Privileges are Evil

Privileges are Evil

Privileges are definitely the biggest mistake of mankind of all the time. I would define privileges as a condition that gives individuals power over others. Our culture, which we inherited, teaches us that power over people is a value so that privileges become values as well. The word privilege immediately reminds us of people who have power or the very successful people, but privileges are far more widespread. Almost every person is somehow privileged, and that is not good. This article mainly presents the sources of privileges, the reasons why they are not good, and how they can be removed.


Talents a man himself possesses should not be considered as privileges, but skills in the alienated society easily earn privileges. Ability should not be considered a privilege, but if ability gives people power over others, then it becomes a privilege. Work should not be considered a privilege, but if the job gives people control over others, then it becomes a privilege. Achieved material wealth should not be considered a privilege, but if it gives people power over others, it becomes a privilege. Beauty should not be considered a privilege, but if beauty gives power over others, it becomes one. Hope you get the point.


Most people, by their subjectivity, consider privileges as overcoming their own powerlessness in nature. Privileges can easily create to the man the illusion of power in nature and then it gives him great happiness that looks like the real overcome of his powerlessness in nature. Such a man tends to start admiring himself greatly and creates a narcissistic feature of his own character. This feature of character glorifies the subjective vision of conscience, which develops the alienation of man from objective reality. A narcissistic man is so burdened with himself that he is not able to notice anything valuable besides him exists. He loses respect for people, and that prevents him from reaching natural benefits in relationships with other people. He loses respect towards nature as well. Legend says that Narcissus felt so in love with himself that he did not manage to learn to swim, so he drowned in the lake where after a fall while he was watching his reflection.


A man objectively does not need privileges, but subjectively they easily bring an illusion of power in nature, fool people and become a significant value. However, privileges bring happiness to the narcissistic man coming from the subjective vision of power, and therefore he invests a great effort in maintaining the survival of his own privileged status. But normally, it does not matter how much a narcissistic man tries, nothing can overcome his weakness in nature. Obviously, it is not possible to keep beauty and youth, and everyone who tries to do so is their own worst enemy because they are condemned to lifelong suffering. Other alienated needs are more challenging to identify, but the final result is the same. Privileged people in real life must encounter conflicts with objective reality. Then they necessary suffer. Pain destroys the souls of narcissistic people, and they very often find escapes from the painful suffering in the perversion of their own sensibility.


Narcissistic people, by their subjective consciousness, may identify the loss of privileges with the loss of their existence, so that any threats to their privileges causes them to panic and fear, and they desperately seek salvation. Hurting someone’s narcissism provokes hatred that cannot forgive. Nothing attacks people as much as someone’s injured narcissism, nothing destroys marriages as much as someone’s injured narcissism, nothing kills people as much as someone’s hurt narcissism, and nothing provokes wars as much as someone’s wounded narcissism. Injured narcissism is the leading cause of destructiveness in society. All evil in the history of humanity comes from narcissistic forms of the character.


Privileges corrupt people. People that privileges cannot spoil are so rare that they can be considered nonexistent. I am not sure that privileges would not be able to corrupt me at least a little bit. Privileges should be prevented as a requirement of establishing a constructive orientation of people. Preventing privileges means overcoming narcissism and destructiveness in society.


Powerless people tend to reach privileges. The higher the feeling of the weakness of a man in society and nature, the higher is his need for creating privileges. With this in regard, the more we overcome the weakness of people the more the problem will be solved. The powerlessness of people will be overcome by using the system I have proposed.


Privileges may be developing from childhood


An exaggerated concern for children may be a more severe problem than the neglecting of children. I will try to explain it with the example of the upbringing of Adolf Hitler. The mother of Adolf Hitler admired his son unconditionally. She did everything she could to please him. She did all his chores instead of him. Psychologist Erich Fromm believes that this is not loving because of the lack of responsibility for the future of the child, and I agree with him. Adolf Hitler grew convinced that he was perfect without the investment of any effort. In this way, he developed his extreme narcissistic view of the world. The world for him existed only as far as he could subjugate it to his needs. His mother was just a maid for him who fulfilled all his wishes and pulled him out of unpleasant situations. This made him irresponsible towards life and incapable of loving.


Of course later on in real life, as a result of ignorant upbringing, Adolf Hitler experienced many painful moments. The pain brings most people back to reality but not extremely narcissistic Adolf Hitler. While he was suffering in unpleasant reality, he got into his shell and performed endless internal monologue to himself with which he justified his inadaptability to society. The speaker skills he developed in this way helped him expose himself to the German people during a sensitive political moment. The rest is history. Adolf Hitler’s story is not about criminal genetics but about the very irresponsible upbringing of the child. I am convinced that if his mother did not spoil him during the earliest years of his life and if his father spanked him occasionally, Adolf Hitler would probably became a prominent retailer or something like this, and 35 million people would not be killed in the Second World War. With this respect, even violent parents are not as bad in the upbringing of their children as the ignorant parents who spoil them. They are the greatest enemies to their children while at the same time they do significant damage to society.


Millions of children around the world are brought up similarly as Adolf Hitler, where parents really damage their children with good intentions. Spoiled children are very irresponsible and do not develop their natural abilities. They have big problems throughout life and suffer because of it. A child’s high degree of narcissism can be identified by excessive confidence or by exaggerated fear, and also by strong aggressiveness or extreme isolation. A child’s aggression can only be removed by severe penalties while in the case of excessive seclusion a lot of knowledge and attention are needed. If parents show weakness towards children’s aggression or indifference towards children’s depression, they can easily create very inadaptable children who will be unhappy in their lives and during one moment of crisis they may become murderers. The Virginia Tech massacre is such an example where a student killed 32 people and wounded many others before committing suicide.


If parents do not fulfill their parental duties in the upbringing of children, then it is most likely too late for the productive development of children. Then only psychiatrists or oppressive state apparatus can somewhat help. Now you are probably wondering where is the boundary in upbringing that divides responsible and irresponsible children towards their future. This border is defined by the knowledge that is the fruit of the equal people relationship. This is a state where children will not feel superiority or inferiority. I’ve established a system that will achieve such a society in my book Humanism.


Economic privileges


The owners of the means of production realize the most widespread form of privilege today. In a society where there is high unemployment of workers, employers are especially privileged. Unemployed workers are forced to accept low-paying jobs to feed their families. The privileged owners of the means of production exploit it by abusing workers giving those poor wages while accomplishing higher profits for themselves. Then, employers develop narcissistic traits that make them insensitive to the needs of workers. In this manner, the exploitation of workers occurs; the foundation of today’s problems in society.


The solution to these problems is straightforward. All that needs to be done is reduce privileges of employers. Their privileges will be reduced by abolishing the unemployment of workers. This can be done by reducing work hours proportionally to the unemployment rate. Once unemployment is removed, employers will have to compete with each other to hire workers by increasing the incomes of workers. Workers will achieve a higher purchasing power and will buy more, which will help the capitalist economy produce more and profit more. The problem is that the increase of workers’ rights reduces the privileges of employers and the latter vehemently oppose it. This problem must be resolved because only the equalization of the rights of people can build a good future of humanity.


In the final stage of the development of the new humanistic system, I have proposed the complete abolition of employer privileges by introducing a system of work competition in public companies. I have proposed a work competition among workers in public companies. Each work post will be taken by a worker who offers the highest productivity at any time. No one position in public companies will be privileged any longer.


In the new system, each work position will be equally desired. This will be achieved when each work position with defined productivity get a worker who asks for the lower price of labour. Labour price will be one of the factors that determine the height of income, but it can be said that better jobs will achieve relatively lower salaries and worse jobs will be compensated with relatively higher incomes. Thus, the labour market will balance working interest in all jobs.


The new economy will form an advantageous system of accountability for the realization of productivity workers offers so that they would not dare offer productivity they cannot accomplish. Responsibilities of managers and workers will be so significant that they would have to mutually agree on the production and establish a high degree of consensus before making decisions. This kind of market economy will result in co-operation at all levels of production processes and thus, will contribute to the development of a productive society.


No economy can be better than the one where every job gets the best worker available. Such an economy will easily become significantly more productive than the capitalist one so that capitalism will be forced to withdraw. When capitalism ends humanism will begin. It will abolish privileges by creating equal rights relations in society and will build an unthinkably better future for humanity.


My experience with privileged people


The owners of the means of production might be privileged to the consumers as well. The owners of the ski resort, Mt. St. Louis and Moonstone in Ontario are privileged. Their privilege arises from the fact that Ontario is a flat province so that the little hill they possess at a distance of 100 kilometres from Toronto is always full of skiers. This privilege made the owners of the ski resort arrogant.


Last year, I went with my family there to ski. We bought tickets for the ski lift. I placed my ticket in a special transparent pocket designed just for that purpose. When I entered the lineup of the ski lift, the owners told me to put the ski pass on a string or to leave. I answered that I would go if they returned my money for the ski pass. They did not reply to my request; instead, they used force and push me down into the snow. One of the workers jumped on me while the owner struck me with his boot in the ribs. My wife and daughters watched all of this, screaming at them to leave me alone, so they did. I immediately called the police expecting that the police would protect the citizens, but this was not the case. Namely, the police in Canada protect private capital more than people. The policemen told me that I must leave the ski resort.


The privilege of ownership of the ski resort gave them great power, and that alienates those people from their own nature. And so they have built a high degree of narcissism, and as such, they have lost the ability to correctly perceive the natural laws and reach a normal healthy life. They cannot find happiness in their lives. If these arrogant people somehow get unlimited power, they might become some variant of Adolf Hitler. Many arrogant people around the world would repeat what Hitler did if they got the chance. It would be entirely wrong to conclude that such opportunities cannot occur again.


Now, I am living in a big building that has an outdoor and indoor swimming pool. There is a service of maintenance and a board of directors composed mostly of retired people who make decisions of common interest. For a director position in the Board of Directors mostly apply residents who need power over people, and they like using this power. Life experience taught me that people who love power are the worst people because they love to use their power at the expense of others. The Board of Directors has hired a woman who works as a lifeguard at the pools and maintains order. She forbade me from protecting my five-year-old daughter with sunscreen at the outdoor pool because someone from the Board of Directors wrongly informed her that sunscreen damages the pool installation. This was misinformation because sunscreen may be harmful to the Jacuzzi but not for the pool. However, this rule was in force for years and harmed the users of the swimming pool.  The other tenants have told me in confidence that they protect themselves from the sun at home before they get to the pool. I succeed to revoke this stupid decision by writing a letter to the management board. 


I played amateur soccer and basketball for more than forty years. I mostly did it because running is healthy. I was never particularly handy with a ball, but it was always more comfortable for me to run after the ball than running around a stadium. I scored a lot of goals and enjoyed it a lot. One should cheer as much as they can because it is healthy. On the other hand, there are players to whom winning is the issue of “life or death.” They do not show joy in the game, they play very aggressively and cannot stand defeat. These are mainly talented people for sports whose talents build their privileged statuses in games and consequently the narcissistic feature of their character. They bring conflicts into sports. Finally, I’ve escaped from such conflicts by not playing collective sports anymore. The relationship between my orientation and theirs is the relationship between health and illness. People are not aware of that because if they were, they would select good and not evil for themselves. One day my philosophy will solve such problems.


In the system that I have proposed, every man will get an equal right to evaluate any other man. Each positive assessment should automatically bring a small prize to the assessed person. On the other hand, any negative evaluation will result in a punishment of the same form. Let us say that awards and penalties of such assessment would have an equivalent value of one dollar. Arrogant people, such as the mentioned owners of the ski resort, members of the Board of Director, and talented soccer players make a lot of mistakes to many people, and because of that, they would receive a large number of negative evaluations for an extended period. After that, they would no longer dare to create any disadvantages in society. Such measures will definitely reduce the uncontrolled or insufficiently controlled power of individuals coming out from privileged statuses in society. Only then will the destructive orientation of society be overcome.  


Privileges made Clinton, Bush and Blair criminals


What can one expect from truly privileged people? U.S. President Bill Clinton opposed the request from wealthy people to commit criminal aggression on Yugoslavia until the Monika Lewinski case was imposed on him. I wrote more about it in the article My Debt to Yugoslavia. Enormous pressure was put on President Clinton to comment on the nature of his relationship with Monika Lewinski. As a result, he gave a false statement before the Commission of the U.S. Congress, negating the nature of his relationship was sexual. Now I’m asking from when the U.S. Congress is interested in the sexual life of American presidents and why? But the Monika Lewinski case was so “important” for the survival of the United States, that Bill Clinton should eventually be impeached from the presidential position. This is the story for naive people. This story only served as blackmail for President Bill Clinton to force him to commit the aggression on Yugoslavia which was the interests of the most influential people of the world. Apparently, the career was much more important to President Clinton than the lives of innocent people. After the aggression against Yugoslavia, the impeachment was forgotten entirely. Here is the chronology of the Monika Lewinski case. Official information on how the case was closed was never released.


Keeping his position was not Bill Clinton’s only benefit through the aggression against Yugoslavia. When his term for presidency expired, he established a philanthropic foundation, “William J. Clinton,” to finance his library in Little Rock, Arkansas and charitable efforts in dozens of countries to reduce poverty and treat AIDS. When his wife, Hillary Clinton, wished to take the position of the U.S. Secretary of State, Bill Clinton was demanded to release the list of donors to his foundation to avoid possible conflict of interest. It was presented that the Bill Clinton Foundation collected a rather large amount of 492 millions dollars. I claim that many donors of his fund supported Clinton’s aggression against Yugoslavia and their donations were the reward for the criminal action. This is corruption and crime of the worst kind. President Bill Clinton has to take responsibility before the court for what he did.

The aggression on Iraq was a crime according to the resolution of UN. The aggression began with U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on charges that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein produces weapons of mass destruction (WMD) based on nuclear-biological-chemical reactions. Such weapons in the hands of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda could supposedly be used against the United States. The investigation has shown that the allegations were lies. Anyone who tries to make a small effort to see events around the world objectively would clearly see that the aggression on Iraq was conducted for control of Iraqi oil. British MP George Galloway furiously attacked the criminal US and British intervention in Iraq.

U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, through the aggression on Iraq, have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people and more than 4000 of their own troops, along with 30,000 wounded. In addition to this, George W. Bush spent one trillion U.S. dollars on the war, which must be returned by the American people. Every citizen of the United States now owes $4,000 more to the American Federal Reserve Bank for the aggression against Iraq. If someone tries to steal $4,000 in America, he will finish in prison, but when the President of the USA robs every citizen in America for this amount of money, nothing happens.

It should be said that this is the type of crime for which most courts around the world would judge the most severe penalties. Well, then why have the presidents of USA and UK Prime Minister not been called to bear their responsibility for the war crimes before the court? It is evident that leaders of the developed world are privileged people who are above the law. It must not stay like this. As long as there are people above the law, justice will not exist. Without it, people who live on planet Earth cannot hope for peace, prosperity, or a beautiful future. President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, together with their associates, must be prosecuted for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, for the enormous material damage that their criminal aggressions have caused, for the costs the war brought to their people, and for the pirate robbery of Iraqi oil.

Once the system of evaluation that I have proposed is adopted, the state presidents will no longer be privileged. The system will prevent the heads of states from calling wars. Also, people would individually allocate no money from their taxes for armies and armies would cease to exist. In the new system, waging wars will be utterly impossible.

Rothschilds are the most privileged people


One should not think that American presidents commit crimes to earn all the profit. American presidents come and go and cannot organize the exploitation of conquered countries for the short period time of their mandate in such form that they could earn significant profits from their aggression. Some people have power over the American presidents, and they stay at their positions permanently. These are the owners of corporations. Leaders of these corporations have a name, and they must be held accountable for what they did. I am convinced that the principal owners of these corporations are the Rothschild family, and behind them are the families Rockefeller, Morgan, Wartburg, etc. Forgive me if I skipped any more precious names.

I wrote more about these families in my article Has Antichrist Come? I do not think that American presidents work under direct orders from these wealthy families. Around the presidents are located the exclusive rings of associates who attended the schooling of the mentioned wealthy families. Hardly anyone can get close to the presidents without excellently passing the exams. These associates impose the will of the wealthy families to the presidents. That is the reason the change of the US President or the UK Prime Minister almost does not change the policies of these countries.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Wartburgs and others cannot escape the responsibility for what they have been doing. A lot of people call them out on Google and YouTube for the crimes they have committed. I believe that in the foreseeable future, most of the people around the world will understand that these families are the evil that governs the western world and are the prime source of problems in today’s society. They will realize that releasing the world from the control of these wealthy families means freeing the world from exploitation, poverty, war, alienation, and all other disadvantages of today’s society. Then these families will be in real danger. But I do not want the path to a better future of humankind to be dirtied with anyone’s blood.

I want the future to be built on the equal rights and universal agreement of all the people. I think that the best solution for these wealthy families is to accept the system that I have proposed. By accepting the system I have suggested, they would protect themselves from lynch. The new system would undoubtedly punish these wealthy families for their crimes. But what would the penalties be? Death sentences practically don’t exist today, so they do not need to fear about that. In the system that I proposed, there will be no prison sentences, so they should not need to worry about that either. They will lose their privileged status. That would not be pleasant to their alienated conscience, but I would not recommend them to unleash their anger upon me. I think that the world would not forgive them if they attacked my philosophy or me. Besides that, they should be grateful to me because, without my philosophy, nothing could guarantee the survival of their families.

When the system I have proposed is accepted, I am convinced that these families would still remain the wealthiest families in the world. One cannot deny that by organizing capitalism, these families have created the most significant economic progress and huge betterment of the society. By accepting the system that I have suggested, they will lose the power of secretly ruling the world, but it was not particularly successful anyway. See what their results are! Besides, I think that even if they were far more skilled than they are, they would not be able to reign throughout the world because it is not possible. The people would rebel even if they were in golden cages. People need freedom in the first place. When the world is finally free of their chains, they would no longer have to hide their powers.

People all over the world will recognize them as the most distinguished families. Is this not an excellent recognition? In the new system, they would even be able to take open control over the entire world, because the system that I have proposed would need someone to lead the world. This time, the leaders will actually become directly responsible to the people worldwide. If they make mistakes, they might get billions of bad evaluations from people, which would cost them billions dollars every month. Even they would not be able to afford it and therefore would work hard to create a sound policy of the world. In this case, the Rothschild family and their partners would begin to contribute building a far better future for humanity. In this case, all people win, and nobody will lose. Is this not a good offer? If they think about it, they will find the system I proposed is the best option for them as well.

Life is better without privileges.


I never wished to be privileged. Never in my life was my goal to have power over others. I needed money for the fulfillment of natural needs only. Maybe sometimes a little more, but earning money was never a primary goal in my life. That has given me a lot of time to concentrate on my real needs, and that is why I have achieved success in my own life. That success can be measured in the first place by the fact that I have no problem with myself. I do not drink alcohol, I do not take any medication, I have neither neurosis nor depression, and I do not lack anything. On top of it all, I have a lovely family. Someone can say that this is not a big success in life, but I would respond to them that not many people manage to achieve such a state. It is especially hard for privileged people to make such a result. Also, by finding my inner freedom, I was able to achieve significant progress in my philosophy. Success is great not because my philosophy was challenging to create, but because no one else has worked seriously in this field. People are so burdened with alienated values that I did not have real competition in the area of my work.

But, as a young man, under the influence of society, I was ambitious to promote myself. I reached some success in the field of architecture but found out that it was not a successful period in my life. Notably, that period reminds me of my great dependence on smoking. At that time, I never even tried to stop smoking because I knew that there was no chance to overcome my addiction. Then, I focused on my philosophy, which brought me inner peace even though I continued to have a habit to smoke. When my first daughter was born, I felt I should stop smoking in the name of our health. I was preparing myself for a terrible battle against cigarettes. And then came an incredible surprise; I quit smoking without any problem. I think my work helped me build inner peace that liberated me from my dependence on cigarettes. If I was successful in the quitting, why wouldn’t other people be able to achieve similar results? A healthy life, which my philosophy addresses, will help people all over the world get rid of their problems, and of the addictions that prevent them from having a good life.

Someone might think that my indifference to achieve privileges, to earn money, to build power in society, to promote at work and buy houses, result from my megalomaniac need to change the world. This would not be true. I’ve just discovered that the freedom in the field of my own interests that is also good for people brings more satisfaction than any privileges can. But in one moment of my life, I noticed that all the values I need were located behind non-crossable walls that prevented me from reaching them. I found my goal when I decided to tear down the walls, to change the world and make it an excellent place to live. Or to be more explicit, I am by nature a little lazy, and if I were able to find interests and satisfaction in everyday life, I would never focus on my philosophy. I was not even a talented writer. Changing the world was not an easy goal, but I had no choice.

But wait a moment, weren’t all the great founders and leaders, including imperators, claiming that they wanted to build a good world? Yes, but there are vast differences between them and me. I would point out that the most significant difference comes from the fact that the great founders and leaders, including imperators, had privileged power over people, while my system will not give me any higher authority than any other person has. Also, my system will bring good life and happiness to all people worldwide, which no great founders or leader, including imperator, has ever managed to achieve.

By my nature, I hardly start something, but once I move, I do not give up. Then nothing can stop me on my way. At this point, I have been developing new ideas for 27 years that will one day change the world entirely and make it a beautiful place to live; but still, I have not reached success in society. In the last nine years, 250,000 people have visited this web site, and they took 2,500 copies of my book Humanism. Yet, none of them have found it valuable to join me in my effort to improve the world.

What’s the problem? People usually recognize my good intentions, but generally, they have little confidence in themselves to review them. No one is engaged in researching the development of society, and that is the reason people think that new ideas are unrealizable. They are convinced that otherwise, some institution would work on them. People expect that the authorities lead them on the right path, but authorities do not want changes that reduce their power. Each turn of the accepted knowledge is a threat to the privileges of authorities, and practically the foundation of society needs to be changed in order a good to create a sane society. The road to progress is closed. Despite that, I know that I have defined how the bright future of humanity will look like, I know I am right, and that is the reason I cannot find more significant meaning to my life than working on my philosophy. It brings me the work satisfaction from which I will not give up.

Privileges must be removed


Privileged statuses bring pleasure to most people, but I would say that this status is alienated from the natural needs of people so that it necessarily results in real disadvantages that people, due to of their ignorance, do not associate with privileges. In most cases, such people cannot find their inner peace. They are under constant stress and seek relief through alcohol and drugs. Furthermore, the state of internal tension prevents people from recognizing objective reality. The state of inner tension makes it difficult for people to sense the correct path and make proper decisions in their lives. It makes it difficult for people to re-examine the premises that led them into their current situations and makes it difficult for them to be enlightened. Privileges certainly alienate people from the possibilities of finding satisfaction in the natural relationship among people. In reality, privileges are powerlessness itself.

All problems in society are caused by an inadequate system of values. Expecting that privileges of any form of having power over others can bring happiness is just as likely as getting happiness from cocaine. They are both hallucinations based on illusions. Privileges are evil. When society revokes privileges only then it will get a chance to achieve a better life. It is not easy to do, but there is no other path. Changes in society that do not abandon privileges are cosmetic changes only, and cannot bring prosperity to mankind.

The escape from this evil lies in the formation of the objective system of values which will be based on the natural needs of society. The system that I proposed will build such values. It will establish man as the highest value in society. The new system will form a scale with which the value of man could be defined and measured so that people can easily notice and accept it. Once the objective values are accepted by society, forms of alienated powers arising from privileges will lose their importance because objectively, they are not values. The new system will direct people to the right path. It will give people the being power they need so they will not ask for privileges anymore. And if people would still be interested in a search for privileges, they will not be able to find any because the new system would remove them.

The system I have proposed at this web site is not only the best solution to the problems of today’s world, but it’s also the only good one. That’s the reason my system will be accepted by the whole world. This system prevents hunger, fear, corruption, narcissism, racism, immorality, crime, war, and all types of destruction in society and encourages the development of productive human powers. In short, the system promises a better life for everyone and harmony to the people. It will turn the main principles that humankind has been established on so far upside down. The impact on the people will be so enormous that future generations will call everything before the implementation barbarianism, and everything from the implementation on will be known as civilization.

My humanism will save the planet Earth from all social evil and will create love, joy, peace, health, beauty, freedom, security, justice, equality, harmony, abundance; and will make a paradise on earth.

Aleksandar Šarović

March 8, 2009


Hajde da pobijedimo kapitalizam

Novi sistem koji sam predložio nudi daleko više tržišta nego što ga kapitalizam može podnijeti. Na prvom mjestu će se uspostaviti stalno otvoreno tržište rada. Svako javno radno mjesto će dobiti radnik koji predvidi i ponudi najveću produktivnost na željenom radnom mjestu u bilo kojem trenutku. Produktivnost će se mjeriti pomoću zarađenog novca, količine i kvalitete proizvedene robe, ili pomoću ocjena produktivnosti dobijenih od potrošača. Radnik koji ponudi veći profit, više proizvedene robe, bolju, ili jeftiniju proizvodnju će dobiti željeni posao.

To je ideja. Kako učiniti da takva promjena donese najveće moguće pogodnosti i najmanje moguće nepogodnosti društvu je samo tehničko pitanje. Ja sam razvio prilično dobro rješenje u svojoj knjizi “Humanizam” ali ono će se vjerojatno znatno više razviti kroz praksu. Tržište rada danas gotovo da ne postoji. Jednom kada razvijeno tržište rada počne djelovati, ono će ostvariti veću produktivnost, razotuđenje, ravnotežu ljudskih potreba, harmoniju među ljudima, veće pogodnosti u društvu od najsmionijih današnjih snova.

Ni jedna ekonomija ne može biti bolja od one gdje svaki posao dobija najbolji radnik na raspolaganju. Takva ekonomija će lako postati znatno produktivnija od kapitalističke, tako da će kapitalizam biti prisiljen na povlačenje.

U dobrom društvu čovjek je centralna vrijednost a ne kapital. Kada se kapitalizam završi nastupiti će humanizam koji će ostvariti nezamislivo bolju budućnost čovječanstva.


Hajde da sami odlučimo o našim porezima

Porezi imaju svrhu da zadovolje zajedničke potrebe društva. Takve potrebe bi trebao utvrđivati narod ali on gotovo nigdje nema utjecaj na kreiranje porezne politike. Niko ne pita radnike na primjer koliko bi htjeli platiti za poreze. A što je još puno gore, ljudi nemaju utjecaj na to kako će se porezni novac trošiti. Formalno ta potrošnja je u rukama vlada i parlamenta. Da, ljudi biraju svoje vlade demokratski slijedeći njihove programe na izborima. Ali oni se ne mogu pouzdati u vlade jer one rijetko ispunjavaju svoja obećanja. Na primjer, ja nisam nikada čuo da je neka vlada ponudila na izborima povećanje poreza; ipak praksa često pokazuje da porezi rastu.

Vlade bi trebale trošiti porezni novac tako da zadovolje interes ljudi ali oni to ne čine. Kontrola nad prikupljenim poreznim novcem daje najveću moć u državi i vlade imaju tendenciju da troše taj novac po svojoj volji. Ali ni vlade nemaju najveću kontrolu nad tim novcem. U zapadnom svijetu, bogataši imaju najveću moć. Oni su razvili mehanizam koji im daje kontrolu nad državom uključujući i nad poreznim novcem. Taj mehanizam počinje sa prijateljskim savjetima i lobiranjem u vladama i parlamenatima a završava u korupciji i ucjenama. Oni su u tome jako uspješni a to znači da zajednička potrošnja slijedi interese bogataša a ne naroda. To nije pošteno. Mi svi plaćamo poreze a samo pojedinci imaju moć da ga koriste. To se mora promijeniti.

U sistemu koji sam predložio niko neće moći preuzeti moć koja pripada narodu. Svaki čovjek će imati pravo da neposredno sudjeluje u formiranju porezne politike. On će to učiniti podjelom svog bruto dohotka na dio namjenjen vlastotoj potrošnji i na dio namjenjen porezima. Svi radnici zajednice će tako podijeliti svoje dohotke. Ukupna suma koju će radnici zajedno izjasniti za potrebe poreza će formirati ukupnu masu novca namjenjenog porezima. Ta količina novca će zatim biti prikupljena od radnika proporcionalno visini njihovih dohodaka. Možda ovo nije bilo dovoljno jasno: Neće svako plaćati porez onoliko koliko želi; nego će sudjelovati u formiranju ukupne porezne mase novca a zatim će se taj novac oduzimati od ljudi proporcionalno njihovim dohodcima.

Na isti način ljudi mogu formirati raspodjelu prikupljenog poreznog novca na različite grupe zajedničke potrošnje. To može biti novac za potrebe zdravstva, za obrazovanje, za izgradnju novih objekata ili infrastrukture, itd. Teoretski, narod može dalje odlučiti o raspodjeli zajedničkog novca po grupama tako dugo dok ima interes da to čini. Finalnu raspodjelu zajedničkog novca unutar grupa će ostvariti rukovodioci takvih grupa. Oni će ostvariti najbolju moguću raspodjelu za narod zato što će podnositi odgovornost za svoj rad narodu pomoću ocjena koje će primati od naroda za svoj rad.

Ovakva porezna politika će značajno pridonijeti razvoju društva bez obzira kakve će odluke o porezima ljudi donositi. Slijedeći svakodnevno iskustvo ljudi će vlastitom praksom učiti koliko novaca treba izdvojiti za poreze i kako ga najbolje potrošiti. Oni će svakako alocirati više novca u poljima gdje imaju veći interes. Tako će na jednostavan način, zajednička potrošnja vrlo efikasno slijediti interes naroda i narod će biti vrlo zadovoljan. Jednom kada ljudi dobiju moć da odlučuju o svojim porezima i o načinu na koji će se porezni novac trošiti, niko im više neće moći oduzeti takvu moć jer oni to neće dozvoliti.


Let’s Remove Unemployment

This article presents a very simple idea which will eliminate unemployment. It will bring power to the people. It will significantly increase workers’ salaries. It will bring justice and growth to the economy. People know nothing about this idea because the rich hide it from the public.


The owners of corporations favour unemployment because the unemployed workers are pressured to accept poorly paid jobs to feed their families. A higher unemployment rate produces cheaper labour. The owners of corporations are capable of generating unemployment by influencing the economic policy from importing labour to rising interest rates. It seems that an unemployment rate of about 5% is very convenient for employers and economists have accepted it as a “normal” state. This “normal” state allows the exploitation of workers through low labour costs, while the total workers’ purchasing power is still large enough to produce profits for private companies.


Today’s economy recognizes cyclical, frictional, and structural unemployment. Cyclical unemployment is the result of oscillations in the process of expansion and recession of production, which oscillates demand for work. Some economists realize that the burden of crisis and benefits from profits should be more equally distributed between employers and employees, but they do not know how to implement it.


Frictional unemployment is the result of people willing to move between jobs, careers and locations. Structural unemployment is the consequence of a change in technology, which results in the absence of demand for available workers. These kinds of unemployment are invented by scientists to give students something to learn and are not worth mentioning. Economists today are so indoctrinated with the false teaching that they believe unemployment is the unavoidable price, which must be paid for technological development. They even believe that 0% of unemployment is not a positive thing. I want to stress here that 0% unemployment will solve most of the existing economic problems.


The current philosophy of economics protects capital as the main requirement for the protection of individual economic rights and of society. This is wrong. We need to base the philosophy of economics primarily on equal human rights because people are the main purpose of the economy and are the subjects that the economy cannot exist without. Besides, equal human rights are the condition for creating a good society. This is the foundation of my philosophy.


Society regulates freedom if such freedom endangers people. The stronger has no right to endanger the weaker, and if so, the stronger will be legally punished. Can you imagine what life would be like without law governing the rights and obligations of citizens? But there is no such law in the free market economy. A stronger producer might suppress a weaker from the market and thus endanger their survival. If we have adopted laws that prevent the stronger to threaten the weaker in daily life, we need to protect the weaker in the economy as well. But we don’t, and this is the reason our society deteriorates.

The unemployment of workers cannot form a healthy basis for a good society. A just society requires the availability of work to everyone. If job creation is not needed, full employment will be achieved by reducing the work hours proportionally to the unemployment rate. This is a political measure which needs to be accepted by people and must be enforced in both the public and private enterprises. The regulation of working hours will produce full employment and create a much better economy.


The shortening of working hours will reduce employees’ salaries proportionally to the reduction of working hours. For example, an unemployment rate of 10% will shorten the working hours of all workers by 10% and the workers’ wages would decrease by 10%. This 10% of the money the companies take from employed workers will be distributed to the newly hired workers. Initially, the full employment will not burden employers with additional labour costs, and all workers would get employed and receive incomes. The previously employed workers would probably perceive the lower wages as a disadvantage, but in the long run, their salaries will significantly grow because in the reduced work market the employers will be forced to increase workers’ salaries to be able to keep them.


The shortening of working hours will bring great benefits to society. The lower salaries of workers caused by the elimination of unemployment are not even close as bad as what unemployment brings to workers who receive no salary. Such a measure would guarantee that unemployment and economic insecurity of workers can no longer exist.


People are accustomed to fluctuations in living standards depending on the performance of the economy. The real purchasing power of wages changes more than the unemployment rate due to changes in the market supply and demand, economic crisis, inflation and deflation. Workers silently accept such fluctuations in purchasing power. They accept that they live worse through the crisis. So, why would they not accept this measure in the name of solidarity among workers, which will help them establish a healthy long-term basis to achieve higher standards of living?


Shortening work hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment will not only eliminate unemployment, but it will also solve the problem of exploitation. Here is a simple explanation: If there are a total of two workers who apply for a total of one work post, the competition among the workers will reduce the cost of labour so that the worker who gets the job will be exploited. If there is a total of one worker and a total of two jobs, the competition among employers will increase the wage of the worker. Regarding this, the reduction of work hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment will put workers in a better position in the production process. Lower availability of workers will raise the value of the labour of workers and thus, employers would pay workers more than they do today.


Access to the free market is a privilege that society gives to companies, and the companies must pay for this privilege in a way that satisfies society. Increasing the wages of workers will be at the expense of employers. Employers would not like it at the beginning of course, but later they will profit from higher earnings of workers.


Employers must understand that they cannot earn more if there is not a greater consumer purchasing power. They must understand that the purchasing power of society cannot be increased without increasing the wages of workers. They should understand that there is not a better distribution of incomes, neither for employers nor for workers than of the one achieved through a fair labour market.


Shortening work hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment would ensure a more fair distribution of incomes inside society. The fair distribution of incomes will provide greater purchasing power to the workers, which will ensure a higher flow of goods, which would again bring greater profits to the owners of capital. Besides, this would remove economic crises because they are primarily based on the lack of trade in goods and services. Shorter work hours will form better capitalism and bring prosperity to society.

Overtime work will continue to be allowed. In the Western world, overtime work pays time and a half. Employers who intend to solve the labour shortage with overtime work will not reduce unemployment. Then the policy that follows the will of the people will further shorten the working hours of all employees, and employers will have to pay more overtime hours. Let the employers themselves realize whether it is more worth it to hire new workers or to pay more overtime hours per worker.


The task of a good policy is to simplify regulation as much as possible while achieving the greatest positive impact on society. Today’s policy regulates minimum income, which has a very limited impact on the overall distribution of incomes. In the developed world, a large number of workers earn minimum wage while inflation reduces the real value constantly. Workers of the American corporation Walmart generally receive minimal income due to the unemployment in America. The salaries in Walmart cannot cover basic needs, and so the workers receive social assistance from the U.S. Government. They live at the expense of U.S. taxpayers while Walmart continues to be one of the most profitable companies in America.


A good policy will regulate the length of working hours and not necessarily the minimum income. When unemployment removes by reducing work hours, employers who need more workers will have to take them from other employers by offering higher salaries because other workers will not be available. They will have to compete by increasing workers’ wages to attract workers from other companies. It will cause a chain reaction in which the workers’ wages will rise. If employers do not increase wages, they would not have workers. This is a fair labour market. The regulation of a minimum income will not be required any longer. There will be no need for unions as intermediaries in protecting workers’ rights.

The reduction in work hours is not a new idea. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Robert Owen realized the absurdity of daily work that lasted between 12 and 16 hours. In 1817 he proposed the reduction of work hours to 8 hours a day so people would have 8 hours a day for recreation and 8 hours for rest. The employers were strongly opposed to it and did not let the reduction occur. The workers were very dissatisfied. The first significant worker resistance happened in Chicago, on May 1st, 1867, and the day was declared International Labour Day. The struggle between employers and workers has been painful and often bloody. It took around 100 years of struggle for the idea of the eight-hour workday to be accepted worldwide.


But this reduction in work hours is not enough today. French socialists in power adopted a new law in 2000, which shortened the work hours of all employees from 39 to 35 hours per week. They did this to reduce unemployment and enable more free time to workers. But the shorter work hours did not lead to an increase in employment because employers burdened employed workers more. That says to me that there is not even a need for a seven-hour workday because the automation in the manufacturing process has reduced the need for human resources.


The French Socialists should have been aware that the employers, who are accustomed to exploiting workers, would not easily give up. The socialists needed to implement a higher reduction of work hours until employers are forced to hire unemployed workers. I would recommend decreasing the work week length to 30 hours. The French Socialists were not sufficiently committed, and ten years later, the Conservatives abolished the limitation of 35 work hours per week. So the idea of social justice was lost once again.


Privileged people always find a way to oppress the marginalized, and that has always been the primary source of problems in society. But in the 14th century, a huge natural tragedy helped the disenfranchised. The Black Death killed one-third of the European population, which produced a vast labour shortage. “The shortage of servants, craftsmen, and workmen, and of agricultural workers and labourers, left a great many lords and people without service and attendance.” The crops in the fields languished because there were not enough people to harvest them.


Suddenly, workers and their labour were in much higher demand, enabling those who survived the Black Death to be in a much better position to negotiate work conditions. Historian and economist Thorold Rogers documented that the peasants were virtually given everything they asked. Wages have increased significantly (2-3 times) in one year, and the higher purchasing power of people has improved the economy. More about this can be found here: The Economic Impact of the Black Death.


Now what? Shall we wait for a new tragedy of humanity, or will we, in the name of justice and solidarity among people, be smart enough to shorten working hours as long as unemployment exists? Only that would force companies to hire unemployed workers. Only that would build justice and balance in the process of production and distribution. Such regulation of the market will use “the invisible hand” to balance the demand for labour and income heights in the most acceptable way for workers and employers.

I received criticism saying that expensive work drives capital to the places where the labour is cheaper. My response was the state market can always protect itself by duties and taxes on the borders. However, does capital not go to developing countries anyway? Yes, but this situation will come to an end because if workers in developed countries do not earn enough, they cannot buy enough of the goods that the large capitals produce. The less the capital invests in society, the less profit it receives. The capital which invests more, profits more, and more easily survives on the market. The same will happen when society accepts a new labour market regulation.


On the other hand, the departure of capital cannot bring workers into an existential threat anymore. The eventual increase in unemployment caused by the departure of capital would result in a more significant reduction of working hours of workers; thus, economic security would still be guaranteed to all people. The shortening of working hours will reduce the incomes of workers, but they would remain high enough to provide a decent life. Capitalism has spent a lot of energy in developing the consumer mentality, which is very unnecessary, and the egotistical character trait of workers, which is wrong. The solidarity in shortening working hours will fundamentally change it.


The question is, why has such a simple idea never been suggested? The reason should be sought in the conspiracy of big businesses, which by their economic power, prevent the advent of new ideas that can improve society. Big businesses supported ideas that cannot improve society. Big capital supported Marxism as the leading ideology of the Left because they have always known that Marxism cannot create a good society, and as such, it does not constitute a hazard to them. Otherwise, Marxism, as a vehicle of the violent revolutionary ideology, would have been outlawed. Marxism is useful to big businesses because it mistakenly directs the Left. This is proved by the practice of the socialist revolutions.


Thanks to the conspiracy of big business, my ideas do not have access to the media, universities, politics, and so, nor to the people. This article has been sent to hundreds of news publishers, predominantly left-oriented, and so far only “Global Research“ published it. But one day, the idea of reducing work hours proportionally to the unemployment rate will break through, and society will demand its implementation. This will reduce the privileges of employers and increase workers’ rights. It will also reduce the difference between the earnings of employers and workers. In such an environment, the capital will lose its significance. A fair labour market will spontaneously initialize a new social and economic system that will replace capitalism and substantially meet the needs of society as a whole. I have presented this system in detail in my book, Humanism. Humanism would be equally acceptable to all people and would further improve society.



Hajde da volimo jedni druge

Ljubav je najveće postignuće koje čovjek u svom životu može ostvariti i zato daje najveći oblik zadovoljstva. U prirodnom društvu ljubav je vjerojatno spontani čin koji se razvija sam po sebi. U otuđenom društvu u kojem mi danas živimo mi ne znamo kako da volimo jedni druge. Ako to pokušamo ostvariti rezultat je često suprotan našim očekivanjima zato jer je otuđenje izopačilo našu ljubav. Da bi naučili kako da volimo ljude moramo se vratiti našoj prirodi.

Dijete voli roditelje zato što ih treba. Ako kao odrastao čovjek i dalje ovisi o autoritetima, on ih i dalje voli ali njegova je ljubav u najmanju ruku prilično nerazvijena. Naša kultura je prihvatila sistem koji pogoduje razvoj privilegiranih autoriteta i sputava moć podređenih ljudi. Privilegirani autoriteti naime oduzimaju slobodu i ugnjetavaju podređene ljude. Odnos nametljivih autoriteta i pokornih sljedbenika uvijek predstavlja neku nijansu sado-mazohističkog odnosa i zato je vrlo neproduktivan. To je izopačenje pojma ljubavi i nužno ga razvija.

Sa druge strane privilegije razvijaju narcisoidnost ljudi. Narcisoidnost predstavlja zaljubljivanje čovjeka u sebe sama. To je vrlo nerazvijeni oblik ljubavi koji sprečava razvoj ljubavi i tako lišava čovjeka ogromnih pogodnosti koje može ostvariti u razvijenoj ljubavi. Ako silno želite postati šef ili bilo kakav autoritet, ako vam je glavni cilj u životu da zaradite novac, vi možete ostvariti veliku prividnu sreću u tome ali ste zasigurno na pogrešnom putu.

Narcisoidna sreća ima jako otuđenu prirodu koja lako dolazi u proturječnost sa objektivnom stvarnosti i zato za razliku od ljubavi, narcisiodna emocija sreće je vrlo nestabilna i kratko traje. Poslije takve sreće se nužno javlja razočarenje koje donosi veću nepogodnost življenja i vrlo destruktivnu orjentaciju takvog čovjeka. Zato narcisoidni ljudi puno lakše stvaraju mržnju nego ljubav.

Čovjek jako teško prepoznaje narcisoidnu osobina karaktera u sebi i zato vi sada vjerojatno mislite do su narcisoidni ljudi neki drugi ljudi a ne vi. Gotovo svi ljudi posjeduje narcisoidne osobine karaktera zato jer nas naša svakodnevna otuđena kultura uči da budemo narcisoidni. Može se generalizirati da su više privilegirani ljudi više narcisoidni i da zato manje vole. Ali razlike su često samo u nijansama. Zato je svijet u kojem živimo upravo ovakav kakav jeste.

Da bi prevladali narcisoidnu orjentaciju ljudi mi moramo prihvatiti prirodu društva. Ukoliko se čovjek želi razlikovati od životinja, tada on mora prihvatiti tezu da priroda društva ima temelje u slobodi, jednakosti i ravnopravnosti ljudi.

Zato sistem koji sam predložio nudi svakom čovjeku potpunu nezavisnost, slobodu izjašnjavanja i djelovanja pod uvjetom da to njegovo izjašnjavanje i djelovanje ne donese drugom čovjeku štetu ili nepogodnosti. Sistem će prisiliti ljude da poštuju jedni druge. To će se ostvariti pomoću sistema ocjenjivanja među ljudima. Svaki čovjek će imati jednako pravo da ocjeni bilo kojeg drugog čovjeka.

Svaka pozitivna ocjena će automatski donijeti neku malu nagradu pozitivno ocjenjenom čovjeku a svaka negativna ocjena će rezultirati nekom malom kaznom. To će usmjeriti svakog člana društva da stvara maksimalno moguće pogodnosti u društvu i da smanji ili ukine stvaranje bilo kakvih oblika nepogodnosti.

Tehnički gledano ovo već jako liči na ljubav jer se ljubav bazira na nediskriminiranoj brizi za druge i u davanju. Ali to još uvijek nije ljubav. Kad se ovakav sistem počne primjenjivati u otuđenom društvu, većina ljudi vjerojatno neće osjetiti zadovoljstvo u samom činu davanja i zato to neće biti ljubav. U početku će zadovoljstvo proizlaziti iz egoistične potrebe dobijanja boljih ocjena od drugih ljudi, ali ono će biti vrlo korisno zato što će tako ljudi stvarati pogodnosti i ustručavati se da rade nepogodnosti društvo u cjelini.

Narcisoidnost je glavni uzrok koji sprečava ljude da prihvate moje ideje, da imaju dobar i radostan život. Narcisoidnost je najveći neprijatelj čovječanstva svih vremena a većina ljudi čak i ne zna da ona postoji. Zato je moja borba tako teška. Ipak ja sam jako uporan i jednog dana će sistem koji sam predložio biti prihvaćen. Tada će se ljudi osloboditi narcisoidnosti što je condition sine qua non za upoznavanje ljubavi.

Razvijena ljubav zahtijeva kompletnu produktivnu orjentaciju čovjeka koja je u našem društvu prilično nepoznata. Zato je danas prava ljubav rijetka. Novi sistem će takvu orjentaciju omogućiti. On će osloboditi ljude od svih oblika otuđenja koje su autoriteti nametali kroz povijest i učiti će ljude da žive u skladu sa vlastitom prirodom. Odgovornost koju novi sistem donosi će nadalje učiti ljude da formiraju potrebe u skladu sa vlastitom mogućnostima zadovoljenja.

To je glavni uvjet prevladavanja destruktivnosti u društvu jer ljudi koji konstantno zadovoljavaju svoje potrebe nisu destruktivni.

Tada će društvo početi razvijati novu kulturu koja će stvarati produktivnu orjentaciju. Tada će društvo početi stvarati ljubav u svom najboljem i najljepšem obliku. Čak i najgori ljudi mogu pronaći nešto ljubavi u sebi kada su zadovoljni. Sa vremenom i oni će voljeti. Ljubav je konačni rezultat sistema koji sam predložio. Jednom kada ljudi počnu voljeti jedni druge oni će napraviti kompletno novi svijet, pogodnosti koje su u današnjem otuđenom društvu praktično nesagledive. Više o tome možete pronaći u mojoj knjizi Humanizam.

Razvijeni čovjek ne ovisi o nikome jer sve što treba može sam ostvariti, on voli druge ljude bezuvjetno samo zato što oni jesu. On nalazi veliko zadovoljstvo u slobodnom produktivnom djelovanju, u izgradnji sebe i još veće zadovoljstvo u činu ljubavi.

Natrag na početak


Humanism is the salvation of humankind

The entire structure of today’s society has been built on alienated authoritarian premises. Therefore all of today’s social systems must be changed from their foundations. Only then they will be able to serve people and their natural needs. Only then will it be possible to build a good and sane human society.

The system I have proposed at this web site is not only the best solution to the problems of today’s world, but it’s also the only good one. That’s the reason my system will be accepted by the whole world. This system prevents hunger, fear, corruption, narcissism, racism, immorality, crime, war, and all types of destruction in society and encourages the development of productive human powers. In short, the system promises a better life for everyone and harmony to the people. It will turn the main principles that humankind has been established on so far upside down. The impact on the people will be so enormous that future generations will call everything before the implementation barbarianism, and everything from the implementation on will be known as civilization.

Humanism will save humankind from all social evil and will create love, joy, peace, health, beauty, freedom, security, justice, equality, harmony, abundance; it will make a paradise on earth.

Do you love

Do you love?


Equal Human Rights will Make People Love Unconditionally


Erich Fromm wrote a scientific book about love, “The Art of Loving.” He defined love as the rational orientation of people based on freedom and mutual respect. His contribution to understanding love is significant, which made his book very popular. However, Erich Fromm’s attempt to teach people love failed to spread love worldwide because he based love on people’s consciousness. The problem is that people’s conscience is a category with no power to establish freedom, rationality and mutual respect, and nothing else exists. As a result, people have not discovered how to love unconditionally. This paper intends to present that love directly depends on equal human rights. Equal human rights will give people the power to demystify indulging values of the outer world and to accept the inner world where all love of people is located. This paper teaches people to find love in themselves and develop it unconditionally.




People have the ability to love by their nature. Love is the most significant achievement people have and may develop in their life. Love is a state of mind based on caring for others, bringing the joy of living. Love is the condition of the soul that enriches the person who loves and the whole world. People who love carry a feeling of inner peace, stability, lightness and joy; that is how loving people can be identified. In a natural society, love exists on its own and develops spontaneously.


People decline love when they alienate themselves from their inherited ability to love. It starts by comparing themselves with other people. Instead of searching for the causes of a good life in themselves, people find the superficial explanation of life benefits, comparing their life with the lives of others. Then they quickly come to the subjective conclusion that power over people brings satisfaction and a good life. This conclusion is false. The need for dominance generates conflict among people causing social problems. Power over people has nothing to do with a good life and even less with love. People cannot fight with others and love them at the same time. Conflict among people alienates them from the chance to accomplish a good life. This article will present that the escape from all social problems lies in equal human rights. It is also a condition for maintaining and developing love. The purpose of this article is to explain it.





The lack of equal human rights creates narcissism. Narcissism is a subjective state of mind primarily developed by the privileged statuses of people, which gives people an impression of superiority. One can generalize that the more privileged people are, the more narcissistic they are. For example, spoiled children, excellent students, and influential people are generally more privileged, which likely means more narcissistic. But narcissism can also grow in the subjective minds of everyone as a reaction to an inferior position in society, which is nothing but the lack of equal human rights.


The differences among narcissistic people are often only in nuances because every person can build an illusion of power or privileges in a world of their thoughts. Practically all people possess some narcissistic character traits because our alienated culture teaches people to be narcissistic. The less narcissistic people are, the healthier they are for themselves and society. The more narcissistic people are, the less they love.


Some people call narcissism self-love because successful narcissistic people may look lovely and charming. They adore their images, character, deeds and success in society. They enjoy their abilities, their thoughts, their beauty, their characteristics, their family, their nation, and everything that is connected with them.


Does narcissism contain love in itself? Rather not, but the problem is, in fact, semantic. If one can say, “I love chocolate,” where the term “love” actually means “enjoy,” then one can stretch the meaning of love to narcissism but in a very inferior form. Narcissism and love are separate categories, as their names suggest. People possess both characteristics; however, people who love more are less narcissistic and vice versa. In the following pages, people with more developed narcissistic characteristics are called narcissistic people; even though they can love, their abilities to love are less developed.


Narcissistic people are very ambitious. They want to climb the social scale by becoming an authority; their goal in life is success either by achieving power, earning money, winning a contest, or whatever they find appealing. They prefer to compete and, even more so, to win! The ego of the narcissist is very passionate, giving them enormous energy, which provides excellent opportunities to win but less chance to love. People who love base their mutual relations less on competition and more on cooperation.


Narcissistic people are subjective and tend to give their successes greater importance than they deserve. The narcissistic culture has raised superficial forms of value such as power, wealth, fame, beauty, strength, speed, etc. These values have become the most valuable goals in today’s society. They are objectively not so beneficial to people, but the alienated society has put them on a pedestal. Alienated values cannot bring genuine advantages to individuals. On the contrary, those values usually bring the opposite. These values damage the long-term possibility of creating social prosperity.


If narcissistic people are successful, as famous singers, actors or politicians might be, they are delighted, and their ego shines. This is mainly because such happiness finds the illusion of overcoming their powerlessness in nature, and therefore, the narcissistic pleasure may be pretty intense. As such, it can easily deceive people into thinking they are on the right track. Narcissistic happiness is primarily based on illusions because narcissism alienates people from objective reality.


The problem is, by developing their narcissistic character, narcissistic people value themselves significantly more than others. As a result, such people lose respect towards others, reducing the chance to reach the natural advantages in relationships with others and diminishing the opportunity to love.


Since narcissistic people overestimate themselves, they can easily confront objective reality. They hardly tolerate competition that may threaten their vision. Sooner or later, life shows narcissistic people they are not as strong, bright, or beautiful as they would like, bringing them stress and frustration. Any happiness people exercise undeservedly through illusions comes back as a painful payment. Narcissistic people often try to escape their tension by indulging in the abuse of substances; thus, they can be recognized.


Dissatisfied narcissistic people may quickly clash with other people. It can be said that virtually all conflicts in society are based on the damaged narcissistic character of people. By their subjective vision, narcissistic people can identify threats to their alienated needs as threats to their existence. It induces the fight for the survival of their illusions. The more narcissistic vision is threatened, the more they hate and the more brutal conflict they produce. All the cruelty of this world comes from endangered narcissism. An injured narcissism causes a destructive orientation in narcissistic people. Such people can fall into depression, which can develop into the need for self-destruction that can be extended to the need to destroy the world.


Genuine people have reasonable expectations, which they may fulfill, reaching stability. If the world does not match the needs of genuine people, they do not hate; they feel saddened. Sadness is a much healthier emotion, and unlike hatred, it allows people to find a way out of an unsatisfactory situation. Love always benefits those who love, while narcissism can hardly achieve that. Narcissism will rather induce evil in narcissistic people spreading it to the world around them. Narcissistic people produce trouble in their surroundings. People must eliminate narcissism to achieve a prosperous future for humankind. This will be possible by implementing equal human rights.


Love of authorities


Genuine authorities impact society through their positive example and help others when asked for it. They never impose their knowledge or values on others. Unfortunately, such authorities are rare today.


In alienated societies, authorities have built privileged power over people by forcing people to accept their subjective knowledge. Such authorities are inadequate because they cannot improve the community. Throughout the history of humankind, inadequate authorities have created a vast amount of false knowledge that society has adopted. Such knowledge is alienated from objective reality and therefore prevents society from natural development.


Authorities and people may build a stable mutual relationship, which might look like love. Authorities need obedient people to establish their power. Obedient people need authorities because it is more convenient for them to depend on the authorities than to be left alone in a frightening world. But the relationship between authority and followers is only an illusion of love. If we extend the meaning of love, such love is at least undeveloped. It should be rather labelled as a perverted concept of love.


A relationship based on the servility of obedient people and the control of authority always presents some degree of a sadomasochistic relationship, which is unproductive. A sadist is a person who finds pleasure in dominating people, which can be developed into extreme brutality. On the other hand, a masochist finds pleasure in submission to authorities until complete obedience. Sadomasochism should be considered a very unhealthy relationship. More about it may be found in my article Equal Human Rights will Eliminate Sadomasochism.


Today’s society is not enough aware that all the evil in the world origins in a lack of equal human rights. Authorities build privileges and exploit people through the unfair distribution of social wealth. Unsatisfied followers of authorities are potential time bombs that wait for a reason to release their stress anywhere in real life.


In a society without equal human rights, narcissistic authorities deceive obedient people and, on the way to achieving greater power, use them to subdue other people or nations. Obedient people, dissatisfied with the life authorities cause, accept leaders’ demands uncritically, becoming blind henchmen. That easily creates some form of group narcissism which only may look like love, while building militant foundations for conflicts and wars. A humble masochist, under authority’s guidance, may become a heartless weapon in the leaders’ hands. Militant people do not love. People who love do not support wars. This article claims that the escape lies in equal human rights, which will eliminate social problems, including sadomasochism.



Falling in love


Probably the first association that people have with the word love is falling in love. Falling in love is the most famous expression of love today and perhaps the most described and sung term of all time. People often mystify falling in love with magical romantic feelings that rise under no control. I would say that the main characteristic of people who fall in love is fear and hope. Juvenile uncertainty and optimism toward life bring a high possibility of falling in love.


Young people usually think they need to find an appropriate person to fall in love with, and magically romantic love will happen. First, I would like to emphasize that there is nothing magic in falling in love. It is entirely commercial behaviour that gives an illusion of a magical performance. People know how much their attractiveness is worth in the alienated value market because everyday life teaches them that. An appropriate person for love is a product of in-depth preparation and random events. There is almost nothing wrong with it because a person should choose a partner who suits them more. Rational behaviour in the choosing of partners is more than welcome. But the people who quickly fall in love are pretty subjective, which means they are not reasonable enough. They are quite foolish in selecting partners.


When an appropriate person for falling in love appears in the sight of a subjective person, high energy of happiness is released that attracts. Suppose it finds an appropriate response from the other side. In that case, a miracle of “love” appears, which indulges the release of all the brakes, and all the doubts about the acceptability of the partner disappear. The person then feels “the chemistry,” and the world becomes beautiful. This miraculous phenomenon described in countless songs is just a sweet illusion resulting from the liberation of considerable insecurity. There is almost no love there. People who are confident in themselves can hardly fall in love, but they are capable of loving.


Falling in love brings such great happiness that it can be compared to escaping death. People fall in love because they feel dead in authoritarian societies that take freedom from them. In the act of falling in love, people release themselves from the pressure authorities have imposed on them throughout their lives. Falling in love compensates for all the powerlessness people have felt in society and builds an illusion of power. It brings euphoria, and people wrongfully assign it to the “loved” person. This is why falling in love is an illusion.


Falling in love is very superficial, and a person who falls in love often quickly satiates with the loved one. If the emotions towards the loved person end, they are never loved because love lasts. Love develops practically the whole life. Love is an active learning in practice that brings pleasure. The person who loves does not stop getting to know their partner. By learning more about their partner, a person learns how to improve their partner’s life. That brings the joy of love.


Many people can’t wait to fall in love. If they knew better, they would avoid the state of being in love. Falling in love is sweet, but it harms the people who fall in love because the happiness that uncontrollably rises challenges people’s capability to see objectively the situation in which they are. People alienated from their productive orientation can hardly love. Love is a consequence of the productive orientation of people based on equal human rights. Productive people have difficulty falling in love, but they can love. Love is stable and grows with time. Once people accept equal human rights, they will build productive relationships in society, teaching people how to love, and they will love.



Love of children


Love is a natural phenomenon that develops from childhood. Loving parents take care of their children, showing them what love is. Unfortunately, today’s society has become alienated from its nature and does not know love enough to be able to pass it on to children. An authoritarian society, by alienated demands, suppresses the ability of parents to love their children. In capitalism, parents don’t have time to give their children the love they need because they must work to survive. Capitalism seems interested in disintegrating families to get more dependent workers and consumers. It is a political problem that should be solved by reducing working hours.


Furthermore, in an alienated society, parents are often occupied with their ambitions, so they do not have enough time for their children. They usually hide their ambitions behind their sacrifices for the family’s welfare, overestimating the value of their ambitions and underestimating their children’s lives. Children who do not receive enough love are emotionally handicapped and less able to love. Such children can easily become long-term problems for themselves, their parents and society. Children can discover how to love later in life, but in an alienated society, this rarely happens.


Instead of love, parents often pressure their children to submit to their will in the name of “higher interests.” Alienated parents cannot see the needs of their children objectively. Parental pressure alienates children from their nature, reducing their chances to live well. Children who oppose adults can easily be right because they are closer to their nature. Therefore, the resistance of children should be respected, which is nothing more than the promotion of equal human rights. Once accepted by society, equal human rights will teach parents to discover love and give it to their children. Only then can a bright future for humanity begin.


Love needs equal human rights


People need the freedom to liberate themselves from the influences of alienation authorities have imposed throughout history. Free people will discover through practice the genuine way of living. This is the so-called process of disalienation. It will be achieved by recognizing that a good society must be based on equal human rights.


But just a moment, haven’t people today already had equal rights after the development and acceptance of equal human, civil, legal, constitutional, and other human rights all over the world? Of course, they have not! It is only formal equality and propaganda by immoral authorities. The presidents of countries may send people to war, and people cannot do it to them. Bosses may abuse or fire workers, and workers cannot do it to them. Teachers may force students to accept knowledge, and students cannot do it to them. Where are the equal rights there? People probably think it is entirely normal because they have always lived in such a society, but this is not normal!




Equal human rights will solve social problems by developing democracy. It will be achieved by giving people equal legislative, judiciary and executive powers in society. Everyone should get equal rights to evaluate others for whatever they do. Each positive evaluation should bring a small award to the assessed person, and each negative evaluation should result in a small punishment. Such a policy would make everyone work hard to please others and avoid hurting anybody. This will significantly contribute to creating a good society. The equal evaluating power among people presents a new form of democracy, and the freedom of evaluation presents a new form of anarchy. Therefore, such a policy can be called democratic anarchy. Democratic anarchy alone should be capable of building a much better society than we have today.


Let the evaluations have an equivalent value of one dollar. Each reward a person receives from somebody will bring them one dollar, and each penalty will take away from them one dollar. In that manner, all people will become equal authorities with little direct power in society. It is essential to emphasize that the number of assessments will be limited so that people will evaluate only the best and worse individuals. However, democratic anarchy will still have enough power to direct each member of society to respect other people. As a result, people will become valuable to others, creating significant advantages for the community and diminishing or abolishing disadvantages.


Here is one example: the US President might get 100,000,000 bad evaluations from the American people for bad policies, lies, and criminal aggression on countries. This would cost him 100,000,000 dollars in only one month. Presidents who fail to meet people’s needs will quickly resign from their positions. Only the most skilful and brave individuals would dare lead countries. They will not be authorities anymore but sincere servants of the people.


Technically, democratic anarchy will create similar phenomena as love among people because it will bring caring for others as love does. But it will still not be love. Once the implementation of democratic anarchy starts, most people will probably not feel satisfaction in giving, which is the basis of love. Initially, the pleasure may come from the egotistic need to receive good evaluations from people and avoid bad ones. However, it will be beneficial because people will create advantages and avoid disadvantages for all of society.


Democratic anarchy will remove social privileges. It must be stressed that the privileged status of individuals causes enormous problems for society. Democratic anarchy will teach people that no matter what their successes are, they must not forget that they are equal community members. This will liberate people from narcissism and enable the development of love. Democratic anarchy is presented in more detail in my article Democratic Anarchy is the Future of Democracy.




Equal human rights need to be introduced in production processes as well, which will significantly improve the economy. First, society needs to introduce full employment of workers through shorter work hours. Then people need to accept a permanent open competition of workers for every public work post at any time. Every public job post will be filled by the worker who offers higher productivity, more responsibility, and demands a lower wage. It is nothing but a developed work market open at all times. Such a division of labour sounds impossible to achieve mainly because it never existed, but the realization is just a technical problem.


Of course, such an economy cannot be established soon because it will require a lot of development before people embrace it. But once people establish it, the burdens and benefits of a living will be justly distributed among the people, forming a just society. In addition, no economy can be more productive than the one where each job gets the best available worker. Private companies will lose the productivity battle with public companies, sending capitalism down in history. This economy presents an enormous socio-economic improvement opportunity to build good socialism. The new division of labour is explained in detail in my article Developed Marked of Work will Create Socialism.


The new socialism will teach workers to become satisfied with their lives. It will be accomplished by calling each worker very responsible for the productivity they offer to get the jobs they want. It will teach workers to set their needs following their abilities to satisfy them. This is the chief prerequisite for overcoming destructiveness in society because workers who consistently meet their needs are satisfied and not destructive. Then society will develop a new culture that will create a productive orientation of people.  


Democratic anarchy and open competition among workers will completely eliminate social privileges, the nest of all societal problems. Nobody will be socially privileged in any way anymore. The elite will disappear together with the vast alienation they built. Removing privileges will eliminate the central nest of narcissism and sadomasochism in the community. Then, no improper authorities and obedient people will be able to exist. Eliminating privileges by establishing equal human rights is crucial for the development of society. Then a promising future for humankind may begin. 


An open market of work will increase competition among people. I’ve already mentioned that competitions destroy love. Does this mean that my proposal is against love? No way! Competitions cannot be removed in any other way than by people’s understanding through their own experience that competitions are unnecessary and inappropriate for achieving a decent life. Freedom of experience is the only way to find the truth.


The idea assumes that open competition for all workplaces will allow everyone to try them, demystifying the importance of jobs and balancing the interests in all of them. Also, open competition in all workplaces will be exhausting, diminishing the competitive interest of workers. As a result, people will give up on the competition, give up on the need to compare themselves with other people, and instead find value in themselves. Then they will readily accept equality among people, enabling them to find genuine values in their lives.


There is a vibrant inner world in people where all the love, hate, joy and misery of humanity are located. In a just society, where people understand that they are equal to all others no matter what accomplishments they achieve, exploiting the outer world will barely be able to bring noticeable benefits to people. Then, people will start searching for values in their inner world. When such orientation is accepted, hate and misery will be eliminated because they do not exist in the inner world of individuals who are relieved from the need to compare themselves with others. In contrast, love and joy will significantly develop because nothing else exists in the inner world of individuals who are relieved from the need to compare themselves with others.


The most critical point of an individual’s creation is themselves. Searching the inner world will let people know themselves and develop themselves as productive beings. The more people get to know themselves, the more freedom, peace, joy, wisdom, and love they can achieve.


Equality is a sufficient condition for the formation of a good society and the creation of love. Equality is also the only solution to all of the societal problems today and fundamental for the unconditional establishment of love. Love is a product of the equal rights of people.


When people accept equal human rights, they will rely on their power to satisfy their needs while respecting others. That would establish the conscience of productive people. Then under-developed people would no longer exist. Then no one would admire a president, singer or football player more than any other person; not one idol would exist anymore. Then neither powerful nor powerless people would exist, and improper authorities and humble followers would not exist. Then narcissism, sadism and masochism would no longer exist. This will overcome the enormous alienation we live in today and allow the building of love beyond the wildest dreams today, creating a bright future for humankind.





So far, scientists and philosophers have found conscience as the only tool for solving numerous social problems, reaching a good society and creating love among people. However, it never worked because consciences is not a category capable of accomplishing such goals. Calling for conscience may affect some people but never all. One unconscious person may reverse a conscious effort of society. Power to the people, not consciousness, will change the world and make it a flourishing place.


Equal human rights will free people from the power of authorities. People released from the pressure of authorities will demystify the alienated values imposed on them throughout history and discover natural ways of living. It will enlighten people, lowering their interest in comparing themselves with others, making them productive and finding the values in their inner world full of love. Then society will start spreading love in its best and most beautiful form. Love is the final result of the new socialism based on equal human rights. Once people start loving each other, they will create an entirely new world beyond the wildest dreams of the alienated society of today.


Developed people do not depend on anybody because they can achieve what they need on their own; they love other people unconditionally just because they are. They find great joy in building themselves as productive people and find even greater joy in love.



Writen     22.06.2009

Updated  12.11.2022



Man naturally seeks more power to overcome his weakness in nature and achieve greater conveniences. Higher power is obtained by greater knowledge. But, gaining knowledge is neither easy nor a quick process. On the way to make greater conveniences, a man often gives subjective determinations to unknown phenomena in nature that suit him well. If such determinations do not come into direct conflict with nature, a man readily accepts them as real and realizes conveniences from it the same way as he really overcomes his powerless in nature. In this manner, an alienated knowledge from objective reality is created. This is the basis of my theory of alienation.

Authorities often deliberately create an alienated knowledge to achieve supremacy in society. Dominion is one of the highest forms of alienation because, in the subjective consciousness of man, power gives an impression of superiority in nature. Once the man thinks he has more potential than he objectively deserves, he realizes the illusion of great conveniences.

To establish power over people, the authorities create ideologies in which they define values in society and rules of joint action. Ideologies can have their justification when the created rules prevent chaos in society. That is how all religions and all political systems have been created. The negative side of ideologies stems from the fact that they always support the interests of its creators and provide them with power in society. Thus they alienate the creators of ideologies and people of their own nature. The alienation of society from its own nature cannot bring a good result to society. In fact, the all evil of this world comes from the alienation of society from its nature.

Good results can come from the equal rights of people only. Equal rights among people will form objective values in society. It will remove the alienation and establish a good society. I have developed an ideology based on equal human rights, but the authorities prevent the formation of equal human rights because they, by definition, take the power of the authorities. Equal rights among people have been oppressed through the whole history of mankind, and that is the only reason a good society has never been established.  

Instead, we have continuous struggles between authorities who are striving to establish power in society. On this planet Earth, there was never enough space for all the people who wanted control over others. That is the reason why envy, hatred, conflicts and wars appear among the alienated people in which the entire nations suffer.

The Rothschild family

The Rothschild banking family has recognized long ago that direct power over people may be very inconvenient and came to the conclusion that it could be much more efficient, lasting, and safer to rule by using the money. The banking family Rothschild has developed the ideology of capitalism. Mayer Amschel Rothschild had allegedly said in 1790: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws.” The Rothschild family makes strategic decisions for society by using the money they have earned by banking and other businesses throughout the generations. They do not bare responsibilities to society for doing that. That is the primary source of alienation in the western world today.

The Rothschilds continued this tradition by imposing alienated rules to social life and by preventing the natural way of living that could disalienate the world in which we live. Alienation is mostly built up through the political system, through a system of education and through propaganda by the media. The Rothschild family has control over all of these systems by the people they help, finance or employ.

In the article Has Antichrist come? I wrote about the conspiracy the Rothschild family raised against the whole world. Here I enclose the YouTube video Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve, which also presents the basis of the conspiracy theory quite convincingly. The Rothschild family has secretly succeeded in mastering the western world more than any emperor in the history of mankind. That means the power that should belong to the people today is alienated from the people regardless of what form of democracy is established.

The Rothschild family started financing kings in the 18th century, and in this way, entire kingdoms owed money to them. There is no better job than lending money to the states because then all the citizens pay the debt back through the state taxes with an interest of course. During the Napoleonic wars, Rothschild allegedly manipulated the stock market in England and took the wealth of the people for a bargain. They also managed to establish control over The Bank of England. At that time, the Rothschilds were convincingly the wealthiest people in the world. Today they are nowhere on the list of millionaires. How is this possible? Simply, they hide their wealth and power.

The Rothschild family is probably the first family that organized its operations all over the world. They could not take care of all the businesses themselves, so they employed expert agents to lead their companies. These agents receive a share in the ownership of companies and become their partners. The Rothschild family probably hired the Rockefeller and Morgan families in the nineteenth century in the United States. If the owners of the world’s largest corporations such as Rockefeller, Morgan, and Warburg were independent of the Rothschild family, then they would, according to the competitive nature of entrepreneurs in capitalism, fight with each other but they do not.

They are one body, and the head is most certainly the Rothschild family because they conquered the business world a century before their partners appeared in it. Through the 18th, 19th and 20th century, the Rothschild family has created an entire hierarchical structure of partners, and they do it today as well. Some call this structure Masons and its hierarchical top Illuminati. During nearly three centuries the Rothschild family and their partners could have bought half of the world, while nobody can know it.

In 1913, the Rothschilds gained control of the American Federal Reserve Bank with the help of corrupt politicians. This is the central bank in the U.S., and it is privately owned. The bank lends money to the U.S. government and the U.S. people return it with interest through taxes. But not only that, the U.S. spends more money than the Rothschilds, and their partners have at their disposal, so that the American Federal Reserve Bank prints money out of thin air, lends it to the U.S. Government, and then collects it back with interest. This is a masterpiece of deception which has been operating since 1913.

The Rothschilds have imposed a restrictive monetary policy to practically the entire western world. This policy prevents the governments to issue money to cover their own budget deficit. The justification was found in the fact that printing money creates inflation in which money loses value and money has fundamental importance in the capitalist world. States which perform a restrictive monetary policy must cover a budget deficit with money borrowed from banks and in that way the Rothschilds again collect profits.

Countries mostly borrow money from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These are supranational institutions in which the American Federal Reserve Bank has a significant role, influence and interest. That’s how the Rothschilds impose their will over the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Taking into account that many countries are dependent on the help from these banks, the Rothschilds easily impose their will to them. In that way, the Rothschilds rule and exploit almost the whole world. Of course, the state must repay the debts with interest, which usually means that all these countries increasingly borrow money and the Rothschilds become increasingly rich.

The Rothschilds of course also control commercial banks, which give loans to individuals and companies in the Western world. Most of the people buy houses and cars with credits, companies borrow working capital from banks, and the Rothschilds realize tremendous profits. With the vast amount of money, they purchase valued companies all over the world.

But that is not all; by controlling the money in the world, the Rothschilds have become masters of the economic crisis in the world. They encourage investments of people with low interest rates. When a private business expands, they raise the interest rate and reduce the amount of money in circulation. This reduces the purchasing power of people and thus deliberately creates an economic crisis. Then companies bankrupt massively, and the Rothschilds cheaply buy those they need. Rothschilds also profit on the increased number of unemployed workers who accept poorly paid jobs to be able to feed their families, and thus bring them more profits.

Alienation of policy

Under pressure from international financial institutions, various organizations and media propaganda, most of the presidents of countries around the world obediently follow the interests of the Rothschild family. If some head of state opposes the Rothschild family and decides to defend the independence of the country, then the Rothschild agents can create a civil war in his country. They made the civil war in Yugoslavia. I wrote more about this in the article in My debt to Yugoslavia. The Rothschild agents try to put every country in the world under control, including Russia and China. All the problems in these countries were undoubtedly assisted by the American and British secret services, backed by the Rothschild family.

In an extreme case of disobedience, presidents of countries lose their lives. As an example, the President of the U.S., John Kennedy, lost his life. The reason for it could be his executive order no. 11110 which closed the system of the Federal Reserve, and ordered the U.S. Government to restore the constitutional mandate over the control of money. Although Kennedy nowhere mentioned the name of the Rothschilds here, you can hear his speech that calls for a fight against the conspiracy. Shortly after that, John Kennedy was assassinated. An investigation of the murder was very doubtful according to Michael Parenti in the article The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State.

The disobedient President of Romania Nicolae Ceausescu, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, the President of Iraq Saddam Hussein and before them many others were also killed. Of course, these or similar cases make governments in the world very obedient. The Rothschild family controls parliaments in the world as well. Please see a very interesting video Israeli lobby in America that shows how the American Israel Public Affairs Committee affects the creation of the US policy. By the control of governments and parliaments, the Rothschild family controls the formation of laws in the world and they, of course, correspond to the family Rothschild business and are entirely alienated from the needs of people.

The Rothschilds have built an entire hierarchical structure of agents that realize their interests. The senior agents founded the Bilderberg group, which meets once a year to coordinate policies that will be conducted in the western world. The group directs the programs of work to the heads in politics, banking, business, the military and media. These meetings are closed to the public. One should not be particularly bright to understand that such a policy has nothing to do with democracy. It is wholly alienated from the people. These meetings are no longer secret, and that means that the Rothschilds create an elite that allows them to rule the world.

President Obama attended the meeting of the Bilderberg Group, where he coordinated his program with the needs of the rulers of the world. If he did not do it, he would not get support from his own Democratic Party, without which he would not have had the chance to become the president. After President Bush, Rothschilds wanted a more humane president to tranquillize dissatisfied American people. To this purpose, they agreed to give small concessions to the people, but the policy will not change significantly.

Obama promised in the election campaign to end the military intervention in Iraq in the first place because there is no need for the war anymore because disobedient Saddam Hussein was removed. Now the Rothschilds need peace to exploit Iraqi oil. They will make it through the corruption of the government, through contracts and loans for the reconstruction of the ruined country.

Obama also announced the extension of military intervention in Afghanistan on the grounds that such action is necessary to prevent acts of terrorism in the world. I think the reason for the aggression lies in the fact that Afghanistan does not agree to be a colony of anyone and as such cannot be exploited. On account of supporting the aggression against Afghanistan, President Obama likely won some concessions in health care insurance for the US people. That is called a democracy today.

Alienation of economy


The market economy is based on profits, and therefore it values profits above people. This is an alienation that develops inequality in society and brings injustice in the process of production, the division of labour and distribution of incomes. In case of good enterprise business, the employees generally cannot participate in the division of profits, but in case of a bad enterprises business, workers face lower incomes for sure or a loss of work, and there is nothing they can do. Relations between employers and workers are also not moral because employers are the buyers of work and workers are salespeople of their own work. Thus, the workers become commodities, and that is unacceptable. Given that a man himself in the market economy is not accepted as a value, manufacturers lead shameless exploitation of workers to achieve higher profits.

Alienation of sciences


Alienation is thoroughly carried out by education. Throughout history, the authorities of sciences have attempted to define the authenticity of nature by writing an indefinite number of books. But often they were not successful in it so that they alienated their sciences from objective reality. Natural sciences are still satisfactory because their development makes profits. Social sciences are completely suppressed in their development because the change of the social system does not suit authorities. Social sciences should be the carriers of social improvement, but they are so alienated from their sense that they do not even try to find a solution that could improve society. They are useless. If someone tomorrow abolishes sociology, political science, and philosophy as sciences, no damage will have happened. Indeed that would bring benefits to society because people would no longer rely on useless authorities in the field of social sciences. They would start to think with their heads.

Authorities generally do not need smart people, but obedient followers. They use education to conquer thoughts of students and therefore turn them into tools in their own hands. Authorities keep useless sciences because they support the system in which authorities exercise privileges. It does not matter what ideology is behind it. All the authorities want power and do not allow people to free themselves from it. The evaluation of students’ knowledge by the teachers supports the authoritarian system in which authorities have power over people. As a result, education today is alienated from the natural needs of the society. It is very bureaucratic, too long, and unnecessarily complicated.


Students are forced to accept useless alienated knowledge on which today’s alienated society has been built on if they want to be successful students. The more time students spend in school, the more they accumulate alienated knowledge, and the less they can understand the objective laws in society and accept the changing of the social system. Authorities know that, and thus they reassure the alienated order they imposed. Then, authorities recruit the best students, so-called excellences, to implement the policies they were imposed on society. These “excellences” are programmed in a way they cannot accept anything more than cosmetic changes of acquired knowledge.

Now you may conclude how wrong is the statement that the existing system of education is essential for human development. It is adopted by virtually all the people around the world. The primary function of the system of education is to make people prove that they are obedient followers of authorities and as such, they become eligible to work in an alienated society. The effect of today’s education is, in fact, harmful to human development because it alienates students from their own nature and turns them into living machines.

People who believe authorities and obediently follow them cannot achieve a good life firstly because authorities generally represent their own interests and secondly because by blindly following the authorities they neglect their own senses and abilities to find the correct path. They alienate themselves from their own nature, from themselves. As a result, the social sciences are so unsuccessful today that they cannot recognize my work; the only good solution for humankind and the education is so ineffective today that it prevents people from recognizing my work, the only good solution for humankind.

The Rothschild family likes useless sciences because they distance people away from real problems, and therefore the Rothschilds strongly support the development of such sciences. With the help of the authorities they kept under control, they control the education system as well. Misinformed people may think that control over education is harmless, but in reality, it creates a severe effect in the formation of the future of humankind.

Alienation of media


The agents of the Rothschild family do not regret the money they spent to take control over media because by control of media they control public opinion, and after that, they can do virtually whatever want. The Rothschild family started with control of newspapers and then television. You may have noticed how quickly the big television station, CNN, was made for example, and that from the start it had substantial financial resources available and has propagated throughout the world the values that the wealthy people advocates. Such TV stations run “excellences” that are well trained on how to represent the interests of big capitalists while trying at the same time not to confront the needs of the people. The only people who have access to media are corrupted by the system and do not have any intention to change anything there.

When you think that you have decided on which candidate you will vote in elections, the representatives of the wealthy people have already decided it for you. Everything you know about the candidates has come to you through the media they control. It is not even particularly relevant to the wealthy people what candidate you are going to vote for because all the candidates will implement their will anyway. It is important to them though to convince you that you have the “freedom” to make your own decisions in your life and to make you happy while following their will. They prepare you for your “good” decisions practically from birth, and they do it so cleverly that you cannot even notice.

Through everyday propaganda, media convince people that money is the biggest if not the only value. Money is a medium of purchase that regulates the market of goods and services, and therefore objectively it is a value, but in today’s alienated society this value is much exaggerated. If you think a little bit, you would see that air is undoubtedly more valuable than money, because without air there would not be us. But no one or almost no one considers air as a value mostly because it cannot be privatized and nobody can make money on it.

Man to man should be the most significant value, but money gives power over the people, which deny the importance of man. Love and friendship are indeed natural values, but money as a value brings out greed that destroys love and friendship. Overestimating the value of money brings alienation in every pore of society and social relations. People who accept money as the highest value under the pressure of propaganda are great enemies to themselves because they act against their own nature and against the nature of the society in which they live.

Events that are not convenient to the Rothschild family, such as, for example, my philosophy do not have access to the western media, and therefore neither to the people. The media in the world of the west are very uniform and selective in a presentation of events around the world, which indicates that they are under the control of a narrow circle of people. It comes to mind for example that the Serbs were accused of ten years of ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia in virtually all the Western media. At the same time, Turkey committed ethnic cleansing of Kurds that have passed almost unnoticed by the media. As a result, Serbia was bombed due to “public pressure,” and Turkey did not suffer any sanctions. What was the essential difference? Serbia refused to obey to dictates from the western world and Turkey is cooperative like most of the countries around the world.

Since the Internet appeared, the Rothschilds have been trying to have the most considerable influence in this field as well. Their agents purchase influential websites and quickly form new ones in an attempt to take control of the Internet information distribution. Recently I was particularly attracted to the websites,,, etc. All these websites are calling for positive changes in society and are allegedly particularly interested in helping disempowered people on the bottom of the “pyramid.” But it is just a mask. Behind all these web sites lies a powerful organization of private sponsors who have their own private interests. has even published some of my articles and accepted two projects of mine in the contests of new ideas: Humanistic enterprises and Democratic anarchy (They have been deleted in the meantime). But they ignore my work. The Rothschilds ignore my ideas, and everyone else’s that propose the real change to the world, and they drown them in a sea of other ideas. Not one idea in the competition at can compare with mine, but “excellences” of the alienated system of education cannot see it. The Rothschilds count on the inability of people that they have raised for generations.

Also, the Rothschild could have bought half of the world in the last three centuries and thus can directly control half of humankind. The managers of their companies and organizations may not know that they are agents of the Rothschilds, but they know very well that they are privileged and do not want to do anything that might upset their employers. Thus, the Rothschilds prevent the acceptance of new ideas that can improve society. The websites that advocate changes in society together with most of the left media which are sponsored by companies or organizations would most likely stop changes from happening.

The Rothschilds like the “resistance” provided by the “excellences” they have raised. Naomi Klein, for example, wrote the book “No Logo.” In this book, she calls upon people to boycott goods from brands such as Nike, for example, because this emerging multinational corporation thrives enormously at the expense of cheap labour in developing countries. The Rothschilds are very likely the owners of Nike and should not support such writing. So why is her work supported by media and publishers? Because the chance of success of her idea is practically nonexistent. The Rothschilds adore helpless critique and help it. Such ideas give the illusion of freedom of public expression, which directs the society in a struggle that cannot succeed.

There are many “excellences” that advocate human rights, women’s rights, gay rights, the rights of the poor, who are also supported by the agents of the Rothschild family because all these people cannot achieve success in improving this world. They are useful to the Rothschilds because they fill in the public space so much that work which way improve society cannot break through.


If there is a possibility that my work may come closer to the public, then the real power of the Rothschild family arrives on the scene. Two years ago, Google opened a competition inviting good ideas that can change the world. I participated with my project along with more than 150,000 other projects. The winner has been proclaimed after two years, and my work was not among them. Why? Google does not want to accept my ideas because they present the end of capitalism, the very system on which Google has been established. But my project does not threaten Google or its owners in any way. My project will one day inevitably wholly change the world and make it a beautiful place to live. Not accepting such work is immoral. Why is it so important for Google to defend capitalism? I think that the decision about the competition was made above Google. The Rothschilds have significant influences in all companies including Google even if they are not the principal shareholders. The Rothschilds together with their agents defend capitalism at any cost.


The Rothschild family creates the culture of the whole world as well. If you pay attention, you can notice that all countries in the world overtake a unique fashion, music, film and television program. Thus countries become cultural colonies of the Rothschilds. You can recognize that by the same shows on television like “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” or “American Idol” airing all around the world. Unique culture creates a unique orientation of people and thus facilitates the work for great manipulators. This culture aims to capture the thoughts of people and not to give them the freedom to think about what is good for them. It will give them “answers” to all their questions and offer them everything they “need.”


Today’s culture propagates illusions, immorality, superficiality, kitsch, gossip, violence, cruelty, greed, shallowness, artificiality, and the situation is getting worse every day because the media cannot offer anything better. Today’s society is profoundly alienated from its nature and therefore requires perverted values on its own. It cannot recognize correct values because people have been living without freedom for generations and were systematically prevented from learning how to get rid of those who govern.



The Rothschild conspiracy prevents the development of civilization and degenerates human beings. It is the way to total alienation, to the eruption of dissatisfaction and destruction. The Rothschilds aim to dominate the whole world, and they cannot be satisfied until that goal is achieved. But this goal cannot be completed because not all people can be obedient followers, obedient consumers of ideas, images, tastes, and sounds. This is because people need freedom. People will sooner or later strongly oppose the Rothschilds because by their nature they cannot live in a cage even if it is made of gold.


Capitalism is profoundly immoral, and therefore there is no hope for it. Also, capitalism is developed to the point where it can no longer achieve enough improvement in society; it is no longer a rational enough system and as such presents obstacle for the development of civilization. In the article End of Capitalism, I have presented why it is time for capitalism to go down in history. I have also introduced the basis of the new system Humanism that will replace it. This system will overcome alienation as well.


In today’s world, the meaning of the word alienation is very underdeveloped. The purpose of this word in the English-speaking world is so suppressed that there is not a word that defines the condition that prevails alienation. The expression which would put society in the opposite position of alienation is non-existent. I use this meaning in my language a lot so that I had to translate it as a “disalienation“ in the English language even though you cannot find it in the English dictionary.


The process of disalienation


There is only one exit from the alienation of today’s society, and that is the establishment of equal rights among the people. There exist only one equal right among people, or they are not equal. Partially equal rights or almost equal rights do not exist because then we are talking about unequal rights. Even slightly uneven rights create privileges with very negative consequences that sooner or later cause problems in society. I have written more about that in the article Privileges are evil. I have defined society with equal rights of people. I think my philosophy is the only right way for humanity. I presented it in my book Humanism – A Philosophic-Ethical-Political-Economic Study of the Development of the Society, which is available free of charge.


Disalienation of policy


Even the poorest countries of the world can create an independent economic policy. Such states can accumulate financial resources no matter how small they are and economically compete with powerful countries around the world. Good social policy is primarily based on the democratic will of citizens. Citizens can directly decide that the majority of financial capital, which they possess together, invests in the economic development, while for the purpose of the living standards they could leave a minimal amount of money that is sufficient for survival. This means that these people would give up from any luxury in the period that they consider necessary to develop their economy. In this way, they would lose the dependence they have on private financial centers of power. That would release them from exploitation, from external pressures of any kind, and would make them the masters of their prosperity. It is also a way to a disalienation of society.


People can directly decide what percentage of their salaries they want to give for taxes. To be clear, individuals will not pay taxes in the amount they want, but they will participate in the formation of the total amount of the tax money, and then the tax money would be collected from people according to their incomes. Furthermore, people will decide how much money from the taxes they want to allocate for: the defence of the state, public security, education, health, housing, recreation, infrastructure, etc. Following the living experience, people will learn how much money they need to spend on taxes and what is the best way to spend it. In that manner, the people will for the first time create the macroeconomic policy of the society directly, and that will constitute the basis for the de-alienation of society. Such a strategy will certainly follow people’s needs in the most efficient way, and therefore it will significantly develop society.

Today, leaders of countries allocate most of the tax money for armies. When people start deciding on the allocation of tax money, the armies will no longer exist and waging wars would be impossible. Once people get the power to directly decide in society, they will be so pleased that they would not let authorities take it away from them anymore.


Democratic anarchy


The new system also provides a highly efficient method of bearing the responsibility of all people for their deeds. One part of the responsibilities will be based on democratic anarchy. It is a system in which each person gets an equal right to evaluate any other person. A positive evaluation should bring a reward of let’s say one dollar to the assessed person, and a negative rating will carry a fine of let’s say one dollar. Let each person receive the right to allocate three positive and three negative evaluations to other people monthly. In such a simple way, each person will get real power in society and therefore will be respected. This measure will direct people to produce the highest possible conveniences to other people and to diminish or abolish the creation of disadvantages.


The system of democratic anarchy will especially affect authorities. The higher the position of power in society, the greater the responsibility they would have to bear to society. For example, the President of the United States can get 100 million bad evaluations from U.S. citizens for bad politics, lies, and criminal aggression against other countries. This will cost him 100 million U.S. dollars in a single month. Non-privileged presidents would not dare perform bad policies anymore. And if it happens somehow, they would run away from their positions very fast. Only the most skilful and brave individuals would dare lead countries. They will not be authorities anymore, but our servants. I wrote more about it in the article: The Future of Democracy.


Disalienation of economy


Equal human rights mean every person must have the right to work. Unemployment will be eliminated by shortening working hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment. This would increase the demand for workers on the free market so that employers would have to pay them more. It will remove the exploitation of workers. I wrote more about this in the article: Let’s remove unemployment.


The system I have proposed offers more market than capitalism can afford. The market for public work posts will be primarily developed. Which means it will open competition of workers for every public job post, including work posts of politicians and the president of the corporations. A worker who offers a higher profit, more goods produced, better, cleaner and cheaper production at any time for any job in public companies, will get the job. I have developed a system that will efficiently valorize the productivity of job offers, harmonize work remuneration and define worker’s labour responsibilities. The new division of work is elaborated in detail in my book Humanism. For more on this, please read my article The Future of the Economy.


No economy can be more productive than the one where the best available worker gets each job. Such an economy will easily become significantly more productive than the capitalist one so that capitalism will be forced to go down in history together with the vast alienation it has built. Private companies will join the public companies, and the owners will be adequately compensated. In such a society, authorities would not be able to expand the alienation of society from its very nature.


Disalienation of Education


The only thing that is hard for a man to learn is to respect people. This most critical social need simply disappears quickly and easily in any society without matter what kind of education is established. The system of democratic anarchy that I have proposed gives equal power to every man in the community. That power is based on the same right of every person to evaluate any other person. Any positive evaluation would bring a small prize to an evaluated person, and any negative assessment would carry a small penalty. Such a simple measure will make people respect each other. It will build a sound and sane society regardless of the education system.


People specialize in their knowledge. To acquire specialized knowledge schools are necessary as a means of educating people. In the future, schools will no longer be a place where the authorities bureaucratically determine the curriculum of the learning program, but the learning program will be formed by the interests of students. Schools will no longer be institutions that guarantee the knowledge of students as it is accepted today, but the places where education is accessible. I have proposed a system that will require a great responsibility of workers at their workplaces, far more significant than is the case today. In this system, workers will not dare to compete for jobs they do not have enough knowledge for.


Everything else that a man should learn in his life is a product of his interest. When a person has the interest to acquire some knowledge he has no difficulty to do that if the knowledge is accessible. Students will be able to attend whichever classes they want whenever they need in life. I wrote more about this in the article: My clash with sciences.


Disalienation of families


In the animal world, parents teach young animals the basics of needed knowledge. Human society has moved in a very wrong direction because schools have taken rights to teach children the required knowledge. It is wrong firstly because the school curriculum is alienated from the needs of children. And it is even more wrong because directing children through life should be the task of parents, not schools. Parental love, which manifests itself also through the education of children, is one of the primary conditions of the prosperity of the children and society as a whole.


For parents to be able to teach children the basics of required knowledge, in the first place, it is necessary that parents have free time that they can dedicate to children. Today parents work all day and practically do not see the kids during the day. From this derives a large number of problems. Shortly after the acceptance of the system that I have proposed, working hours would most likely be significantly shorter so that parents would have far more time to devote to their children.


Another condition of establishing a proper education in society is that parents carry love towards their children. In today’s alienated society, love is rare because the alienated society develops narcissism; an inferior and often somewhat perverted form of love. The lack of love is unusual in the animal world, but in human society it is a prevalent phenomenon because of the enormous alienation in which people live. The lack of love is damage to the development of people and human culture. That is the reason the society in which we live in is terrible. The new system I have proposed will teach people to love, and that will fundamentally change the community in which we live. I wrote more about it in the article Do you love?


The disalienation of society


The disalienation of society will be realized when all people get equal rights. It will be achieved when all people get equal rights to work at any workplace, when all people get equal legislative, judicial and executive powers in the society through the equal right of evaluation, and when all people get the same right to participate in making decisions of common interest. All these rights are entirely opposite to the rights authorities have established to rule society, and therefore cannot be quickly adopted. But there is no other good way. When people accept equal rights, society will get rid of alienation, and then, this world will be improved beyond the wildest dreams today.


July 25, 2010


The most potent tool of justice ever

The most potent tool of justice ever is the system of evaluations among the people invented by me. Each man will have the equal right to take or give one dollar, or one cent, or something like that, from a few people monthly as an award or punishment for their behaviour. How can such a small power in the hands of individuals, even if it unites, be the most potent tool of justice ever? The answer lies in time. There is a saying: “Silent water moves hills.” The permanent power of evaluation will make people respect each other. A human being will become a value. That will make a miracle no other tool of justice has ever been able to make. That will create a good society