My clash with sciences

My clash with sciences

My education


I am a genius. It seems to me that people think geniuses are those rare individuals who have high intelligence. Intelligence is just an excellent asset to a genius, but it isn’t necessary. A genius is a person who preserves his nature, a person who feels very well which way to go, the one who is able to select the most essential information from an unlimited quantity. He is a person who unmistakably feels what note to choose when composing music. A genius is a person who knows and does great deeds.

Geniuses are a product of freedom. A genius does not accept the knowledge of which the purpose he does not understand. That is how he protects his genial nature. He is nothing else but a supernatural person who can do what he likes. Everyone is supposed to do great deeds in the fields of their interests by their nature. Everyone should have the characteristics of a genius. People are not geniuses because they alienate themselves from their nature or they cannot do what they like.


It is hard to be a genius today mostly because people are prisoners of the culture of imposed knowledge. Schools do it the most, so they are the primary origin of alienation. Students cannot pass exams if they are unable to reproduce the imposed knowledge. People who obey to imposed knowledge have to suppress their natural needs, instincts, and feelings and thus, they alienate themselves from their nature. Such people copy needs, emotions, customs, and words that they have accepted from authorities throughout their lives. People who are alienated from their nature do not feel enough of what they need according to their nature and therefore take alienated knowledge readily which develops the process of alienation.


Alienated people from their nature are not able to create genial works. They become the opposite of geniuses; they become living machines. Imposing knowledge is a misfortune to the people. Please do not get me wrong; knowledge is necessary for human development, but it must not be imposed; it should be freely accessible and accepted. However, no one can avoid the torture of imposing knowledge today. Scientists especially cannot because they cannot be scientists without a university degree. That is why there are no geniuses in the sciences today. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I do not know of any. The more the schools demand acceptance of exposed knowledge, the less the chance students will have to protect their human abilities and, in accordance, they have less chance to be geniuses.


Only spiritually free people can create genial deeds. Looking at the world around me I can recognize geniality in the band Pink Floyd. They made deeply touching, compelling and beautiful music that is distinguished from everything else I have heard. This is the music of sorrow, suffering, criticism, and hope. The music portrays our world at the turn of the millennium brilliantly. If their composing were conditioned by a finishing music conservatorium, maybe these libertarian people would have given up from the academy and would not have been allowed to compose such beautiful music. If they found the strength to finish the music academy, I believe that it would certainly somehow alienate them from their nature and they would not be able to compose such grandiose music.




I consider my complete education as violence to my needs and freedom, and that is what it really was. Not only was my body captured in school, the school tried to enslave my thoughts, but I resisted drastically. I cannot say the resistance was my conscious decision. It was something built in me. I did not learn anything there, and that is the reason I had to attend the fifth grade again. Then I found I had to learn just enough not to repeat the whole year.


After finishing high school, I enrolled in the study of architecture. I liked the creative work of building houses. Through considerable difficulties of studying an uninteresting program, I did graduate the faculty. A professor who led my graduation work told me that he had never seen lower average exam marks than mine. I knew that without him and in those times I became conscious of the fact that being a lousy student advantaged me considerably compared to others.


As a third-year student in the faculty, I was proclaimed as one of the best architects in Yugoslavia when I won the competition for the arrangement of The Republic Square in Zagreb. It needs to be stressed here that I got the reward thanks to the sound logic I managed to save through refusal of alienated knowledge, and of course, my love for architecture that gave me tremendous work energy. The sensitivity, objectivity and creativity I have been developing throughout my whole life helped me win the competition, not the studies at the faculty. If people feel their nature, loves what they are doing, and if they have a talent for what they are doing, they will achieve much better results than they could obtain by studying and receiving diplomas.


At the end of my architectural studies, a collection of books by Erich Fromm fell into my hands. Fromm strongly criticized the world we live in. I had similar views, and during those times I already created the basic ideas as to how a good world should look like, but it didn’t cross my mind that I am the one who should do something about it. By reading Fromm, I found that in the field of social improvements I could give much more to society than in architecture. That’s how I decided to change the world. It excited me a lot and gave enthusiasm and tremendous energy to work. I started writing my book “Humanism – A Philosophic-Ethical-Political-Economic Study of the Development of the Society,” without any doubt of my credibility.


However, I had to earn money to live. Philosophy requires vast freedom of thoughts, which a job in the field of architecture could not give me because creative work in architecture captures too much time. That was the reason I gave up from architecture entirely right after the graduation. At that time I found the job as a fire protection inspector. An average person can learn the entire knowledge I used for this job in a few short courses. The position did not burden me much, so I was able to write, yes, the most important book ever.


Writing the book inspired tremendous creativity in me, far more significant than architecture. Good ideas about changing the world have been coming to my mind without end. When that happens, a person cannot stop even if he would like to. It brings a lot of satisfaction. But also, I needed to invest a lot of effort to compose thoughts. I did it by analysis, cleaning, and rewriting the notes. In the development of new ideas, I did not use existing sciences because I didn’t know them well. I used basic logic that was already pretty much developed in me in those times. When basic ideas were finished, I had to research existing sciences to connect my thoughts to the existing state. By understanding what my goal was, I didn’t have any difficulties in studying the issues anymore. In the beginning, I thought my book would have been finished in one year, but the problems were much more complicated than I had predicted and it was not my only preoccupation, so it took me ten years to finish the book. I’ve got the power to work from understanding that my book would one day change the world entirely and create a sound and sane society.


When I finished the book, I started presenting my ideas to scientists. Unfortunately, the only support I got was from Professor of philosophy Andrija Stojković from the University of Belgrade. He wrote a review of my book. He also helped me spread my ideas among scientists in Belgrade, in Hegel Society and in the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, but we were not successful.

Perhaps in hope to find interested people for my philosophy in the west, I immigrated to Canada, in 1993. I was trying to work professionally on my philosophy by searching for funds from various organizations and foundations but didn’t receive any. Again, I got into a situation in which I had to earn money for a living. During that time, an economic crisis was in Canada, and there were not many available jobs. The exception was new computer technology. The situation forced me to buy a computer and computer books, and I began learning computer programming. The demand for programmers was much larger than the supply so that I got the first job easily. Nobody asked me for any diploma. I was not an especially good programmer because the job was not interesting to me. My thoughts were focused continuously on my philosophy.


Fortunately, my wonderful wife Dušica had an understanding of my work and offered me to take care of our daughters and home, and to work on my philosophy in my spare time, while she earned money for life. That’s how I got the time to work on my philosophy. You wouldn’t understand how grateful I am for that. The whole world should be thankful to her as well. She was the only person who had an understanding of my work, and without her, I wouldn’t be able to find enough free time to think about my philosophy and write what you are reading.


Criticism of sciences 


Since I finished my book “Humanism,” 16 years ago, I have been sending thousands of letters to professors of social sciences trying to interest them in how the bright future of humankind would look like, but I did not succeed. I’ll try to explain why.


Science is an objective and systematic knowledge about facts and laws of reality acquired by systematic analysis and experiments. Scientists create and develop sciences. Scientists naturally aim to learn higher expertise and, on this path, they create new theories that should bring conveniences to society. If such approaches do not conflict with reality directly, scientists accept their opinions as objective or accurate. However, relative harmonies of such theories with actual facts, still don’t guarantee the objectivity of such arguments. They may be subjective, or in other words, wrongful. The subjective approaches create alienated knowledge or false knowledge that alienates a person from reality. If scientists are prominent enough authorities, society accepts their alienated knowledge, which then alienates all the people from objective reality. Once received alienated knowledge serves generations of scientists as the basis in spreading alienation. Such sciences aim society to wrong path and prevent acceptance of objective knowledge. It aims society to solve problems inside frames that cannot bring good results. Alienated knowledge as a general rule brings disadvantage to society.



The social sciences, especially, are on the wrong or not good enough paths. They are very alienated from objective reality. The alienation has come from not sufficient challenge of ideas coming from social science authorities throughout history. The essence of social science should be creating the vision of how to build a good or at least better path to the future of humankind, but the scientists do not have it. They should be initiators of positive changes in society, but they are not. As a result, they do not have influences on social events.


In the wish to approach social sciences, I tried to enroll my master’s degree in sociology at the University of North York. One of the professors there sincerely advised me not to waste my time with sociology, explaining that I would not be able to get any job with a master degree in social sciences. I understood it as his opinion that there are no benefits of sociology. I responded to him that I had new ideas about the advancements of society, but he didn’t show any interest in listening to me, the same way thousands of other scientists didn’t. Another professor at the same University briefly reviewed my book “Humanism,” and told me that I satisfied the requirements for the studies, but my book was not acceptable as my master dissertation work.


The book that will change society entirely and make the world a beautiful place for living is not acceptable to social sciences! This example shows clearly how generations of scientists may turn into a dead-end street when they base their intellectual paths on alienated knowledge. What to say about the professors of Marxism? In Yugoslavia, Marxism was an obligatory subject in all high schools. Then the capitalist revolution came, and Marxism was revoked. What thousands of professors and doctors of Marxism do now?


Do you think philosophy is science? I don’t. If it is indeed a science, there would be some benefits from it, but I cannot see them. Philosophy is a word of Ancient Greek origin which means ”love wisdom.” It tries to give basic answers to the questions about human beings and their existence in nature and society. Naturally, one of the most significant interests of philosophers was defining the origin of the world. All of the answers philosophers proposed throughout the history of mankind were probably alienated from the objective reality. We live in an endlessly small part of an indefinitely large world to be able to define its origin objectively.


Great philosophers were through support or criticism of their predecessors writing large amounts of books trying to build and present objective opinions about the reality that surrounds us. But they did not succeed. The proof lies in the fact that philosophers did not define the basic idea for creating a good society yet. The powerlessness of philosophers to find objective answers to the questions that bother people has resulted in the creation of a massive amount of alienated knowledge. Studying philosophy today doesn’t mean seeking for wisdom because it is not known what it means. Studying philosophy today means learning about the history of failure of human thoughts. It is harmful because an enormous amount of alienated knowledge leads people to the wrong path where they can hardly recognize the origins of problems.


Philosophers are full of good intentions, but I have not noticed that they worked seriously enough on how to improve the world. Why? One of the rare attempts did the philosopher Karl Marx. He wrote in the Manifesto of the Communist Party: “Workers of the world unite against the capitalist exploitation!” But Marx did not define how a proper organization of society should look like.


Maybe he thought that united workers would develop the best possible self-organization of their communities, and meet the needs all of the people. However, nobody has ever succeeded in implementing it. The problem is two people can relatively easily agree on something but never about everything, all people can hardly agree about anything. Marx’s successors have solved this problem by taking all power into their own hands. They have become authorities and authorities tend to oppress people. This way, the authoritarian socialism immerged which regressed Marx’s intentions.


The problem lies in the fact that nobody has ever tried to create a system that might function without the influences of authoritative powers. I did it, and that’s the reason I succeeded in defining a good society.


Philosophers mainly agree that people must have equal rights, but in reality, they do not exist, and philosophers don’t recognize that sufficiently. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that they don’t understand the significance of the Golden Rule, which I believe first time is written in the Bible: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” Or: “Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you!” All that philosophers have searched for to make a good society one might put into this sentence. But taking into account that the significance of this sentence was not understood clearly enough, no serious attempts were ever made to realize the idea.


I have invented how to make the golden rule work. This will be achieved by the system of evaluations among people. I called it democratic anarchy. Each man will get an equal right to evaluate a few other people by his own choice. Each positive evaluation should bring a small, but a noticeable award to the people being assessed, and each negative assessment should carry punishments to the negatively evaluated people in the same form. What would we get with that?


The system of evaluations will remove the privileges of people which are the origin of evil in society. A small equal power in the hands of the people will make people respect each other strongly. Human beings will become values to other human beings. Everyone will try hard to please people as best as they can and diminish or abolish creation of all forms of disadvantages. This will create what philosophers in the history of humankind have tried to reach unsuccessfully, this will solve the problem of today’s democracy, this will eliminate the evil in society and create a sound and sane society.




The scientists of political science have created a complicated political science that is very alienated from the nature of society. It happened due to the absence of deep enough analysis of political reality throughout the history of humankind. The political science certainly cannot give answers to the problems of today’s society and does not have the vision as to how a good political system, equally acceptable to all, should look like. The highest level of political science today is called democracy. However, political scientists, together with other social scientists, were never able to form a consensus to determine what the developed democracy is supposed to look like. The problem is not about the impossibility to make such an agreement; it is about the complete lack of will to form it. Scientists of political science are extended hands of the state political system, and they do not have any wish to change or confront it.


The most prominent professors and doctors of political sciences today do not analyze politics trying to offer the best solution for people, they analyze politicians and try to support those who best fit agenda of the rich. They know it is their best bet to get the air time in the media and to be prosperous political scientists. So the most prominent intellectuals are just public gossip people. They like to gossip like everybody else. So politics today is just a big show which does not have anything to do with democracy. If political scientists try to enter deeper into sciences, media would not support their work, and nobody would know they exist. Neither political science would help them because it depends on the rich people. The media airs the opposition as well but only those who cannot endanger the governmental policy. In this way, it gives an impression that democracy exists. That’s the reason we live in a formal democracy in which the people almost don’t have any influence in forming the policy of society.


I have defined a developed democracy in which people will directly impact all questions of their interest. It will be based on democratic anarchy and direct democracy.


The people will primarily be interested in creating the macroeconomic policy of society, which is unthinkable today. Each human will directly participate in deciding what minimum income in the community should be. The average value of all statements will determine the minimum salary of workers. In such a way, the decisions of people will coordinate the economic security of workers and their income based interest to work.


Also, each person will be involved in the decision as to what part of their gross income they want to allocate for taxes. The sum of all decisions of all people will form the tax policy of society. The money will then be taken from people’s incomes proportionally to the height of their income. Furthermore, each person will participate in how the tax money is going to be spent. They will decide what part of their tax money they want to spend on: education, health care, housing, recreation, infrastructure, etc. The sum of all the statements of all people will define the allocation of tax money. The advantages of such a democracy will be huge. The collective consumption will not be alienated from the people anymore. It will satisfy the needs of the people in the best possible way. The people will be delighted. The people will accept their communities more. This is the way to disalienate society. When such a democracy is established political science would probably not be needed anymore. The problem is the rich prevent me from spreading this kind of democracy to the people.



The scientists of political science have created a complicated political science that is very alienated from the nature of society. It happened due to the absence of deep enough analysis of political reality throughout the history of humankind. The political science certainly cannot give answers to the problems of today’s society and does not have the vision as to how a good political system, equally acceptable to all, should look like. The highest level of political science today is called democracy. However, political scientists, together with other social scientists, were never able to form a consensus to determine what the developed democracy is supposed to look like. The problem is not about the impossibility to make such an agreement; it is about the complete lack of will to form it. Scientists of political science are extended hands of the state political system, and they do not have any wish to change or confront it.

The most prominent professors and doctors of political sciences today do not analyze politics trying to offer the best solution for people, they analyze politicians and try to support those who best fit agenda of the rich. They know it is their best bet to get the air time in the media and to be prosperous political scientists. So the most prominent intellectuals are just public gossip people. They like to gossip like everybody else. So politics today is just a big show which does not have anything to do with democracy. If political scientists try to enter deeper into sciences, media would not support their work, and nobody would know they exist. Neither political science would help them because it depends on the rich people. The media airs the opposition as well but only those who cannot endanger the governmental policy. In this way, it gives an impression that democracy exists. That’s the reason we live in a formal democracy in which the people almost don’t have any influence in forming the policy of society.

I have defined a developed democracy in which people will directly impact all questions of their interest. It will be based on democratic anarchy and direct democracy.

The people will primarily be interested in creating the macroeconomic policy of society, which is unthinkable today. Each human will directly participate in deciding what minimum income in the community should be. The average value of all statements will determine the minimum salary of workers. In such a way, the decisions of people will coordinate the economic security of workers and their income based interest to work.

Also, each person will be involved in the decision as to what part of their gross income they want to allocate for taxes. The sum of all decisions of all people will form the tax policy of society. The money will then be taken from people’s incomes proportionally to the height of their income. Furthermore, each person will participate in how the tax money is going to be spent. They will decide what part of their tax money they want to spend on: education, health care, housing, recreation, infrastructure, etc. The sum of all the statements of all people will define the allocation of tax money. The advantages of such a democracy will be huge. The collective consumption will not be alienated from the people anymore. It will satisfy the needs of the people in the best possible way. The people will be delighted. The people will accept their communities more. This is the way to disalienate society. When such a democracy is established political science would probably not be needed anymore. The problem is the rich prevent me from spreading this kind of democracy to the people.


Law is an extended hand of the political system. The science of law is alienated from its objective reality the same way all others social sciences are because it was created by the privileged class of people. Unjust society creates an unjust legal system. From this injustice emerges the cruel system we live in. A cruel system creates cruel people. Cruel criminals do cruel criminal acts. Cruel judges punish criminals cruelly. The cruel justice may find its justification through preventing cruel people from producing evil, but such justice is not satisfactory. Crime is on the rise everywhere, and prisons are full.

The law is probably the most conservative social science that ensures the official system in society. It is precious to political power. In Canada, students cannot enter the school of law before they graduate some other faculty. But because of that after the graduations, lawyers get some privileges that formally nobody besides them has. Without them in Canada, one cannot buy real estate, cannot divorce, cannot perform legal proceedings; practically people cannot protect their rights without them. Privileges always form some sort of immorality; therefore justice can easily switch into injustice.

I would like to present one obvious example. It is about the International Court of Justice in Hague. The Chief Prosecutor of the court, Louise Arbour, indicted Slobodan Milošević, the president of Yugoslavia for war crimes in the middle of the aggression from her country, Canada, as a member of NATO, on Yugoslavia in 1999. Not one accusation against Slobodan Milošević was proved in the four years of the trial in Hague. If prosecutor Louise Arbour took a closer look, she would have noticed that her Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, did commit a war crime indeed by sending Canadian bombardiers to kill people in aggression on Yugoslavia. The aggression was committed against the charters of the UN, Canadian laws, and even against the constitution of the NATO pact. But she didn’t accuse her Prime Minister of the war crimes. This immoral woman was then awarded for her deeds by promotion to the Supreme Court of Canada and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. I think that the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia in Hague is an immoral or even criminal place that shamelessly calls itself justice. I also believe this court is the beginning of the end of everything that is accepted as justice today.

Once the system I’ve proposed is accepted, People will have equal legislative power in society. It will be manifested by the equal rights evaluation among people. I have called it democratic anarchy. I have to repeat it because it is essential, the positive assessment will bring small awards to the assessed people, and negative evaluations will result in the same form of punishment. Such a little power in the hands of people will eliminate privileges which are the primary cause of evil in society. People will respect each other. They will learn to create the highest possible advantages to other people and diminish or abolish the creation of all forms of disadvantages. In such a system, people will determine what is right and wrong through their own practice. Lawyers will not be needed anymore, and science of justice will probably finish in history textbooks. Then the moral time will emerge.


Economics is the social science that studies the production of goods and services. Today is accepted the economy of the free market or the capitalist mode of production where the means of production are privately owned. The capitalist mode of production has managed to perform the most efficient allocation of production resources based on the market competition of enterprises. Capitalism has realized the highest increase in production productivity in the history of humankind, which created the most top growth of living standard ever.


But the capitalist economy also has significant disadvantages. The economics of capitalism help capital owners. They do not deal with the exploitation of workers. Furthermore, the free market brings instability to the production process that capitalism cannot solve. Capitalists prevent the removal of disadvantages of the capitalist economy because it would necessarily endanger the survival of capitalism.


However, I have created an entirely new publicly owned economy that will solve the problems of capitalism and establish greater productivity than the capitalist form of production can. The new economy will mostly base production on consumer orders. This will create a democratic planning economy that will ensure stable production. It will guarantee employment and economic security for every person. It will achieve high productivity and stability by lowering the company’s market competition to the level of jobs. A worker who offers the highest productivity for any public workplace at any time will get a job. This is a significant change that I have presented in detail in the book “Humanism.”


The new economy will establish a very efficient system of accountability as a condition of ensuring high productivity of the economy. This will create the most productive economy possible. It will be higher than private entrepreneurship can produce so capitalism with all its negativities will go down in history.


The market will determine the amount of workers’ wages. The right to work will be provided by a worker who requires a lower salary for the same job. The more inappropriate jobs will be better compensated for income, which will equalize the interest of workers for all jobs and they will be satisfied with the wages. Work competition will eliminate privileges in the production process, which will eliminate corruption as the main source of the immorality of today’s society. Workers will be able to choose the jobs they prefer, and they will enjoy the work. Work will become a value for itself.


After capitalism, humanism will emerge, a system that will far better follow the needs of people. The economy of humanism will be simple, and every man will be able to understand it in the short term. Accepting a new economy, however, requires in-depth analysis and extensive debate in society so that it can be accepted. I never managed to accomplish this.


Conclusively, I would say that social sciences will lose their importance. The new system I have proposed will demystify social sciences to their real essence and then we will all get to know social sciences well. The same way that people speak their mother’s tongue well, without matter of the level of education, all people will become good sociologists, philosophers, lawyers, economists, psychologists, artists, etc., just because they live in the new system.



The situation in natural sciences is not much better. Medicine is definitely not on the right path enough. Today, cancer is cured by chemotherapy and radiation. These methods stop cancer to some extent, but they also harm patients. As a general rule, cancer more wins than losses. I would say that these methods are somewhere in the range of the Middle Ages use of leeches to cure illnesses. Medicine doctor, Lorraine Day, has entirely abandoned medical science and won her breast cancer by changing the way of living and by eating healthy food. I’ve heard for many such cases. Why doesn’t medical science research it? The development of medicine requires serious studies of traditional alternative medicine, but modern medicine refuses it.


The fact is big corporations have taken control over methods of curing illnesses, and they earn a lot of money healing people. They don’t even have the interest to be successful in healing people because healthy people do not spend money on medicine. This is the horrible truth. Traditional medicine is forbidden in modern medicine. That has happened, firstly, because the medical sciences are conceited by possessing new knowledge and secondly, because conventional medicine cannot bring profit to corporations. The documentary Vaccine Nation presents it well. Modern medicine is very inhibited. I don’t remember the last time modern medicine invented a cure against an illness. In fact, the same medicine change s its name to bring higher profits to the pharmaceutical industry. Medicine doctors should ask themselves, is their purpose supporting the pharmaceutical industry or curing people? I am not saying that modern medicine does not bring betterment to people, but objectively it requires a general reform.


I believe that most illnesses originate from unhealthy living, through the alienation of people from their nature, and through the stress that emerges from it. Once the system I have proposed is accepted, it will enable people to live in harmony with their nature and illnesses will then significantly disappear. Also, I believe that people in the future will acquire a basis of medical sciences, as much as family doctors have so that they might be able to cure themselves alone or recognize the illnesses and visit proper medical specialists.



Psychology is a science that studies the mental processes and behaviour of a human being. It tries to solve the problems of man’s psyche. All these problems originate from the alienation in society. In an alienated society, man is a wolf to man. He imposes his will to other people and tries to build conveniences to himself regardless of what effects it might have to other people. Psychology is naturally completely powerless in solving social problems, so it can’t be very successful in solving psychological problems either. Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung created their own teaching and brought hope in curing mental disorders. They were very popular, but their teaching was abandoned as unsuccessful because it was alienated from the causes that cause psychological problems. All psychological problems originate from the cruel, immoral social system, the system that puts obligations and discipline in first place, the system that kills humanity, the system with no human warmth or love. Psychoanalytic help people as much as they are able to make a human touch with people who have psychological disorders. The more the doctors show they care for their patients, the more they are able to help them, because this is what is missing most in today’s alienated society.


When the new system I have proposed is accepted, people will not be able to benefit themselves at the expense of others. That will be provided by the system of evaluation among people. I will repeat it again to stress the importance. Each person will get an equal right to evaluate a few people they choose by his free will. Positively evaluated people will automatically receive small awards and people who get negative evaluations will be punished in the same form. Such assessment will be significant enough to people so that they will try hard to create the highest possible conveniences to other people and avoid or stop producing damages to them. All people will be careful and caring towards other people. In such a manner, man will become a value to another man. In such a manner man will build and develop love in him himself. This will remove psychological alienation. That will bring mental health, and I believe psychology will not be needed anymore.



Physics, chemistry and biology are natural sciences that have brought significant benefits to people. However, they also have theories that cannot be proven and might be alienated from their objective nature or, in short, wrong. All of chemistry is one big theory including nuclear physics. So far, work in these scientific fields confirms the validity of these theories, but that doesn’t mean it will stay the same in the future.


These sciences bring a lot of damage to humankind as well. Scientists give themselves rights to play with atomic and molecular modifications too easily. This is especially wrong when nobody knows for sure what consequences they might bring to human. If such researches may bring profits to corporations, they strongly support them without paying much attention to possible harmful effects on people.


Nuclear power plants produce vast amounts of radioactive material that is unhealthy for people in the long run. The food we eat is produced by the use of fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and chemical products that are unhealthy for people and nature. All chemical materials are created with the intention to improve life, but they are actually long-term pollutants of the ground, water and air. The planet earth is one massive, unhealthy storage of waste. There is a lot of initiatives around the world to protect the human environment from pollution, but corporations resist them because these measures reduce profits. Capitalist corporations are interested in profits only, not in people. It comes to my mind that genetically modified food was first produced and consumed in the U.S. Nobody knows in certainty what the consequences of such food have or will have on people. Scientists have very different opinions about that. Scientists who oppose the use of genetically modified food do not have access to the media controlled by corporations.


The disease of cancer is growing. Governments of countries around the world almost synchronically accuse cigarettes of that and therefore, prohibit smoking to make themselves look like they work seriously protecting the people. Of course, I do not think that smoking is healthy, but I don’t believe either that smoking is the primary cause that spreads cancer. A combination of some research I did shows that the United States has a smaller rate of smokers than Asia or Africa, but it has a larger the rate of lung cancer. Greece has the highest smoking rate in the world, but it does not follow with the highest percentage of people suffering from lung cancer. Something else causes cancer more than cigarettes, and it comes from developed countries.


More and more people are buying expensive organic foods. This is indeed not because chemically, and biologically treated food is healthy. Please see the documentary movie Food, Inc. about the food we buy and eat. In the future, people will devote more attention to healthy feeding and the protection of their environment. In the system I have proposed, corporations will no longer have the power over the sciences. Scientific research must be independent of external influences, but scientists will be required to adopt the standards of producing healthy food. The new system will stop poisoning the people and polluting the environment.



Technical sciences are those that have objectively developed the living standard of people and most likely bring maximum benefits to society. But if human needs are alienated, then these objective sciences become alienated from their meaning as well. In the developed world, production has overcome the real human needs, it has become its own self-meaning. It has become much more a condition of survival of the system we live in than the real needs of people. I cannot find words strong enough to express how wrong it is.


Mathematics is probably the most objective science that undoubtedly, significantly contributes to advancement in society. But the question is how much is it objectively needed? The math I’ve used in my work as an engineer and programmer is probably only the math that is taught in middle school. I was required to take high-level mathematics at the University, just to meet the bureaucratic requirement for acquisition of the title Bachelor of Architectural Engineering. I think that the bureaucratic standardization of knowledge in the scientific world should be removed as harmful. It is at least a loss of time. It is not necessary to learn complete sciences if one does not need the knowledge, or if one is not interested. Life practice should demonstrate what knowledge a man should acquire to perform the job he wants, and then it is necessary to provide access to needed knowledge to everyone at any time.



The Future of Sciences


Authorities have throughout history been building unjustifiably complex, mystified and alienated sciences. Not only that sciences have incorrect or insufficiently correct basis, but academic recognition gives credibility to such base, which damages society. It directs people to wrong paths, the paths that cannot solve the problems of society because they are alienated from the nature of the origin of social issues. Also, lack of critical acceptance of knowledge accustoms people to expect answers to all questions from authorities. That alienates people from the power to mobilize their own abilities to solve problems. Usually, such an attitude impoverishes a man’s abilities to recognize, understand and resolve scientific, work, and everyday life problems.


Alienated knowledge is mainly wrong; it doesn’t allow people to see the exit from the dead-end street in which humanity has entered. I’ve made a significant breakthrough because I didn’t accept alienated sciences. I kept a natural logic and felt about what is right and what is not. In preparing the solutions to the problems of humanity, I’ve just used simple reasoning with which I achieved straightforward answers that the alienated people through the system of education were not able to perceive. The basis of this logic can be expressed as follows: “In the future people will no longer go to school to learn what is good, they will learn what is good in everyday life.”


The most complex changes in the system I have proposed will probably be related to the division of work. The future economy will have to be able to follow the changes of social needs through greater mobility of labour. The only good division of labour that such changes will be able to support will be based on a constantly open free market. The worker who offers the highest productivity in any public workplace at any time will get the job.


Bureaucratic determination of necessary knowledge to perform different work tasks by formal education and examinations, will not be able to follow new requirements and will no longer exist in the new system. Bureaucratic conditions unnecessarily reduce the ability for workers to be employed in positions they want, because formal education requires a lot of time. I would say that an average person can learn most jobs in a short period. Why then does education last 12 to 20 years or even more? School in the first place has a goal to lead people to the way that authorities have imposed throughout history. In that manner, the followers of authorities guard their privileges. This is a very alienated path that harms people. Such education becomes a break for the development of society.


Formal education should not be a condition for obtaining a job because it is not a sufficient guarantee of workability. The best learning comes through practice. When a man loves what he does, he quickly learns everything he needs to perform his job. The new system that I have proposed will establish a new, highly effective method of accountability for the possible insufficiencies of the realization of working proposals of workers. The new system will enable workers to give far greater guarantees for the productivity of their work than they can through diplomas, recommendations, experience or morality in society. The responsibility of every worker will be much higher than the private entrepreneurs today have. This responsibility will be so high that nobody will try obtaining a job for which they don’t have enough knowledge.


Although diplomas will no longer be an important factor in hiring, education will continue to be necessary, but it will change significantly. The opinion formed in capitalism that education is profitable for students makes education expensive. But knowledge is beneficial for society as a whole because educated people produce benefits to society. Therefore education should be free. In the future, all of the people will have simple and easy access to all knowledge, and to all sciences.


The central principle of education in the future will be based on the shortest and most straightforward way to achieve the required knowledge. One can assume with great certainty that most students will not study subjects that disinterest them or don’t give them direct benefits. Doctrines that are not going to get interested or bring immediate benefits to society will go down in history. People will determine what sciences will survive and which will not by their own interest. Education in the future will aim to teach students the knowledge they consider necessary. This is the path of disalienation of sciences. Students will take specialized courses on their own free will. They will make their curriculum of studies on their individual needs and abilities. I assume that the lectures in the classical sense will mostly no longer exist. Knowledge is already available over the Internet, and this trend will expand and improve. I think a focus on the future apprenticeship will be based on the consultation of students with teachers, where teachers will explain to students what material wasn’t sufficiently clear to them when they were studying on their own. Students and professors will discuss problems in particular fields of work and perform exercises through workshops. These workshops will probably include online students from around the world.


I will try to explain clearly in one example what the shortest way to achieve required knowledge exactly means. Let us say that someone wants to study rocket science. He begins the studies and soon finds out that he doesn’t know enough maths to be able to follow the lectures in rocket science. He will then stop the study of rocket science until he learns enough maths to continue studying rocket science again. Education will be very accessible and straightforward in the future.


Today, for example, an average surgeon needs to educate himself for more than twenty years. What slavery to the bureaucracy that is! What a loss of time in the most creative edge! I think that the average educated person may acquire proficiency in surgery in a much shorter time if he removes everything that is unnecessary. How? The student surgeons will typically attend the operations of experienced surgeons. When a student finishes the program to be a surgeon, he will estimate alone whether he is able to perform a surgery. The surgeons will not evaluate their own skills wrongfully because the regulation of the work responsibility will be much stronger than it is today. The patients will not be in danger of non-professional surgeons because experienced surgeons will supervise the beginners. Besides that, when a beginner surgeon feels capable of surgery, he will still need to convince patients that he is capable of doing it because patients will choose their surgeons alone. A surgeon who makes a big mistake performing a surgery might lose patients forever. So if a beginner surgeon doesn’t feel capable of delivering an operation, he could attend additional education as much as he feels he needs.


Today’s complicated system of education has created the opinion that ordinary people cannot easily overcome the knowledge used by experts. This is wrong. Everyone is able to do it if they find an interest and ability to do it. Everything in nature is simple, and that is the reason the essence of any science is straightforward. In the fields of sciences, there is nothing that cannot be easily understood. Science becomes complicated when subjective, powerless and ignorant people alienate them from their real essence. Then we are talking about alienated or false doctrines.


I think that in the future, all people will be interested to know and understand the basics of all sciences. People learn while they are alive. People in the future will understand the essence of all sciences much better, but that doesn’t mean that all people will be experts in all scientific fields. Great scientists need to study and work for years to perform at an expert level. A pianist can quickly learn where all the notes on the piano are, but a good pianist needs to practise playing for years, and that makes him a pianist. An excellent pianist must love music, and that love gives him the inspiration to sit for hours before the piano and exercise. The same applies to the experts at every workplace and every science.


Aleksandar Šarović

December 4, 2008


Hajde da budemo slobodni

Sloboda je stanje neovisnosti. Osoba koja ima potrebe ovisi o njima i stoga ona ne može biti apsolutno slobodna. U užem smislu slobodu treba shvatiti kao stanje koje nam dozvoljava da zadovoljimo svoje potrebe.

Čovjek ima subjektivne i objektivne potrebe. Objektivne potrebe su prirodne potrebe. Čovjek ih može prilično uspješno zadovoljiti i tako pronaći svoju prirodnu slobodu. Problemi današnjeg društva proizlaze iz subjektivnih ili otuđenih potreba zato jer ih čovjek ne može zadovoljiti. Generalno govoreći subjektivne potrebe mogu dati ljudima osjećaj prevladavanja nemoći pred prirodom i oslobađaju ljude nepogodnosti koje proizlaze iz takve nemoći. Ali naravno to je lažno oslobađanje.

Kako se ono manifestira? Kada god ljudi ostvare neki cilj u svom životu narcis u njima lako dodjeljuje tom uspjehu, a samim tim i vlastitom egu, značajniju ulogu nego što je objektivno zaslužuje. Ovakva pojava može izgledati nevažno ali u biti ona je izvor svog društvenog zla. Svo društveno zlo ovoga svijeta proizlazi iz prevelikog vlastitog vrednovanja jer ono za sobom neminovno donosi i podcjenjivanje drugih ljudi. Pogrešno vrednovanje ljudi otuđuje ljude od prirode društva i priprema okruženje za sve društvene probleme.

Kada su čovjekove potrebe otuđene one teško mogu biti zadovoljene zato što nikakvo djelovanje ne može zahvatiti prirodu nastanka takvih potreba. Nikakvo djelovanje ne može čovjeku dati veću moć nego što je on po svojoj prirodi može imati. Takva osoba se plaši od mogućnosti gubitka zamišljene otuđene moći i to je prisiljava da djeluje beskrajno u svrhu zaštite svoje pogrešne vizije. Obzirom da na tom putu ona ne može doseći zadovoljenje, takvo djelovanje oduzima slobodu takvoj osobi dok beskonačnost uzalidnog djelovanja ubija dušu takve osobe. Čovjek bez duše je samo mašina koja hoda i pravi neprilike.

Kao kruna svega takva osoba ima tendenciju da nameće otuđene vrijednosti drugim ljudima i na taj način oduzima slobodu drugim ljudima što donosi ogromne probleme zajednici u cjelini. Takve stvari rade predsjednici, nogometaši, znanstvenici, majke; praktično niko nije imun na preuveličavanje vlastite vrijednosti u društvu, niko nije imun na vlastitu narcisoidnost. To je problem koji moramo riješiti.

Bez obzira kakav cilj čovjek ostvari, on ne smije nikada zaboraviti, za svoje dobro i za dobro cijele zajednice, da je on jednak svim drugim ljudima. To je upravo ono što će sistem međusobnog ocjenjivanja koje sam predložio, svakodnevno podsjećati svakog čovjeka. To je prvi korak prema slobodi. Osim toga sistem koji sam predložio će osloboditi ljude autoritativnog pritiska i dati će im slobodu da slijede vlastite interese. Takvo iskustvo će demistificirati autoritetima nametnute vrijednosti i učiti ljude da žive u skladu sa vlastitom prirodom što će ih osloboditi od svih oblika otuđenja današnjeg društva.

Novi sistem koji sam predložio daje objektivnu slobodu ljudima. Oni će imati izbore opredjeljenja posvuda. Ljudi će imati pravo da odluče da li žele raditi i poslije toga što žele raditi. Njihov opstanak više neće ovisiti o radu, ali oni će izabrati da rade zato što će u novom sistemu voljeti da rade.

Takav život će biti slobodan. On će biti značajno bolji nego život koji mi živimo danas; značajno bolji nego što to itko danas može zamisliti.


Hajde da uklonimo društveno zlo

Vi ste učenici i huligani vas zlostavljaju u školi? Ili vaš šef vas zlostavlja na poslu? Ne može se naći osoba koja će negirati da su to danas vrlo učestale pojave. Da bi se zaštitili od takvog nasilja vi to morate prijaviti autoritetima. Naša kultura koju smo naslijedili daje autoritetima veću moć nego što je drugi ljudi imaju. Sistem u kojem živimo daje autoritetima pravo da znaju bolje nego vi šta je dobro ili loše za vas. To je pogrešno.

Nadalje, autoriteti vrlo često vole svoju moć daleko više nego vas tako da lako mogu biti korumpirani. Osim toga čak i sudovi vas teško mogu obraniti od sofisticiranog nasilja. Da, vi možete promijeniti školu ili posao ako postoji takva mogućnost, ali drugi nasilnik ili šef vas mogu i tamo zlostavljati. Ako vas netko naziva pogrdnim imenom, ili vaš susjed pravi buku noću, ili vi možete dati neki sličan primjer, vi nemate odgovarajuću zaštitu od takvog zlostavljanja u svakodnevnom životu danas nigdje.

Sistem međusobnog ocjenjivanja koji sam osmislio će vas zaštititi od svog gore navedenog zla i od puno više toga. To je u stvari anarhija zato što ljudi neće slijediti nikakva pisana pravila prilikom ocjenjivanja drugih ljudi. To će pružiti ljudima znatno jednostavniju i efikaniju zaštitu od pisanih pravila i autoriteta. Svako će prestati raditi ono što drugim ljudima ne odgovara i truditi će se da radi stvari koje drugi ljudi vole. To je ono što će učiniti dobro društvo.

Ali vi sada možete biti zabrinuti na primjer što ako se nekome ne sviđa to što vi pjevate bolje od njega. Hoće li vas on ocijeniti negativno samo zato što je ljubomoran na vaše umijeće? Prvo moram reći da će svaka osoba imati ograničeno pravo da negativno ocijeni recimo tri osobe mjesečno. To bi zahtijevalo da ste vi njemu gora osoba od šefa koji ga zlostavlja, od prodavača koji mu je prodao pokvarenu hranu, i od političara koji ga je lagao, što je teško za očekivati. Prosječna osoba vas nikada neće negativno ocijeniti zato što pjevate bolje od nje.

Ipak u otuđenom izopačenom društvu u kojem mi danas živimo, neprikladno ocjenjivanje se može dogoditi ali ocjena pojedinaca neće imati moć da napravi veliku štetu nikome. Sa druge strane ukoliko ste vi eksponirana osoba i činite stvari koje mnogi ljudi ne vole, vi ćete dobiti veliki broj negativnih ocjena od tih ljudi. To će vas zaboliti i prisiliti će vas da promijenite svoje ponašanje.

Konačno, novi sistem će učiniti sve dobre sposobnosti čovjeka podjednako prihvatljivim u društvu. Ukoliko pjevate bolje od nekog drugog čovjeka to ga neće smetati jer će on imati priliku da bude bolji od vas u nečemu drugome i tamo će pronaći svoje zadovoljstvo. Na kraju treba reći da će sistem međusobmog ocjenjivanja učiti ljude da eventualne sporove rješavaju sporazumima na zadovoljstvo svih sudionika bez arbitraže autoriteta. Hrabrost i dobre sposobnosti u služenju ljudima će se cijeniti i pozitivno ocjenjivati.

U stvari ja ne vidim ni jedan problem koji može proizaći iz sistema međusobnog ocjenjivanja osim otpora malog narcisa u vama kojem se ne sviđa to što će vas drugi ljudi ocjenjivati. Ali to ocjenjivanje je upravo ono što će konačno dati svakoj osobi jednaka prava i moć u društvu. Taj nedostatak je bio glavni uzročnik koji je sprečavao formiranje dobrog društva u cjelokupnoj povijesti čovječanstva.

Ljudi zlostavljaju druge ljude samo kada se osjećaju superiorni i ne zlostavljaju ljude koji im mogu podjednako uzvratiti. Sistem međusobnog ocjenjivanje će učiti ljude da poštuju druge ljude i to će spriječiti nastajanje loših odnosa u društvu. Ipak ako ste još uvijek zabrinuti zbog prava ocjenjivanja među ljudima mi ga možemo probati bez uključivanja ikakvih nagrada i kazni. Hajde da vidimo samo koliko će pozitivnih i negativnih ocjena svaka osoba dobiti i to će već napraviti značajno poboljšanje društva. Mi to možemo probati sutra i znatno bolja budućnost će početi sutra. Sistem međusobnog ocjenjivanja će jednog dana ukloniti svo zlo.


Hajde da uklonimo nemoral

Čovjek je nemoralan kada nema slobodu da bude moralan, kada mu sistem u kojem živi ne dozvoljava da koristi svoju moć produktivno. Nemoć u društvu je nemoralna sama po sebi i ona nužno širi nemoral. U današnjem zatvorenom neslobodnom otuđenom društvu gotovo svi ljudi oduzimaju neku moć drugim ljudima. To je razlog zašto su gotovo svi ljudi nemoćni u društvu pa zato ne treba čuditi u kakvom nemoralu živimo. Nemoral je maligni karcinom za svako društvo.

Sistem koji sam predložio daje neograničenu slobodu ispoljavnja čovjekovih produktivnih moći u društvu i pronalaženja zadovoljstva koje iz toga proizlazi. Sa druge strane sistem ne daje slobodu nepogodnog ili destruktivnog ponašanja u društvu. U novom sistemu svaki čovjek će imati moć da ocjenjuje bilo kojeg drugog čovjeka. Ta ocjena će predstavljati takvu vrijednost u društvu da će se svako izbjegavati da učini bilo šta nepogodno drugom čovjeku ili društvu u cjelini, i truditi će se da učini što veće pogodnosti drugom čovjeku i drušvu u cjelini. Ono što se daje to se prima natrag i zato će društvo postati dobro. Ljudi će tako vlastitom praksom spoznati prirodne vrijednosti. To će definitivno zaustaviti svaki oblik nemorala.


Hajde da uklonimo otuđenje

Subjektivnost stvara otuđenje. Čovjek teško prihvaća svoju nemoć u prirodi i zato nepoznatim ili superiornim pojavama u prirodi lako dodjeljuje određenja koja mu pogoduju. Takva određenja mogu dati čovjeku privid moći i osloboditi ga neugodne napetosti življenja, ali takva određenja su otuđena od svoje objektivne biti i zato otuđuju čovjeka od svoje prirode. Nitko nije imun na ovaj proces i zato svaki čovjek gradi neki oblik otuđenja. U svrhu ostvarenja veće moći, otuđeni ljudi nameću svoju otuđenu viziju, vrijednosti, potrebe drugim ljudima. Tu je ishodište neizmjernog otuđenja u kojem mi danas živimo.

Otuđenje počinje sa odgojem. Roditelji normalno uče djecu što je dobro a što ne. Roditelji koji žive više prirodnim načinom života su uglavnom zadovoljni sa svojim životima. Oni se brinu o svojoj djeci i dozvoljavaju slobodan razvoj djece što predstavlja uvjet za prosperitet djece. Ali takvi roditelji su danas rijetkost.

Danas su roditelji uglavnom otuđeni od svoje prirode i zato su zasigurno manje zadovoljni sa svojim životima. Oni često nemaju vremena za svoju djecu pa prepuštaju društvu da se stara o njima. Nedostatak ljubavi stvara veliku štetu u razvoju djece. Ukoliko otuđeni roditelji nađu vrijeme za djecu to je uglavnom zato da bi prisilli djecu da ostvare ono što su sami propustili. Oni prisiljavaju djecu da prihvate otuđene vrijednosti i potrebe više nego što su ih i sami usvojili. Takvi roditelji stvaraju neprirodne zahtjeve koji tlače djecu i otuđuju je od svoje prirode. To stvara ogromnu štetu za mentalni razvoj djece. Tu počinje nesreća današnjeg društva.

Poslije dolazi obrazovanje sa institucionaliziranim zahtjevom za nametanje nataloženog otuđenog znanja. To je nasilje nad psihom studenata. Uspješniji studenti u školama su uglavnom oni koji imaju razvijeniju inteligenciju i koji često manje osjećaju svoju prirodu pa zato lakše prihvaćaju otuđeno znanje. Poslije završenog školovanja takvi studenti imaju veće šanse da preuzmu vodeće uloge u društvu. Oni su intelektualno sposobni unaprijediti otuđena polja ali to u pravilu ima malo zajedničkog sa unapređenjem društva. Naprotiv, obzirom da takvi ljudi imaju više poteškoća da osjete i razumiju priprodne procese, oni sprečavaju prirodan razvoj društva i šire otuđenje.

U zrelom dobu se nastavlja ugnjetavanje ljudi gdje vi dragi čitaoci nosite i razvijate svo otuđenje koje dolazi od vaših predaka. To otuđenje vas čini nemoćnim. U današnjem zatvorenom otuđenom društvu vi gotovo da nemate šansu da živite prirodni život. Sve u svemu vi ste samo slijedeća cigla u zidu (Pink Floyd).

Zidovi su posvuda oko vas a što je najgore oni su i u vašim glavama. Autoriteti vas uče cijeli život samo da se borite za bolju poziciju u zidu. Ali ne postoji bolja pozicija u zidu; vama se samo čini da ona postoji prvenstveno zato što nemate mogućnost da je isprobate. Vi niste slobodni i ne dozvoljavate nikom drugom ko vam je na bilo koji način podređen da bude slobodan. Vi ste prividno dobri ljudi za autoritete jer vas oni obilato koriste, ali teško možete biti dobiri ljudi za sebe ili za društvo u cjelini. Ovdje se nalazi izvor svih društvenih problema današnjice. To je ono što sprečava vas i druge ljude da koristite svoje sposobnosti i potencijale. To je ono što sprečava vas i druge ljude da imate dobar, zdrav, zadovoljan i radostan život.

Sistem koji sam predložio će porušiti ove zidove. On će vas osloboditi od autoritativnog pritiska i dati će vam slobodu da slijedite vlastite interese ali će vas u isto vrijeme prisiliti da poštujete druge ljude. Takvo iskustvo će demistificirati vrijednosti koje su autoriteti nametnuli i učiti će vas da živite u skladu sa vlastitom objektivnom prirodom što će vas osloboditi od svih oblika otuđenja današnjeg društva. Ovaj sistem će vas nadalje učiti da formirate objektivne potrebe u skladu sa vlastitim mogućnostima zadovoljenja. To je glavni uvjet prevladavanja destruktivnosti u društvu jer ukoliko konstantno budete zadovoljavali svoje potrebe vi više nećete biti destruktivni. Predloženi sistem će vam dati moć da budete dobri ljudi. On obećava prirodan, harmoničan i visoko prosperitetan razvoj društva.


Hajde da uklonimo strah

Nama više ne treba strah da bi osigurali vlastiti opstanak ali mi ga ipak imamo. U današnjoj obilnoj produkciji to je umjetni nepotreban strah koji osigurava moć privilegiranom sloju ljudi. Preplašeni ljudi nisu u stanju koristiti vlastiti mozak. Svaki strah blokira moć rasuđivanja i zato preplašeni ljudi traže spas u autoritetima. To je začarani krug siromaštva u kojem živimo. U sistemu koji sam predložio svako će primati minimalni dohodak koji osigurava ekonomski opstanak bez obzira da li radi ili ne. Visina minimalnog dohotka će se u sistemu koji sam predložio utvrditi neposreno demokratski.

Ali zašto bi iko radio ako ostvaruje dohodak i bez rada? Odgovor je jednostavan; oni koji rade će primati veći dohodak od onih koji ne rade. Osim toga novi sistem će dati ljudima priliku da izaberu poslove koje vole i oni će ga raditi primarno zato što će uživati da ga rade. Neko bi rekao: “Da, ali malo ko voli svoj posao cijeli život”. To je tačno zato novi sistem omogućava svakome da lako pronađe novi zanimljiv posao. Neko bi dodao: “Da, ali daleko najveći problem danas leži u činjenici da mi radimo praktično cijele dane i čak i kada bi imali jako dobar posao sa vremenom on će postati više teški teret nego zadovoljstvo.”

Novi sistem koji sam predložio ima jednostavno rješenje za taj problem. On će omogućiti demistifikaciju današnjeg sistema vrijednosti. To znači da će se smanjiti potrošački mentalitet a to će zahtijevati i redukciju proizvodnje. Osim toga nova organizacija rada će ostvariti značajno skraćivanje potrebnog radnog vremena. Jednom kada novi sistem unaprijedi društvo i društvo značajno unaprijedi novi sistem natrag, vjerojatno će dva sata radni dan biti dovoljan da zadovolji sve ljudske potrošačke potrebe. Osim toga taj rad će predstavljati zadovoljstvo i proizvesti će daleko bolje rezultate nego što ga može proizvesti bilo kakav strah. Tada će ljudi imati daleko više vremena za unapređenje vlastite produktivne orjentacije i za druženje sa drugim ljudima.

Jedan učestali strah u današnjem društvu je strah od gubitka statusa u društvu. Ako ste nekakav predsjednik, filmaska zvijezda, ili imate bilo koji drugi privilegirani položaj u društvu, vi ste ostvarili otuđene pogodnosti koje donose sreću ali i strah od gubitka takvog statusa. Privilegirani status donosi objektivno prilično nepostojeće pogodnost i nepotreban strah. U novom sistemu ljudi će normalno imati različite poslove i položaje u društvu ali oni neće cijeniti svoj posao niti status više ni manje nego posalove i statuse drugih ljudi. Sa time u vezi, gubitak bilo kakvog posla ili statusa u novom društvu neće više nikome biti značajna nepogodnost pa tako ni strah od takvog gubitka neće postojati. U novom sistemu ljudi će cijeniti druge ljude po onome što oni jesu a ne kakav status oni posjeduju. To će omogućiti svakome da ima normalan dobar život.

Sistem međusobnog ocjenjivanja koji sam predložio će svakome dati konačnu moć koju niko ne može prevladati. Ljudi će jako respektirati jedni druge. Niko se više neće plašiti drugih ljudi bez obzira kakve slabosti imao. Ali šta da radimo sa drugim strahovima, apstraktnim i konkretnim, racionalnim i iracionalnim, svjesnim i nesvjesnim, velikim i malim? Autoriteti stvaraju ili održavaju većinu takvih strahova u svrhu pokoravanja ljudi kroz cijeli život. Takvi strahovi u novom društvu gdje ljudi vole jedni druge, gdja konstantno pomažu jedni drugima, će teško postojati.

Možete li zamisliti život bez straha? To će biti prekrasan život.

The End of Capitalism

The End of Capitalism

Today is accepted the capitalist economy in which the means of production are privately owned. The capitalist form of production, based on the competition of private entrepreneurs has created the most efficient allocation of economic resources ever. Thus, capitalism has achieved the highest productivity of the economy in the history of humankind, which has established the highest growth of living standards for people. However, the competition of private entrepreneurs has considerable disadvantages. The better producer wins and pushes the losers out of the market. Winners take all, and the losers get nothing. That is why capitalism is brutal. Its side products are fear, greed, and struggle for survival on the market. This struggle is objectively unnecessary because the current production is strong enough to meet the needs of people efficiently.

Capitalists systematically exploit workers by taking a part of the income that should belong to workers. Although there is no objective method for determining the level of exploitation, one may say that the difference between the cost of work freely formed in the fair labour market where workers may choose their jobs and the one where they must take jobs because they have to earn money for a living is exploitation. Unemployed workers must accept any job to feed their families. That is why capitalism deliberately maintains the level of unemployment at around 5 percent. There are various ways to regulate such an unemployment rate from importing workforce up to raising interest rates. High-interest rates increase the cost of production, reduce demand for goods and then, of course, decrease demand for work. Capitalism swears by the free market, but it consciously reduces the labour market to exploit workers more.

Exploitation can be eliminated by removing unemployment through a state regulation. If governments establish shorter working hours for workers proportionally to the unemployment rate, it will make the number of job posts and workers equal. The workers could then request wages they consider appropriate for the work tasks they perform, and then they wouldn’t be exploited. This measure would establish better relations in the process of production, a more stable income of workers, and therefore, of course, more stable production. The entire society would gain a lot from this. So why has nobody ever proposed such a simple measure? This is because increasing the incomes of workers reduces the capitalist profits and that is the reason capitalism opposes it. Capitalism is immoral, and that is the reason we live in immoral times. Such immorality must end if humanity wishes to have a good future.


Capitalism is very demanding in depriving the freedom of people. In today’s society, virtually only capital is free. People have developed only consumer freedom on which capitalism bases its survival. Therefore, excessive consumption is established in the modern world, which is mainly its own purpose. I don’t understand people who buy carts full of useless, cheap goods, mostly produced in China, which then very quickly become trash, which even then brings new expenses because it has to be transported to waste. Regardless, the citizens of the developed world consider consumption as a maximal value. This is the alienation that capitalism has deliberately imposed over people by using enormous propaganda. In the developed world, consumption has reached its limit when it cannot objectively bring consumers a better life, the same way as a full-fed man cannot enjoy eating more food. However, due to significant alienation, the consumers aren’t aware of it.

Economic Crises


Economic crises are an integral part of capitalism crisis arises as a result of an insufficient balance between supply and demand. Capitalism doesn’t have a solution that can prevent crisis because the entire production is based on the free competition of manufacturers in an unpredictable market. The cycles of production expansion and recession accelerate faster so that economic instability and a crisis of capitalism occur more often. I think that the frequency of crises will soon force people to seek a better solution than capitalism. Finally, I would like to say that capitalism exploits the natural resources of our planet Earth on mass. The limited resources of the planet Earth are the final limitation for economic growth as well as an insuperable obstacle for the survival of capitalism.

Capitalism cannot escape economic crises, but disasters can be reduced by sound economic policy. Such a policy is not popular in the capitalist world because it diminishes the freedom of capitalist entrepreneurs. The big financial crisis occurred in 2008 in the U.S. To ensure economic growth, its survival and maximize profit the U.S. banks started offering loans to virtually all people who have requested it. The banks have decided that providing credits with insurance companies is a sufficient guarantee for their investments. People found the possibilities for quick profits and massively demanded relatively cheap bank loans with which they were buying, building and selling houses. In the beginning, the entire U.S. economy benefited greatly.

The most prominent economic experts of the American capitalism have enjoyed the proper business of the economy, and they didn’t want to pay attention to the fact that a significant expansion of production naturally brings culmination, saturation, and stagnation of production and often ends in a recession. It just happened in a relatively short period. Overproduction of apartments and houses from the high-profit business encountered difficulties in finding buyers. The recession of production is equal to a catastrophe for the debt based economy. When manufacturers cannot earn enough money to pay the bank loans, they go bankrupt.

Individual cases are not a problem because banks can recover their claims by selling the debtors’ mortgages. In the massive manufacturing recession that began in the United States, a vast number of debtors appeared who could not pay their money loans and were forced to declare bankruptcy. Banks were no longer able to recover money loans from debtors because they couldn’t sell the ownership of the mortgages even by reduced prices. The massive recession has led banks to the threshold of bankruptcy. To make things worse, a liberal economy has expanded throughout the entire world almost, so the whole world has become mutually dependent. This is how the world economic crisis started.

The American economy


Banks lead the economy of capitalism. The bankruptcy of banks would trigger the liquidation of the economy. That is the reason states prevent the bankruptcy of banks through bailouts. It should be said that rescuing banks deviates from the basic principles of liberal capitalism because a company that doesn’t preserve liquidity in capitalism disappears. One can even say that the states rescue capitalism by using socialist measures.

USA rescues private banks in the U.S. by borrowing money from the U.S. Federal Reserves. The U.S. Federal Reserves are the Central American Bank, which is also privately owned. This means that the U.S. rescues private banks by getting into debt with the largest private bank in the world. The U.S. Federal Reserve is the owner of the U.S. national debt. The total U.S. national debt is a sum that presents all the domestic annual costs reduced by the income taxes citizens of the U.S. pay yearly. So, re-borrowing with the Federal Reserve Bank renews this debt. The U.S. Federal Reserves don’t have enough money to loan to the U.S., so the bank additionally emits money from “thin air” for the needs of the U.S. The U.S. federal debt returns American citizens from the income taxes. Does it mean that the U.S. bails out private banks by using the money that American citizens return to the central bank? It is quite possible.

The bailout cost somewhere around one trillion dollars. The banks were supposed to return the money but were they did so? The banking system is very complex and as such creates grey zones where corruption rules. The wealthy people have such a power in the US that they are capable of legalizing what would usually be considered a crime. After the bail out the national debt rapidly increased for about one trillion dollars almost immediately and it never rapidly decreased. Instead, it continued to grow which tells that the debt was not being paid. The Federal Reserve Bank helped private banks but not the people, and I firmly believe the American people will pay a good part of it through taxes. This is a big injustice.

The owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve possess immense wealth. They regularly collect interest from the U.S. national debt, and of course, they do not have the interest the American national debt ever returns. In fact, their interest is for the debt to keep growing because that way, they achieve greater exploitation of the American people. The only concern that they have, stems from the fact that they do not want to kill the cow they milk. That is the reason they have almost eliminated interest, the symbol of capitalism. Does it not indicate the end of capitalism?

However, despite this, the American Government cannot use money from the taxes, because all the money goes to the loans return. So the current costs of the U.S. government are funded by new loans to the same bank. The owners of the Federal Reserve are legal pirates. They have managed to impose to the American people through the organized media propaganda and corruption of politicians, that their piracy is the most normal thing in the world.

The U.S. Government must take a right to issue money from the Federal Reserves because otherwise, the American people cannot escape the problem. However, it might be difficult to do it. President John F. Kennedy did precisely this by Executive Order No. 11110. Soon after that, he was killed. Executive decision No. 11110 of President Kennedy was revoked immediately after his death by the president Lyndon Johnson. The American debt is growing progressively and thus creates one massive problem that will encounter in the future.


Capitalism is based on a debt economy, which is the leading cause of today’s economic crisis. However, in the media, the crisis is explained by greater consumption than earnings. I don’t think this explanation is good enough. There is a much larger quantity of produced goods on the market than consumers can buy. The market balanced it but anyway this is the source of the crisis. The crisis is the result of considerable disproportions in the earnings of people. Some people earn too much, and others too little. To be able to buy needed goods those people who have too little get into debts with interest with people who have too much. When the debts accumulate, the debtors can no longer afford to buy new goods because they have to return the debts. This debt restrains the economy. One can say capitalism suffocates itself.


The American industry is in big trouble as well. In the consumer-saturated society, one cannot produce goods for unknown consumers and expect they will be so thrilled with such products that they must buy them. Capitalism is based on the fear of survival. That fear works counterproductively for capitalism in the recession of production. When the recession comes, workers and companies are afraid for their future, so they keep their money because it is the highest guarantee of survival in an uncertain future. They then decrease their spending and do not buy goods. This strongly affects companies because they cannot sell their products so that they endure great difficulties up to the point when they collapse into bankruptcy. Workers lose their jobs massively, they do not receive income, do not buy goods and the crisis progressively deepens.


A similar economic crisis occurred as a result of deflation in the year 1929. There are some indications that behind the crisis, stood the most significant capital, which withdrew money from the market, which brought a vast number of the companies into bankruptcy. At that time, the state hasn’t even tried to save the economy. In this manner, the most significant capital took wealth from bankrupt people and increased their power.


The crisis today is different from the Great Depression in 1929 because the U.S. intends to save the American economy. The ruin of the American economy would remove the U.S. as the dominant force in the world and bring China or some other country to the top. This is the worst nightmare for the carriers of U.S. capitalism, so they cannot allow it. The American economy will be helped by the U.S. financial assistance this time.


Emitting money from thin air usually leads to inflation where money loses its value. Inflation encourages consumption, which renews the economy. Despite the massive emission of the U.S. dollar, inflation is still not significant. It is firstly because the U.S. gives the impression that it pays back borrowed money even though the debt is being recalculated all the time and grows. The inflation is also not high because payment transactions around the world take place mostly with U.S. dollars. Virtually all countries around the world maintain the value of the U.S. dollar through their economies, and this gives higher value to the dollar than America deserves. Emission of the U.S. dollar is, in fact, a form of exploitation of all countries around the world.


However, the emissions of the U.S. dollar needed to bail out the economy are so significant that they will undoubtedly lead to inflation. Inflation sounds horrible to those who have much money because it reduces the value of their money, but it is still a far better solution than the collapse of the American economy. Perhaps after that, the U.S. dollar will probably no longer be the only world currency. However, I think that the biggest problem for the U.S. economy is the U.S. manufacturers leaving the United States and going to cheaper production countries. If the U.S. does not re-establish its production well enough and does not reduce its costs, especially those imperialistic ones, it may perish. I think that the mistakes of the American policy have been so significant that the U.S. will in the foreseeable future, lose political and economic primacy in the world. It is not even wrong because more equitable countries, create more equitable people.


The American President


The new President of the U.S., Barack Obama has received significant support from the American people, and perhaps most importantly, from the media. It said to me that the considerable capital had accepted him as an appropriate person to resolve the problems coming from the economic crisis. Barack Obama will decrease tensions in American society by his human qualities and abilities. I think US President Barack Obama will reform the U.S. health care system and get the US closer to the health standard of the developed world.


Americans, like all other nations, are taught to believe that a good democratically elected leader can solve their problems. It should first be noted that there is no option to such beliefs, and secondly, these beliefs are wrong. First of all, power corrupts, and practically incorruptible people do not exist. Also, wealthy people have more power than American leaders. They perform much pressure on the US presidents from all sides including media and president’s who under their control, assuring the presidents that the options that the rich represent are the best. Under such pressure, Obama declared the war in Afghanistan righteous even though it can never be. Besides, U.S. politics in Afghanistan cannot achieve success. One cannot win people who are willing to give their lives for the goals in which they believe. The only good thing President Obama can do in Afghanistan is to stop the war, but it would confront him with wealthy people who profit well from that war and on which he very much depends.


Furthermore, President Obama is trying to find an escape from the crisis that the U.S. economy is in by improving. The rich people prevent it because every improvement of capitalism must take power from them. Barack Obama and all other good leaders who try to restrain liberal capitalism by reforms cannot achieve significant success because the rich people stop it. After sound, but unsuccessful leaders, disappointed people, often choose a strong right-wing leader who makes the situation worse. However, the worst in all this is that people have no alternative. People today are powerless and in it lay the foundation of the social evil today.



Technically, there is room for improvement for capitalism, which might bring betterment to society, but capitalism is very close to its limits. Capitalism is not a good enough system. Capitalism is immoral. Capitalism is based on the privileges of authorities and the powerlessness of ordinary people. Privileges are unjust and create alienation. As long as there are injustice and alienation in society, it cannot be good. Capitalism is not enough rational system because it requires too much unnecessary work. Capitalism cannot establish a stable production and therefore cannot establish a stable society. That is the reason capitalism cannot prosper.


Capitalism suffers in production-saturated societies but prospers well in scarce societies. That is why capitalism often searches for help in wars in which it destroys everything and practically runs its development from the beginning. Capitalism may withdraw from a crisis; however, one should not think about how to help capitalism survive, but rather about the creation of a far better system than capitalism for all the people. Such a system must take power from authorities and give it to the people, and this will solve all social problems of capitalism. I have proposed such a system, but it is so different from all existing models that people cannot accept it quickly even though they would all live far better. However, my proposal may open discussion which by the time may bring better future of humankind closer.



The New Social System: Humanism


The new democratic tax policy is a necessity


States plan and order their spending. Countries are the largest consumers, and therefore they can stabilize production to the grand scope. Today it is the job of elected representatives of the people. The future of democracy will no longer be based on privileged elected representatives in parliaments and leaders. The development of computer technology allows people to directly participate in making all key important decisions of common interest. Individuals will directly form a policy of society, and in the first place, economic policies.


People will be particularly interested in deciding on the macroeconomic policies of the society. The state budget will be created through direct democracy. People will directly determine how much money they will want to single out for taxation from their gross incomes. The sum of all such decisions from all people will form the total tax in society. Please, do not get me wrong. This does not mean that each person will pay as much tax as he or she wishes. It means the people will participate in the formation of the state budget and then they will pay taxes according to the heights of their incomes.


Furthermore, every person can decide on how the tax money is going to be spent. Each person will determine how much of his tax money should be allocated for: the defence of the state, public security, education, health, housing, recreation, building infrastructure, etc. Theoretically, people can decide on a collective consumption within the groups as much as they want. They will have a far greater overall impact if they are democratically allocated. In such a way, the people will become active members of society and so; they will accept their community a lot more. Collective consumption will no longer be alienated from society. Following the living experience, people will learn how much money should be collected for taxes and what the best way to spend it is. Thus, this spending will follow the needs of people in the most efficient way. Once people get the power to decide in society directly, they will be so satisfied with it that they will not allow anyone to take such power from them.



The measures, which I have mentioned so far, can be applied in capitalism. The new system that I have proposed accepts the model of the market economy. Private companies will continue to operate in the same way as today. Significant changes will occur in public companies. They will organize new production, far more productive than the private companies can achieve.

In capitalism, the opinion is built that states are lousy businessmen. So far that is relatively true.


The reason can be found in more privileged working positions of workers in the state sector comparing to the ones in private companies. Following the philosophy that inadequately interprets the working rights of workers, jobs in the state sector are generally protected. The workers can hardly lose their jobs even if their work performance is weak contrary to the workers in privately owned companies. Workers in public or state companies do not have enough developed the income-based stimulation to work more. Good work is often not paid better than a lousy one. Workers in the state sector, especially managers, can often benefit more by corruption at the expense of the company rather than from their work. As a result, state companies lose the productivity battle against private enterprises. Privileged jobs, poor wage policies and corruption create the bad productivity of state companies. However, by the structure of production, the state-owned companies are hardly different from the capitalist system of production, and therefore the result of work in state-owned companies should not be worse than the privately owned companies. However, it may be much better.


Even though the privileges of workers in private companies are less than the ones in public companies, they still exist. The majority of jobs usually are occupied, and they are not available to other workers even if they might be more productive than existing ones. Also, there are positions in private companies that are more awarded by high income than the workers would demand on the free market. Why is that? Capitalists need buffer zones between themselves and exploiting workers, which are unconditionally obedient. Secondly, it justifies inequality and thus gives the stability of capitalism.


Capitalism still does not have a developed mechanism of rewarding good work and punishing a lousy one. Income awards are punishments, are not fairly distributed. Perhaps it could be presented best by the management of American corporations. They are compensated by severance packages in the millions of dollars even if they have damaged their companies by their incompetence. I see no other reason for that than it is essential for the rich people to preserve the immorality of the system. The money they are sacrificed shows how important it is to them. This is a form of corruption that does not give a good perspective to private companies and the capitalist system.


Privileges of all kinds must be put to an end. A good economy requires the complete abolition of privileged work positions. One should protect the economic existence of workers rather than jobs. It is necessary to allow an access of every worker to every work post. That would be accomplished by giving every public job position to the best available worker. Also one needs to develop an objective system of remuneration to each employee for good work and a system of punishment for bad work. These measures will build a sound economic future.


The new division of work is a necessity


The state-owned companies will accept an entirely new economic system that will be far more economically productive than private companies. Firstly, the changes will affect the division of labour. There is no fairer or better distribution of labour than an open market competition of workers for every position. The worker who envisages and offers the highest productivity for any public work post at any time will get the job. Productivity could be measured by earned money, by quality and quantity of produced goods, or by the productivity evaluation of workers by clients. A worker who offers more profits, manufactured goods, better, cleaner, or cheaper production will get the job. That is an idea. How to make such changes to bring the most advantages and the least possible disadvantages to society is just a technical question. I have defined a pretty good solution in my book Humanism, but that will probably have to be more developed through practice.


This kind of labour division naturally requires equality of the number of work posts with the number of workers. Otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary fights for jobs. The new system will make full employment a reality. If the creation of new work positions is not needed, full employment will be achieved by reducing work hours proportionately to the unemployment rate. Also, under the new system, each job will be equally desirable. This will be accomplished by giving the job with defined productivity to the worker who demands the lowest price for current labour and, consequently, a lower income. The price of current work will be one of the factors that determine the height of the salaries. Therefore, better jobs will realize relatively lower incomes and worse jobs will be compensated through relatively higher incomes. This way, the labour market will set an objective measure of direct work value and will balance the interest in all job posts. Since the workers themselves will be setting the price of their current labour, by the same token, they will be the most satisfied with their earnings.


The system would have no meaning if the workers on their wish to achieve greater competitive power, offer productivities that they would not be able to realize. Today’s politicians do precisely that for example. The new economy will form a very effective system of accountability for the realization of productivities workers offer so that they would not dare offer productivities they cannot accomplish.


No economy can be more productive than the one where the best available worker gets each job. Such an economy will easily become significantly more productive than the capitalist one so that the latter will be forced to recede. Also, the workers will no longer be interested in working for private enterprises where they do not have enough freedom to choose jobs or decide their income, nor do they have the opportunity to cut into the profits. In the new system workers will participate in the distribution of profits, which as a rule is not the case in private companies. Soon after this system is implemented, private enterprises will be forced to withdraw and join the new system. They will be adequately compensated for their companies.


Defining the value of man’s productive power is a necessity


To create a good society, one should define and accept all values that are or should be, essential to the community. Then, one will need to determine which of these values each person possesses. The sum of all values that a person creates throughout his life, presented by a numerical value, may be called the human productive power. The human productive power will be one of the most critical factors which will determine the amount of worker’s income. This value will be significant.


The value of human productive power will incorporate, firstly, capitalist values, such as real estate, money, shares, and all assets that capitalism recognizes as valuable. This measure will look like a free association of private enterprises although the merge will be achieved under heavy pressure from higher productivity of public companies. Owners of private companies will receive stocks for their ownership of the integrated company. They will also find an interest in the fact that a merged company would be more stable to conjuncture changes.


This would in principle mean that the former owners of companies would realize smaller profits in good businesses of the merged corporation, but also smaller losses in bad businesses because the large corporation will cover the disturbances of earnings on the market. Also, the production of such corporation will be more stable because it will be increasingly based on customer orders. If owners of private companies could have an option to join such a company today, they would most likely do it because that would save more of their capital value in a frequent crisis of capitalism.


The value of human productive power may establish an effective system of responsibilities of workers for realizing the offered productivity in the production process. Workers will increase their competitiveness at the desired workplace by offering greater responsibility for the job. The responsibility will be expressed in numerical value. The higher the number, the greater the responsibility it will mean and the greater right to work. This is an idea for which I hint here. It cannot be understood well enough without reading and analyzing the book Humanism. The same goes for most of the new ideas I am presenting here. The higher responsibility will naturally realize a larger share in profit, in the case that the company’s profit increases. Such profit will now be expressed in a value that reflects the workers’ human productive power. And vice versa, in case of production losses, workers who propose higher responsibility for their work will realize more significant declines in value representing their productive power.



The good future of humankind cannot be based on the value of capital only. Man needs to become the most significant value, and this orientation can be stimulated by the value that presents the human productive power. Besides the capital-based value that represents an element of human productive power, we need to recognize and include all other values that society accepts or should accept. Such values are people themselves, their education, work experience, contributions that they have given, and awards that they have received for creating values to society, etc. The pooling of different forms of value will require a comprehensive study and – indeed – difficult negotiations in society. However, after some time, new, democratically regulated standards of all values that can be created in society could be established. Such regulation will automatically be applied whenever necessary.

If the society would like to stimulate education, it might raise awards for higher education in the value that represents human productive power. If, for example, a region has too low a birth rate, people may decide to award parents with more children with this kind of value. And vice versa, if a region has too high a birth rate, people may decide to punish parents who have more children by a particular value representing human productive power.

The value of personal productive power will be especially affected by disobedience to the law. If a person acts against the law, he will lose a legally defined value from his productive power. Each crime may be judged by existing laws and recalculated into a value representing human productive power. If a person commits a severe crime, he might lose all the value from his productive power, and even get to a negative value. The proposed system can make an assignment of such a negative productive value much more painful than a prison can be so that prisons will not be needed anymore. Each person will avoid committing any crime carefully. If a person still gets such a negative productive power, he will try hard to fix it, and that will only be possible through hard productive work and by outstanding behaviour over a long period.

Taking into account that most people would probably not like to have their productive power compared to that of other people, such a value may be kept secret, known only to the owner of the value himself. However, that will not work for people who fall into the negative value of productive power. They will be very visible to everyone.

Society may regulate whatever it needs through evaluation of human productive power. However, all values cannot be regulated, because people have varying individual needs. Therefore, the value representing personal productive power should also depend on unregulated values, based on people’s opinions about the free actions of others. This is an entirely new measure and, in my opinion, the most critical step of the future. I call it democratic anarchy.

Democratic anarchy is a necessity


Democratic anarchy is a new form of social relations, wherein every person exercises equal legislative, judicial and executive power in society. It is possible to accomplish it in a manner that gives each person the right to evaluate the activity of any other person. Each positive assessment should automatically bring a small increase in the total value of productive power to the assessed person. On the other hand, any negative evaluation will result in a punishment of the same form. Let us say that awards and penalties of such assessment would have an equivalent value of one dollar. If the society were afraid of such power of individuals, the power of the evaluation could be reduced. Even the assessment with the power equivalent to just one cent would be enough for the improvement of society.

Democratic anarchy will direct each member of society to create the highest possible advantages for society and to diminish or abolish the creation of all forms of disadvantages. Given that all individuals will have the equal right of evaluation, and that they will give their assessments independent of any written rules, such a democracy will assume the form of anarchy. In this straightforward way, the populus will for the first time in the history of humankind realize a great direct power in society, which will result in highly harmonious and constructive social relations.

Individuals will not have much power in society, but their evaluations joined together will be very powerful. A person who receives a large number of negative assessments would try hard to avoid doing anything inconvenient to other people. Besides, the person who receives bad evaluations would never know who has evaluated him negatively so that he would try to improve his behaviour towards everyone. This is what will take privileged powers from all the people; this is what will eliminate social evil and form a good society.

The system of democratic anarchy will especially affect authorities. The higher the position an authority has in society, the greater the responsibility they would bare to society. For example, the president of the US might get 100,000,000 bad evaluations from the American people for bad policies, lies, and criminal aggression on countries. That would cost him 100,000,000 dollars in only one month. Non-privileged presidents would not dare perform bad policies anymore. However, if it happens somehow, they would run away from their positions very fast. Only the most skilful and brave individuals would dare lead countries. They will not be authorities anymore, but our servants.

Democratic anarchy is the most potent tool of justice ever. How come? The answer lies in time. There is a saying: “Silent water moves hills.” The permanent power of evaluation even with such a small power like one dollar will make people respect each other strongly. Human beings will become values. Everyone will try hard to please society in the best possible way. That will create a miracle no other tool of justice has ever been able to make. That will create a good and sane society. In the future, the system of evaluation will probably abolish state laws, police, military force, and very states. Nobody will need them anymore. A perfect society will be formed, and everyone will recognize that. Human society will become prosperous beyond the wildest dreams today. I wrote more about democratic anarchy in the article The Future of Democracy.


It is understandably desirable that the value of human productive power becomes very important to society and therefore its acceptance should be additionally stimulated. That will be accomplished, firstly, by giving each person voting power in society, proportionate to the value of his productive power. I am talking about a significant change in the democratic system. Today, people have only the right to choose their parliamentary representatives. They have neither opportunity nor right to participate in making other decisions that regard their interests in society. We need a compromise equally acceptable to all. Let each person have a right to participate in making any democratic decision in society, but let him earn this right by his productive contribution to the development of value in society. This system proposes unequal voting power, accepted by a consensus of political parties. In reality, it will contribute to the development of democracy because the people will, for the first time, get a chance to participate in decision-making about all questions regarding their interests directly.


Secondly, each person should get an income for work in publicly owned companies, proportionate to the total value of his productive power. The value of human productive power will thus become a humanistic form of shares. This measure will additionally encourage residents of specific regions to voluntarily merge their private companies into one big “humanistic” company.


Thirdly, the value of personal productive power must be inherited through generations to be accepted. Through the implementation of such measures, every member of society will recognize the value of human productive power as high importance – this will contribute significantly to the development of society.



The economic security of people is a necessity


Capitalists are not interested at all in how consumers will make money for the purchase of goods they produce, even though there is no survival of capitalist enterprises without it. Liberal capitalism does not want to take care of the losers on the market, and this is another reason why capitalism must go down in history. The new system will ensure the economic independence of individuals as a precondition for achieving freedom and survival of society as a whole. Only one individual who is not economically cared for enough may endanger the whole community. Also, the system of work competition needs a higher degree of economic security and stability than today, so that each resident will receive some income. The height of individual income will primarily depend on the value that presents the productive power of man, then on the price of the current work, as well as on the accomplishment of proposed productivity.


The people will also directly establish the level of minimal earning directly. If workers’ interest in performing their work is insufficient, the society may directly reduce the minimum income, which would stimulate workers to work more. If productivity is higher than necessary, the community will then increase the minimum salary and thus reduce the income-based stimulation for work.

Society as a whole will guarantee the economic security and stability of individuals. This will remove the fear that rules throughout the world today. If people were not afraid for their financial future, they would be spending money, and that would quickly pull out today’s economy from the crisis. However, capitalism finds the primary motivation for work from fear for the economic survival of workers, and that is the reason it cannot guarantee financial security to people. The new system will build motivation for work from the free choice of choosing work and in the satisfaction that comes from it.


Besides that, the restoration of demand would help the economic crisis of capitalism, but this is not sufficient enough. Consumption already exceeds the real people’s needs in the developed world. A long term exit from the crisis of humankind should be sought in changing the system of values that rule today.



To each according to their needs is the future of humankind


By that time, people will learn that collective consumption is significantly more rational and stable than individual consumption, so that they will directly decide to allocate more money for taxes from their gross incomes. The more people allocate money for taxes, the more free goods and services will be allocated for the needs of the collective consumption of society. This is the consumption that the most developed democracies in today’s world spend mostly on national defence purposes. Given that the new system offers stable and good relations among nations, people will no longer allocate money for the needs of armies and armies will cease to exist. In the new system, war will no longer be possible. People will direct funds for the needs of the collective social standard. I am talking about vast amounts of money that can significantly improve the standard of society. The new system will enable the introduction of free individual consumption. Some states today have free education, free health treatments; some states distribute some goods and services freely. Why would a new system not provide more?


People will change very much in the new system. I think that one far away day; in purpose to establish a more stable and rational economy, all people will freely allocate all the money from their gross incomes for tax purposes. Then, all of the goods and services will become freely available to all people. The goods will lose their alienated market value, but the value of the use of goods will remain. It will be worth the same as air is worth today. I am not talking about utopia or oppression of people, but about the advanced technology system that will follow the needs of the people. If only one man, however, would like to keep his income, theoretically the completely free goods and services would not be applied.



The conclusion


The new economy will naturally step in; it will remove the shortcomings of capitalism and ensure further development of civilization. It will mainly base its production on customer orders so that it will be stable. It will level down the market competition from the level of companies to the level of work posts. There is no more productive economy than the one in which each position gets the best possible worker, and that is the reason why capitalism will go down in history. The new economy will eliminate the disadvantages of capitalism and will bring much more significant advantages to society. After capitalism, humanism will arrive, a system that will follow the needs of people a lot better.


The political and economic model described here will improve the efficiency and stability of production, introduce more justice into the process of production and distribution, and provide significantly higher advantages to all members of society. The open market of work posts will eliminate the workers’ privileges. This will further eliminate corruption, the main source of the immorality of today’s society. The market for labour will give people the freedom to choose jobs that they like more. Work will become an immediate value to itself, and people will enjoy working. People will be free. Freedom is a state when people do not have to ask permission for anything from anybody except their conscience. Of course, freedom is dependent on the possession of a conscience. Conscience will be built on a large degree of defined responsibilities of people. Accountability will be so high that people will base their mutual relations in cooperation at all levels of human relationships, and in that manner, they will develop a productive development of society.


In general, this system will rid the people of authoritative pressure and give them the freedom to follow their interests, while at the same time forcing people to mutual respect. Such experience will demystify alienated values imposed by authorities throughout history and will teach people to live following their proper nature, which will, in turn, free them from all types of alienation characteristics of present-day society. People will then realize where real values are. Furthermore, the system will teach people to set their needs following the possibilities of satisfying them. This is the chief prerequisite for overcoming destructiveness in society because people who permanently satisfy their needs are not destructive. The proposed system promises a natural, harmonious and highly prosperous development of society.


Once this system is adopted in a smaller community, the people will make this community a beautiful place to live. When the rest of the world sees that, it will not have any other choice but to follow suit. The new system will establish a sound and sane society all over the world. It will build a bright future for humanity. Conclusively, I would like to point out that the system I have proposed, represents not only the best solution for the future of humanity but also represents the only good solution. It will bring prosperity to society regardless of the level of economic development. The biggest problem is the time needed for people to understand the system, accept and implement it.



Aleksandar Šarović

January 6, 2009



Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis Director Martin Borgs made a fresh insight into the greatest economic crisis of our age: the one still awaiting us.


Credit As A Public Utility: The Solution to the Economic Crisis – video speech of the former U.S. government official Richard C. Cook, who sharply criticized the American Federal Reserve Bank.


Zeitgeist: Addendum . Video made by Peter Joseph that digs deep into the core of the problems of capitalism. However, the movie fails to provide enough efficient solution to the problems.


US Agencies Occupied the Occupy Movement

The Occupy movement was an international socio-political demonstration against social and economic inequality and lack of democracy around the world. It started on September 17, 2011 in New York City’s Zuccotti Park under the name Occupy Wall Street. The movement has called for solutions to the problems of society. I contributed to the movement by offering new ideas for reaching social justice, and they were discussed over the Internet. But the movement has never succeeded in defining its goals or political demands. I will explain why here.


The changes that the Occupy movement desired were not acceptable to the government, and it had the interest to prevent the independence of the movement. In 5 months, the government cleaned all demonstration camps of the Occupy movement in the US, but it continued to work. Then the US government sent trained agents to take control over the movement. They managed to control the movement through financial and organizational support. It was not difficult to achieve because the Occupy movement was open to all people. Volunteers run it. There was no hierarchy. Anyone could suggest ideas. As such, the Occupy movement was very vulnerable to the destructive attack of the government. Finally, the Occupy movement has become a tool of the government.


At the beginning of 2012, I joined the group “Visions and Goals” within NYCGA of the Occupy movement in New York. I proposed to the group a very simple measure for reaching social justice. It was based on a reduction of work hours proportionally to the unemployment rate. The elimination of unemployment would increase the demand for workers on the market, which would increase their salaries. I have defined it in the article Let’s remove unemployment. Higher workers’salaries would raise the trade of goods and services on the market, which would grow the economy and improve social wellbeing. Such a measure would be beneficial to all.

History has proved it. In the 14th Century, the Black Death killed one-third of the European population, which suddenly increased demand for workers. The shortage of workers increased the workers’ wages. Michael Bennett confirmed it in the article The Impact of the Black Death on English Legal History, Australian Journal of Law and Society, 1995, page 197: “In Parliament, in 1351 the Commons petitioned Edward III for a more resolute and effective response. They complained that “servants completely disregard the said ordinance in the interests of their ease and greed and that they withhold their services to great men and others unless they have liveries and wages twice or three times as great as [prior to the plague] to the serious damage of the great men and impoverishment of all members of the said commons.””


According to this, if the Occupy movement accepted a goal of reducing the work to 5 hours per day; the lack of workers would increase workers’ salaries 2-3 times per hour in one year. The daily wages would rise 30-90% for just a 5-hour shift. Workers would work shorter hours and earn much more. It has already happened so that if the idea were accepted, the Occupy movement would get a good goal of joint action.


The Activist of the group “Visions and Goals” Patrick Conway (Picture below), responded to me that my idea was interesting but that we first needed to find a consensus on basic issues. Patrick Conway insisted on a consensus of common actions between Democrats, Republicans, Marxists, liberals, anarchists, socialists, and followers of other political views, which is impossible to accomplish. His high education won the confidence of the activists before I had joined the group. Also, he attended all of the meetings of the “Visions and Goals” group in New York, which I was not able to do at all by living in Toronto. Thus, a discussion of my ideas in the “Visions and Goals” group ended. It seems to me that Patrick Conway prevented any agreement in the group “Vision and Goals.” This was certainly one of the reasons the Occupy movement had not defined its vision clearly nor its goals for joint action. This once very active group soon became deserted.

I tried to understand why Patrick Conway would sabotage the group. I was not able to find anything about him on the internet beside what he put on his profile of the group. Here it is: Occupy Wall Street – New York City General Assembly, Vision & Goals, Name: Patrick Conway, What Brought You Here: “I see this movement as a chance to make this country and world a much better place.” Skills: “business management, accounting, computers, ideas.” The information about the group “Vision & Goals” does not exist anymore. Today is impossible not to find information about any activist on the Internet so that I strongly believe Patrick Conway was a state agent with a fake name which only the government could provide. But the picture he enclosed was real. 


My article “Let’s remove unemployment” should be welcomed to all the Occupy movement websites because it advocates for social justice and presents a simple way to achieve it. It would have to be published just because it has good intentions. It could have opened the discussion to demonstrate the eligibility, conductivity and feasibility of my views. But the article was not welcome by the Occupy movement. None of their websites published it. Not publishing the article clearly showed that the people who decide what would get published on the Occupy websites did not want the progress of society. They had bad intentions.


I have managed to establish my independent hub in the Interoccupy group. As a holder of a hub, I believed that I would be able to participate in the work of the movement actively. I published the action proposals but have not received any response. Interoccupy was supposed to foster communication between individuals, working groups and local general assemblies across the movement but it did not. In reality, it blocked all of the progressive ideas of the members of the Occupy groups. Interoccupy published barely one news article daily which could be found in the major media. They generally published announcements and calls for numerous demonstrations of the Occupy movement. They actually said to people: run across the country, scream as much as you can, and when you get tired, go home and sleep.


The government prevented the spreading of progressive ideas in the Occupy movement. Instead it imposed a view that all problems happen coincidentally and that they should be solved independently. In other words, the movement encouraged endless conversations and actions which could not get close to the roots of the problems. The protestors did not have a solution, either the operational possibility that might reduce social injustice.


I believe that most of the Occupy movements were secretly financed by the government and by the rich with which the Occupy movement struggles. They made fools of the fighters for justice, who naively fell for their fraud. Some of the members of the Occupy movement have responded to me that they are aware that the US government probably had agents among them, but they ignored it. They believed that they could achieve their goals anyway. In reality, the Occupy movements were blocked at the root of the movement, so it did not stand a chance.


The main point of this article is, the US agencies do not have the right to interfere in the political life of the US citizens. They would never interfere in big parties, but they do it in the political activities of poor Americans. US agencies are paid to protect American citizens and not to prevent their political activities. But they do protect the rich. I strongly believe that the US government’s interfering in political activities of the US citizens is an organized crime committed in the interest of rich Americans.


The Occupy movement is still alive because it cannot compromise the rich conspirators while it groups dissatisfied people, enabling conspirators to manipulate them easily. Paradoxically, the rich keep it alive. The Occupy movement keeps being supported by the rich even though it does not present any social power anymore because it has helped the rich to direct dissatisfied people to useless paths. I hope this is a good warning for future movements.


I learned how conspiracies originated twelve years earlier in the aggression on my homeland Yugoslavia and presented my findings in the article My debt to Yugoslavia. Based on this experience, I performed an extended study which exposed the conspiracy in the western world. I presented the conclusion of my work in the article Jacob Rothschild is guilty for the conspiracy against humankind.


I have discovered that the Rothschilds are the largest enemy of the people. They have hidden their power so that nobody can accuse them of their wrongdoings. Also, they have cunningly taught people to call every criticism of them as anti-Semitism because, in this way, they can hide their evil doings more. I have been accused of being anti-Semite many times even though I am not one. I had to reveal the truth about the Rothschilds because it is not possible to win the enemy if the enemy is unknown.


Somehow I managed to publish this article in one of the Occupy web sites but later found it was removed. Conspiracies are a major social problem, and preventing articles from revealing them makes solving the problem impossible. It’s like forbidding doctors to recognize illnesses.





Hajde da spriječimo korupciju

Kada počnem diskusiju o svom sistemu sa ljudima najčešće dobijam primjedbe da Raj na Zemlji nije moguć zato što su ljudi slabi i vole da korumpiraju ili da budu korumpirani. Korupcija stvara nemoralne destruktivne odnose u društvu koji sprečavaju društvo da bude dobro. Korupcija je otrov svakog društva.

Ali kada je čovjek slab? On je slab kada ne može zadovoljiti svoje potrebe. To je slučaj u zatvorenom otuđenom društvu gdje vladaju privilegije koje imamo danas. Privilegije daju čovjeku moć nad ljudima koja korumpira. Privilegije su gnijezda korupcije. U svijetu privilegija pojedinac ne može dobiti ono što želi ukoliko nije pokoran privilegiranim ljudima ili ukoliko ih ne potkupi. To je pogrešno.

U sistemu koji sam predložio više neće postojati nadmoć nad ljudima, neće biti privilegiranih ljudi, pa će i korupcija nestati. Onaj ko ne zadovolji nečije potrebe na svom radnom mjestu će dobiti negativne ocjene od nezadovoljnih ljudi. Te ocjene će biti toliko utjecajne koliko je to potrebno da sistem dobro funkcionira. Svako će se truditi da pomogne drugim ljudima koliko god može bez korupcije.

Nadalje, novi sistem nudi otvoreno radno takmičenje radnika za svako radno mjesto u javnim kompanijama. Ni jedno javno radno mjesto više neće biti privilegirano. Ako neki radnik na svom poslu ipak ne zadovolji potrebe drugog čovjeka isti ga može zamijeniti ukoliko ponudi veću produktivnost. Niko neće moći ostvariti korist zbog privilegiranog položaja u društvu. Ni jedan pojedinac neće imati kontrolu nad drugim ljudima, niti nad sredstvima koja pripadaju društvu. Kakvog bi smisla imala korupcija kada niko ne može ostvariti privilegirani status i moć u društvu? Osim toga u takvom društvu niko više neće biti slab i zato korupcija više neće imati razlog svog postojanja.

Radna konkurancija je vjerojatno najteži dio sistema koji sam predložio ali daleko od toga da se ona ne može ostvariti. Ona će donijeti veću produktivnost nego što je kapitalizam može ostvariti tako da će postati kapitalizam u povijest. Ona će omogućiti radu da postane vrijednost za sebe pa će ljudi uživati u radu. Tržište rada će učiniti sve poslove jednako traženim. Život u takvom sistemu će razotuđiti ljude i pokazati im gdje su prave vrijednosti. Takav sistem će zasigurno zaustaviti korupciju. Pogodnosti koje će novi sistem donijeti društvu su praktično neograničene. Možete pronaći više o tome u mojoj knjizi “Humanizam”. Sistem je potpuno nov i zato ga vjerojatno neće biti lako implementirati ali ne postoji drugi dobar put. Mi moramo ići tim putem ako želimo da gradimo dobru budućnost čovječanstva.


Hajde da razgovaramo

Ove su internet stranice već godinama dobro posjećene. Trenutno imam u prosjeku 150 posjetitelja dnevno koji zajedno uzmu dvije knjige “Humanizam“. Ali rijetko primam mišljenje o mojim stranicama od čitaoca. Zašto je to tako?


Pretpostavljam da su ideje toliko nevjerojatne da čitaoci misle da je najbolje prepustiti raspravu o novom sistemu autoritetima, bilo liderima ili stručnjacima. Ovdje odmah nastaje problem. Bez obzira kako su lideri izabrani ili koliko su stručnjaci dobri oni ništa bolje ne razumijevaju novi sistem od ostalih ljudi zato što je su moje ideje potpuno drugačije od znanja koje su oni usvojili.

Osim toga autoriteti imaju privilegirane položaje u društvu. Sistem koji sam predložio oduzima privilegije i zahtijeva odgovornosti koje oni ne vole. Zbog toga autoriteti danas uglavnom ne žele ni znati da moj sistem postoji.


Svi ljudi nastoje ostvariti moć u društvu i mogu u tome uspjeti na nekom polju. Ukoliko uspiju oni štite svoje privilegije od utjecaja druguh ljudi i vladaju. Tako vladaju i svi ostali autoriteti; vlasnici, šefovi, profesori, roditelji. Na taj način gotovo sav ljudski životni prostor biva ograničen ili čak nepristupačan za ljude. Tako čovjek čovjeku oduzima slobodu mišljenja, odlučivanja i djelovanja. Ali naravno, autoriteti uvjeravaju ljude da žive u slobodi vjerojatno zato da nikome ne padne na pamet da je traži. Istina je da mi živimo u zatvorenom društvu u kojem caruju privilegije otuđenih moći čovjeka nad čovjekom. To nas čini siromašnim. To nas degenerira kao ljudska bića. To se mora promijeniti.


Svako tko je izgradio neku privilegiju može imati rezerve prema sistemu koji sam predložio. Dali i vi zbog tog razloga ne želite podržati ovakav sistem? Vi se sada možda pitate da li će novi sistem vama oduzeti moć i nad psom kojeg posjedujete? Pogrešno pitanje. Ispravno pitanje bi glasilo zašto vama treba moć nad bilo kim? Odgovor je vrlo jednodstavan, zato što vam društvo u kojem živite ne daje dovoljnu mogućnost ispoljavanja produktivne moći. Vi oko sebe možete vidjeti samo otuđene moći i zato tražite moć na otuđenim poljima.


Da, privilegije vam daju osjećaj moći i sreće. Međutim ta moć i sreća su privremene iluzije. Njihov utjecaj je isti kao utjecaj droge. Kada djelovanje prestane dolazi bol. Zato mi ne trebamo tražiti moć nad bilo kime; mi trebamo moć za ostvarenje naše produktivne orjentacije. Mi trebamo slobodu izbora i djelovanja, slobodu ispoljavanja naših produktivnih bivstvenih moći. Ta sloboda će se ostvariti po prvi puta tek sa sistemom koji sam predložio. Sistem će donijeti društvu neograničene produktivne mogućnosti koje će ostvariti danas nezamislive pogodnosti. Vjerovali ili ne to je tako.


Za ostvarenje tog cilja samo je nužno onemogućiti autoritete da prisvajaju moć koja pripada drugim ljudima. Sistem koji sam predložio garantira ravnopravnost među ljudima. To je ono što autoriteti današnjice javno propovijedaju i protiv čega se tajno i uspješno bore. Zato se u traženju bolje budućnosti ne treba oslanjati na autoritete.


“Veliki“ vođa više nije potreban; da ne spominjem da je on čak i štetan. Sistem koji sam predložio daje moć narodu i neće više nikome dozvoliti da je oduzme od naroda. Ljudi će se moći takmičiti ko će bolje služiti narodu. Ja znam da ovo zvuči kao otrcana fraza ali probajte se malo uživiti u predloženi sistem pa ćete vidjeti da sam u pravu. Stvaranje pogodnosti drugim ljudima će postati najveća vrijednost u društvu. Tako će dobro zauvijek pobijediti zlo. To će ostvariti veće pogodnosti društvu nego što se danas može zamisliti.


Nije potrebno visokoškolsko obrazovanje da bi se razumio novi sistem. On je vrlo jednostavan zato što su i zakonitosti prirode čovjeka i društva vrlo jednostavne. Zakonitosti prirode čovjeka i društva postaju komplicirane kada ih ne razumijemo zato jer tada gradimo znanje koje ne odgovara njihovoj biti. Takvo znanje nas otuđuje od naše prirode i komplicira nam život.

Molim vas ne ustručavajte se da postavljate pitanja, da dajete svoje primjedbe ili komentare. Kažite mi šta vam se ne sviđa u mojim idejama; možda možemo naći zajednički jezik! Meni stvarno nije jasno zašto sistem koji sam predložio nije prihvaćen još prije dvanaest godina kada sam napisao ovu knjigu? Otvorimo dijalog. Pišite mi. Svaka primjedba će mi pomoći da bolje objasnim novi sistem.


Jako tešku bitku vodim da stignem do čitatelja. Molim vas preporučite ove stranice svojim prijateljima. Na žalost uz sve medije koji danas postoje izgleda da mi jedino preostaje ovaj način širenja ideja. Što prije novi sistem postane poznat, prije će se pojaviti želja da se on usvoji i bolja budućnost će prije započeti.