Has Antichrist Come?
Yes, he probably has. If you analyze the current systematic conquering of the independent countries of the world, you can easily find that behind all of these aggressions a pattern of strong, unique power emerges that includes economy, military, media, and politicians. I will try to present that this power belongs to the family Rothschild. I think Antichrist is the head of Rothschild family and his name nowadays is Jacob. He rules the world totally invisibly by the secretly possessed economic power his family has built through centuries.
How the family stays invisible while becoming richer and more influential in the world, is easily visible in the recent Russian affair “Mikhail Khodorkovsky.” Khodorkovsky is a 40-year-old Russian businessman who started with the low Russian Government salary, and in ten years he earned billions of dollars in owning the oil company “Yukos.” But it should be said that all his skills emerged from the senior post that he held in the Communist Party’s Youth of Russia. That fact opened him the door to senior government officials including the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin who enabled him to manage privileged businesses. Because of the wish to achieve the greatest profits, the legality of the Khodorkovsky’s business was very questionable. Then President Putin got in power in the Russian Federation. As a result, Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested on October 25, 2003, for charges on fraud and tax evasion. Then the control over Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s shares of “Yukos” was passed to the banker Lord Jacob Rothschild. The source is the article from “The Washington Times,” November 2, 2003: “Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker.” The reprint of the article is available on the web page Action Report Online. This article is significant because it indicates that Jacob Rothschild was most likely a real majority owner of the company “Yukos.” Khodorkovsky simply did not have the money nor the knowledge to step alone in such a big business and make the wealth he was ascribed. Jacob Rothschild had estimated that Khodorkovsky was close enough to the Russian president Jeltsin to enable him a good profit from Russia and that is the reason he hired him as his agent. But in this particular case, greed has forced Jacob Rothschild to make a mistake because he showed a high possibility that he hid his wealth behind Khodorkovsky.
Other Russian tycoons such as Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich, and Vladimir Gusinsky also made a fortune practically in no time just like Khodorkovsky did. The legality of their business is under investigation in the same way as the legality of Khodorkovsky’s business. That says they are most likely connected to Jacob Rothschild as well. After being accused of the business crime in Russia, Boris Berezovsky was granted political asylum in Great Britain, the state where Lord Jacob Rothschild has a significant influence.
There is another very influential person without whose connections the transfer of the Russian wealth to Jacob Rothschild would not be possible. His name is George Soros. He was born in Hungary to a poor family. After the Second World War, he immigrated to the West where he, not that long ago, miraculously and quickly became wealthy by trading stocks. Most likely, that happened through the influence of the Rothschild family the same way as the new Russian tycoons became rich. These Rothschild’s financial operations would not be possible without the corruption of the Russian government. That was most likely performed by links that his man, George Soros established in Russia through his Institute called “Open Society.” Please read the article The Secret Financial Network Behind “Wizard” George Soros by William Endahl or George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent by Brother Nathanael Kapner that presents his relationship with the Rothschilds well.
According to this introduction, you may get the impression that the family Rothschild had interest only in Russia, but of course, that would be false, it operates very effectively throughout the whole world. Could we suppose that this Rothschild’s pattern for hiding their wealth behind other families was being implemented earlier in the past? Of course, we could. Not only is the Rothschild family the wealthiest banking family today but it was also the first excellently organized family that spread its business all over the world hundreds of years ago. In that time they had almost a monopoly in lending money to the European Kings. There is no safer and more profitable business than lending money to countries. Therefore, they could have easily later sponsored the rise of the families Rockefeller, Morgan, Goldberg, and others the same way as they sponsored Khodorkovsky and Soros. But it is also possible that these wealthy families may be relatives and partners of the Rothschild family. However, it’s quite apparent that they do not compete with each other on the “free market.” Have you ever heard them argue with each other? Certainly not. Why not since capitalism is all about free competition and they are the carriers of the world capitalism? Simply, the answer is they are one body with one head. They are actually not capitalists; they are feudalists or even slaveholders. Please find more about the Rothschilds in the article: Rothschild Family at Wikipedia and in the article: The Rothschild Dinasty by Des Griffin.
The Rothschild family possesses a hierarchically organized structure of agents who buy everything valuable in the world. The Rothschild family may, for instance, own “Coca Cola” and “Pepsi Cola” and from the top of Olympus watching these companies fighting on the market. The Rothschild family, together with their partners might own half of the world but thanks to the capitalist system and its secret business regulation policy that is established practically everywhere, nobody except them themselves is able to know it. By controlling the main businesses and media they actually control the governments in the western countries, and that means they control the whole western world. If you follow the world policy, you can easily see that democratically elected leaders of the countries change, but the policy follows the interests of the rich and therefore stays more or less the same. A high level of united criminal policies around the world points out the fact that there is an invisible organization that rules the world. The facts I have collected about the Rothschild family, tell me that they are the leading family of that organization. I am talking here about a conspiracy that captures almost the whole World. Only the “evil axes” of the world such as China, North Korea, and Cuba are resistant to the influences of the Rothschild family because they are closed to the world.
The roots of this conspiracy might have been described in the book “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” The protocols are allegedly the minutes of one meeting of Elders of Zion that happened hundred years ago. You may find them here: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The book gives low-level directions how a powerful Jewish secret organization may conquer the world. Most people think that the Protocols are a forgery made against the Jewish people and that is most likely the result of propaganda. I cannot see that the Protocols talk about the Jewish people, they present particular interests of a very narrow circle of people. And these people are very successful.
There are many similarities between what the Protocols say and the situation we have today in the World. For example, all state governments of developed countries proclaim the same policy: formal democracy where the real power is possessed by the rich, market economy where money has the most significant freedom and control over everything, and NATO power that secures such ideology. Those who do not agree with such ideology are under an orchestrated attack of media, politicians, conspiracies, and military power all over the world. Any different idea from the mainstream such is for example mine does not have access to media, policy, science and consequently does not have access to the people. That is exactly what is defined in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” One does not need to be very bright to understand who has interest in it and who has the power to realize it. However, I doubt the Protocols are a complete program for the conspiracy against the world because it looks more like a propaganda pamphlet aimed at a narrow circle of people than like a program. Today, Jacob Rothschild has a much more developed manifest for his program, but there is no way we can take a look at it.
Family Rothschild tries hard to present itself as a regular, modest banking family. But, nothing is ordinary with the Rothschild family. They possess the most valuable assets in the western world and have such a financial power that might buy all promising ones. However, they hide their possessions, wealth, and power. Actually, they remind me of the mafia which pretends to earn money for living by owning a convenience store. Do you think that I exaggerate? They can quickly produce unemployment and bankruptcy to ordinary people and take all their assets. The most famous case was the creation of the economic crisis in the USA in 1929. It is presented in detail in the article How the City of London Created the Great Depression by Webster G. Tarpley. They did it to make workers very afraid for their existence, to make workers dependent of their power, to take freedom from workers and middle class, to make them silent when they work hard for low salaries, to discipline them without complaints. People who do not have a choice may be called slaves. They want total control over people and work hard to get it all the time. Fortunately, they cannot repeat such depression anymore because now it would move the world leading power to the countries which are not under their influences. Their worst nightmare is communist China on top of the world.
Do you know that the US Federal Reserve Bank is economically and in any other way the most powerful place in the world? Thomas D. Schauf described in his article: The Federal Reserve Is Privately Owned how the Rothschild family, together with their partners, took control over the US Federal Reserve, over the US and over the “free” world. You can find the same information in Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserves by Peter Joseph. The Federal Reserve Bank is responsible for the emission of money. The bank normally loans money to the state when the state needs it. The problem is it prints money from thin air and then takes it back from the American taxpayers with interest. How much the American taxpayers owe to the bank right now, you can find here. The annual interest of the debt which is by the way mostly privately owned is approximately eight times bigger than the wealth of “today’s richest man on the planet.” Source: Treasury Direct – the official web site of the US government. Is something questionable here? If you try to find who is the owner of debt at the official web site, you will not find their first and last names but the list of companies, banks, funds, and organizations. They are mostly owned by a small group of associated people. If the number of principal owners was large, and if they were mutually independent, then they would argue and fight each other over the higher profit, and we would see it. These people are far richer than the publicly proclaimed “richest person in the world.
Everything is cheating. If you, dear reader, try to print money and buy something with it, you would undoubtedly finish in jail. The Rothschild family does precisely that, but their operations are legal, thanks to the accepted policy of the bank system, and to the corruption of the state system. In 1963, President John Kennedy ended the Federal Reserve System by the Executive Order 11110 and ordered the U.S. government to restore its Constitutional-mandate of controlling the money. President Kennedy was killed 5 months later. Before his death, President Kennedy openly stated that of a vast capital conspiracy existed against humanity: President John F Kennedy: Secret Society Speech. The result of the murder investigation was very doubtful according to Michael Parenti: The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State.
Whoever had any doubt about the intentions of the policy of the west after the aggression on Yugoslavia in 1999 should not have it anymore. There, all the masks were taken down. This was a pure imperial, and fascist aggression waged against all laws concerning it and against UN charters. That was the crime. Formally, the president of US Bill Clinton started the war. He had normally resisted committing the crime but do you remember how long he was threatened with the impeachment inquiry because he lied in the Monica Lewinsky case? I think that was blackmail. The case was forgotten entirely right after the aggression started.
I have personally witnessed a very treacherous world policy created in order of weakening Yugoslavia and forcing it to give up from its sovereignty. After the free elections in 1990, the people of the Republic of Serbia kept the socialist party in charge while people from other Yugoslav republics chose pro-Western governments. This is the reason Serbia defended its sovereignty vigorously while other Yugoslav republics accepted the Western model of capitalism mostly unconditionally. In purpose to weaken the Serbian resistance, the West strongly supported pro-Western orientated Yugoslav republics. That started the war and the national leaders, wishing to have an essential role in the histories of their nations, made the war pretty nasty. The war finished when Serbia gave up from its sovereignty. But what really lies behind that? Yugoslavia had the best economy in Eastern Europe, and the war destroyed the very idea that the socialist economy might be right. Last but not least, the war made the economy cheap to purchase.
The aggression on Yugoslavia was heavily supported and encouraged by the mainstream media and influential people including leaders all over the world. Biased propaganda and all kinds of lies were synchronically distributed worldwide on purpose to justify the aggression on Yugoslavia which lasted, in fact, for more than ten years. You, dear reader, might be deceived by the large propaganda machinery you were exposed to, but your leaders do not collect information there. They had the embassies and intelligent officers in Yugoslavia, and they had to know what everything was about, but apparently, they didn’t have the power, bravery, interest, or desire to tell the truth. The participation in the crime was seemingly more convinient to a large number of them. Yes, many of them, unlawfully, participated in bombing Yugoslavia, many of them killed people there.
The aggression on Yugoslavia had to be happening under the control of a very powerful but also totally invisible world organization, and that had to belong to the Rothschild family. Many signs pointed out that George Soros, a man of the Rothschild family, had a lot of interests in Yugoslavia. Source, the article Portrait of George Soros by Neil Clark presents it well. What kind of interest does the Rothschild family might have exactly had in the aggression on Yugoslavia I can only speculate. But we can find it out by calling those who directly waged war to be responsible for the crime they committed before any court, and then the Rothschild family would be indeed called upon for its responsibility as well. You may find more about the war in Yugoslavia in my article: My debt to Yugoslavia. The Rothschild family and their partners have more or less finished the colonization of Eastern Europe. They bought everything valuable there or will soon, and they took control over all of the governments. The Russian government is the only one that might resist the Rothschild family.
The aggression on Iraq in 2003 was also waged against all existing international laws. That is a crime as well. When an ordinary thief commits a crime he finishes in jail when the president of the US commits an incomparably worse crime, he is re-elected. So how may that be possible? Simply, the media under the control of the Rothschild family, sophisticatedly convinces the people, not only this is a normal thing but also that this is the best possible solution. Can you imagine a criminal gets to a restaurant, orders a meal, and at the end asks a waiter to pay the criminal to eat? Worse than that happens to you, but you cannot see it. You produce bombs for the rich, then you pay these bombs with your tax payments, and finally the rich use these bombs to enslave other nations and to steal their wealth. Do you understand what cheating is about? You even give your lives in to help the rich taking the wealth of other nations. All presidents of countries or governments who joined the president Bush in the aggression on Iraq are criminals as well. So how come that might be possible? Simply, we live in a total conspiracy where ignorance, lies, immorality, fear, and corruption raise and then rule everywhere.
I am convinced that an independent investigation would conclude that the Rothschild family stood behind the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many others as well. Simply, it has such a significant influence everywhere, so that the wars would not be possible without the support from the Rothschild family. The problem is the Rothschild family is above the law so that no one can perform such an investigation. Actually, the law that might prosecute them at the world level does not even exist. The Rothschild family is addicted to getting valuable natural resources and control worldwide, has means to achieve that goal at any price, and can hardly be stopped. They have committed aggression on “evil axes” through all kinds of pressures all the time. If that would not bring a satisfactory result soon enough to them, they will arrange wars there or commit real aggression. However the most likely, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China, and after that the whole world would be in great danger. Allegedly the Rothschild family had financed most of the wars in the last two centuries, and that tells us they had interest in them. In our current situation, there is no reason to believe that something might change in the future. In our current position, the future is bleak.
Let’s suppose the Rothschild family with their companions would take control over all of the countries around the world. Then, dear readers, you would be next. Even if you possess a small convenience store, they will open a bigger one next door to yours with half-price merchandise. With their financial power, they would easily be able to bear the losses until you are forced to close your business. Their last step would be the whole control over all of the people around the world, and that means your complete slavery. Their needs are alienated and therefore cannot be saturated. Consequently, they are not able to do anything but Hell on Earth.
But of course, the Rothschild family with their companions will undoubtedly face resistance by China and Russia, numerous world organizations, revolutionaries, freedom fighters, terrorists, and by progressive powers. Today, many brave people who fight back, already exist, but they are not well known because they do not have access to the mainstream media owned by the rulers of the world. Fortunately, the Internet was invented, and it gives you a chance to get different information. I recommend you read, for example, Michael Parenti, or Stephen Gowans 1 and 2. They wrote numerous articles you would not be able to find in mainstream world media. If you are interested to know what really happens in the world, you better read them.
The Rothschild family is, but its power depends on you people. That is the reason they make you follow them even though you do not know it. They create a policy of your society, and you do not know it. They have created your needs and possessed the environment that satisfies these needs and you do not know it. You work for them, and you do not know it. You buy their products, and you do not know it. They lend you money, and you do not know it. They take your taxes for their interests, and you do not know it. They provide for you every day, directly or indirectly, with the information they want from preschools, through universities, up to the evening news. That means you think the way they want; that means you are what they want you to be and not what you are supposed to be by your nature. They have established and support competition everywhere as the primary tool for your survival. That makes you live in a destructive, immoral environment. That makes you hate each other. That makes your life miserable. Their capital is free in today’s world, and you are not, you depend too much on them. You live in Hell even though you might not know it because they worked hard to make you not also be able to imagine a better life might exist. You are always afraid for your future but should be much more fearful because of their intentions. However, they have made you quiet even by having a chance to have a job. The corruption is higher when the position in society is higher. It makes you passive when you should organize and resist authorities. But there is also a problem; you do not know what you should do, or how to do it.
The situation does not need to be as bad as it is today at all. That is the main reason I have created and proposed a new system. It will serve you people and not only the elite. The new system will allow you, people, to cooperate with other people and decide on your future. The system would allow you to create a policy of your society. You will be able to form your needs freely and to satisfy them. You will be able to get any job you want. The new system will give you freedom and will put a capital under your control. The system will relieve you from fears about your future. It will provide you with a healthy happy life. It will make you love each other. And according to the Bible, “lions and antelopes will eat together” meaning in the system I have proposed, all the people will live in perfect harmony. Simply, it will make Paradise on Earth. That is not even very difficult to accomplish. For the beginning, you people only need to believe in the better future and not in the existing system the rich people have created for themselves. I just need to attract you to read my book and think. That should release you from the fear that you may lose some well-being in the new system or from the opinion that nothing can be changed.
Sadly, I cannot get enough support even from intellectuals, scientists, and professors who are supposed to give the most significant contribution to the development of new progressive ideas. When I immigrated to Canada, I tried to take a master degree in sociology at York University, Toronto. The mentor of the sociology department told me that I had satisfied the requirements for the studies but my book “The Humanism” was not acceptable as my master dissertation work. So far the professors in Canada and in the US were actually not willing to even give me a review of my book. Why? Mostly, they do not have time for me. If they find the time, they have difficulties to understand what my ideas are about. If they understand my ideas, they are not willing to accept them because they turn upside-down almost everything social sciences have established so far. Besides that, some auto-censure is involved as well. Many professors, and especially the younger ones who might accept new ideas more easily, are undoubtedly concerned about their reappointments at colleges and universities. The development of new ideas has been suppressed everywhere, and that is the main reason the policy of society does not change, even though huge needs exist.
Anyway, I do not need to do anything more than I already did to change the world. My book has defined the idea of the new system enough to start changes that would one day make Paradise on Earth. However, the more persistent I am, the sooner the bright future of humankind would be established. When you people find out what the book is about you will undoubtedly accept my idea and refuse to serve the rich. Please read the book and find out why. Without your support, the rich people, including the Rothschild family, will be impotent. Believe it or not, the new system will enable you to organize yourself well, and then you would be able to live without them, but they would not be able to live without you.
The new system I have proposed will stop the Rothschild family. My book and this article will disturb them, and that may put me in danger. If I were Jesus Christ, I would rely on God and on his protection. But even though there is a chance I may be Jesus, it still does not mean that I am Him. Dear people, if something unexpectedly wrong happens to me, to my family, or to my collaborators on this project, I want you to know that I blame the Rothschild family and their partners for it. I also count on that the Rothschild family cannot stop the realization of the system I have proposed. They cannot destroy the book already released to the world. The recognition is just a question of time. That means one day my name will be well known around the world. If a tragedy happens to me, to my family, or to my collaborators, I count on you people to prosecute and judge the Rothschild family. If it happens that I am Jesus Christ, I rely on God but also on Christians to never forgive the Rothschild family for any evil that they may possibly do to us. There is a saying in the country I grew up: “God protects those who take care of themselves.”
The Rothschilds are Jews. I need to emphasize that I do not have any intention to blame Jews as a people for anything. They have a culture that is not very admired around the world today, but once the system I’ve proposed starts to work, they will become a distinguished people of the world. Speaking of the Rothschild family, the best choice for them lies in joining the system I have proposed. If they refuse, they will lose everything. Namely, their wealth does not have value without the support of your people. The new system will teach you how to find the values of God defined in the Bible, and then you will stop supporting the antichrist. If the Rothschild family accepts the new system, they would openly become one of the most distinguished families in the world. They may even rule the whole world because the system I have proposed would need someone to do so. But this time the leaders will really become directly responsible to the people of the world. Therefore, in that case, the Rothschild family would start contributing to creating Paradise on Earth.

Here is one of rarely published photography of Lord Jacob Rothschild (right). The picture was taken in his home in England. He is accompanied with the just elected Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger and “the second richest man in the USA” Warren Buffet.
January 7, 2004
Continues on: Jacob Rothschild is Guilty for the Conspiracy Against Humankind
Also interesting: Open letter to Jacob Rothschild
See also God’s will
“Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve“
“Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy” by Michael Parenti
The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem