
Let’s decide alone about our taxes

Taxes have a purpose to serve the collective needs of people. People should determine such needs, but they have almost nowhere the influences on the creation of tax policy. For example, workers were never asked how much they would like to pay for taxes. What is even worse, they do not have an influence on how the tax money will be spent. Formally, this spending is provided by governments and parliaments. Yes, we choose our governments democratically following their proposals at elections. But we cannot rely much on it because they rarely keep their promises. For example, I have never heard any governments proposed tax increases at elections; however, the practice shows that taxes grow.


The Governments are supposed to use the tax money to follow the interests of the people, but they don’t. The control over the accumulated wealth through taxes gives the most significant power in the state, and the governments tend to spend the tax-collected money in the way they like. However, even governments do not have the most significant control over this money. In the western world, rich people have the most significant power. They have invented a very developed mechanism that gives them control over everything including the tax-collected money. The mechanism starts with friendly advice and lobbying of governments and representatives in parliaments and finishes with corruption and blackmailing. They are very successful in it, and that means the collective spending follows the interests of a few and not of the people. This is not fair. We all pay taxes, but only some have the power to use it. That must be changed.


In the new system, I have proposed, nobody will be able to take the power that belongs to the people. Each person will have the right to participate directly in creating the tax policy. Each person will do it by splitting their own gross income into a part intended for their personal spending and a part intended for taxes. All of the workers will break their salaries in such a way. The total sum of the money intended for taxes to the community will form the total amount of money for taxes. This amount will then be collected from workers according to their income heights. Maybe I was not clear enough: The individuals will not pay taxes in the amount that they want, they will participate in creating the total amount of tax money, and then this money will be taken from workers according to their income height.


In the same manner, the people can make the further allocation of the tax money for the various common expenses groups. It could be money for health care, education, building new objects or infrastructure, etc. Theoretically, the people can further decide on the distribution of the funds inside the groups as long as they have interests in it. Managers will perform the final disposition. They will make the best possible money distribution for people because they will pay their responsibilities for doing it to the people by receiving evaluations for their work from the people.


The new tax policy will significantly contribute to the development of society without a matter of what kind of decisions the people will make about taxes. Following the living experience, people will learn how much money needs to be allocated for taxes and what is the best way to spend it. They will obviously allocate more money in the fields of their most substantial interests. In such a simple way the public spending will most efficiently follow the interests of the people and the people will be most satisfied with it. Once the people get the power to decide about taxes and how the collected money would be spent, nobody will be able to take this power from them because they would not allow it.



Let’s talk to each other

This web site is well visited for years now. Currently, I have an average of 150 visitors and 2 downloads of “Humanism” daily. However, I seldom receive an opinion about these pages from the readers. Why is that?


I suppose that the ideas are incredible so that the readers probably think the best would be to leave discussions about the new system to authorities, either to leaders or experts. Here problems come immediately. Without matter of how the leaders are chosen and how good scientists are they are not able to understand the new system any better than the average people because my ideas are entirely different from the knowledge they collected.


Besides that, the authorities possess privileged statuses in society. The system I have proposed takes privileges away from the people and requires responsibilities that they do not like. These are the reasons the authorities mostly do not want to know my ideas exists.


All people try to gain power in society, and they might succeed in some fields. If they are successful, they protect their privileges from the influences of other people and rule. In such a way, rule owners, chiefs, professors, parents. In that way, almost all the living space becomes limited or even inaccessible to the people. In such a way, a man takes away the freedom of thoughts, decisions, and acting from other people. But of course, the authorities convince people they are free, probably with the purpose to prevent them from searching for freedom. The truth is; we live in a closed society where privileged alienated powers of authorities rule over the people. This is what makes us miserable. This is what degenerates us as human beings. This is what must be changed.


Everyone who has built any kind of privileges may hesitate to accept the system I have proposed. You may ask yourself now whether the new system is going to take power from you? This is the wrong question. The correct question would be: Why do you need control over anyone? The answer is straightforward, that is because the society you live in does not give you enough of a chance to manifest your productive power. You can only see alienated powers around yourself, and that is the reason you seek the power in the alienated fields.


Yes, privileges give feelings of power and happiness. However, such power and happiness are just temporary illusions. Their influence is similar to the impact of illegal drugs. When the effect ends, pain occurs. That is the reason we do not need power over anyone, we need the ability to realize our productive orientation. We need freedom of choice and work, freedom of manifestation of our productive power of being. This freedom will really, for the first time begin with the system I have proposed. The system will bring unlimited productive possibilities to society that will undergo unthinkable advantages.


To achieve this goal we only need to prevent authorities from taking power that belongs to other people. The system I have proposed guarantees equal rights among the people. That is what authorities today preach publicly and what they secretly and successfully fight about. In searching for a better future, we should not rely on authorities.


A “Great“ leader is not needed anymore, not to mention he would even be harmful. The system I have proposed gives power to the people, and it will not allow anybody to take it from the people. All of the people will be able to compete in producing more advantages to others. I know it sounds like a phrase but please try to get accustomed to the system I have proposed, and you will see that is right. Creating advantages to other people will become the highest value in society. That is how good will defeat evil forever. That will bring benefits to society one cannot imagine today.


One does not need a university degree to understand the new system. It is very simple because the laws of human and social nature are very simple. These laws became complicated when we do not understand them, and because of it, we create knowledge that does not apply to their essence. Such knowledge alienates us from our nature and complicates our lives.


Please do not hesitate to ask questions, to give your remarks and comments. Tell me which ideas of mine you do not like; maybe we can find the universal language. I really do not understand why the system I have proposed was not accepted immediately when I finished the book twelve years ago. Let’s open a dialogue. Write to me. Any comment will help me explain the system better.


I am running a fierce battle to get readers. Please recommend this web site to your friends. Unfortunately, along with all the media today, it seems that is my only way to spread the ideas. The sooner the new system becomes known, the sooner the wish to be implemented will appear, the sooner a better future will start.


Let’s love each other

Love is the highest achievement that a man in his life could reach, and therefore it gives the greatest satisfaction possible. In a natural society, love is probably a natural phenomenon that self-develops. In the alienated society in which we live in today, we do not know how to love each other. If we try it, the result is often in controversy with the achievements because the alienation has made our love perverted. To learn how to love, we must return to our nature.

A child loves its parents because it needs them. If as an adult he still depends on authorities, he still loves them, but his love is pretty much underdeveloped, to say the least. Our culture has accepted a system of privileges that stimulates the growth of authorities and restrains the power of subordinated people. The privileged authorities namely take away the freedom and oppress subordinated people. The relation between intrusive authorities and obedient followers always presents some kind of sadomasochism and is therefore very unproductive. It is a perversion of the meaning of love and indeed develops it.

On the other hand, the privileges develop authoritarian narcissism. Narcissism is, in fact, falling in self-love. It is an inferior form of love that prevents the development of love and therefore, prevents a man from reaching the most significant possible advantages a man could achieve in the developed form of love. If you desperately need to become a boss or any kind of authority, if your primary goal in life is earning money, you may achieve an illusion of happiness, but you are headed in the wrong direction.

Narcissistic happiness has a very alienated nature that quickly turns into a conflict with the objective reality and therefore contrary to love, the narcissistic happiness is very unstable and promptly disappears. After such happiness certainly comes disappointment which brings even more significant disadvantages of living and very destructive orientation of such a man. Therefore narcissistic people are much easier to hate than love.

A man can hardly recognize his narcissistic character in himself so that you probably think that narcissistic people are some other people and not you. Almost all people possess some narcissistic characteristics due to the reason our alienated everyday culture teaches us to be narcissistic. Generally speaking, we may say that more privileged people are more narcissistic and therefore they love less. However, the differences are often only in shades. That is the reason the world we live in, is as it is.

To overcome the narcissistic orientation of people we need to accept the nature of society. If a man wants to differ from animals, then he must recognize that the nature of society has a foundation based on freedom and equality of the people.

Therefore, the system I have proposed offers each man full independence, freedom of expression and acting under the condition that such freedom of expression and acting cannot bring other people harm or disadvantages. The system will be forcing people to respect each other. That will be achieved by the system of mutual evaluation. Each man will have an equal right to evaluate the activity of any other person.

Each positive assessment will automatically bring a small award to the assessed person, and each negative evaluation will result in the punishment of the same form. This will direct each member of society to create the highest possible advantages for the community and to diminish or abolish the creation of all kinds of disadvantages.

Technically watching this looks much like love because love is based on indiscriminately caring for others and in giving. But it is still not loving. Once the implementation of this system starts, the people would probably not feel satisfaction in the very act of giving and therefore, that would not be love. In the beginning, the pleasure will come from the egotistic need to getting better evaluations from the people. However, it will be beneficial because people will be creating advantages and avoid making disadvantages for all society.

Narcissism is the leading cause that prevents people from accepting my ideas, from having good and joyful lives. Narcissism is the worst enemy to humankind ever, but most people do not know that it even exists. That is the reason my struggle is very hard. However, I am very persistent in promoting the new system, and one day it will be accepted. Then the people will be relieved from narcissism which is the condition sine qua non for learning what love is.

Developed love requires an entirely productive orientation of a man that is pretty much unknown in our society. That is the reason love is rare today. The new system will enable such direction. It will free people from all types of alienation the authorities have been imposing to society through the history of mankind and will teach people to live following their own nature. The responsibility before the people that the new system proposes will motivate people to set their needs following the possibilities of satisfying them.

This is the chief prerequisite for overcoming destructiveness in society because people who permanently satisfy their needs are not destructive.

Then society will be developing a new culture that will create productive orientation of people. Society will start building love in its best and most beautiful shape. Even the worst people may find some love in themselves when they are satisfied with their lives. As time passes, they will love as well. Love is the final result of the system I have proposed. Once people start loving each other, they will make an entirely new world, benefits that are beyond the wildest dreams in today’s alienated society. You can find more about that in my book Humanism.

A developed man does not depend on anybody because everything he needs he could achieve alone; he loves other people unconditionally just because they are. He finds great satisfaction in free productive acting, in building himself as a productive man and even greater joy in love.

Unknown medical doctor wrote: Let’s dance in the rain!

How to Dance in the Rain:


It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80’s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am. I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.


The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer’s Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, ‘And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?’ He smiled as he patted my hand and said, ‘She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is.’


I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, ‘That is the kind of love I want in my life.’ True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be. With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could share with you. The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have. I hope you share this with someone you care about. I just did. ‘Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, But how to dance in the rain.’



Let’s prevent crime

Once the system I have proposed is accepted, no one would have the need nor desire to commit a crime.

All the people will have a guaranteed income without a matter of what they work or even if they work. The salary will cover the necessary living expenses. Therefore economic survival cannot be a reason for committing crime anymore.

But what about those people who want much more than basic economic needs? What if they want a higher status in society, glory, and money? Naturally, they all will have a chance to get it legally by work. The new system enables all the people to get any job they want. Each position will go to the person who offers the best productivity for the needed public work post at any time. This is a vast difference from what we have today because today, the people have almost no chance to choose their jobs. That is the reason they feel impotent and aim to alienated values that degenerate them.

In the new system, the people would be able to find the job they like, including the ones that give a higher status in society, glory, and money. But one does not need to expect huge fights over better work posts because, in the new system, all of the work positions will be equally demanded. That will also guarantee the covering of each and every work post and the highest productivity of production. This is well explained in my book Humanism.

But what if someone wants power over people, glory, and money without investing an effort to get it, as criminals are used to? Firstly, I have to say that it will be almost impossible to accomplish in the new system. Secondly, the new system will show the people where real values are so that they would seek much less alienated values, and they would avoid committing crimes. In such an order, crime will be in a considerable downfall or even nonexistent.

What about those people who are in jails right now? They will be released from prisons. Instead of prison sentences, they will get the negative values of their productive powers proportionally to the crime they have committed. In the screenplay Good Communism – Heaven I’ve forced these kinds of people to wear red hats. Well, that might be a perfect punishment indeed. Everyone will recognize such people wherever they are. They will be ashamed more than in prisons where they live with the same people as they are. Uncomfortable feelings will make them work hard to escape from negative productive power as fast as they can.

They will be able to take off the red hats only by productive work and behaviour. Reducing the negative productive value they possess would be possible by performing high productivity at their workplaces. This will undoubtedly bring society much more conveniences than their staying in prisons. Also, the former prisoners would have to behave excellently in society. The people will set an eye on them. In case the former prisoners make mistakes the people would give them the negative evaluations which would prolong wearing a red hat. On the other hand, good assessment from the people will help them to escape from the negative productive power they have.

There would not be an easy way out for the former prisoners, and that would also prevent them from committing crimes. The prevention would probably be stronger than the fear of jails because today’s criminals do not feel that they have many opportunities in their lives. The new system will make them become good citizens.

Everyone in the new society will be a good citizen. Everyone will try hard to create the highest possible advantages for all individuals in the community and to diminish or abolish the creation of all forms of disadvantages. People will not be afraid of other people anymore. Fear will not exist anymore. Do you understand what it means? This will make a right, sane, and harmonious society. Security and abundance will be everywhere. Crime will not have any reason to exist anymore. Well, those rare people who might continue doing bad things to society will be healed in institutions for mental health.


Let’s prevent illnesses

Modern medicine is pretty good in preventing and healing diseases and as time passes will be better. However, it is pretty weak in healing illnesses based on man’s alienation from his body and soul. These kinds of diseases are originated by the system the people live in. Authorities impose their rules on the people that alienate them from their nature which bring dissatisfaction, pessimism, and stress. Collected dissatisfaction, hopelessness, and stress weakens people’s souls and bodies, blocks natural abilities for self-protection, and opens the door for all kinds of hard illnesses. Modern medicine recognizes that problem but cannot prevent, and often neither heal such diseases because they depend on the social system the people live in. Medical sciences do not have much influence there.

Surprisingly, I’ve witnessed on TV that Pastor Benny Hinn heals these kinds of diseases by using the power of God. Most of the treated people shook hysterically on stage and moaned of happiness as the result of their healing. They could not be actors, and that means Benny Hinn helped them. But then why does Benny Hinn not go to hospitals, why does he not heal the patients, and not close the hospitals? Well, naturally he cannot do it.

How does Benny Hinn heal such diseases? To help the ill people, he needs people to believe to be able to make miracles, and that is the reason he has built his charisma. Then, coming to the stages where God “watches the performance” from heaven, including the not irrelevant influence of the people who directly watch the performance and millions through TV, impose considerable stress on the sick people. The stress initiates enormous energy in such a person, and believing in miracles directs it against the illness. That power breaks energy blockades in an ill person; cleans the collected bearings in his body and soul, and the sick person becomes healed.

So, is God involved here? Of course, He is. He has created us together with all our abilities to protect ourselves from illnesses. But the problem is we have alienated ourselves from our nature and do not know how to save ourselves anymore. Actually, we commit violence to our illness protection mechanism by unnatural living. We were taught to believe authorities, not ourselves, and that is the reason we do not even try to follow our natural way of life, and that is the reason we are impotent.

Benny Hinn presents healed people as miracles to the world, and that is what made him very rich. Becoming rich is something entirely opposite for Jesus Christ’s teaching, which Benny Hinn claims to be wholly devoted to. Benny Hinn’s look and behaviour on the stage tells us he is a charlatan more than anything else. He certainly cheats people, but also he is one of the rare persons who developed skills to heal illnesses that modern medicine cannot cure.

However, how successful Benny Hinn really is in healing people should be questioned. I’ve got the impression that all of the Benny Hinn’s healings happen just before the performance takes place. But we do not know how many people are not presented because they are not healed. Also, I doubt Benny Hinn’s healing of people is permanent. After the performance ends the treated people return to the same way of living that made them ill.

The system I have proposed may heal a large number of diseases just by giving people a healthy natural life. A good, satisfied, optimistic, joyful, and relaxing life would enable it. The American doctor Lorraine Day thinks the same. But the success in it would depend on how much an individual patient would be able to return to his or her nature.

A much better solution is to prevent illnesses rather than healing people from them. People could avoid a large number of diseases in the same way; by a good, satisfied, optimistic, joyful, and relaxing life. We just need to live following our nature and the problems with illnesses will be significantly smaller. How? Accepting a system that gives freedom to people to follow their natural instincts and senses will do it. My book Humanism presents this system.


Let’s prevent wars

There are no good and bad reasons for war; they are all bad. All wars kill people. There is not any justification for that. War is a crime.

Everyone thinks that armies protect people, but primarily they actually protect the system that privileged people have established for themselves; they protect the interests of authorities. No wonder why authorities love armies. Authorities teach us to endorse armies, to be proud of them but there is nothing to be proud about. Those who teach wars and learn wars are in reality only criminals. Soldiers are just killers. Killers do not kill other people only; they kill their own souls as well. Such people cannot be normal and cannot live a normal life.

All the wars are initiated by narcissistic greed of authorities for reaching more power over people. Authorities oppress people and then direct their dissatisfaction against other people. This is a simple formula for manipulation that makes all wars. To stop wars we need to stop authorities. The system I have proposed will do that.

Let us give each man an equal limited right to give one positive or one negative evaluation to a few people in society monthly. Let each positive assessment gives one dollar to evaluated person, and each negative evaluation takes one dollar from the evaluated person.

In such a system the President of the US might get 100,000,000 bad evaluations from the American people for the criminal aggression on Iraq for example. That would cost him 100,000,000 dollars. Let’s assume another 99,999,999 people love what the president is doing and evaluate him positively that would bring him 99,999,999 dollars. As a result of all penalties and awards, the President would have to pay a total of 1 dollar.

However, such support for the war is hard to be achieved even in a competitive warrior up brought society such as the US. Besides that, the people who like such a president would probably have many other people on their lists with a higher positive evaluation priority, so that, they would spend their positive evaluations before the president gets in turn.

Those who do not like wars could hardly despise someone more than the militant president so that they would undoubtedly give him negative evaluations. Moreover, those who have lost relatives or friends in war or those who become war invalids would probably give bad evaluations to such a president all their lives. I think even today, the President of the US would pay a lot of dollars as a result of his unacceptable leading of the country and therefore he would not dare to call for war anymore.

Societies where the majority of people support wars, build their own self-destruction. Strong authorities are able to postpone it for a while but the self-destruction is inevitable, and their own practice teaches it.

Unfortunately, the societies that do not support wars are not successful in building knowledge that may spread such a social orientation around the world. On the contrary, these societies were permanently challenged and attacked from inside and outside so that they failed to present how wonderful life in a beautiful society should look like.

I’ve accomplished to present a good society in my book Humanism. Once the system I have proposed is established, people would be satisfied with their lives so that no one would support a militant president and no one would dare to call for war anymore. Besides that, in the system I have proposed, the people decide directly democratically about the allocation of all joined resources, including the monetary assets for the war machine. By having a stable, right, and the just relationship among nations, the new system offers, peoples would allocate no money for armies and armies will cease to exist. In the new system waging wars will be utterly impossible.


Anyone can become a genius

A person who gets a good idea and develops it enough so that it becomes recognized as a significant contribution to society is a genius. Great geniuses are those who jump into an unknown space of science or arts and develop an idea that brings enormous benefits to humankind. However, everyone is able to create an approach that may improve society, so that everyone may become a genius. This article explains how that may be done.

People think that a high IQ is most important to define a genius so that a genius is a person with an IQ of 140 or higher. High intelligence may be a good asset of a genius, but it is not necessary. The most important quality for the development of genius is the freedom for a man to do what he loves. In that case he thinks a lot about his activity and suddenly, when he does not expect it, practically from nowhere, good ideas about what he does come to his mind. That is how a genius’ mind works.

Unfortunately, today we live in a society where the freedom of choosing work is not developed. When a person decides what they would like to do, they first have to go to school for years to fulfil bureaucratic requirements for doing the job. That is not necessary. Furthermore, today’s system of education requests from potential geniuses to be able to accumulate large amounts of knowledge. That is wrong. A person who does not critically enough accept information, alienates his knowledge and feelings from objective reality which entirely prevents the development of geniuses. Today’s system of education most likely creates robots rather than geniuses.

Furthermore, when a man finishes school his chances to get the job he likes are not significant because most of the positions are filled. He also needs money for living. The work he has to do just to survive in today’s society will not make him a genius.

A genius does not believe authorities not because they lie to him, well often they do, but because they need to find the truth in themselves. They positively refuse any knowledge they do not feel is acceptable to them. They perfectly feel what they like to do and typically, they do it a lot. That returns them a deep understanding of what they do. Further on, they search for the truth unconditionally because that is the highest value for them. They find the truth by being objective as much as they can.

A genius practices his objectivity in everyday life all the time, and that teaches him not only to develop the knowledge but also to be wise. Being wise is indeed the highest reward that man can accomplish. Only wisdom gives a good life to man and harmony to society. One should not waste life by not being wise; one should practice objectivity.

If a man does not get a chance to do what he likes to do than there is no way he would become a genius, he will become the opposite of genius. He would not work at his job much more than he has to, he would not think about his work, and he would not get good ideas about what he does. He would be impotent and dissatisfied. That would direct him to follow authorities, who are often powerless and dissatisfied as well.

Instead of developing productive power, such a person searches for a subjective escape from his impotence and finds it where our society has established it; in power over the people. Such power is manifested in a higher status in society, in glory or possessing money. Any success in these fields gives an illusion of overcoming man’s weakness in nature. This is mentally a straightforward solution for escaping from the dissatisfaction and brings happiness quickly.

However, the whole orientation of such a man is alienated from the causes that made him dissatisfied so that happiness is alienated as well. The return to reality is unavoidable, and it is very painful. The pain blocks man’s natural senses so that he is not able to feel what is right; his mind is not free, his mind is a slave of greedy passion so that, contrary to genius, such a man cannot produce good ideas. Such a man produces terrible decisions for himself and for society and brings lots of trouble to himself and to the community.

Actually, the person with such orientation is crazy. This definition of craziness is not accepted in today’s society, but that’s precisely what it is. The community with such oriented people always has enormous conflicts of interests among the people and a very destructive social orientation. That is just the world we live in.

As a conclusion, I have to say that it was never easy to become a genius. Until our society changes, there is no help for the people there.

The system I have proposed for the first time offers people the freedom to express themselves and to work wherever they have interests. It will enable people to love what they are doing and therefore possibilities for the development of geniuses will be open. The new system will also require a responsible behaviour in society, which will stimulate developing natural objective orientation of the people and as a result, society will be incomparably better.

Such a society will allow everyone to develop senses, perception, intelligence, logic, knowledge, and to become a genius. Workers will become genial cooks, mechanics, philosophers, scientists, and the whole society will have huge benefits from it.


I am a genius or maybe even Messiah

I have created a new socio-economic system that will make a paradise on earth. I have been promoting my system for 12 years; however, science was not able to recognize it. The next possible step in promoting the system is to present me as a genius or maybe even Messiah. Whoever read anything of my writing can say that I may be the candidate for the titles.

The problem is nobody except me sees whether I am more than the candidate because nobody except me can see the outcome of the system I have proposed. But if my system saves the world one day, then one may agree that I am not understood as a genius or maybe even Messiah, if not, then most likely I am stupid or crazy. Well, it is not possible to prove what will happen in the future; therefore, I will give arguments that present I am not stupid nor crazy.

What I think makes me very special is my independence. I’ve not been able to accept any idea I did not feel to be logic and right. It was never really a conscious decision; it was something built in me. Some would call it laziness. I haven’t had any interest in school, and consequently, I was the worst student in all grades and classes. I tried numerous times to be a good student but was not able to. Being a lousy student was not pleasant at all, but on the other hand, it brought me some advantages that ordinary people do not have. By refusing to accept imposed knowledge at schools I did not load my brain with alienated ideas, I saved the freedom of my thoughts, my natural instincts, perception and senses which enabled me to feel the right direction.

On the other hand when I loved doing something I invested enormous energy in it. That is how I trained my logic and intelligence a lot. That is how I developed abilities to create “miracles” wherever I find an interest.

The biggest recognized “miracle” happened when I won the Yugoslav Architectural Competition for the arrangement of the main square in Zagreb, Croatia. At that time, I was just a bad student in the 3rd year of faculty. The competition was highly attractive, and the best architects of Yugoslavia including my professors took part in it. My victory was, therefore, a great sensation. Being a lousy student of architecture and at the same time winning the Yugoslav architectural competition sounds like I have genius potential. Haven’t I?

If I stayed in architecture that would probably be easier to see today. But there is no pity here at all. There is not much space for improvement for architecture, but philosophy, which I am talking about, is a vast empty space, practically the “vacuum” today. Besides that, philosophy interests me much more than architecture, and therefore, I have created a great job there, incomparably better than I was able to do in architecture. The only problem is people cannot see that. I’ll try to illustrate it by one example; if an ordinary person today sees a mountain of gold he would run to take it as much as he can. Well, I have to tell you that my book is far more valuable than a golden mountain because it can bring a much better life than a golden mountain can, but nobody sees that. It is only about the perception where real values are.

All my life my nature has directed me against streams that are accepted in society. It made me different from other people, and that was not easy to be. I had to resist troubles everywhere. That developed my knowledge and strength to run against streams and finally the results were showing I was right.

That made me pretty confident now to present myself as a genius. One may say a genius is not far away from the craziness, but winning the architectural competition requires a very developed perception and objective ratio that excludes craziness. Three professors from the Belgrade University wrote reviews of my book and confirmed just by writing them that I am neither stupid nor crazy. All of that should make people at least curious when I say the system I have proposed will change the world and make it a beautiful place to be.

Now comes a hard question: Am I Messiah with a big “M,” the one from religion? A year ago, to attract more attention to my work, I applied for the Jesus Christ work position in the article here: Am I Jesus Christ?

In my opinion, I’ve excellently fulfilled the requirements that Jesus Christ is supposed to do on planet Earth. For example, I have explained how a social good can quickly and permanently defeat social evil, something the whole history of humankind was unsuccessfully trying to learn. My book “The Humanism” will save the world and according to the Bible, that is achieved by Jesus Christ.

But, I’ve failed with the knowledge about another world. I would be thrilled if God told me: ”Son, let’s have a beer; I have something essential to tell you” because that would make me Messiah and give me direct power to change the world. Unfortunately, I have never seen nor heard God, or I am not aware of it. That is probably the reason I have not convinced anybody to discuss the possibility of me being Jesus.

And then again it made my chances to be Him even less possible because according to the prophecy Jesus, when returns to Earth, is supposed to be recognized quickly everywhere. On the other hand what would happen if Jesus Christ comes after my book “The Humanism” changes the world and makes it Paradise on Earth? Can He say then: “Sorry I’m late, traffic was terrible, but I would do the same as Šarović did?” Well, in that case, He would be late because the bright future of humankind, He is supposed to define, is already presented in my book. And why would He ever come when I have finished the job for Him?

But there are more problems here. Muslims wait for the same Jesus Christ, but He is a prophet, not God. Jews wait for Messiah who is not Jesus Christ but has the same mission as Jesus Christ. Hindus wait for the reincarnation of Krishna, Buddhists wait for the reincarnation of Buddha who has different methods than Jesus Christ for the achievements of similar goals. Who is right here and who is wrong? I claim that my philosophy will fulfill the secular purposes of the mentioned saviours. That means that I may be each one of these saviours, but also I might be neither one of them. In any case, I am Aleksandar, a man who will undoubtedly change the world and make it a beautiful place to be.


About my failure to be recognized as a scientist

For the last 22 years, I have worked hard to create a system that would change the world and make it a beautiful place, but science does not recognize me. Why not? Well, maybe the best answer I got is the one from one of the best thinkers in the world today. After we have exchanged a few e-mails about my work, he acknowledged: “You could well be right, but I simply don’t see it.” I did not want to bother him more by asking why because I knew the answer. I have turned the social principles that he was used to in his life upside down. He is not young, and an entirely new way of thinking is not easy for him. And finally, he does not have time for me; he is wholly occupied with his work that I respect strongly.

I have contacted hundreds of experts in social sciences and informed them that I have invented a system that would provide a wonderful future to humankind. They did not respond to me. I believe most of them did not even read me. They are all very busy with their work, and besides that, they do not expect anybody can produce such a significant result and especially not an anonymous such I am. Those who found the time to read something of mine, see my ideas have good intentions for sure. However, they are afraid of supporting my work because they don’t have a clear vision of what the new system will bring. Without investing a significant effort, such a view could not be received. The more considerable effort requires a larger trust in my work, but they don’t have it.

There is also another problem. My work says that whatever social scientists have studied in their lives would not be worth much in the future. They certainly do not like it. Besides that, they mainly cannot think independently from the influences of authorities because they based their complete knowledge on them. They do not question the correctness of the authorities’ statements in the first place, because they respect them and secondly, because without them they might be lost entirely.

When my ideas start changing the existing social knowledge, scientists will become afraid of their social statuses. In today’s world, a worse fear than that hardly exists. Therefore, once my ideas become known to the world, I expect strong criticism rather than support from scientists. I am impatient to receive the first attacks because they will say I am successful. The scientists cannot win over my ideas. Besides, the new system offers a much better life to them also, so that once the dialogue starts, the changes will come soon.

If some scientists still like my ideas, then another problem occurs: Scientists are not independent people the same way as other people in our so-called “free” society. They have positions; decent incomes and they do not want to risk their good lives for the system that looks like communism. There is not an open threat from anywhere, but they know very well the environment is not healthy. Authorities have implemented corruption and fear in the existing system everywhere. Those are the reasons I receive much more significant support from an average reader than from scientists. The social scientists are responsible for the world we live in today because they are the individuals who are supposed to give solutions to the problems we have. But most of them do not have abilities neither real intention to do that.

I have also approached all kinds of information media including the movie industry. The mainstream media is proclaimed to be independent and objective. But it is privately owned and cannot be independent of their owners. The owners have very different interests than me. No wonder they do not want to publish my work.

Is the state or non-profit organization media free? In fact, they are not. Please reread the previous paragraphs and find out why. I am especially disappointed with low edition journals that publicly search for ideas outside the box. The result is the same everywhere. In media, one can see numerous reports of violence, destruction, wars, terrorism, and crime but one cannot see a story that presents the system that can solve all of these problems. (Recently I’ve accomplished to make some success. You may see it here)

Also, one can also watch movies with thousands of people killed but cannot see my movie Good Communism – Heaven that shows a society where people love each other and live in perfect harmony. The problem is the movie promotes good communism, and that is not what you are allowed to see in your “free” society. We live in deep perversion and media teaches us to be more perverted everywhere. One may say the people who do not have freedom, not satisfied people; destructive people like to watch brutal movies.

But why do the people not have a chance to see my film, which presents a beautiful future reality based on pure science? Such a movie could open the eyes of people and contribute to changing the world. That is indeed not the interest of influential people. Once the system I have proposed starts to work, no one would like to watch brutal movies anymore. Scientists will only be analyzing them to understand in what a sick society we live in today.

Yes, I have also sent a large number of letters to movie directors, producers, screenwriters, and stars and none of them showed an interest. So how come nobody is interested in such an original scenario? The answer is straightforward; we do not live in freedom, we live in a very controlled world.

Recently I’ve been participating in utopian competitions, and my work has not been recognized there. All utopias so far have been wrong. Even if that would be the case with my utopia, which will not, it still should have been awarded because it presents an entirely original system that offers a beautiful future to humankind.

The history of humanity has recognized let’s say five socio-economical systems so far, and I have invented a new one, completely different from all of them. My utopia is based on all of the positive principles that history has established for utopias. It gives the answer to all social problems of society not one ideology before in the history of mankind was able to provide. It will make a paradise on earth. So how come my work was not recognized? Among the selectors of the competitions were some scientists, but they did not give any reason why they did not choose my work. It’s easier for them to ignore me and be silent, but it is not ethical, and they know it.

Rejection of my work is really a shame whatever reason stays behind it. Practically, besides two reviews from the professors of the Belgrade University, I have not reached any scientific success with my work. But anyway, I am positive to be right and therefore giving up is not an option. Right now I have an average of one hundred visitors daily here. That means I am progressing slowly, but I am progressing.