carried out an airplane attack on the Banske Dvore, President Tuđman must have organized it with the help of an agent provocateur in the JFA, or he was helped by foreign secret services that had their agents in the JFA.


On December 7, 1991, five members of the special police unit of the Croatian Republic killed the Zec family with a 14-year-old daughter just because they were Serbs. They hadn’t even tried to hide their bodies; they just threw them in the dump. The murderers smoothly acknowledged all that they did to the Croatian Court but were released due to irregular judicial procedures. The irregularity consisted of the fact that the lawyer of the accused was not present in their interrogation. To me, the explanation was a transparent forgery. No one readily admits to killing if it is not part of a secret plan. That’s why I think that the court had no intention to punish the murderers at all. The case was supposed to show the Serbs that the laws in Croatia were unrelated to them and that they should leave Croatia. After that, Croatian President Franjo Tuđman gave a medal for a heroic act in the war to Siniša Rimac, who was one of the killers of the Zec family.


In Croatia, such an ugly situation has been made for the Serbs that two of about twenty of my former colleagues who were Serbs and worked with me in the Inspectorate for fire protection in Zagreb committed suicide or are presented like they committed suicide.


During the war in Croatia, the EU and the UN offered help to stop the fight. Many truces were established, but only when Croatia recognized that it could not win the YFA was the so-called Cyrus Vance plan accepted. Representatives of Yugoslavia, Croatia, Srpska Krajina and the UN signed the plan. According to this plan, the YFA withdrew from Croatia, Srpska Krajina was disarmed and came under the protection of UN military forces until the problem between the Serbs and Croats would be resolved through negotiations.


When peace was established, the Vatican and Germany committed unnecessary aggression on Yugoslavia silently in January 1992 by supporting the violent secession and recognizing Slovenia and Croatia as independent states. Was it revenge from World War II when Germany formed the Independent State of Croatia? However, other countries have followed suit. Thus, the borders of Yugoslavia have not been changed peacefully through mutual negotiations as required by international law (UN, Helsinki Convention) and the Constitution of the SFRY, but forcefully through international recognition of illegal secession.


Newly recognized Croatia did not accept anything less than the full reintegration of the Serb Krajina, which the Serbs refused to take. In 1995, the Croatian government mobilized the army to capture the territory of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, even though it was under UN protection. I don’t think something like that would have been possible without the support of more significant powers. At the time of the Croatian Army’s attack, named Operation “Storm,” NATO aircraft destroyed Serbian communication and radars “by mistake.” According to Cyrus Vance Plan, Yugoslavia had an obligation to protect the Srpska Krajina in case Croatia attacked it. Still, probably due to pressures from outside, that was not done. Serbian Krajina had a vast desert territory and fewer people than Croatian mobilized soldiers. Serbian Krajina could not defend itself, so the inhabitants left it.


The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights claims that during Operation Storm, 677 civilians were killed, mostly older people who did not want to leave their homes. The Veritas Documentation-Information Center lists 1,205 killed or missing Serbian civilians, among them 522 women and 12 children. Twenty thousand houses were destroyed or burned. The regime of President Tuđman ruined the birth house of the famous Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla in the village of Smiljan. His relatives in this village were already dead. They were killed by the Ustase regime in August of 1941, together with 500 other Serbs of this village.


This picture has not been presented anywhere in global news media. Why? The international community, very concerned when the YFA started to crush the Croat armed rebellion, was indifferent when the Serbs suffered aggression. This was the most significant departure in Europe since the Second World War, in which 200,000 Serbs, whose ancestors lived in Croatia for centuries, left Krajina in 1995. This picture has not been presented anywhere in global news media. Why? Today, 400,000 fewer Serbs live in Croatia than before the war. Two-thirds of Serbs left Croatia, or 8% of the Croatian population.


The Croats should have had the right to self-determination like any other nation. But after the crimes they committed against the Serbian people in WWII, they had to do it through negotiations with the Serbs. Instead, they expelled the Serbs from the Croatian constitution, threatened them, attacked them and exiled them from the Croatian state. Croatia is a criminal creation supported by the most powerful countries and the UN. How is it possible?


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia and Herzegovina had three constituent peoples: Muslims, who are since 1992 officially called Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. With this respect, the decisions related to the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be taken by consensus of representatives from all three nations. It was not suitable for Croats and Bosniaks, so they decided the fate of Bosnia-Herzegovina by the democratic majority. Bosnians wanted an independent Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Croats only understood the secession from Yugoslavia as the first step. The second step is supposed to be the secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina to join Croatia, but the connection is not made yet. Due to the complicated situation, the agreement on the Yugoslav level, where such problems under the Constitution of Yugoslavia had to be solved by consensus of the nations, was the only reasonable solution. However, the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina chose war.


The newly elected Bosnian government wanted to rule the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but Serbs and Croats did not agree to that. Then, an informal division of Bosnia started on the territory where the nations had a vast majority. However, small fights started for areas where the regions were mixed.


To prevent war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in March of 1992, the EU proposed a solution to the crisis in BH through a so-called Cutiller plan. Representatives of all the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina accepted the agreement and signed it in Lisbon, Portugal. This made peace in BH. After that, the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegović, spoke with the U.S. ambassador in Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmerman, and told him he was not satisfied with the plan. Then, the American ambassador encouraged Alija Izetbegović to withdraw his signature from the agreement, which he did. Immediately after that, the fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina continued, but negotiations in Lisbon did not stop.


In April 1992, the U.S. and the EU recognized the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It seems that they did not care about establishing a peaceful solution there. It was irrelevant to them that the government of BH in Sarajevo did not have control, even in the whole of Sarajevo. It was not an essential fact to them that 1,500,000 Serbs, or one-third of the Bosnian Herzegovinan population, did not want to secede from Yugoslavia. It was not an essential fact to them that all sides of the conflict were armed. They had to know that their recognition had to lead to war, and they did know it. That was the policy of evil intentions toward everyone living there. Why?


Until the recognition of the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the YFA was normally at home in BH. However, it was treated as an aggressor on territory under the control of Bosniaks and Croats. In May of 1992, the YFA agreed with the Bosnian authorities to withdraw its troops from the barracks in Sarajevo and Tuzla, which were in the territory of Bosniaks’ control. On that occasion, the Bosnian army attacked the YFA vehicles and killed one hundred and one young soldiers and their elders. Television cameras recorded it all. Please click to see this video document: YFA Convoy attacked in Tuzla. These were the first vast crimes committed on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The international community hardly recorded it, and the criminals have never been trialled or charged in court. The Yugoslav Federal Army did not respond to the massacres in any way, even though it had the right to do so because it was attacked.


But the Serbs in Bosnia were not obliged to rest. In war, there is no possibility to blame and punish individuals for the atrocities done, so the crimes of individual blame go to their people. The Serbs owned a majority of the heavy weapons of the YFA that were located in Bosnia and Herzegovina because the Croatian and Bosnian soldiers and officers deserted from the YFA, leaving the heavy weapons to the Serbs. If the separation and division of Yugoslavia were performed peacefully, the people would share all weapons. By possessing heavy weapons, Serbs in Bosnia occupied the territory they considered belonged to them relatively quickly. That is the reason well-organized propaganda around the world declared Serbs as aggressors.


The UN, led by the United States, accused Yugoslavia of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia was called to stop; otherwise, it would face UN economic sanctions. While Yugoslavia did cooperate with the Bosnian Serbs at that time, it had no power to command them. Also, the Serbs in Bosnia did not have a significant interest in attacking them because they had mostly realized their war goals. Yugoslavia could not stop the Bosnian and Croatian army operations that were far more severe because they did not achieve their war goals. That was the reason the Bosnian government did not want to negotiate peace. The Bosnian authorities were those who did not allow anyone to leave Sarajevo. It was convenient for the Bosnian government to act like victims, but they did not suffer in any way. Bosniaks suffered quite a lot, the same as the Croats and Serbs.


Shortly after the ultimatum, a massacre took place in Sarajevo on Vase Miskina Street, where an explosion killed 17 people (Bosnians and Serbs) and wounded about a hundred. All Bosnian media, even today, unanimously accuse the Serbs of it. The Serbs have denied guilt the whole time, and even today, say that the Bosniaks made the explosion for the Serbs to be accused. In favour of it was that the Bosnian television cameras came to the crime site in less than one minute. I would like to ask Bosnian authorities how that was possible. An independent investigation was never conducted. I think that the truth has to be found because otherwise, there would forever remain two versions of the massacre and the antagonism between the Serbs and Bosnians. If we judge it according to who made profits from that massacre, then the answer is the Bosnian government. After the recognition of the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the EU and the U.S., Bosniaks lost interest in the negotiations about the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Lisbon. The massacre in Sarajevo gave them an excuse to stop the talks. The Serbs were declared criminals all over the world, and the UN economic sanctions were imposed on Yugoslavia. After that, all the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina were tortured for three years because the national leaders did not give up on their demands.


News February 2, 2014, The ICTY Tribunal in Hague: The grenades at Sarajevo Markale market (1994) were not shelled by Serbs but by the Muslim Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A former Bosnian Muslim policeman who was a protected witness at the Hague Tribunal stated during his testimony in defence of Radovan Karadžić that the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovinafired the grenades at market Markale in Sarajevo by order of then-leader Alija Izetbegović, in Winter of 1994, which murdered 66 and left 140 people injured.



Now, I will say a few words about the Serbian crimes. Local Serbs killed two hundred wounded Croatian soldiers captured in the Vukovar hospital after the fall of Vukovar.


It was revenge. The executors of the crime were punished by lengthy prison sentences, but the order creator for this crime was not found. To me, the command to kill looks like a fraud of foreign secret services. Anyhow, the local Serbs were to blame. The YFA did not respond to it even though it had to because it commanded the entire operation. Although the Yugoslav Army had intense moral training, in practice, the morale declined together with the fall of Yugoslavia. Since the YFA did not react to it, the killing of prisoners spread to Bosnia and Herzegovina. This led to the greatest shame for the Serbian people. This originated with the massacre in Srebrenica.


Srebrenica is a town in eastern Bosnia where mostly Bosniaks lived in the early 1990s. During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the United Nations, led by the United States, declared the city an UN-protected zone. Srebrenica was supposed to be demilitarized then, but it was not. Srebrenica thus became a safe place for Bosniaks who attacked neighbouring Serb villages, where, according to the Serbian Orthodox Church, they killed 3,287 Serbs from 1992 to 1995. The Serbs had to stop the killings, so they attacked and occupied Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. On that occasion, the Serbs allegedly killed 8,000 Muslim prisoners.


The massacre did occur, but Canadian General Lewis MacKenzie, the first commander of the UN protection force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, claims the number of Bosniaks killed was much lower. After several years of investigation, a list of over 2,000 murdered Bosniaks found in and around Srebrenica has been submitted to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This number also includes casualties during three years of intense fighting. The perpetrators of that crime were Serbs who took revenge for the death of friends and relatives killed by Bosniaks. Also, a list of about 5,000 Bosniaks reported missing was submitted to the court in The Hague. According to the Bosnian side, 6,066 victims of “genocide” were buried in the memorial center in Potočari near Srebrenica, while according to the Serbs, that number is exaggerated.


The International Court of Justice in The Hague has accused Serb leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radovan Karadžic and Ratko Mladić, of ordering the killing of captured Bosniaks. Analyzing the propaganda of the Western world, it is evident that this accusation was aimed at subduing the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Strategically, such an order would be insane and counterproductive when the whole world was watching what the Serbs were doing in Bosnia. Logic says that Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić had no interest in ordering such a crime. However, they are responsible because they led an army over which they did not have enough control.


Norwegian film directors Ola Flium and David Habdich investigated the Srebrenica massacre and made a documentary about it, A Town Betrayed. The film can be viewed on YouTube. Among other things, the film shows the statement of former Srebrenica police chief Hakija Meholjić, who, along with other Bosnian delegates, attended a meeting with Alija Izetbegović in Sarajevo. The meeting took place two years before the Srebrenica massacre. In the film, at 28:10, Meholjić reports on what President Izetbegović told them in a closed meeting before the main session. President Izetbegović said: “President Clinton suggested to me that if Chetniks (Serbs) enter Srebrenica and kill 5,000 Muslims, there will be military intervention by NATO forces at Serb positions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. What do you think about that?”


President Izetbegović could not have had any interest in inventing this, so it could be assumed that President Clinton actually said this. This statement is no surprise because the US administration was openly on the Bosniak side, trying to subdue the disobedient Serbs who resisted their domination. The only surprising fact is that President Clinton was very precise in naming the city of Srebrenica and the required number of Bosniaks killed. It sounds like it was part of an elaborate plan. It is also astonishing that this event happened two years later, precisely as President Clinton portrayed it. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze how President Clinton could have foreseen this crime.


The offer made by President Izetbegović assumed that the Bosnian military forces would withdraw from Srebrenica, which happened on the order of President Alija Izetbegović. Thus, Bosniaks remained unprotected so that Serb troops could kill them. This is precisely what happened, although there are different versions of that event. But how could President Clinton know in advance that Serbian forces would commit such a crime? Serbs have never done anything like this in their entire history. President Clinton could only know that a massacre would happen if his people organized it. America had to have its agent in the Serb forces who organized the killings of Bosniaks while Serbian Army General Ratko Mladic was in Belgrade.


Who could that agent be? General Momčilo Perišić was captured on March 14, 2002, during a secret meeting with US diplomat John David Neighbor at the Šarić Motel on the Ibar Highway in Serbia. According to the official report on the case, General Perišić handed Neighbor secret military documents showing the Serbian army’s involvement in the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both were immediately arrested, but Neighbor was soon released because he had diplomatic immunity. On February 5, 2021, the High Court in Belgrade sentenced Momčilo Perišić, former Chief of Staff of the Yugoslav Army and former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, to three years in prison for handing over state secrets to the United States in 2002.


But why would General Perišić betray his homeland? The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Hague, in one of the last indictments in February 2005, General Perišić was indicted for murder, inhumane acts, persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, extermination, attacks on civilians for failing to stop his subordinates of committing the siege of Sarajevo, Zagreb rocket attack and Srebrenica massacre. On September 6, 2011, the court in Hague sentenced General Perišić to 27 years in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


The accusations against General Perišić were known ten years earlier when the Americans were already in conflict with Yugoslavia, so they needed a traitor in the Serbian army to provide them with the necessary information. Therefore, they could offer General Perišić a waiver of responsibility for the Hague charges in exchange for cooperation, and General Perišić could accept that. That could be the reason why, two years later, on February 28, 2013, the Appeals Chamber of the Hague Tribunal ruled that Momčilo Perišić was not responsible for war crimes committed by the Bosnian Serb Army in Sarajevo and Srebrenica because they were not under Yugoslav command. Thus, the Hague Tribunal annulled the previous sentence of 27 years in prison and acquitted Momčilo Perišić of all charges in the wars in Yugoslavia.


That was a precedent that did not happen to other Serbian generals. That precedent may indicate that the United States used its influence in the International Court of Justice in Hague to help its agent. Now, when the Norwegian documentary “A Betrayed City” shows that Presidents Clinton and Izetbegović were able to organize the Srebrenica massacre, it is essential to investigate General Perišić’s possible involvement in the massacre.


General Momčilo Perišić might have become a traitor to the Serbs in Bosnia seven years before he was captured in Serbia. The Americans could not find a more suitable person in Bosnia and Herzegovina than General Perišić because he was the most influential Yugoslav general in the Serbian Republic and probably the only general who would have the power to impose the massacre of Bosniaks in Srebrenica. But, of course, General Perišić certainly did not do that voluntarily. Once a traitor to his homeland begins to cooperate with the Americans, he has no choice but to listen to the Americans.


But even if General Perišić did not organize the murder of Bosniaks, someone had to organize a systematic killing of such magnitude. Serbs had no good reason to organize it. It could only be organized by a Serb traitor in Bosnia. It should still be assumed that the Americans have found a traitor among the Serbs because they benefited from it. Besides, It is the standard American procedure in all conflicts. It can be determined who ordered the killings because it is not difficult to follow the track of the command to the organizers. Some Serbs certainly know who did it, but they cover it in solidarity, believing they resist the enemy. If one starts from the assumption that America organized the murder of Bosniaks, the investigation will name a Serbian traitor, whoever it was. That would redeem the Serbian reputation in Bosnia to some extent.


The accusation against the Serbs gave NATO an excuse to start bombing the Serbs in Bosnia. A month later, the Croatian Army carried out an aggression called Storm on Srpska Krajina, which was also protected by the UN, and on that occasion, it killed 1,268 Serbs while 1,080 went missing, but NATO did not respond to it at all. Why does NATO have double standards? NATO did not stop bombing the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the Serbs signed a peace agreement in Dayton. Thus, the war ended in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By the Dayton Agreement, the Serbs got the recognition of the Serbian Republic and 49% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was approximately what they were offered by the Cutiller plan that they accepted before the beginning of the war. So why, then, was the war waged?




The U.N. economic sanctions imposed on Yugoslavia because of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina closed plants and led to the collapse of the Serbian and Montenegrin economies. Economic sanctions had a more substantial impact on the economy than war. Legal trade traffic across the border of Yugoslavia was utterly suspended, and all business operations had to go through smuggling tracks. Yugoslavia started to depend on criminals. That is how world powers today destroy disobedient states. This whole time, Yugoslavia took care of about an average of 500,000 refugees who had been expelled or run away from the secessionist republics.


Serbia and Montenegro remained under UN economic sanctions even after the peace agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 1995. Why? The UN did not give a definite answer, but there were insinuations that the unsolved problem with Kosovo and Metohija still existed. Serbs consider Kosovo and Metohija the cradle of their nation and their culture. Almost all Serbian medieval Monasteries are located there, while traces of old Albanian culture do not exist. It says to the Serbs that they are native people of Kosovo and Metohija and that it belongs to them.


The problems in Yugoslavia started in Kosovo and Metohija in the eighties. According to the Constitution of Kosovo and Metohija, which was created under the control of Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito in 1974, the province of Kosovo and Metohija has formally been in Serbia. Still, it has the same rights in Yugoslavia as the Republic of Serbia, or sometimes even higher. The province of Kosovo and Metohija made all decisions on its own, while Serbia had to establish consensuses with its provinces for some matters to make decisions.


Kosovo and Metohija was a very underdeveloped province which was receiving significant financial assistance from all of Yugoslavia. Nevertheless, the communist government of the province was not successful in initiating the development of the economy. So Kosovo and Metohija became a bottomless pit, and its prosperity could not be seen anywhere. Such a situation was dissatisfactory to all of Yugoslavia, including the people of Kosovo and Metohija. This led to the development of nationalist movements in Kosovo and Metohija, which was aiming for the province’s independence. At that time, The journey towards independence was based on Albanians’ high birthrate. On the other hand, the Serbs had been leaving Kosovo and Metohija, either because they received a good redemption price for their properties from the Albanians or because they felt threatened in the province where Albanians, in the year 1990, had nearly 90% of the population.


Then, Slobodan Milošević entered the scene. Instead of developing the economy of Serbia and having good relations with the Albanians to solve problems, he responded to Albanian nationalism with strong Serbian nationalism. He organized massive rallies supporting its policy. After that, Slobodan Milošević requested that the Communist leadership of Kosovo and Metohija returns the constitutional functions to the Republic of Serbia that Tito gave them in 1974. Under intense pressure from the Serbian nationalist movement in 1989, the Parliament of Kosovo and Metohija returned it. It was a Pyrrhic victory for Slobodan Milosevic because the Albanians only increased their separatist tendencies after that. Also, strong nationalism in Serbia provoked nationalism in other republics of Yugoslavia. Thus, Slobodan Milošević increased the problems in Yugoslavia. I wouldn’t say that Slobodan Milošević had bad intentions toward anyone. He was just not capable enough of the challenges he met. His opposition to the world imperialists, while previously not having sufficient support at home and abroad, was a big mistake.


Regardless of the UN sanctions, Yugoslavia did not give up on its independent policy. It tried to establish some form of agreement with the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija on a shared future. Still, after the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the Albanians did not accept anything less than full independence, which Serbia could not allow. Then, somewhere in 1996, Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija began to get weapons, founded the Kosovo Liberation Army and started to kill the Serbian police. In 1998, the U.S. Government added the Kosovo Liberation Army to the list of terrorist organizations. However, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bissett, observed that “the American war against terrorism” was not affecting the KLA. Before the war in Kosovo, U.S. administration representative Richard Holbrook publicly met with the rebel leaders of the KLA in Kosovo, which at that time was on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations.


In early 1999, someone encouraged the inhabitants of the village of Račak, a strong base of supporters of the Kosovo Liberation Army, to attack the Yugoslav special police force. After the fierce battle, 45 Albanians were killed. These people have been sacrificed because they did not have any chance against the highly equipped and skilled Yugoslav special police forces. This period is very well displayed in these documentaries: NATO’s Illegal War Against Serbia and Lies About Kosovo War. These 45 dead Albanians helped NATO give an ultimatum to Yugoslavia by which Yugoslavia had to accept the occupation of NATO forces. Why, for example, did NATO not provide a warning to Bosnia and Herzegovina when the Bosnian army committed the massacre of one hundred and one soldiers of the Yugoslav Federal Army when they tried to withdraw from Tuzla and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina before the war even started? Yugoslavia refused NATO’s ultimatum in the town of Rambouillet in France, and that meant it would be attacked.


However, attacking an independent country that did not attack another is an imperialist crime, according to the UN Charter. Therefore, NATO tried to justify the aggression against Yugoslavia on charges that the Yugoslav Army slaughtered up to 100,000 Albanians and expelled up to 700,000 Albanians from Kosovo. They could not present any evidence for these accusations because none of them were right. The aggression is carried out exclusively by bombardment, so in its first mission, NATO became a terrorist organization. The aggression lasted 78 days. By the judgment of the District Court in Belgrade, No. 381/2000 of 21 September 2000, William Clinton, Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Antoni Blair, Robin Cook, George Robertson, Jacques Chirac, Hubert Vedrine, Alan Rishar, Gerhard Schroeder, Joseph Fisher, Rudolf Scharping, Javier Solana and Wesley Clark, were sentenced to a prison sentence of 20 years each for the NATO aggression that caused the death of 1,191 citizens of Yugoslavia and that demolished 25,000 houses, destroyed 78,000 industrial facilities and 66 bridges. People still die today from the radiation of the illegal uranium-enriched bombs NATO threw on Yugoslavia. Please watch the documentary Bombing of Serbia 1999 by Nemanja Trbojevic.


The war ended with the UN Peace Resolution 1244. According to it, the Yugoslav army withdrew from Kosovo, the administration of Kosovo was taken over by the UN, NATO was supposed to protect the inhabitants of Kosovo, and the future status of Kosovo should be determined by the negotiations between the Serbs and Albanians, respecting the integrity of Yugoslavia. However, the last conditions of the agreement did not occur. NATO did not protect the remaining Serbs in Kosovo. A former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bissett, claims that after the departure of the Yugoslav army, around 2,000 Serbs were killed in Kosovo, and the rest fled. Please watch the documentary Kosovo – Can You Imagine by Boris Malagurski, which shows the fate of Serbs in Kosovo after the NATO aggression. Western media has never announced the crimes against Serbs that were committed there. Why? The former war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte stated in her book The Hunt: Me and War Criminals that Kosovar Albanian guerrillas transported 300 Serbian prisoners to Albania, where they were killed and their organs removed and trafficked. If NATO carried out the aggression against Yugoslavia because of the 45 killed Albanians in Kosovo, why did it not attack Kosovo and Metohija for the crimes that Albanians in Kosovo committed against Serbs? If we take all of this into consideration, is Kosovo not a criminal creation of the Western world? On top of it all, the United States and most EU member states recognized the independence of Kosovo contrary to the UN Peace Resolution 1244.


Yugoslavia still has not been released from the UN economic sanctions. So what was the problem? The problem was the President of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milošević, who was propagated to be the primary blame for all the evil in Yugoslavia, had to fall. Rulers of the world managed to take Slobodan Milosevic out of power in 2000 when elections were held in Serbia. After about ten years of suffering, which the Serbian people were exposed to, the Serbs became tired. They gave more votes to Vojislav Koštunica, the leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia than to Slobodan Milosevic. However, Vojislav Koštunica did not receive more than 50% of the votes in the first round of the elections, so the second round of voting should have been held. The opposition in Serbia declared that the election result was a fraud and assisted by powers from outside the country, and they raised a violent revolution in Serbia. If the opposition went to the second round of the election, Vojislav Koštunica would have legally and peacefully won the democratic election. The powers from outside of the country wanted blood in Serbia. It did not happen just because Slobodan Milošević did not want it.


Slobodan Milošević was removed, then arrested and delivered to the International Court in Hague against the Constitutional Law of Yugoslavia. Now, it should be noted that the International Court in Hague is not legal because it was formed by the UN Security Council and not by the UN Assembly. The International Court in Hague was, in fact, created by the imperialist world to prevent any resistance to their hegemony. Thus, the criminal gets the legal right to condemn its victims.


Now, I have to say that Slobodan Milošević was sometimes arrogant as the President, which is not a wise characteristic of a politician, but he did not commit any crime. Please see the documentary: “SHOCKING: Slobodan Milošević was INNOCENT!” on YouTube in 5 parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The International Court in Hague came to the same conclusion eleven years later in the trial of General Ratko Mladic. Slobodan Milošević did not defend himself; he tried to protect his country. He did it very successfully, and because of this, he was systematically murdered there. The prosecutor did not have any proof of Slobodan Milošević’s guilt, so the court mistreated him for four years through an endless trial of war details not related to him. Slobodan Milošević had heart disease. Every medical doctor can confirm that the heavy stress of four years in court endangered his life. Before his death, he cried every day to receive help from an independent doctor but was rejected by the court, which resulted in the infarct from which he died.


Finally, by the enormous intervention of the world powers, obedient people came to power in Yugoslavia. Thus, in the end, Yugoslavia capitulated. Only then did the peace come. Only then were the UN sanctions lifted from Yugoslavia. In the end, Yugoslavia consisted of the Republics of Serbia and Montenegro only. It was such an unsuccessful creation that it could not survive. In 2003, it was entirely abolished by the wish of the Governments of Serbia and Montenegro. That is how my homeland was removed from the world map.


The aggression of the Rothschild family


All that I have written so far can be easily checked. So how come no one has displayed it to the world? I set myself simple questions:


Who has the power to dictate what the world media will publish?

Who has the power to present an entire nation unfairly?

Who has the power to impose economic sanctions to one nation unjustly?

Who has the power to remove a founder of the UN from the UN membership?

Who has the power to kill people in an international institution of justice?

Who has the power to make leaders of countries commit crimes?

Who has the power to profit from all of this?


Thus, a range of intense powers, including economy, military force, media, and politicians, which were used in the attack on Yugoslavia, says to me that there is a strong force that unites them. After a long period of study, I realized that the Rothschild family and their partners govern the world. I presented my findings in the article Has Antichrist Come? My observations fall into a conspiracy theory; however, have I not enclosed enough evidence that the conspiracy exists? Here is an enclosed YouTube video: Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve, which shows the basics of the theory of conspiracy quite convincingly.


The Rothschild family is primarily a banking family who first organized its operations around the world. They could not manage all their businesses, so they hired expert agents to lead their companies in their names. To stimulate these agents to earn more money, they receive small shares of the ownership and become partners. The Rothschilds have created the entire hierarchical structure of their partners through the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and still do today. Some people call this structure Masons, and the top of the hierarchical structure, Illuminati. The Rothschild family has learned that hiding their wealth behind their partners is better so that their power grows while they remain invisible. For almost 300 years, the Rothschild family and their partners could have bought half the world while no one knows it. Thus, the Rothschild family has built a power higher than the largest imperators in the history of humankind, and they rule the world imperceptibly. Being invisible, they cannot be called responsible when they cause evil around the world.


The agents of the Rothschild family do not spare money establishing control over the media since the media forms public opinion, and after that, they can virtually do whatever they want. The Rothschild family cannot redeem state media, but it still achieves control over it through governments, which the family puts under its control. This way, they have created propaganda in the whole world against Yugoslavia. One-sided coverage of the war in Yugoslavia around the globe is sufficient proof to me that there is an organization that controls world media. According to the data I have collected, the Rothschild family, with their partners, must have control over the organization.


If the owners of the world’s largest corporations, such as Rockefeller, Morgan, Goldberg, Wartburg, Goldman, etc. (who also hide their power) were independent of the Rothschild family, then they would, according to the competitive nature of entrepreneurs in capitalism, be confronting each other, but they don’t. Some rivals of the Rothschild family would have publicly disclosed the truth about the war in Yugoslavia, but it did not happen. It tells me that the old wealthy families have built a partnership with each other to control the world better. The Rothschild family is the leading family of the association because it stepped into the world market in an organized manner a hundred or more years before the partners mentioned above. I would like to stress again that this story is about a conspiracy. The leader of the world conspiracy cannot be David, the head of the Rockefeller family, because he is very exposed. He publicly tells the Presidents of the United States what they should do. The conspiracy leader must be someone who does not appear in public, like the head of the Rothschild family. His name is Jacob, and he is most famous for his love of art.


Through its agents, the Rothschild family helps the election campaign of influential politicians around the world so that the politicians obey them. Politicians do not have much choice. Anyone who does not follow the policy that conforms to the Rothschilds can be presented very critically in the media, which may quickly bring their career into question. I remember a very reasonable U.S. president, Jimmy Carter, whom the media has declared to be one of the least capable American presidents of all time, and that ended his career. Slobodan Milošević was not sufficiently aware of his enemies’ power, so he resisted them strongly. That is the reason he ended badly. People, please think a little bit about this; all the information you have received about Slobodan Milošević came from the people who attacked him. Is not this horrible? A former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bissett, claims that the charges against Slobodan Milosevic were pure fantasy. There is something even worse than that; James Bissett claims that George Soros funds the International Court in Hague. That means the people who judged Slobodan Milosevic are the same people who attacked him.


Yugoslavia resisted the world powers for eight years, and finally, the world powers lost their patience. When they presented Yugoslavia badly enough through their media, the world powers demanded the world politicians do something “in the name of justice.” In the beginning, “justice” was mainly based on the accusation of Yugoslavia and the illegal recognition of the secessionist republic independence. The demand for imposing UN economic sanctions on Yugoslavia passed relatively quickly. After that, the leaders of the Western countries received a request for military aggression against Yugoslavia. Here, Russia put a veto in the UN Security Council, however. Attacking an independent state without the consent of the United Nations was a crime. Therefore, this request could not be easily passed. Formally, US President Bill Clinton was supposed to launch the attack on Yugoslavia. Naturally, he resisted committing the crime. Then appeared the Monika Lewinsky case, where the media showed great interest in the sexual life of President Clinton, informing about it every day for more than a year. Then, the American Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court found the interest in the sexual life of the president of the US and subpoenaed him to testify about his sex life before the Grand Jury. Since when are the US Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court interested in the sexual life of the American president?


The answer is – from the moment Bill Clinton resisted committing the crime of aggression on Yugoslavia. President Clinton lied before the Grand Jury about his sex life, which is what most people would do in his place. And because he lied under oath about his sexual life, it led to charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and his impeachment. Bill Clinton’s sexual life might have removed him from the presidential position. Seriously?


Bill Clinton’s impeachment process was nothing else but blackmail. The blackmail forced President Clinton to lead the criminal NATO aggression on Yugoslavia or else face removal from his position. Of course, President Clinton preferred his job more than the lives of thousands of people and commanded the attack on Yugoslavia. The Lewinsky case was completely forgotten the moment that Bill Clinton decided to carry out military aggression against Yugoslavia. Now the question comes up: who has such a power to manipulate the American Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court and to blackmail the president of the United States? It is undoubtedly a powerful organization with exceptionally wealthy people. It narrows down people who may commit such a crime to a few, and the investigation should not have problems finding people responsible for it even though they hide their wealth and power of influence.


It should be pointed out that not all members of NATO bombarded Yugoslavia. The aggression committed: Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The aggression refused Greece, Island, and Luxembourg. Honour to them! All the presidents of states or governments who joined President Clinton in the aggression against Yugoslavia are also criminals. How might that be possible? Naturally, the Rothschild family has built conspiracys against humanity throughout the centuries, in which ignorance, lies, stupidity, immorality, fear, and corruption grow and then rule. Dear readers, you have received all the information about the war in Yugoslavia from the same people who started the aggression in the first place. Is this not a horrible fact?


The Rothschild family did not destroy Yugoslavia to give the Yugoslav people democratic rights. This, indeed, is not the case. It destroyed Yugoslavia to take control of the people of the former Yugoslavia easily. Through their agent “benefactor” for Eastern Europe, George Soros and his “open society,” the Rothschild family gave donations to the opposition of the Communist Party, which was in power in Yugoslavia. This opposition was interested in destroying Yugoslavia, mainly itself, so that the donors did not need to interfere much in their affairs. But there was coordination. Maybe you have not noticed, but the destruction waited in line, one after the other: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Metohija.


However, maybe some higher justice exists! Have you noticed that the chief domestic destroyers of Yugoslavia, Janez Drnovšek, Franjo Tuđman, Gojko Šušak, Alija Izetbegović and Ibrahim Rugova died of cancer? Coincidence? Please check how many national leaders die from cancer in any country around the world, and maybe you will then become aware of what a coincidence it should be. With this respect, if my name were Janez Janša, Milan Kučan Stjepan Mesić, Vladimir Šeks, Ejup Ganić, Haris Silajdžić, Hashim Thaçi, Ramush Hardinaj or so, I would check my health more often.


All the mentioned politicians were utterly united in the desire for their states to become members of the EU. However, the people of these states were not even close to having the united wish of joining the EU. Why did these politicians fight so hard to get out of one country and then hurry to join another? It is even stranger that Yugoslavia and the EU have no significant organizational differences. But that all is irrelevant to them. The only relevant fact to them is to be in the real center of attention because it gives them power. They know this can be achieved only by obeying the rules that higher powers preach. These people are interested just in naked power, and they realize it over the bodies of dead people.


The Rothschild family did not destroy Yugoslavia to leave the Yugoslav companies to free market either. Their agents attacked Yugoslavia from the inside. Who are these agents? They are the newly established owners of companies in all the republics of former Yugoslavia. They first conquered the media because they controlled public opinion. Now, whatever newspapers you read in the region of former Yugoslavia are under the control of the Rothschild family or follow the Rothschild family’s policies because they do not know what else to do.


All new tycoons who made fortunes from nothing are agents or partners of the Rothschild family, even though they might not be aware of it because they communicate with the lower agents of the Rothschild family only. The tycoons have received enormous amounts of money at their disposal to invest in everything that promises good business. They also have priorities in purchasing companies with the help of local politicians that they have corrupted. Even if these tycoons were successful businesspeople in socialist Yugoslavia, they were offered the recapitalization with a large sum of money and business connections that they could not refuse. Some petty thieves could independently have enriched themselves through the robbery of public property, but big thieves cannot survive long without the support of the Rothschild family. The Rothschild family, with its partners, keeps all significant roads of production under their control so that they can quickly push non-cooperative entrepreneurs out of the game. Thus, the colonization of all the republics of the former Yugoslavia was conducted.


Briefly about the reasons for the violent breakup of Yugoslavia


Yugoslavia was the country with the most developed socialist economy in the world. The Rothschild family tried to show that the results of socialism cannot be good, and they succeeded. Without Rothschilds, there would be no war in Yugoslavia. The war destroyed what the peoples of Yugoslavia had built for generations and jointly owned. The war broke business ties between the republics, the market decreased, and earnings decreased, so companies lost value and were sold cheaply to partners of the Rothschild family.


But why exactly were the Serbs to blame? When the Rothschild family does evil, they need someone to take the blame for them. What nation could be more suitable for the Rothschild family than the Serbs, who were the only ones to elect socialists in the whole of Eastern Europe? That’s why they had to get a particular lesson. But certainly, the worst thing for Yugoslavia was that it led to an independent policy, that Slobodan Milošević did not allow a rapid and uncontrolled transition to capitalism, that he did not allow social companies to be sold for nothing to the Rothschilds. This is why Slobodan Milošević had to fall.


World powers under the control of the Rothschilds made life miserable for all the peoples of Yugoslavia. When they finally imposed peace, all nations, except the Serbs, proclaimed them their saviours. All these nations are, in fact, grateful to their criminals, executioners, torturers, and thieves, even though they don’t know it. The most terrifying fact is that today, there is an entirely invisible force that can do evil to an entire country, destroy it, rob it and enslave it without anyone knowing anything about it.




This article has a significant shortage of evidence that proves a direct connection between the Rothschild family and the destruction of Yugoslavia. The Rothschild family does not appear in public, does not give statements, and does not leave visible written traces, so it is challenging to unmask them. I think that the Rothschild family can be easily connected to the war in Yugoslavia by conducting an investigation of the former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, for the criminal aggression on Yugoslavia in the International Court of Justice in Hague. But, oh well, the U.S. Government does not recognize the jurisdiction of the Court for its citizens. Was it not because this Court was unjust from the very beginning? Can any American court run an investigation of its former President? Theoretically, it can, but Americans are almost continuously aggressing other countries, and no president was ever called responsible for it. This world does not have a good defence from evil, especially not from such evil. That’s why we live in destructive times.


The other presidents of the states that have performed the aggression on Yugoslavia have just followed the media lynch demands, and except for British Prime Minister Tony Blair, they cannot blame Jacob Rothschild. I have presented here that the Western media covered the aggression on Yugoslavia like members of organized crime. The investigations against them could lead to Jacob Rothschild.


However, maybe the easiest way to connect Jacob Rothschild with the aggression on Yugoslavia is by proving that Slobodan Milošević was murdered in the International Criminal Tribunal in Hague. There is a basis for investigation against the doctors who have been caring for the heart disease of Slobodan Milošević in the court in Hague. Three months before his death, a medical check-up found traces of the medicine Rifampicin in his blood. It is a drug for leprosy and tuberculosis, which is known as a neutralizer of some effects of the medication Milošević received for his high blood pressure and a heart condition. Milošević was informed about it four days before his death when he stopped taking the medicine.


Finding the not-needed medicine in Milošević’s blood that reduces the drug’s effect on his heart condition could be characterized as a murder attempt. The investigation into why the medicine for leprosy and tuberculosis was traced in his blood was never performed. The court released notes that Slobodan Milošević had open access to medicine, so he was able to take it on his own. In other words, he may do it on purpose to kill himself. The investigation of Slobodan Milošević’s death did not consider that he cried to receive help from an independent doctor. The court rejected his request, and it resulted in the infarct from which he died. It is no surprise that the investigators concluded that Milošević died of a heart attack as a natural cause.


However, many doctors stated that his death would certainly be prevented by the routine operation of coronary angiography and stenting. This is an elementary medical proceeding of heart disease, which would save his life. His doctors have to answer why such a routine intervention of inserting stenting in his heart artery was not performed. More information can be found here: Death of Slobodan Milošević. The investigation against the Medical Officer of the Detention Unit, Dr. Paulus Falke, can show that somebody must have ordered his death, and that can lead to Jacob Rothschild.


A brief public appearance, which occurred four years ago in the home of Rothschild in England, could show how much power the Rothschild family possesses. In the next picture from left to right are Warren Buffet, currently “the richest” man in the world, the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Lord Jacob Rothschild.


The photograph was probably taken to impress the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who conflicted with Jacob Rothschild at the time over the Russian oil company Yukos. Later, Jacob Rothschild found that the publication of the photos was a big mistake because it transformed him from a retiring lover of arts and flowers into a mighty person in the world. I think that Jacob Rothschild invested an effort in keeping his status as a modest philanthropist by presenting the meeting as a meeting of philanthropists.


That could easily be the main reason why Warren Buffet, currently declared the wealthiest man in the world, decided to give 85% of his wealth, or about 50 billion dollars for humanitarian purposes, to the Foundation of Bill Gates, the majority owner of the company Microsoft. This scenario would be possible only if these 50 billion dollars belonged to the Rothschild family. It looks to me like a very probable scenario. Thus, one could conclude that the Rothschild family provides its beginners with a 15 percent commission. Whether these 50 billion dollars would go to humanitarian purposes or it is just a show for the people remains to be known. Indeed, a beneficial arrangement stood behind it for all involved sides. I believe that behind the grey, refined, apparently good-natured sir in the picture above, enormous power is hidden, such a potential that almost nothing may occur on the world level without his approval.


His son, Nathaniel Rothschild, in the following picture, gets his first experience ruling the world. He attended the proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Montenegro, on which occasion he expressed his congratulations to the President, Milo Đukanović.


The presence of Nathaniel Rothschild in that act can be interpreted as the result of his help in attracting significant foreign investments for the construction of Porto Montenegro (which is one of the models of government corruption). However, Montenegrin television showed his presence only in the afternoon news, while it excluded him from the evening news. This caught my attention because such important ceremonies are not cut short in prime time. I concluded that the Montenegrin television tried to cover up his presence. This led me to the conclusion that the presence of Nathaniel Rothschild at the Declaration of Independence of Montenegro was, in fact, a signature at the end of the successfully completed job of breaking up Yugoslavia. Montenegro was the last republic that broke away from the former Yugoslavia.


I’ve discovered the intentions of the Rothschild family by watching CNN and the BBC. Of course, I don’t believe in the propaganda of those media, but I still watch them because they show where new crises will appear. How will they not know when they are in the service of crisis creators? Crises don’t even “exist” if these media don’t publish them. As a rule, they attack independent countries of the world and then, under the pretext of fighting for justice and democracy, discredit the governments of such countries. The Rothschild family will try to destabilize any country that is not under their influence or control. It is a crime, and that is what we should call it.




If this article looks convincing to you, please recommend it to your friends. The more people are aware of the evil that the Rothschild family and its partners induce, the less they would dare produce it because, one day, they may be called accountable for what they are doing. This is the purpose of this article. I fight for the whole society to cease their fear for the future and have a good, healthy and joyful life. This is worth a little risk.


Written on 08.08.08


February 26, 2024. Today, Jacob Rothschild, the secret ruler of the Western world, died. From now on, his son, Nathaniel Rothschild, takes his secret position while pretending to be an ordinary citizen.


Recently, it came to my mind that the family may be successfully debunked by going after seemingly benign conspiracies, such as Chemtrails, Global Warming, or Flat Earth. Flat Earth is one of the most successful conspiracies ever, making people believe they are bright while the Rothschild family controls them by manipulating public information. People who spread seemingly benign conspiracies would more readily admit who pays them than those who commit crimes. Investigators just need to follow the money that drives the spread of conspiratorial ideas. The Western world is obviously controlled by one center, and according to me, nobody else but the Rothschilds has the power to make it happen.


Aleksandar Šarović 



Trebamo li sreću ili radost?

Prvo treba reći da sreća i radost nisu međusobno nezavisne kategorije, dapače, one se često međusobno nadopunjuju. Ali u analizi ih možemo razdvojiti. Sreća je prevladavanje nesreće. Pa tako je gladan i žedan čovjek sretan kad konzumira hranu i piće. To je prirodna sreća. Sa druge strane čovjek koji nije ni gladan ni žedan ne može biti sretan ako konzumira hranu ili piće. 

U otuđenom društvu ima mnogo nesreće. Siromaštvo i nemoć u društvu su nesreća. Zato danas zarada novca, ostvarenje moći ili slave predstavlja simbol sreće. Prvo treba reći da je takvu sreću teško ostvariti. Drugo, takva sreća je otuđena od svoje prirode tako da predstavlja samo iluziju. Zarada više novca, ostvarenje veće moći ili veće slave u društvu ne može ostvariti trajnu sreću.

Nasuprot, rezultat u velikoj mjeri nalikuje korišćenju droga. Veća otuđena sreća koju pojedinac ostvari u pravilu rezultira većom nesrećom za tog pojedinca a ona zahvaća i društvo u cjelini. Najuspješniji ljudi su najčešće najmanje zadovoljni svojim životim. Oni imaju najveće probleme, oni se najviše razvode, oni konzumiraju alkohol i lijekove da bi mogli pronaći neki oblik mira. Svako ko malo analizira sreću to može vidjeti. Čovjek ne treba tražiti takvu sreću.

Sistem koji sam predložio će svakome osigurati ekonomsku egzistenciju, podjednaka prava i moć u društvu pa će stoga uklanjati nesreću. Tamo gdje nema nesreće ni sreća ne može postojati. Pa šta da radimo onda?

Hajde da se radujemo životu! Radost je daleko postojanija i trajnija emocija od sreće. Radost je proizvod kompletne produktivne orjentacije čovjeka. Stalna produktivna djelatnost čovjeka koja unapređuje njega samog, društvo i njegovu okolinu stvara trajnu radost. Ja ne govorim ovdje o nikakvom žrtvovanju bilo kakvoj ideji, ja govorim o prirodnom životu baziranom na prirodnom znanju od kojeg su se ljudi otuđili. Sistem koji sam preložio će formirati prirodan život i to će omogućiti ljudima da se trajno vesele životu.


Hajde da izgradimo demokratsku anarhiju

Demokratska anarhija predstavlja novi oblik društvenog odnošenja koji je baziran na hijerarhijskoj strukturi donošenja odluka o organizaciji društva ali konačna moć će pripadati neposredno svim članovima društva. Mi ne možemo kooperirati svugdje. Na prvom mjestu mi nemamo vremena za to. Također, mi moramo proslijediti svoje pravo participiranja u procesu donošenja odluka u društvu ljudima koji su eksperti u svojim poljima. Hajde da damo ljudima slobodu da urade sve što misle da je najbolje za društvo u cjelini ali ti ljudi nas ne smiju razočarati kada donose odluke u poljima gdje mi imamo svoje vlastite interese.


Demokratska anarhija će to osigurati dodjelom jednakog prava svakom čovjeku da ocjenjuje druge ljude. Uzmimo da svaki čovjek dobije pravo da ocjenjuje tri osobe pozitivno i tri osobe negativno mjesečno. Svaka pozitivna ocjena treba donijeti malu nagradu, recimo jedan dolar ocjenjenom čovjeku. Sa druge strane, svaka negativna ocjena će rezultirati istim oblikom kazne.

Što ćemo sa time dobiti? Tako mala moć u rukama ljudi će prisiliti pojedince da poštuju jedni druge. To će usmjeriti svakog čovjeka u društvu da stvara maksimalno moguće pogodnosti u društvu, i da umanji ili potpuno ukine stvaranje bilo kakvih oblika nepogodnosti.


Ljudi će slobodno suditi drugim ljudima. To znači da nemoralna osoba može ocjenjivati druge ljude nepošteno ali to neće biti značajan nedostatak zato što individualna moć ocjenjivanja u iznosu od jednog dolara ne može prouzročiti veliku štetu nikome. Ako se dvoje ljudi izrazito ne voli, oni mogu ocjenjivati jedno drugog negativno godinama, što neće biti velika šteta. Dobijanje ili gubljenje tri dolara mjesečno u razvijenom svijetu ne znači mnogo. Pojedinci neće imati veliku moć u društvu ali zajedno oni će biti vrlo moćni. Uzgred, osoba koja dobije negativnu ocjenu neće nikada saznati ko joj je tu ocjenu dao. Ipak, rezultat će biti vrlo afirmativan zato što će se ta osoba truditi da popravi svoje ponašanje prema svima.


Osoba koja dobije veliki broj negativnih ocjena će još i više izbjegavati da čini bilo što nepogodno drugim ljudima i trudit će se da poboljša život svima. Kao rezultat, nasilnik vas više neće zlostavljati u školi, vaš šef vas neće maltretirati na poslu, vaš susjed neće praviti buku noću, prodavač vas neće varati, političar vas neće lagati, vi dodajte neki primjer. Oni će se svi truditi da vam ugode na najbolji mogući način. To je ono što će ukloniti društveno zlo i učiniti dobro društvo.


Što radnik ima višu poziciju u društvu to će postati više odgovoran društvu. Ukoliko ste vi eksponirana osoba, na primjer šef od stotinu radnika, vi se nećete ponašati neprimjereno prema vašim radnicima (što je usput budi rečeno vrlo čest slučaj danas) zato što će vas oni mogu negativno ocjeniti i to bi vas koštalo stotine dolara mjesečno. Pomoću sistema ocjenjivanja, svi šefovi bi trenutno izgubili privilegirani status u odnosu na radnike. Oni više neće imati drugi izbor nego da razvijaju kooperativan odnos sa radnicima.


Predsjednik SAD na primjer bi mogao dobiti 100.000.000 negativnih ocjena od američkih građana za svoju lošu politiku, laži, i za kriminalnu agresiju na Irak. To bi ga koštalo 100.000.000 dolara i to samo u jednom mjesecu. Sa druge strane ja ne vjerujem da bi ga njegovi podržavatelji zasigurno pozitivno ocijenjivali zato što mogu lako imati veće prioritete za pozitivno ocjenjivanje pa će potrošiti svoje pozitivne ocjene prije nego što on dođe na red. Takav predsjednik više nebi bio privilegiran ni na koji način. On bi pobjegao sa svoje pozicije tako brzo da se niko više nebi sjećao da je bio predsjednik. Samo najsposobniji i najhrabriji pojedinci, voljni da surađuju sa svim ljudima će se usuditi da budu predsjednici. Oni više neće biti autoriteti nego naši poslužitelji.

Svako će služiti drugom čovjeku koliko god to može. Svako će se truditi da ugodi društvu koliko god može i to će formirati čudesno društvo. Sa vremenom sistem ocjenjivanja će ukinuti državne zakone, vojsku, policiju, pa i samu državu. Nikome to više neće trebati. To će biti perfektna anarhija. Možete više saznati o tome ovdje: Budućnost demokracije.



Hajde da demistificiramo obrazovanje


Obrazovanje nam daje potrebno znanje. U otuđenom društvu u kojem mi živimo danas, autoriteti određuju koje je znanje potrebno a društvo nema drugog izbora nega da ga prihvati. Današnji autoriteti su uspostavili obavezan sistem obrazovanja da budu sigurni da će njihov poredak, način razmišljanja, kao i njihove vrijednosti biti usvojene u društvu. Takvo obrazovanje je otuđeno, ono nas otuđuje od naše prirode, sputava razvoj naših prirodnih sposobnosti i sprečava nas da živimo normalan život.

Otuđeno društvo precjenjuje značaj obrazovanja. Najbolje učenje dolazi kroz praksu. Kada čovjek voli ono što radi on brzo uči sve što mu treba da bi svoj rad mogao obavljati. Ali mi jako teško možemo ostvariti pravo na rad tamo gdje imamo interes zato jer je većina radnih mjesta zauzeta i zaštićena. Kada ne možemo izraziti sebe na produktivan način kroz prirodne potrebe kao što je to rad, tada tražimo otuđene oblike vrijednosti koje nas degeneriraju. To je upravo situacija koju imamo danas.

Novi sistem koji sam predložio uvodi otvoreno takmičenje radnika za sva radna mjesta. Radnik koji ponudi najveću produktivnost na željenom radnom mjestu će dobiti posao. Sistem će formirati daleko veću odgovornost radnika za vlastiti rad pa tako i za iskazanu produktivnost, nego što je to danas moguće, pa nikome neće pasti na pamet da nudi produktivnost koju neće moći ostvariti kao što to danas uobičajeno rade političari na primjer.

U takvom sistemu rad više neće biti uvjetovan obrazovanjem. Obrazovanje treba shvatiti samo kao pomoć u radu. To na prvom mjestu znači da obrazovanje neće biti obavezno. Učenici će slobodno pohađati nastavu gdje žele i kad žele. Može se sa velikom sigurnošću pretpostaviti da većina učenika neće pohađati nastavu koja ih ne zanima ili od koje nemaju neposredne koristi. Obrazovanje će u budućnosti imati cilj da upozna učenike sa znanjem koje oni sami smatraju potrebim.

Škole će biti mjesta druženja studenata i nastavnika gdje će oni razmjenjivati znanje iz teorije i iskustva iz prakse. Radna konkurencija će zahtijevati od nastavnika da budu najveći eksperti na svojim poljima. To će se osigurati tako što će učenici ocjenjivanjivati rad svojih nastavnika. Ja mislim da nastavnici više neće ocjenjivati učenike jer to više neće biti potrebno. Učenike će ocjenjivati njihovi klijenti ili mušterije kad jednog dana počnu raditi. Promjene u sistemu obrazovanja će biti velike i suštinske.

Obrazovanje će osposobiti studente da u svakodnevnom životu mogu sami sebi maksimalno pomoći. Može se pretpostaviti da će najposjećenija predavanja biti iz predmeta “budi sam svoj majstor“ u svim prirodnim naukama: mehanici, elektrici, elektronici, prehrani, zdravlju, pa i u medicini. Vjerujem da će ljudi imati potrebe da savladaju osnove medicine u opsegu koji danas koriste liječnici opće prakse da bi se mogli sami liječiti kolko je god to moguće. Društvene nauke će gubiti značaj.

Novi sitem će razgoliti društvene nauke do objektivne suštine i tada ćemo svi postati dobri poznavaoci društvenih nauka. Kao što svi ljudi govore maternji jezik prilično dobro bez obzira na nivo obrazovanja, tako će u novom sistemu svi ljudi postati dobri psiholozi, sociolozi, pravnici, ekonomisti, filozofi, umjetnici, itd. samo zato što žive u novom sistemu.

Za većinu radnih mjesta danas objektivno nije potrebna škola već samo kratak tečaj. Studenti će upisivati takve tečajeve po slobodnoj volji. Studenti će također sami praviti curriculum studija prema vlastitim potrebama i sposobnostima. To će biti slučaj i sa specijaliziranim poslovima velike složenosti. Na primjer uzmimo da neko poželi studirati atomsku fiziku. Počne studije i utvrdi da ne poznaje dovoljno matematiku da bi mogao slijediti predmet. Tada će prekinuti studij atomske fizike i uzeti studij matematike dok je dovoljno ne usavrši da bi mogao nastaviti studij atomske fizike. Princip školovanja u budućnosti će tražiti najkraći put za ostvarenje potrebnog znanja.

Danas se na primjer, prosječan kirurg školuje više od dvadeset godina. Kakvo je to robovanje birokraciji! Kakvo je to gubljenje vremena u najrazvijenijoj stvaralačkoj dobi! Ja mislim da prosječno obrazovan čovjek može u puno kraćem roku savladati znanje potrebno kirurgu specijalisti ukoliko iz programa izbaci sve što nije neophodno potrebno. Kako to ostvariti? Uz obavezna predavanja studenti kirurgije će normalno prisustvovati operacijama iskusnih kirurga.


Kada student završi program koji je izabrao za kirurga, sam može procijeniti dali je sposoban za operacije. Pogrešne procjene vlastite sposobnosti kirurga se neće događati zato što će regulacija pitanja radne odgovornosti biti oštrija nego što je to danas. Pacijenti neće biti u opasnosti od nestručnih kirurga i zato što će kirurzi početnici imati nadzor od iskusnih kolega. Osim toga kad se kirurg početnik osjeti sposoban za operacije tada će još uvijek trebati uvijeriti pacijente da je sposoban jer će pacijenti sami birati kirurge. Kirurg koji napravi veliku grešku u radu može zauvijek ostati bez pacijenata. Ako se kandidat za kirurga ne osjeće sposoban da obavlja operacije tada može ići na dopunsko obrazovanje koliko god mu to treba.

Tako treba izgledati demistificirano obrazovanje. Tako će izgledati obrazovanje u budućnosti.

Good Capitalism          Good Capitalism


Full employment is the turning point of capitalism


Humanistic reform of the economy must start with the elimination of unemployment. Workers’ unemployment cannot form a sound basis for creating a good society. A good community can only develop on equal human rights. A just society requires the availability of work to everyone.


Unemployment creates the exploitation of workers. When a work position opens on the market with a high unemployment rate, a large number of candidates apply. The competition of workers may tear down their incomes to a level sufficient only for basic survival in order to get the job. Unemployed workers have to accept poorly paid jobs to feed their families. Unemployment has widened the gap between rich and poor, creating injustice and problems in capitalism.


Employers favour unemployment because they profit from the exploitation of workers. Employers can maintain unemployment because they do not necessarily need to hire employees most of the time. Large employers support political parties that maintain unemployment through economic policy. It starts with importing cheap labour and ends with rising interest rates. This is how unemployment becomes state policy and how state policy maintains the exploitation of workers. To secure their privileges, the rich have imposed the belief that unemployment is an unavoidable price to pay for technological development. They have pressured economic science to accept that “0% of unemployment is not a positive thing,”[1] which they accomplished.


The capitalists have found an unemployment rate of about 5% the most convenient, so 5% unemployment has become a “normal” state in capitalism. This “normal” state exploits workers by dependence on capitalists, while workers’ total purchasing power produces enough profits for employers. The market economy should appreciate workers more, but capitalism resists it. Due to long struggles, workers have gotten some rights through laws and trade unions. Still, the existence of poverty confirms that the interests of workers are not protected enough.


Society may introduce justice in production processes through a fully employed environment that balances the number of jobs with workers. Reducing work hours will make full employment a reality. Such a measure will require the prevention of work imports and regulation of overtime work. It will increase workers’ demand on the market and put them in a better position in production processes. Full employment will increase workers’ wages and reduce exploitation. However, no formula can determine what exactly exploitation is. Only workers dissatisfied with their earnings may present it. Workers will be satisfied in a fair work market where their work is equally demanded as the jobs they need. The more balanced the work market is, the more satisfied workers are, and the less they are exploited.


Society may increase workers’ satisfaction by further reducing work hours, which will create negative unemployment. Negative unemployment is a shortage of workers on the market. It will further increase workers’ demand and incomes. Negative unemployment may put workers in the privileged position that employers have practically always been in. When workers are not available on the market, employers who need more workers will have to attract workers from other companies by raising their salaries. Competition among employers will start a chain reaction in which workers’ wages will grow, bringing more justice to the production processes.


The rise of workers’ salaries in the negative unemployment environment was proven in the 14th Century when the Black Death killed one-third of the European population. Suddenly, the crops in the fields perished because there were not enough workers to harvest them. The Chronicle of the Black Death, a firsthand account finished in 1350, states: “the shortage of servants, craftsmen, and workmen, and of agricultural workers and labourers, left a great many lords and people without service and attendance… there were far fewer people to work the land: peasants were able to demand better conditions and higher wages from their landlords.” Suddenly workers and their labour were in much higher demand, enabling those who survived the Black Death to be in a much better position to negotiate work conditions. The shortage of workers increased the workers’ wages. The servants’ higher salaries contributed to economic growth, but the employers were not happy with it.


  • At Cuxham (Oxfordshire, England), a plowman demanded from his Lord a payment three times greater in 1350 than in the previous year.[2]


  • “In Parliament, in 1351, the Commons petitioned Edward III for a more resolute and effective response. They complained that ‘servants completely disregard the said ordinance in the interests of their ease and greed and that they withhold their services to great men and others unless they have liveries and wages twice or three times as great as [prior to the plague] to the serious damage of the great men and impoverishment of all members of the said commons.’”[3]


According to this historical example, if a political party offers a reduction of work to 5 hours per day and wins an election, the lack of workers would increase the lowest workers’ salaries two to three times per hour in one year. The minimum daily wages of workers would increase 30-90% for just a 5-hour shift. The fair work market is the best choice for bringing justice to the economy.


The first problem with eliminating unemployment is that employers do not want to increase workers’ salaries because they profit from exploiting them. But on the other hand, excessive wage demands of workers may make the economy unsustainable. This would reduce employers’ interest in production and slow down the economy.


Negative unemployment will make employers unsatisfied. Very unsatisfied employers may avoid paying higher workers’ wages in a fully employed society by moving their businesses out of the country. People need to understand that Western capitalism has established laws that give more freedom to capital than workers, which needs to change. At the very least, the laws need to provide the same rights to workers as to capital.


Any capital departure results in business closure and newly unemployed workers, bringing trouble to a domestic economy. Full employment would again require a reduction of work hours. The shortening of working hours would reduce workers’ incomes in the short run. Workers would not like it. On the other hand, it is not easy for employers to organize a new production by finding new employees and new markets. The escape lies in finding the length of work hours that optimally satisfies the needs of workers and employers.


Today people have accepted the 8-hour workday suggested by Robert Owen at the beginning of the 19th Century. There is no particular reason for an eight-hour workday. Society just took it and adapted to it. Besides providing full employment, the workday length should be a function variable that coordinates workers’ and employers’ needs and justice in the economy. This function should be primarily based on the full employment of people. If more workers search for jobs than employers search for workers, the work hours should be shortened. And vice versa, if employers need more workers than are available, the economic policy should consider extended work hours. The second essential principle of work regulation should be based on the work hours people desire the most.


The length of a workday can be a potent regulator of the free-market economy and the basic point of democracy in the economy. Political parties may propose the best full-time work period for workers and employers. It would probably be one of the most critical decisions of political parties, making them elected or not. On the other hand, the work hours can also be directly determined by the work needs of workers. Every worker may express the most desired work hours, and the average value would decide. Democratically determined work hours are supposed to create a fair work market, which will present a turning point for capitalism, making it a decent social system.


Minimum wages would no longer be needed. Full employment will increase salaries for all lower-paid workers at the expense of higher-paid workers and employers’ profits, balancing an enormous gap between peoples’ wages in the western world. Besides, workers being able to purchase more will contribute to the economy’s growth, earning employers more profit and workers higher salaries, bringing benefits to all. 




Shortening working hours proportionally to the unemployment rate will improve capitalism, but this study from the beginning intended to achieve a lot more. A better future requires a reconstruction of the economy as a whole. The introductory statement showed that the planned economy is more stable than the market economy, which is significantly more productive. A new economy will have to take advantage of both systems and eliminate their deficiencies.




[1]Mike Moffatt, Why 0% Unemployment Isn’t Actually a Good Thing (ThoughtCo, 2020)

[2] David Routt, The Economic Impact of the Black Death, (Economic History Association  EH.Net Encyclopedia, 2008)

[3] Michael Bennett, The Impact of the Black Death on English Legal History (South Wales: Australian Journal of Law and Society, 1995) Vol. 11, p 197


Hajde da budemo dobri, zdravi i radosni ljudi

Ne postoji drugi put za dosezanje dobrog, zdravog i radosnog života osim prihvatanja političko-ekonomskog društvenog sistema koji sam opisao u svojoj knjizi “Humanizam.”

Ne postoji ni jednostavniji način. Moje rješenje ne zahtijeva pravila, zakone, savjest, inteligenciju, mudrost, autoritete niti učitelje; ono ne zahtijeva snagu, nepogodan rad niti bilo kakvo žrtvovanje. Ono samo treba slobodne ljude koji poštuju druge ljude. Moja ideja uzajamnog ocjenjivanja će to ostvariti.

Život u sistemu koji sam predložio će učiti ljude kako da slijede volju Boga. Vi se možete pitati kako ćete znati što je volja Boga? Odgovor je vrlo jednostavan; kada napravite okruženje u kojem će svi ljudi biti zadovoljni sa svojim životima, živeći u čudesnoj harmoniji, u raju na zemlji, to će biti Božja volja.