
Hajde da spriječimo kriminal

Jednom kada sistem koji sam preložio bude prihvaćen, niko više neće imati potrebu niti želju da počini kriminal.


Svi će ljudi imati zagarantirani dohodak bez obzira što radili pa čak i ako ne budu radili. Takav dohodak će pokriti osnovne životne potrebe. Ekonomski opstanak više neće moći biti razlog za stvaranje kriminala.


Ali šta sa onim ljudima koji žele znatno više nego što su osnovne životne potrebe? Šta ako oni žele viši status u društvu, slavu ili novac? Jednostavno, svi će imati legalnu priliku da to ostvare vlastitim radom. Novi sistem omogućava svim ljudima da dobiju posao koji žele. Svaki posao će dobiti radnik koji ponudi najveću produktivnost za željeno radno mjesto u bilo kojem trenutku. Ovo je ogromna razlika u odnosu na to što imamo danas zato što danas ljudi gotovo da nemaju priliku da biraju poslove. Zato se osjećaju nemoćni i teže otuđenim vrijednostima koje ih degeneriraju.


U novom sistemu ljudi će raditi poslove koji vole, uključujući i one poslove koji donose veći utjecaj u društvu, slavu ili novac. Ali ne treba očekivati velike borbe za bolja radna mjesta zato što će u novom sistemu sve radne pozicije biti podjednako tražene. To će također osiguratii pokrivenost svih radnih mjesta i najveću produktivnost privrede. Raspodjela rada je dobro prikazana u mojoj knjizi “Humanizam”.


Ali što ako neko želi moć nad ljudima, slavu i novac bez ulaganja velikog truda kao što to kriminalci obično rade? Prvo treba reći da će tako nešto biti gotovo nemoguće ostvariti u novom sistemu. Drugo, novi sistem će pokazati gdje su stvarne vrijednosti tako da će ljudi puno manje tražiti takve otuđene vrijednosti. U takvom sistemu kriminal će biti u velikom padu ili čak nepostojeći.


Ali šta sa onim ljudima koji su sada u zatvorima? Oni će biti pušteni iz zatvora. Umjesto zatvorske kazne oni će dobiti negativnu vrijednost njihove produktivne moći proporcionalno kriminalu koji su počinili. U scenariju za film Dobar komunizam – Nebo ja sam prisilio takve ljude da nose crvene kape. To može uistinu biti jako dobra kazna. Svako će prepoznati takve ljude gdje god se nalaze. Oni će se puno više sramiti nego u zatvoru gdje žive među istim ljudima kao što su oni. Neugodni osjećaji će ih tjerati da ulože veliki trud kako bi se što prije izvukli iz negativne produktivne moći.


Oni će skinuti crvene kape samo pomoću produktivnog rada i ponašanja. Smanjivanje njihove negativne produktivne moći će ostvariti pomoću velike produktivnosti na svojim radnim mjestima. To će svakako donijeti društvu veće pogodnosti nego njihov boravak u zatvorima. Također bivši zatvorenici će se morati dobro ponašati u društvu. Ljudi će obratiti veliku pažnju na njihovo ponašanje. Ukoliko bivši zatvorenici naprave pogreške, ljudi će im davati negativne ocjene što će im produžiti nošenje crvenih kapa. Sa druge strane dobre ocjene će im pomoći da se prije oslobode svojih negativnih produktivnih moći.


Neće biti laganog izlaza za bivše zatvorenike i to će ih također spriječiti da se bave kriminalom. Ta prevencija će vjerojatno biti jača nego što je danas strah od zatvora zato što kriminalci danas ne osjećaju da imaju mnogo izbora u životu. Novi sistem će ih učiniti dobrim građanima. Svako će u novom društvu biti dobar građanin.


Ljudi će se truditi da učine što veće pogodnosti svim pojedincima u društvu i da smanje ili potpuno ukinu stvaranje bilo kakvih nepogodnosti. Ljudi se više neće plašiti drugih ljudi. Neće više biti straha. Da li vi razumijete šta to znači? To će učiniti dobro, zdravo i harmonično društvo. Sigurnost i obilje će biti posvuda. Kriminal više neće imati razlog svog postojanja. Dobro, ti rijetki ljudi koji mogu nastaviti da rade loše stari u društvu će biti liječeni u institutima za mentalno zdravlje.



Equal Human Rights will Build a Good Society Unconditionally

Many people think that the escape from an entirely wrong history of humankind will come from some high level of knowledge that people cannot understand. The output should be based on the work of great thinkers such are Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Kant, Hegel, Marx, etc. However, by following these people, we are not on the right path. The lack of the ability to have thus far created a good society confirms that.


But why would we not try to find a common denominator for all positively oriented philosophies and develop it? That might produce a good result. I think that all contemporary philosophers agree that people have to have equal rights. The development and acceptance of equal human, civil, legal, constitutional, and other rights all over the world confirm that the relationship between people is evolving toward equal rights.


But do we, the people, as the result of this effort, have equal rights today? No, we do not! Equal rights are established on a formal level, while the reality presents that rights are not equal among people. The president of your country may send you to war, and you cannot do it to them. Your boss may abuse or fire you, and you cannot do it to them. Your teacher may force you to accept knowledge, and you cannot do it to them. Where are the equal human rights here?


Authorities impose their will on the people, and people have to follow their will. Such a relationship creates on one side, privileged people, and on the other side, deprived ones. This creates a major social problem. I wrote more about this in the article Privileges are evil. Privileges are the biggest mistake humanity has ever made. I saw it firsthand, so it was not hard for me to research ideas of equal human rights for 25 years. That means one does not need to search for an escape from today’s social problems in a profound philosophy. The exit is located on a very shallow level of philosophy.


Equal human rights primarily include the right of all people to participate equally in the decision-making processes on all issues of common interest in society. Today, that right is partly implemented through the process of democracy, but democracy is not efficient enough in following the needs of people. Besides, democracy cannot support the needs of individuals, so they often remain unsatisfied. By being aware of this, I have created a simple idea that will successfully represent the needs of every individual and society as a whole. This will be achieved by mutual evaluation among people, which I call democratic anarchy.


Each person will get an equal right to evaluate, let’s say, three people positively, and three people negatively every month. Each positive evaluation will bring a small award to the assessed person, and each negative assessment will result in a small punishment. This will direct every person in society to respect the needs of every person, to create the highest possible conveniences to the community, and to reduce or abolish the creation of any forms of inconvenience. Thus, equal rights among people will create a good society. I wrote more about it in the article Democratic Anarchy is the Future of Democracy.


Equal rights among people require that every person has the right to work. This is, in theory, a highly developed right, but in practice, unemployment is still normalized. Shortening working hours proportionally to the unemployment rate will eliminate unemployment. It will increase the demand for workers and their salaries. Workers will be able to purchase more, the economy will grow, and society will prosper. I wrote more about it in the article Full employment is a turning point of capitalism.


Human rights should be developed further by forming equal access of every person to every public workplace at any time through a new division of labour. The best available worker will get every job. Only this should be called socialism. Socialism will be more productive than capitalism so the latter will go down in history. More about this can be found in my article The Future of Economics. People will accept socialism in the distant future as a final act of the abolition of privileges and unequal rights in society.


All social evil starts with unequal rights among people, and all social evil will be entirely removed when equal rights among people are established. Then, the president would not dare to call for war, managers will not hire or fire workers, and teachers will no longer teach the material that does not interest students. The consistent acceptance of equal rights among people will solve all social problems. And there is no other realistic way to achieve a good society. Everything I wrote in my philosophy is the result of the development of this idea.

Everlasting life

Everlasting life?

According to John (14:6), Jesus Christ said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” This is probably a free interpretation of Jesus’ words that should probably read that his way, but not him, is the only way to God, the Father. The formal difference between these two claims is insignificant, but mostly it is tremendous. I think it is wrong to expect that only followers of Jesus Christ can reach God. What would happen in that case with either the followers of other religions or those who have never heard of Jesus Christ? Do they, therefore, have no access to God? No matter how God loves His Son Jesus Christ, it would be unfair, and God is just.

The path of love that Jesus Christ preached was well known before him. Jesus Christ had realized the importance of love because he lived in a very destructive time. According to the Bible, his greatest achievement was the sacrifice of his life to cleanse humanity of sin. With this, he demonstrated his love for people and the importance that love should have in people’s lives. But that sacrifice is not enough to prove his divine origin. In human history, many people have sacrificed their lives in the name of ideas they believed in.

Giordano Bruno, for example, was burned at the stake because he could not oppose his view of the universe. Jesus Christ, during his lifetime, did not show such a power that would clearly present that he is Son of God even though he made significant achievements. His sacrifice drew attention to his teaching. His teachings formed the Christian religion with which he had directed his followers, the Christians, to good. He became the most influential person of all time. Any man who under the influence of Jesus Christ accepted love together has accepted the way to God, the Father.

But how did Jesus Christ become the only way to God? It suited devoted believers well that Jesus Christ is the only way to God because such an attitude released them from fear of uncertainty and that relieves their lives significantly. Jesus Christ, being the only way to God, also suited great manipulators as well. They follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and then interpret his words as it suits them. It often happens that fraudsters, criminals, and murderers call upon Jesus Christ to present their criminal path as the proper, and become the most influential people in society. President George W. Bush is one of those people. Jesus Christ will never bless aggression; so all the people who are aggressive cannot be followers of Jesus Christ.

Love is the only right way, but under the influence of authorities not many people are able to recognize love. If you dear readers think that you know what love is, I have created a test that will answer whether you’re right. The test is in my article Do you Love?

Today, people often confuse love and narcissism, and it is very wrong. Love is good, and narcissism is bad. If you spend a lot of time admiring your beauty, power or wealth, then you are narcissistic. Such admiration brings you pleasure, but together with it, you book in your future at least the same amount of time spent in pain and suffering. It is a natural law that derives from the narcissistic character of people. Why is this so? A narcissistic man interprets all the success in his life as a form of overcoming his powerlessness in nature. Then he realizes the great fortune, but overcoming his helplessness in nature is mostly an illusion. The illusion of overcoming impotence in life sooner or later clashes with reality and then inevitably brings the pain. When a person admires himself, he is falling into a trap that leads to disaster.

People do not see it because they would otherwise have chosen a different path. The most successful people today usually suffer the most. They take medication and abuse alcohol to reduce the pain that haunts them. Pain makes them very destructive to themselves and to their environment. Then life turns into hell. This is precisely the situation we have today in society. With such an experience no one can get to God the Father.

A man who learns to love possesses a successful vaccine against narcissism and cannot fall into its fatal trap. If society as a whole learns how to love, it would no longer have problems. That is why Jesus Christ taught people to love. In the name of spreading love, He has invited people to do good, to avoid sin and to pray to God. At the time when Jesus Christ lived on Earth, building love was a matter of conscience. It was the only possible way of spreading the love. If people were conscious, they would be able to develop love by following Jesus, but humankind has shown that the conscience is not successful enough in creating love. That is why Jesus Christ was as successful as it was possible in the given circumstances.


Love can be built unconditionally. I have come to the conclusion that love can be developed only by equal rights among people. Equal human rights are an essential condition for the creation of love.


I have created the most significant improvement of society in the history of mankind by using the system of evaluation among the people. Each person will have an equal right to evaluate the activity of any other person. Each positive assessment will automatically bring a small prize to the positively assessed man, and every negative evaluation will result in a little punishment. Democratic anarchy will direct each member of society to create the highest possible advantages for the community and to diminish or abolish the creation of all forms of disadvantages. Technically, this is very much like love because love is based on indiscriminate concern for others and giving.


The system of evaluation that I have proposed has conceptual similarities with the Bible. The Bible has offered a solution that could form a good society through the golden rule: “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you!” But this sentence called upon the conscience of the people because at that time it could not count on anything else, and so the golden rule was quite helpless. So far people have not learned how to efficiently implement the golden rule. I’ve found it! The system of evaluation among the people will fully comply with the requirement of the golden rules. It will remove evil and build a paradise on earth.


With the establishment of equal rights, people will get equal power in society, and that will create equal respect among people. People will no longer feel superior to others and will not be afraid of other people. The system of evaluation will teach people that no matter what kind of success they achieve in their lives they cannot forget that they are equal members of society. It will liberate people from narcissism and enable the development of love. The productive orientation of people that the system of evaluation offers through freedom and equality will by the time, create unconditional love among people. With the help of technology, I have created a far more efficient way to introduce and spread love, than Jesus Christ could have accomplished.


When people accept my system, they would unconditionally establish heaven on earth where evil will be deleted entirely. You can briefly learn what it is about in my article Humanism extensively. All people will be able to love, and as such, they will all probably go to God the Father in another world, where they will achieve everlasting life.


Even though my work gives hope for a better future of mankind, I have not managed to motivate interest from people so far in it. To attract attention to my work I even asked: Am I Jesus Christ?, and even that did not bring success. Why is that? People are forced to accept the knowledge from parents, teachers, bosses, priests so that they did not learn how to recognize the truth on their own. Uncritically accepted knowledge is a set of information which cannot contribute to understanding. That is why people cannot understand my work.


Authorities do not like my work because it takes away their privileged power. That is the reason the bright future of humankind is stopped. To make any progress in society possible, people must be free from the yoke of authorities. Authorities should not be unconditionally followed, but they should be checked and respected if they deserve it. This also applies to me. I do not ask for anything else.


My theory is straightforward and relatively easy to check. One day the system I have proposed will be examined because there is no other good way. If the check-up of my work proves that I am right, does that mean that I am Jesus Christ? If I’m not Jesus Christ and my philosophy makes heaven on earth, then is the Christian religion pointless?



The survival of the Christian faith depends on whether Jesus Christ is resurrected three days after his death. His resurrection would confirm everlasting life, which is one of the fundamental postulates of the Christian religion. According to the Bible, all people who believe in Jesus Christ are assigned for everlasting life.


The Internet site Beyond Today in the article What happens after death?, unconditionally confirms this hypothesis. They believe that after the return of Jesus Christ, God would create an entirely new material world in which people will achieve everlasting life. They cited a question from sceptical people who think that our lives are too painful and difficult enough so that why would anyone want to live forever? They answer to such people that God will make everlasting life better and more beautiful than our wildest hopes are. We can believe it or not, but it will not help us find the truth.


In nature, the matter constantly moves and passes from one state to another. Nothing is indestructible in the material world, neither diamonds, nor stars, and so man cannot be indestructible either. God should completely stop the motion of matter to give eternity to matter. This means he would have to stop atoms and the whole universe. I would easily say that this is impossible if the Bible does not state that God is omnipotent. But if he did it somehow, that would stop light so that such a world would not be visible. The stopped motion would stop breathing. This means that the everlasting material life would cease the life that God had created. I do not believe that God will go that way. I’d say that for this reason, most Christians believe that everlasting life rests in the spiritual world.


Even though I applied for the position of Jesus Christ, unfortunately, I cannot say anything about another world, because I was not there, or I do not remember that I was there. This is undoubtedly a severe blow to any chance that I might be Jesus Christ. Or maybe it is not?

A profound website 2001 Translation Bible that again translates the original Bible written in the Greek language, claims in the article: Does the Bible promise everlasting life? they answer “the fact is; it doesn’t… at least, not in those exact words. Why not? Because the Greek word that other Bible translators render as “everlasting” (aionos) doesn’t mean that. It’s what we get the English word “eon” from, and it means a long time.” Due to the different meanings of related words in different languages, the translators of the Bible often freely interpreted the verses. Later in the article, they questioned: “Then, what will happen to the faithful?” The article offers this answer: “The Bible simply doesn’t tell us, but we can be confident that Jesus will never destroy those he loves.”



The differences in understanding the Bible are considerable so that it is possible to accept very different interpretations that affect the very basis of the religion. What is most apparent, God created a man giving him an optimal life. Neither shorter nor longer lives are desirable because God knows the best what an optimal life for people is. If people would like to have good lives, they must respect the laws of nature that God created.


I am confident that God intended equal rights to men in society and that is what was never formed. That is the reason the history of humanity was so sad and destructive. People who are forced to follow the authorities because the authorities have power or people who follow the authorities because they are afraid of making an independent step are on the wrong track. Such people readily accept alienated values from God, such as money, power, or fame. Such needs are alienated from the nature of people and therefore cannot be satisfied. People who accept such values cannot be satisfied with their lives. From that emerges the widespread poverty of life regardless of what these people have achieved in their lives. They live unnatural, unfulfilled lives, and that is the reason they fear death.


People need to adequately meet the nature of their lives that God has given them. They need to accept a productive way of living and love that the Bible talks about, and even more my web site www.sarovic.com. People who live natural lives generally easily satisfy their needs, and at the time of their late life, they do not need anything anymore. Their soul is calm, and then they become free people in the broadest sense. The lives they lived are enough rewards to them. Such people are not afraid of death because they know they have not missed anything in their life.

If everlasting life occurs after this, and if that life would be better than our wildest dreams as Christian authorities claim, then such a life would be welcomed. In this world, salvation brings each man to himself by his own productive way of living. Who makes good, good will return to him and vice versa.


August 24, 2010


Continues on: What God Wants?

Open Letter

I sent the following letter to Lord Jacob Rothschild on July 6, 2010. Now it is October 23, 2010, and since I have not received a response, I opened it to the public.

Dear Lord Jacob Rothschild,

I have created a new social system, which will replace capitalism and make this world a beautiful place to live in. It will solve each and every problem of capitalism while bringing benefits to all of the people, including you. The system is defined in my book “Humanism – A Philosophic-Ethical-Political-Economic Study of the Development of the Society.” For the last 10 years, I have been promoting the new system worldwide through my web site www.sarovic.com but could not reach success. That is because you are preventing the development of society. You may deny it, but it won’t help.

Capitalism is destined to fail, and you cannot save it. If you think that collecting resources from all over the world would give you the ultimate power to rule the world you might be very wrong. Your program is not good enough. The point is you reduce the freedom of people and by using their dissatisfaction produce crime, rebellion, and wars. I wrote about that as much as I could. The result of your work is evil for most of the people around the world. If you are not concerned about that you should be. Your name is increasingly connected to the problems of our world. Sooner or later people will find it more profitable to go after you and your partners than anything else, and indeed more useful than attacking buildings full of innocent people.

I try hard to write this letter as a friend. The system I have proposed is an inevitable future of humankind. In the new order, you will not be able to impose your will to the world secretly as you are used to. But if you consider accepting the new system, you may participate in its development and protect your interests in the best possible way. I really do not think you should be against the new system because by the time it will pool of all the companies around the world and you would be the most influential shareholder by far. In the new order, you would still be the richest man in the world. You would also be able to openly govern the world. The system I’ve proposed needs someone to do it, but this time that person will be directly responsible to the people.

If you refuse it, you might lose everything. You will not be able to prevent the development of society forever. The proposed system is not only the best solution for humankind; it is also the only good one so that people will accept it one day. Then they will organize well and be able to live without you, but you will not be able to live without them. Before that happens, you would probably fight back to protect your side, but you do not have a chance to win.

On the other hand, my side would have a hard time winning over yours. So why would we fight when the best solution for all must be made through negotiations? Why wouldn’t we instead join our powers and let the bright future of humankind come faster? Your involvement in creating a new system might also compensate for your responsibilities from the past and make you an honourable person in the world.

When the new system is accepted a new era will begin where social evil would not exist anymore. The new era will make this world a brilliant place to live beyond the wildest dreams today.

Best regards,

Aleksandar Šarović


The problem with democracy

Voters today often find that their votes do not have an influence in creating the policy of society because politicians do not follow their will and they do not fulfill the promises they gave to voters. That is the reason, for example, that the participation at elections in the USA falls below 35% of the voters’ body. To increase the credibility of the lousy election system in the US, an election show is created that lasts for more than a year, and it is broadcasted every day on prime time on television. As a result of such propaganda the people support their favourites the same way fans support their idols in sports which in essence has nothing in common with democracy.

It is not even relevant to the creators of shows who wins; it is all about how to make voters happy if their candidate wins or sad if they lose the election, while the politics don’t change at all. That all is a vast manipulation, which many people are aware of. So why then are there no attempts to change something here?

Democracy by definition requires the power of decision making in the hands of the people. Of course, that confronts to the will of the influential people that much, so that scientists have not been able to create an academic consensus of how a developed democracy is supposed to look like. But politicians use the word democracy whenever it is suitable to them like their democracy is a perfectly defined solution. Of course, it is not.

I have defined a developed form of democracy in my book Humanism, where all people will really decide about all issues of their interests and in such a way define the best possible political orientation of society. So why then do people not take my ideas into consideration?

Firstly, that is because it requires intellectual effort which cannot be directly profitable. People who try searching for the satisfying solution soon realize that a redistribution of the real decision making power in society can be very hardly accepted due to a large number of different interests of people who have different powers inside society. Besides that, my ideas strongly decline from the knowledge and customs people are used to, so that my ideas are often emotionally unacceptable to them. No arguments help here. The inertia to changes in society is nothing else but a consequence of conspiracy of authorities through the entire history of humankind. Today accepted knowledge still has the intention to make people obedient followers of authorities.

After fifteen years of promoting the ideas of how to build a good society, I’ve not succeeded in making people interested. Paradoxically, this has been happening in the time of political, economic, and moral crisis around the world, when numerous people searched for an escape from unfortunate situations, and could not find it because no other idea besides mine existed to create a good society. Unfortunately, the acceptance of the way to a good society will require a lot of time.


Hajde da spriječimo bolesti

Moderna medicina je prilično dobra u prevenciji i liječenju bolesti i sa vremenom će biti još bolja. Ipak ona vrlo teško liječi bolesti bazirane na čovjekovom otuđenju od vlastitog tijela i duše. Te bolesti su posljedica sistema u kojem ljudi žive. Autoriteti nameću svoja pravila ljudima koja ih otuđuju od vlastite prirode što donosi nezadovoljstvo, pesimizam i stres. Nakupljeno nezadovoljstvo, pesimizam i stres slabi čovjekov duh i tijelo, blokira prirodne sposobnosti za vlastitu zaštitu, i otvara vrata svim oblicima teških bolesti. Moderna medicina prepoznaje taj problem ali ga ne može spriječiti, a često ne može ni liječiti takve bolesti zato što su one uzrokovane društvenim sistemom u kojem ljudi žive. Medicina tu gotovo da nema nikakvog utjecaja.


Vrlo me iznenadilo kada sam vidio na TV da pastor Benny Hinn liječi takve bolesti koristeći božju moć. Većina izliječenih ljudi se histerično tresla na pozornici i jecala od sreće kao rezultat izliječenja. Oni ne mogu biti glumci a to znači da im je Benny Hinn pomogao. Ali zašto onda Benny Hinn ne ode u bolnice, zašto ne izliječi pacijente i ne zatvori bolnice? Jednostavno, on to ne može učiniti.


Kako Benny Hinn liječi takve bolesti? Da bi mogao pomoći ljudima, ljudi moraju vjerovati da je on u stanju činiti čuda i zato je izgradio svoju karizmu. Zatim, dolazak na pozornicu gdje Bog “promatra predstavu“ sa nebesa uz nezanemariv utjecaj hiljada prisutnih ljudi i miliona ljudi koji prate prijenos preko televizije, izaziva veliki stres u bolesnim ljudima. Stres pokreće ogromnu energiju u čovjekovom tijelu a velika vjera u čuda usmjerava tu energiju protiv bolesti. Ta moć lomi energetske blokade u bolesnom čovjeku, čisti nakupljen teret u duhu i tijelu i bolesna osoba postane izliječena.


Onda da li je Bog tu uključen? Naravno da jeste. On nas je napravio zajedno sa našim sposobnostima da se štitimo od bolesti. Ali problem leži u tome što smo se mi otuđili od svoje prirode i ne znamo više kako da se čuvamo. U stvari mi vršimo nasilje nad svojim sposobnostima zaštite od bolesti pomoću neprirodnog načina življenja. Mi smo usvojili učenje da trebamo vjerovati autoritetima a ne sebi, i to je razlog zašto mi ni ne pokušavamo slijediti svoj prirodni način života i zato smo nemoćni.


Benny Hinn prikazuje svijetu izliječene ljude kao čuda i to ga je učinilo vrlo bogatim. To je nešto potpuno suprotno učenju Isusa Krista kojemu je Benny Hinn navodno potpuno odan. Benny Hinnov izgled i ponašanje na pozornici govori da je on šarlatan više nego bilo što drugo. On sigurno vara ljude, ali isto tako, on je jedna od rijetkih osoba koja je razvila sposobnost liječenja bolesti koje moderna medicina ne može izliječiti.


Ali koliko je Benny Hinn stvarno uspješan u liječenju ljudi je ipak vrlo upitno. Dobio sam utisak da se sva Benny Hinnova izliječenja događaju neposredno prije predstave. Mi ne znamo koliko ljudi nije prikazano zato što nije izliječeno. Također ja sumnjam da je izlječenje koje on radi trajno. Kada predstava završi, ljudi se vraćaju istom načinu života koji ih je učinio bolesnim.

Sistem koji sam predložio može izliječiti veliki broj bolesti već samo uspostavom zdravog prirodnog života. Dobar, zadovoljan, optimističan, radostan i relaksirajući život će to omogućiti. Sličan stav ima i američka liječnica Lorraine Day. Ali uspjeh će ovisiti o tome koliko će pojedini bolesnici biti u mogućnosti da se vrate vlastitoj prirodi.


Zato je daleko bolje rješenje spriječiti bolesti nego ih liječiti. Ljudi mogu spriječiti veliki broj bolesti na isti način; pomoću dobrog, zadovoljnog, optimističnog, radosnog i relaksirajućeg življenja. Mi samo trebamo živjeti u skladu sa vlastitom prirodom i problemi sa bolestima će biti znatno umanjeni. Kako? To će se ostvariti prihvaćanjem sistema koji daje ljudima slobodu da slijede vlastite instinkte i osjete. Moja knjiga “Humanizam” prikazuje taj sistem.



Hajde da spriječimo ratove

Ne postoje dobri i loši razlozi za rat, svi su oni loši. Svi ratovi ubijaju ljude. Nema nikakvog opravdanja za to. Rat je kriminal.


Svi misle da armije štite narod, ali na prvom mjestu one u stvari čuvaju sistem koji su privilegirani ljudi izgradili za sebe, one čuvaju interese autoriteta. Ne čudi zašto autoriteti vole armije. Autoriteti su ti koji nas uče da obožavamo armiju, da budemo ponosni na nju, ali tu nema ništa na što bi trebali biti ponosni. Oni koji uče ratovanje su u stvari samo kriminalci. Vojnici su samo ubojice. Ubojice ne ubijaju samo druge ljude nego i vlastitu dušu. Takve osobe ne mogu biti normalne i ne mogu živjeti normalan život.


Uzroci svih ratova leže u narcisoidnoj pohlepi autoriteta za dosezanje veće moći nad ljudima. Autoriteti tlače ljude i zatim usmjeravaju njihovo nezadovoljstvo protiv drugih naroda. Ovo je jednostavna formula za manipulaciju koja stvara sve ratove. Da bi zaustavili ratove mi trebamo zaustaviti autoritete. Sistem koji sam predložio će to učiniti.


Hajde da damo svakom čovjeku jednako ograničeno pravo da daje jednu pozitivnu ili jednu negativnu ocjenu nekolicini ljudi u društvu mjesečno. Neka svaka pozitivna ocjenjena donese ocjenjenom čovjeku jedan dolar i neka svaka negativna ocjena oduzme jedan dollar ocjenjenom čovjeku. U takvom sistemu na primjer predsjednik SAD može primiti 100.000.000 loših ocjena od stanovnika SAD za kriminalnu agresiju na Irak na primjer. To će ga koštati 100.000.000 dolara. Pretpostavimo da slijedećih 99.999.999 Amerikanaca voli to što njihov presjednik radi i ocjeni njegov rad pozitivno, to će predsjedniku donijeti 99.999.999 dolara. Kao rezultat svih nagrada i kazni američki predsjednik će platiti jedan dolar.


Međutim tako veliku podršku za rat je teško očekivati čak i u takmičarsko ratnički odgojenom društvu kao što su to SAD. Oni koji ne vole ratove će teško pronaći nešto što više preziru od ratničkih vođa pa će zasigurno negativno ocijeniti takvog predsjednika. Nadalje, oni koji izgube rođake ili prijatelje u ratu i oni koji postanu ratni invalidi će vjerojatno davati loše ocjene takvom presjedniku cijeli život. Ja mislim da bi čak i danas američki predsjednik platio mnogo dolara kao rezultat neprihvatljivog vođenja zemlje i zato se ne bi više usudio pozivati na ratove.


Društvo u kojem većina stanovnika podržava ratove gradi svoje samouništenje. Jaki autoriteti to mogu odgoditi za neko vrijeme ali samouništenje je neizbježno i praksa takvih društava to pokazuje.


Na nesreću, društva koja ne podržavaju ratove nisu uspjela izgraditi znanje koje može takvu društvenu orjenatciju proširiti po svijetu. Nasuprot, takva društva su konstantno izazivana i napadana iznutra i izvana tako da nisu uspijela pokazati kako treba izgledati dobar život u dobrom društvu.


Ja sam uspio prikazati dobro društvo u svojoj knjizi “Humanizam”. Jednom kada sistem koji sam predožio bude uspostavljen, ljudi će biti toliko zadovoljni sa svojim životima da niko više neće podržati ratobornog predsjednika i niko se više neće usuditi da poziva u rat. Osim toga u sistemu koji sam predložio, ljudi neposredno demokartski odlučuju o alokaciji svih zajedničkih resursa uključujući i novčana sredstva za ratnu mašineriju. Imajući stabilne, dobre i pravedne odnose među narodima, koje novi sistem nudi, narodi više neće dodjeljivati novac za potrebe armija i armije će prestati da postoje. U novom sistemu vođenje ratova će biti nemoguće.



Jesus Christ said

Jesus Christ said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. In other words, people may come to God the Father only if they follow the will of Jesus Christ, defined in the Bible. The analysis of Jesus Christ’s words presents without any doubt that Jesus Christ has a goal to build a good man and good society.

Jesus Christ has directed many people to a good way through the Bible, but He did not succeed in leading the whole society to the right path because a good society was never established. The Bible should have presented the road to a good society a lot better. I did it. My book Humanism shows the only path that may solve all social problems. Does it mean the only way to God the Father for the whole society, leads through me?

If the Bible is right when it states that Jesus Christ will create heaven on earth in His next arrival, and if I am right when I say that heaven on earth is possible only through the way I proposed in my book “Humanism,” then I am Jesus Christ. This statement should be a strong enough reason for Christians to thoroughly investigate my work.



Wisdom is the knowledge necessary for a good life. It is the result of an objective understanding of life’s experiences. Wisdom teaches us where the real values in life are. A wise man respects nature and the laws that exist in it. He has a productive orientation, while continually improving himself and his environment, and therefore he lives well. A wise man is always responsible for nature. For example, a man who does not know to swim would not jump into deep water because his objectivity tells him that he will drown if he did so. This is wisdom, although we generally call wisdom the knowledge that is more difficult to understand. Ordinary people cannot see such wisdom. Only a wise man can.


We are proud of our intellectual development, production capabilities, and the successes we reach throughout our lives and believe that our good life mostly depends on it. This idea was imposed by the authorities and might not be true. Today people have a higher standard of living than that of kings in the Middle Ages. Therefore, they are supposed to be more satisfied with their lives than the kings in The Middle Ages were. Are they? I doubt it. The standard of living does not have much to do with the happiness of people.


So where is the problem? The problem is that our subjectivity sends us off course. We easily overestimate the successes we achieve and underestimate the objective reality. It is more comfortable and in the short term more convenient to accept the subjective way of thinking. Practically anything a person thinks may quickly become the truth in his subjective mind. Anything a person does may be easily justified in his subjective mind. Such a fact, even though if personal, could easily release people from fear and bring them great happiness. So why would someone waste their time in finding the objective truth when they can reach it faster through their subjective mind? The answer lies in the fact that subjective knowledge is alienated from its objective reality. Therefore, subjective knowledge easily comes into conflict with objective reality and then often causes a far more significant inconvenience than the initial happiness.


The most common subjectivity that alienates us from the objective reality is our need to have power over people. Such power brings the illusion of overcoming powerlessness in nature or attempts to compensate man’s weakness in life. It is initially very suitable and brings great happiness. This is the reason why most people try to achieve power over others. This is why parents rule over children, teachers rule over students, bosses rule over the employees, the Heads of States rule over the citizens. The rich rule over the poor people.


People have difficulty seeing wisdom when their power in society is questioned because this power brings an illusion of overcoming their powerlessness in nature. If happiness lies in power over the people, then the wealthiest and most famous people in the world should be the happiest people. Are they? The more a person builds their power in society the more they live in illusion and because of it more easily come into conflict with the objective laws of nature. The more he becomes disappointed, feel more pain, and become more destructive. If you enjoy making money in fact, you fight for your power in society. You strive for power that you cannot get enough of.


The result of it is the stress from which your body gets damaged. Or, if you are pleased with your physical appearance and you invest a lot of energy to preserve the beauty and youth, you are also fighting for your power in society. When you see the first wrinkle on your face, it brings the pain. The stress that comes from it slowly but inevitably kills your soul and then, of course, the body. Rich and famous people are often the most dissatisfied. They drink the most in attempt to try finding peace in their minds; they are depressed, they confront other people the most because they cannot find peace. They divorce the most; they live an unhealthy life and are quite destructive.


When a man rises above others, further rise is limited and therefore can hardly bring satisfaction. At high altitudes, one can easily fall, and that brings the pain. A man would never commit suicide if they cannot satisfy their natural needs such as hunger and thirst, but they would if they lose the illusion of power. Therefore, a wise man would never try to realize power over the people, just as the man who cannot swim will not jump into deep water.


Some people have asked me how they can learn wisdom in the short run. It is not possible to achieve, although there is nothing complicated in wisdom. Wisdom should tell them to forget their ego and to improve the world around them. That way they can keep their health and happiness. But the person who is obsessed with themselves can no longer enjoy enhancing their environment. Wise words will hardly encourage the man who has power in society to give up that power because it contradicts with the character he has built throughout his life in an alienated society. If he gave it up, that would hurt him. An intellectual understanding of wisdom is not enough; one needs to feel the right way. The man becomes wise by living a righteous life. Wisdom is the result of a healthy lifestyle.



Wisdom is challenging to achieve because it faces significant obstacles in everyday life. Authorities build their power by imposing subjective knowledge on people. Such knowledge is often wholly useless but successfully prevents free thought and diverts people from real problems. Authorities have always determined what way of life people are going to accept, what they are going to think and what they are going to do. Very little of that is the result of free choice. The man was never a real basis of any system or ideology. A man has always been only in the service of various ideologies and therefore cannot be satisfied.


When people accept alienated knowledge, it becomes a value for them. For example, rich people use the vast propaganda that imposes money as the most significant value. That’s why people are obsessed with money. It is just this obsession that gives power to rich people because they have money. Money cannot be the highest value. Once accepted, these wrong values in society become real and challenging to change. But the problem is far more significant. When people get used to following authorities, they lose the ability to make independent conclusions and therefore have a reduced ability to recognize the objective essence. They are alienated from their nature, from their feelings and from logic, and that prevents them from finding the truth within themselves.


Taking away the freedom of people begins with cultural heritage and is instituted by the education system. The education system imposes knowledge, and that is wrong even if that knowledge is objectively necessary. The only proper education is one that follows the students’ interests. Today, education not only does not follow the students’ interests but also imposes a massive amount of entirely unnecessary knowledge. The education system has the task to burden students with useless information that dumbs down the students and makes them powerless and obedient followers of authority. That is all opposite of wisdom. I wrote more about the problems of education in the article My Clash with Sciences. When a man starts to work, the fight for the job and the amount of work itself becomes an obstacle that prevents the man from dedicating enough time to himself to discover what wisdom and the good life is. When after a hard workday a man arrives home, media supplements this difficulty with alienated values, which prevent him from following his real needs. Media teaches us everything diametrically opposite to what wisdom and the good life is.


Today’s control over people is very organized. Authorities take great care to prevent the development of ideas that can take away their power and privilege. Authorities are obstacles that prevent people from seeking the truth and achieving wisdom. A man has learned to follow the authorities and finds the meaning for his existence in imposed wrong values. He becomes a machine that lives, unable to be wise. That is why society cannot develop. That is why people are unsatisfied no matter what they have achieved in life.



A man who wants to become wise must not allow imposed knowledge to guide him. He has to follow his path. If a man wants to be wise he has to have time for himself. Time to analyze the world around him and his actions, time to discover where real values lie, to find out what is best for him. He has to relate critically to every form of imposed knowledge. The more and the earlier he begins; the more he is on the right way. It is not easy to achieve, but just in that way, one can develop the ability to find the real values of life. That builds objectivity. Objectivity is a sufficient condition for the development of wisdom.


I followed just this path. From since I can remember I developed my own way because it has been more valuable to me than anything the authorities have imposed. In the beginning, it was nothing significant. I did not accept the imposed knowledge in school, and as a result, I was a lousy student. It was not pleasant because society does not value people who deviate from the accepted norms of behaviour. But in this way, I kept my natural sense and logic, which aimed me on the right path. Money was not a great value to me, and I did not need power over people, so I have largely avoided the major pitfalls. That has eased to me the path to wisdom. I found that creative work gives me great pleasure and because of it I worked a lot.


Of course, as a part of the society in which I lived, I was prone to the influence of authorities as well. I was particularly attracted to competitions. Competition is probably natural for young people. As an architecture student, I managed to win the Yugoslav contest for the arrangement of the Republic Square in Zagreb, Croatia. It brought me fame, money and happiness. I thought at the time that I was on top of the world. On the other side, this success imposed the need for me to stay on top. It was stressful. In following attempts, I did not manage to repeat the victory, which brought me disappointment. Generally, I do not remember this period as a successful and happy period of my life, but I have learned from my own mistakes.


I worked hard to get to the core of the problems from which emerged the philosophy I have been working on for thirty years. It instructed me not to search for happiness by comparing myself and my power to other people. Such comparisons inspire a competitive spirit, which alienates people of their nature. Philosophy instructed me to search for my happiness within myself. Man must rely on his power whenever it is possible because that makes him more independent and enjoy life more. I think it is wisdom. Such satisfaction is easier to achieve than winning competitions, and as opposed to contests, it brings stable joy. I cannot say I am happy every day, but if you exclude the situation in the world, I have no problem that makes me unhappy. I am not stressed, and I do not feel depressed. Indeed I have my inner peace, and I am often happy just because I am. It is a big enough reward for me.



If an individual finds wisdom, it is not enough for the success of the society. The whole community should learn what is objectively good, to change and achieve a good life. A population can reach wisdom with more ease than an individual because objectivity could be more easily accomplished in the par among people than through an individual contemplation. A wise society will be built through equal rights among people. This is what has never before existed, and therefore society was never wise or good. Without equal rights, evil authorities and the obedience of people develop, which cannot bring a good solution. We must overcome the intrusive power of the authorities. The only right authorities are those that affect people only if asked to. All others are bullies. When people get equal power to follow and represent their own needs, no one authority will be violent. Most of the problems in today’s society will disappear. In the wild, the stronger animal often eats weaker one, while equally strong animals respect and do not attack one another. Something similar will happen to people when they establish equal rights among people.


The basis of wisdom lies in the fact that no matter what success a man realizes in his life, he must never for his own good and for the good of all who surround him, forget that it is equal to every other man. When a man loses his ability to exercise power over other people, he will stop looking for this power. Equal rights among the people will eliminate the illusion of man’s power, alienated values, and build the respect of every man towards every man. It will teach people wisdom much more than an individual could achieve through contemplation. Then a good society will be built.


When I discovered the importance of equal rights among the people, it became necessary to find a way to implement equal rights in society, and I succeeded in that. I created simple ideas that will gradually and unconditionally form a good community. The first idea is a reduction of work hours proportionally to the rate of unemployment. This measure will lead to full employment, which is the basis of people’s journeys toward equal rights. When unemployment ends, owners will have to pay workers more. Workers will achieve greater buying power, and so capitalism would be better off.


The second fundamental idea is the creation of a system of mutual evaluation. Each person will get equal power to evaluate positively or negatively let’s say, three people. With the help of such assessment, every person will try hard to produce fewer inconveniences and more conveniences to other people. This will build the most significant social wisdom: “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.” People will become a value to each other and respect one another, regardless of what their positions in society are. People will learn what is objectively right and wrong by receiving evaluations from others. The development of such assessment shall be exercised wisely and good society.


I have promoted these simple ideas for twenty years. They can quickly solve the significant problems of today’s society; however, they do not have access to the public. What kind of world do we live in? People who stray to my web site mostly like my ideas, but expect them to be promoted by scientific authorities and the media. I offered my work to thousands of authorities usually in the form of short articles like this one, Humanism extensively. This article briefly defines an entirely new social system that will achieve the bright future of mankind.



The social scientists did not accept me. Why? Generally speaking, the science authorities have always been privileged. Their privileges have prevented them from devoting sufficient interest for equal rights among people regardless of which philosophy they develop. Any philosophy that is built on unequal rights in society is wrong or not correct enough. The more a man is educated, the more he had to accept the wrong or insufficiently right knowledge imposed by authorities. When social scientists get the opportunity to think independently, they already ink significantly through the alienated premises, through a heavy burden of alienated knowledge that prevents them from enlightenment. They can hardly understand objective reality, and be wise. Under the influence of wrong or insufficiently proper authorities, the social sciences are in the wrong or insufficiently adequate path. That is the reason sociology today does not have a solution to the problems of society and society cannot prosper.


I have to mention Professor Erik Olin Wright, elected President of the American Sociological Association. Under the influence of the philosopher Karl Marx he searches for “realistic utopia” which would, among other things, make all goods and services freely available to all people. However, following Marx, he does not propose anything new that might bring the goal even slightly closer. I contacted Professor Wright and informed him that I had developed a system that will one day achieve Marx’s communist utopia. He said that he had not enough time to study my work. But the problem is more profound. People who have invested significant effort in studying any ideology fall in love with their efforts and do not accept changes to the ideas they have adopted. Professor Wright has built his opinion where there is no room for brand new ideas that are inconsistent with the knowledge he has taken. Acceptance of such ideas would have been painful for him.


I offered my critique of Marxism to many magazines. Among others, to the journal “Science & Society.” The editor replied to me that Marxism is not a religion and he would gladly publish my criticism. By his support, I wrote the article The Failures of Marxism and the Right Path to Socialism and Communism, but the article was not published. Their acceptance of my ideas implies their recognition that a significant part of what they were doing is worthless. They are not ready for it.


I have contacted Professor Noam Chomsky as well. He is a great critic of U.S. policy. Unfortunately, his criticism cannot improve the society in which we live because he does not propose a solution that could bring change. I informed Professor Chomsky that I have created a new system that will create a good society. He replied: “You could well be right, but I simply don’t see it.” What Professor Chomsky makes great comparing to his colleagues is that he admitted he did not know.


I have offered my social system to politicians. They did not reply to my letters because my philosophy gives power to the people, which means that it reduces the power of politicians, and of course, they do not like it. Besides, in the system I have proposed, politicians would for the first time really become responsible to the people, and they love that even less.


The media, no matter how independent they are, cannot be independent of the owners. The owners do not admire the ideas of social justice, so they do not want to publish my work. Indeed their interest is entirely opposite. They not only do not want to support my ideas but they are doing everything in their power to deceive people in the wrong way. I cancelled cable television because I am sick of it. Now I only use the Internet.


The education system, the media, the government agencies and corporations control our thoughts, and therefore us, practically from birth. In the article Jacob Rothschild is Guilty for the Conspiracy Against Humankind. I accused Jacob Rothschild of organizing a conspiracy that prevents the development of society. He hides his power so that no one can blame him for the problems he creates in the world.


Finally, I want to stress out that my work does not let individuals have more power in society than other people. Individuals cannot achieve private profit from it, and that is the reason they are not interested enough in my ideas. That is why my views do not have support even though only they can lead society forward.



The system I have proposed will really take power from authorities and give it to people for the first time in human history. Man will become the center from which everything proceeds and to which everything returns. Each person will have equal rights of decision-making in society, and therefore the system will for the first time indeed follow the needs of the people. Each person will have free access to any work post at any time, and that will definitely abolish the privileges and all the disadvantages that come from them. The system will democratically establish a very efficient method of bearing the responsibility of individuals for their free actions, and that will contribute to the development of cooperation among people at all levels of human relationships. That will make a good society. That will teach people wisdom.


One day the world will accept my ideas because freedom and equal human rights are conditions without which it is not possible to achieve a good society. When people realize that man to man is the highest value, then they would more easily share the benefits they possess with others and would reach the wisdom and good life sooner. It will also teach people to love. Wisdom is to find a way to love. Love is the highest possible value after basic human needs are met. Love brings joy. People who do not feel love have nothing no matter what kind of success in life they have achieved. People think that they are able to love. I realized that behind their love often lies narcissism and the need to create power over people. This is mainly because our culture supports the development of alienated values and thus prevents the growth of love. You think you love? I have created a little test that can tell you if you love. The test is here: Do you love?


My philosophy on which I have worked on for 30 years gives me pleasure, although I still have not managed to present it to the world. From the beginning, I have envisioned that my work would not be accepted easily but to be honest, I did not predict it would be this hard. I will probably not be able to see the implementation of the results of my work. Sometimes I am sad about that, but there is nothing I can do to speed up the process. It now depends on you people. My work has given me a tremendous reward because it helped me to penetrate deeper into the laws of nature. I found wisdom. Whenever I develop some new thoughts in my philosophy, I feel better, and I love this world more. I also enjoy writing because I know that one day my work will bring a good life for all people.



December 17, 2010


February 28, 2013


Do we need happiness or joy?

Firstly, happiness and joy are not mutually independent categories; they often supplement each other. But in this analysis, we can separate them. Happiness is over passing the unhappiness. For example, a hungry or thirsty man is happy when he consumes food or has a drink. On the other hand, a man who is not hungry or thirsty cannot be happy when he consumes food or a drink.

In an alienated society, a lot of unhappiness exists. Poorness and weakness in society are misfortunes. That’s why earning money, achieving power or glory in today’s society presents a symbol of happiness. First, it should be said that such happiness is difficult to achieve. Secondly, such happiness is alienated from its nature so that it is an illusion. Earning more money, achievement of more power or glory in society cannot make happiness last long.

On the contrary, the result looks more like the use of illegal drugs. The higher the alienated happiness an individual achieves, as a rule, results in higher unhappiness for the individual, and that affects the whole society altogether. The most successful people today are most often the least satisfied with their lives. They have problems everywhere; they get divorced the most; they consume alcohol and drugs the most in purpose to find their own peace. Everyone who tries to analyze happiness could see that. Therefore people should not aim for such happiness.

The system I have proposed will assure economic existence to each person and give each person equal power and rights in society so it will remove unhappiness. Where unhappiness does not exist, happiness cannot exist either. So what are we going to do?

Let’s enjoy our lives! Joy is a far more stable and lasting emotion than happiness. Joy is the result of an utterly productive orientation of a man. Continuous productive activity of a man that advances him himself, society and his environment create endless joy. I am not speaking about any kind of sacrifice to any idea; I am talking about natural life, based on innate knowledge the people have alienated themselves from. The system I have proposed will form a natural life, and that will enable people to enjoy their lives.